Abstracts - Grouped by Session
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Algebraic Combinatorics [PDF]  |
Algebraic Geometry and Topology (Canada/Korea) [PDF]  |
Algebraic Group Actions and Invariant Theory [PDF]  |
Combinatorial Designs and Related Topics [PDF]  |
Financial Mathematics [PDF]  |
Geometric Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations [PDF]  |
Graph Searching [PDF]  |
Groups and Hopf Algebras [PDF]  |
History and Philosophy of Mathematics (CSHPM) [PDF]  |
History of the Relationship Between Mathematics and the Physical Sciences (CSHPM) [PDF]  |
Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Ring Theory [PDF]  |
Mathematical Physics [PDF]  |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications [PDF]  |
Numeracy / Mathematics Education [PDF]  |
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing [PDF]  |
Operator Algebras [PDF]  |
- Serban Belinschi - Free infinite divisibility for the classical normal distribution
- Man-Duen Choi - What sort of non-commutative analysis is needed in quantum computing?
- Ken Davidson - Semicrossed products of the non-commutative disc algebra
- Andrew J. Dean - Classification of C*-dynamical systems
- George Elliott - Some remarks on classification
- Claus Koestler - Noncommutative independence and characters of the infinite symmetric group
- Greg Maloney - Tilings, continued fractions, and C*-algebras
- Gordon McDonald
- Marco Merkli - Repeated interaction quantum systems
- James A. Mingo - Higher order freeness
- Fernando Mortari - Tracial state spaces of higher stable rank simple C*-algebras
- Matthias Neufang - The intrinsic group of a locally compact quantum group
- Zhuang Niu - Lifting KK-elements, asymptotical unitary equivalence and the classification of simple C*-algebras
- Vladimir Pestov - Non-isomorphic C* algebras with isomorphic unitary groups
- Bahram Rangipour - Index Theory, past, present, and future
- Leonel Robert - Classification of homomorphisms from C0(0,1] to a C*-algebra
- Luis Santiago - Classification of non-simple C*-algebras using the Cuntz semigroup
- Michael Sigal - On quantum, stationary, non-equilibrium states
- Keith Taylor - Wavelets with Crystal Symmetries
- Aaron Tikuisis - The Cuntz Semigroup for Commutative C*-algebras
- Maria Grazia Viola - A simple, separable, exact C*-algebra non-isomorphic to its opposite algebra
- Dilian Yang - Endomorphisms and Modular Theory of 2-Graph C*-Algebras
- Beatriz Zamora-Aviles - Analytic P-ideals of B (H)+ £ 1
Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Their Applications [PDF]  |
Topological Algebra, Topology, and Functional Analysis [PDF]  |
Contributed Papers [PDF]  |