


Abstracts - listed by speaker Abstracts are displayed on the website for information only and are
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Abstracts will appear on the website within 10 working days of the
date of submission.
- Aggarwala, Bhagwan - Application of predator prey equations to development of
HIV/AIDS in Canada
- Arapura, D. - Hodge cycles on some moduli spaces
- Arezzo, C. - To be announced
- Assem, Ibrahim - Laura algebras
- Balister, P. - Cycle decompositions
- Baracs, Janos - The teaching of spatial geometry: the 9 basic problems
- Baribeau, Line - Iterated function systems and the l-lemma
- Barlow, Martin - Random walk on supercritical percolation clusters
- Barr, Michael - Absolute homology
- Basener, Richard - Boundaries for spaces of functions
- Basener, William - Disk global cross sections in flows on manifolds
- Bauer, M. - Comparative efficiency of cubic function fields
- Beauchemin, Nicolas - Théorie des points critiques pour une fonctionnelle multivoque
- Belisle, Claude - Convergence properties of hit-and-run samplers
- Benjamin, E. - To be announced
- Bergeron, F. - Ideals of quasi-symmetric polynomials and related varieties
- Bernstein, D. - Speed records for cryptographic software: an update
- Bhullat, Sukhwinder Kaur - Thermal stresses in a hexagon region with
an elliptic hole under a heat generation
- Bilodeau, Josée - Hochschild cohomology of stable Auslander algebras
- Blake, I. - Certificates for primes and RSA modulii
- Blute, Rick - Constructing *-autonomous categories
- Bourget, Alain - Nodal statistics for the Lamé ensemble
- Bousquet, M. - Dénombrement de 2-arbres solides
- Bousquet-Melou, M. - Walks in a quarter plane
- Bradley, David - Shuffles and multiple zeta values
- Brooks, Bernard - A rrequency and density dependent multi-allele haploid dynamic
- Brudnyi, Alex - Bounded analytic functions on special Riemann surfaces
- Bryan, J. - Gromov-Witten theory of local Calabi-Yau's and TQFT
- Bunge, Marta - A Van Kampen theorem for Grothendieck toposes
- Buono, Pietro-Luciano - Restrictions on flows in double Hopf bifurcations for
functional differential equations
- Bustamante, Juan Carlos - Hochschild cohomology and simplicial cohomology of algebras
- Chaumont, Nicolas - Optimisation de créatures virtuelles
- Chen, Yin - An improved bound for spectral variation near algebraic elements
- Chênevert, Gabriel - Sphères homologiques et groupes parfaits
- Choi, Ji Young - The dimension of a finite algebra
- Choi, Stephen - Norm of Littlewood polynomials
- Choulli, Tahir - An optimization model for a company with constraints on risk
- Cockett, Robin - Games as polarized categorical proof theory
- Cocos, Mihail - On the heat-equation method of M. Gaffney
- Cojocaru, Alina - Square-free orders for non-CM elliptic curves modulo p
- Cojocaru, Monica Gabriela - Projected dynamical systems
- Cole, Brian - Polynomial formulas for the disk and the bidisk
- Colin, Fabrice - Lemmes de décomposition appliqués à des inégalités
de type Hardy-Sobolev
- Conrad, B. - J1(p) has connected fibers
- Costara, Constantin - La variante spectrale pour le problème de Nevanlinna-Pick
- Cox, T. - Measure-valued limits of a Lotka-Volterra model
- Cunningham, Clifton - The geometry of depth-zero representations
- D'Arco, P. - Distributed oblivious transfer and applications in
- Dafni, Galia - A duality theorem for some function spaces related to H1 and
- Damphousse, Pierre - Groupe des automorphismes des la categorie des
G-ensembles / The automorphisms of the category of G-sets
- Darmon, H. - To be announced
- Darmon, Henri - To be announced
- David, Chantal - To be announced
- Davison, Leslie - Levy constants for classes of continued fractions
- Dawson, D. - Hierarchical random walks and HMF limits
- Dawson, Robert - Adjoining adjoints
- De Carufel, Jean-Lou - Une caractérisation des courbes elliptiques sur
Q pour certains groupes de torsion donnés
- De Koninck, Jean-Marie - The median value of the k-th prime factor of an integer
- De Koninck, Jean-Marie - Ces mathématiques amusantes, importantes et intrigantes
- Dembébé, Lassina - Explicit computation of Hilbert modular forms on
- Dilcher, Karl - Fermat numbers, Wieferich and Wilson primes: computations
and generalizations
- Dobson, E. - On isomorphisms of circulant digraphs of bounded degree
- Duchamp, Gerard - Algèbres de Hopf de fonctions quasi-symétriques
non commutatives / Hopf algebras of non commutative quasi-symmetric
- Duskin, Jack - Nerves of bicategories and Simpson-Tamsamani weak 2-categories
- El Morchid, Saïd - Base des unités cyclotomiques de certains composés
de trois corps abéliens
- Ellenberg, Jordan - Pro-p fundamental groups and rational points
- Fournier, Richard - On certain spaces of metrics of hyperbolic type
- Fraser, A. - Fundamental groups of manifolds with positive isotropic curvature
- Fraser, Andrea - A characterization of some singular integral operators on the
Heisenberg group
- Freyd, Peter - Algebraic real analysis
- Funk, Jonathon - More results on branched covers in topos theory
- Garraway, Dale - Generalized supremum-enriched categries and their sheaves
- Gauthier, Paul - The existence of universal inner functions on the unit ball of
- Gessel, I. - Two-stack-sortable multipermutations
- Girouard, Alexandre - Enlacement homologique relatif
- Goddyn, L. - Circular flows and tensions on maps of high edge width
- Goren, E. - Hilbert modular varieties of low dimension
- Goulden, Ian - Hurwitz numbers and combinatorics
- Goupil, A. - Polynômes de classes de Sn / Class Polynomials of Sn
- Gratzer, George - The case of the shrinking proof: The Dilworth Theorem on embedding
every lattice into a uniquely complemented lattice
- Greenwood, Priscilla - Random walk searches the Genome
- Gumel, Abba - Dynamics analysis of the effect of condom use on HIV epidemiology
- Hamdy, S. - IQ cryptography: a secure and efficient alternative
- Hariton, Alexander - Symmetries and invariant solutions of a hydrodynamical model
- Hasan, A. - DPA attack resistant Koblitz curve cryptosystems
- Hell, P. - Intersection graphs and list homomorphisms
- Henderson, David W. - How can we encourage students to think like a mathematician?
- Henderson, David W. and Daina Taimina - Experiencing geometry-workshop
- Higginson, William - Beyond monocular mathematics
- Hoechsmann, Klaus - A la recherche du plan perdu
- Hong, W. - Large deviations for the super-Brownian motion
- Huard, François - Unit forms of tree algebras
- Huard, James G. - Sums of twelve and sixteen squares
- Hurtubise, Jacques - G-bundles over an elliptic curve and dynamical r-matrices
- Hurtubise, Jacques - Invariance and global properties
- Ingalls, Colin - Birational classification of orders
- Jacobson, M. - Unconditionally computing fundamental units of real
quadratic fields in parallel
- Janssen, J. - A list-colouring algorithm for series-parallel graphs
- Joyal, André - Kan complexes and quasi-categories
- Kalisch, Henrik - The effect of attenuation and amplification on dispersion-managed
- Kani, Ernst - Hurwitz spaces of genus 2 covers of elliptic curves
- Kani, Ernst - The class number relations of Kronecker, Gierster and Hurwitz
- Karem, Abdessamad - Volatlité du CAC40 et changements structurels
- Kent, Candace - The boundedness nature of positive solutions of the sifference squation
x[n+1] = max{ A[n]/x[n], B[n]/x[n-1]} with periodic parameters
- Kisilevsky, H. - To be announced
- Kleiner, Mark - The graded preprojective algebra of a quiver
- Kosmala, Witold - On the recursive sequence x(n+1) = (p + x(n-k))/x(n)
- Kotchetov, Mikhail - Identities of the smash product of a group algebra
and the universal envelope of a Lie superalgebra
- Kouritzin, Michael - Markov chain approximations of stochastic
reaction-diffusion equations
- Kunze, Herbert - Solving inverse problems in differential equations using Banach's
fixed point theorem
- Labelle, G. - Structures partiellement étiquetées asymétriques
- Labute, John - Central series of Galois groups over Q with
restricted ramification
- LaFlamme, R. - Quantum computing
- Lalonde, P. - Partitions planes descendantes et dualité de chemins
- Langford, William - Near-reversible 1:1 resonant Hopf bifurcation
- Langlands, Robert P. - Et les démonstrations!
- Langlois, Yves - Inégalité concernant la variation spectrale de matrices
- Lanzilotta, Marcelo - About weakly shod algebras
- Larose, Benoit - Constraint satisfaction problems, posets and Taylor operations
- Larusson, Finnur - Recent developments in the theory of disc functionals
- Levenberg, Norm - Distribution of nodes on algebraic curves in CN
- Lévesque, Jessica - Module inclinant sur un produit fibré
- Lewis, J. - K2 of curves and the Mumford-Manin conjecture
- Linton, Fred - On associativity for tensor products in varieties
- Liskovets, V. - Some asymptotic distribution patterns for planar maps
- Liu, Shiping - Mesh algebras without outer derivations
- Liu, X. - Solving universal equations in Gromov-Witten invariants
- Liu, Yu-ru - Generalizations of the Turán Theorem and the Erdös-Kac Theorem
- Lu, P. - Cheeger-Gromov type compactness theorem on oribifolds
- MacDonald, John - Embedding of algebras
- Madras, Neal - Decomposition of Markov chains
- Magliveras, S. - Group theoretic cryptography
- Makkai, Michael - Comparing definitions of weak n-category for low values of n
- Mamon, Rogemar - A synthesis of interest rate derivative pricing under the
forward measure
- Martsinkovsky, Alex - Noncommutative sheaf cohomology over Koszul quiver algebras
- Marusic, D. - Cubic semisymmetric graphs on up to 768 vertices
- Mashreghi, Javad - Argument of outer functions
- Matessi, D. - Families of special Lagrangian tori
- Mayers, Dominic - Non ideal Quantum bit commitment
- McNamara, Peter
- Meulen, Kevin Vander - Neighbourly cubes, Hadamard matrices and graph decompositions
- Mishna, Marni
- Morse, J. - k-Schur functions and Kostka coefficients
- Mosca, Mike - Private quantum channels
- Moukhometov, Ravil - The Radon transform on the Riemannian manifold
- Mueller, C. - The 3-dimensional wave equation with a singular random potential
- Murty, K. - Non-linear secret sharing and prime numbers
- Murty, R. - Effective version of Serre's theorem
- Murty, Ram - Generalized Hurwitz zeta functions
- Muzychuk, M. - A solution of the isomorphism problem for circulant graphs
- Nation, JB - A gluing construction for projective planes
- Ncube, Israel - Possible change in criticality of Hopf bifurcation in a
multiple-delayed neural system
- Nibaldo, Alvarez Moraga - États propres d'algèbre et états cohérents et
- Nicole, Marc-Hubert - F-cristaux avec multiplication réelle
- Niefield, Susan - Homotopy pullbacks, lax pullbacks, and exponentiability
- Nikolski, Nikolai - Resolvents bounds and their use in analysis
- Ochs, Eduardo - A system of natural deduction for categories
- Ouyang, Yi - On the universal norm distribution
- Ozluk, Ali - Distribution of zeros of Dedekind Zeta functions of
quadratic extensions of imaginary quadratic number fields
- Pak, I. - Fighting the involution principle
- Paramonov, Petr - Uniform approximation of (stationary) gravitational fields.
Extension and related capacity
- Pelinovsky, Dmitry - Spectral analysis of optical bistability in finite and
semi-infinite nonlinear photonic gratings
- Perkins, Edwin - Super-Brownian motion and critical spatial stochastic systems
- Pippenger, N. - Information attenuation in Quantum channels
- Poletsky, Evgeny - Analytic multifunctions and Jensen measures
- Potocnik, Primoz - Edge-coloring of cubic vertex-transitive graphs
- Pronk, Dorette - Free extensions of double categories
- Quastel, J. - Time decay and fluctuations in conservative particle systems
- Raphael, Robert - Ring epimorphisms and C(X)
- Reutenauer, Christophe - Tableaux bialgebras and noncommutative character theory of
symmetric groups
- Rochon, Dominic - A Cantor set for bicomplex numbers
- Rosebrugh, Robert - Updating views universally
- Rostand, Jeremie - Sur les automorphismes de la boule unité spectrale / On
the automorphisms of the spectral unit ball
- Roy, Damien - Approximation of real numbers by cubic algebraic integers
- Roy, Mario - Is the composition of two expansive maps expansive?
- Ruan, Shigui - Dynamical behavior of an epidemic model with a nonlinear incidence
- Ruskey, F. - Counting aperiodic strings with given elementary symmetric
function evaluations
- Saint Aubin, Yvan - Teaching geometry to future teachers
- Sajna, M. - Almost self-complementary circulant graphs
- Sakai, A. - High-dimensional graphical networks of self-avoiding walks
- Sands, Bill - Finite distributive lattices and the splitting property
- Savage, C. - Anti-lecture hall compositions
- Schaeffer, G. - The diameter of random planar maps
- Scheidler, R. - Efficiency and security of real quadratic field based key
- Schiffler, Ralf - Singularités des variétés de carquois de type A
- Schultz, M. - Cayley maps and e-morphisms
- Scott, Phil - Yoneda techniques and decision problems
- Sedaghat, Hassan - On semiconjugates of one dimensional maps
- Sedletski, Anatoli M. - Muntz-Szasz type approximation
- Seely, Robert - Poly bicategories of modules
- Seymour, Paul D. - Strong perfect graph theorem
- Silverberg, A. - Abelian varieties in cryptography
- Sinclair, Margaret - Using JavaSketchpad to enhance geometry learning
- Singer, Isadore M. - Forty years of index theory
- Slade, Gordon - The incipient infinite cluster for high-dimensional
oriented percolation
- Slodkowski, Zbigniew - Evolution of compact subsets of C2 by Levi curvature
- Smith, David - From simplicial complexes to partially ordered sets and back
- Snyder, Chip - On a class number formula for real quadratic
- Soprounov, Ivan - Residues and tame symbols in toric geometry
- Soprunova, Evgenia - Zeros of systems of exponential sums
- Soteros, Chris - The statistics of embeddings of eulerian graphs in Zd
- Stanley, R. - Kerov's character polynomial and irreducible symmetric group
of rectangular shape
- Stein, A. - Solving elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems using Weil
- Stewart, Cameron - On shifted products which are powers
- Stoica, George - Spike prices and spectrum swings
- Stoica, George - Case study of a nonlinear stochastic delay equation
- Taimina, Daina and David W. Henderson - Experiencing geometry-workshop
- Tapp, Alain - Quantum authentication
- Tavakoli, Javad - On completion of a poset in a topos
- Tavares, S. - GST: A new family of stream ciphers based on a cascade of small
- Teske, E. - A constructive application of Weil descent in ECC
- Thaine, Francisco - Cyclic polynomials and the multiplication matrices of their roots
- Thériault, Nicolas - Weil descent attack for Artin-Schreier curves
- Thulasiram, Ruppa K. - A second order L0 stable algorithm for evaluating
European options
- Ting, Fridolin - Pinning of magnetic vortices by an external potential
- Togbé, Alain - On related cubic Thue equations
- Valeriote, Matt - Varieties with few finite members
- van Rensburg, B. - Exchange relations, Dyck paths and copolymer adsorption
- Viennot, X. - Gravitation quantique Lorentzienne et empilements de
dominos / Lorentzian quantum gravity and heaps of dimers
- Vitse, Pascale - Functional calculus under Kreiss and Ritt condditions
- Walsh, G. - An applied application of a conjecture of Oesterle
- Walsh, Gary - On the product of like-indexed terms in
binary recurrence sequences
- Walsh, J. - To be announced
- Walsh, T.R. - Génération de chaque mot d'un code gray en temps constant /
Constant time generation of each word of a gray code
- Wang, M. - Painleve analysis, Diophantine conditions, and special holonomy
- Wei, R. - Cover-free problems in cryptography
- Wentworth, R. - The Yang-Mills flow revisited
- Wermer, John - Approximation on the unit sphere in C2
- West, J. - Somos sequences and perfect matchings
- Whiteley, Walter - Geometry with eye and hand
- Wick Pelletier, Joan - Spatiality of involutive quantales
- Willard, Ross - Failure of injectivity in finitely generated quasivarieties
- Witte, D. - Flows that are sums of hamiltonian cycles in abelian Cayley
- Wood, Richard - 2-categories of algebras for double dualization 2-monads
- Wooding, Kjell - Exponentiation and the double based number system
- Yampolsky, Michael - Mating of quadratic polynomials
- Yan, C. - Goncarov polynomials and parking functions
- Yang, Baozhong - Analytic aspects of gauge theories in higher dimensions
- Yu, X. - Long cycles in graphs
- Zarhin, Y. - Jacobians with prescribed cyclotomic endomorphism ring
- Zeilberger, Doron - Deranged Wilf classes
- Zeng, J. - New identities of Hall-Littlewood polynomials and new
identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type
- Zhang, C.-Q. - Kp-minor in p-connected graphs
- Zhou, X. - Dualities involving coalescing Brownian motion