Abstracts - listed by speaker
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- Abraham, C. - Classification of curves: the choice of the metric
- Adamczewski, Boris - Sur la complexité des nombres algébriques
- Adimy, Mostafa - Stability and Hopf Bifurcation in a Mathematical Model of
Pluripotent Stem Cell Dynamics
- Ainseba, Beddr'Eddine - Control of age structured population dynamics models
- Alama, Stan - On the Ginzburg-Landau model of a superconducting sphere in a
uniform field
- Allaire, Grégoire - Recent progresses in shape and topology optimization
- Ammari, Habib - Algorithms for anomaly detection
- Amoroso, Francesco - Minorations de la hauteur de Weil et groupe de classes d'idéaux
- Arino, Julien - Propagation of diseases in patch populations
- Artigue, Michèle - Le défi de la transition secondaire / supérieur : que
peuvent nous apporter les recherches didactiques et les
innovations développées dans ce domaine ?
- Attouch, Hedy - Finite time stabilization results and dry friction
- Audet, Charles - Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithms for constrained
- Auger, Pierre - Aggregation of variables in population dynamics models
- Avila, Artur
- Ayache, Antoine - Analyse par ondelettes du Drap Brownien Fractionnaire
- Bardos, Claude - Applications of regularity results of Lebeau and Kamotsky to
the understanding of the Kelvin Helmoltz and Rayleigh Taylor
- Barral, Julien - Multifractal Analysis of a Class of Additive Processes with
Correlated Non-Stationary Increments
- Bartlett, Peter - Statistical Properties of Large Margin Classifiers
- Baseilhac, S. - State sum invariants of flat SL(2,C)-connections
on 3-manifolds and the volume conjectures
- Bauschke, Heinz - Minimization with alternating Bregman proximity operators
- Benaim, Michel
- Benameur, Moulay - The index theorem in Haefliger cohomology
- Bengio, Yoshua - Learning the Density Structure of High-Dimensional Data
- Bergeron, N. - Propriétés de Lefschetz pour les variétés
hyperboliques arithmétiques
- Bergounioux, Maïtine - Optimal Control of Variational Inequalities: past and future
/ Contrôle optimal des inéquations variationnelles :
historique et perspectives
- Biermé, Hermine - X-ray Transform of Anisotropic Models for Bones
- Binder, Ilia - Multifractal Analysis of Harmonic Measure
- Boden, H. - Calculations of the Casson-Curtis SL(2,C)
- Bonahon, F. - Quantum hyperbolic geometry
- Bonnans, J. Frédéric - Optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities
- Borwein, Jon - Slices, bumps and cusps
- Borwein, Peter - The Mahler Measure of Polynomials with Odd Coefficients
- Boucheron, Stephane
- Boudou, A. - ACP du transformé multiplicatif d'un processus stationnaire
- Boulmezaoud, Tahar Zamene - Inverted Elements: a new method for solving elliptic
problems in unbounded domains
- Bourgeois, Frédéric - Homotopy groups of the space of contact structures
- Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre
- Bousquet, Olivier - Localized Rademacher Averages
- Braverman, Mark - On the Computability of Hyperbolic Julia Sets
- Brillinger, David - Stochastic dynamics of animal motion
- Bronsard, Lia - Giant vortex and the breakdown of strong pinning in a
rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
- Brudnyi, Alexander - On the center problem for ODEs
- Buff, Xavier - The Bruno function continuously approximates the size of
quadratic Siegel disks
- Bumagin, Inna - Isomorphism problem for fully residually free, or limit, groups
- Cannarsa, Piermarco - Interior sphere property of attainable sets and time optimal
control problems
- Cantat, Serge - Version kaehlerienne d'une conjecture de Zimmer/Kaehlerian
version of Zimmer conjecture
- Cartier, Pierre - A geometric stucture behind the properties of the multizeta
- Cesa-Bianchi, Nicola - Selective sampling and label efficient learning
- Chabert, Jerome - Kuenneth formula and the Baum-Connes conjecture
- Champion, Thierry - Coupling penalty schemes and the steepest descent method in
convex programming
- Cheritat, Arnaud - Sur la régularité des disques de Siegel
- Cojocaru, Monica - Projected Differential Equations. Projected Dynamical
Systems. Overview and New Developments
- Collin, O. - Cyclic surgeries, the Alexander polynomial and Floer Homology
- Combettes, Patrick-Louis - Finding zeros of co-hypomonotone operators
- Connes, Alain - Q-réseaux
- Cornea, Octav - Cluster homology and detection of pseudoholomorphic disks and
- Corvellec, Jean-Noël - On nonlinear error bounds
- Cottet, Georges-Henri - Level set methods for fluid-structure interaction problems in
2D and 3D
- Craig, Walter - Resonances and invariant tori for Hamiltonian PDE
- Dabo-Niang, Sophie - Kernel regression estimation in Banach space: application to
genetic data
- Darmon, Henri
- Degond, Pierre - Quantum hydrodynamics and diffusion models derived from the
entropy principle
- Demay, Yves
- Demongeot, Jacques - Polynomial Hodge decomposition in modelling the
- Deroin, Bertrand - Unique ergodicity of codimension 1 foliations
- Deville, Robert - Ensemble des dérivées d'une application différentiable
- Diacu, Florin - Saari's Conjecture
- Dinh, Tien Cuong - Dynamics of polynomial-like maps in higher dimension
- Dumortier, Freddy - Rigorous approach to cocoon bifurcation in 3-dimensional
reversible vector fields
- Elliott, George - Amenable C*-algebras
- Emerson, Heath - Asymptotic geometry of groups and the Novikov conjecture
- Epstein, Adam
- Fauvet, Frédéric - Resurgence in some one-parameter bifurcations
- Ferraty, Frederic - Nonparametric Methods for Functional Data: Regression,
Discrimination and Classification
- Fiedler, T. - Simple knots can be detected with polynomial complexity of
degree four
- Fortin, André - Remaillage anisotrope et applications au calcul des surfaces
- Gaboriau, Damien - Some invariants for equivalence relations and factors
- Gallouet, Thierry - Elliptic equations with measure data and numerical schemes
- Gander, Martin - The Parareal Algorithm in the Context of Classical Methods
- Gantert, Nina - Deviations of random walk in random scenery
- Gavrilov, Lubomir - Two-dimensional Fuchsian systems and the Chebyshev property
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - The optimal evolution of the free energy of interacting gases
and its applications
- Gilbert, Jean-Charles - On the solution of convex quadratic optimization problems by
augmented Lagrangian and active set methods
- Giordano, Thierry - Orbit equivalence of minimal actions on the Cantor set
- Giroux, Emmanuel - Open books in contact geometry
- Goffin, Jean-Louis - Conic column generation
- Goia, Aldo - A Functional Nonparametric Regression Model for Time Series
- Gouzé, Jean-Luc - Robust control for growth models in the chemostat
- Greither, Cornelius - Autour d'une conjecture récente de Burns dans l'esprit de Gross
- Hbid, Hassan - On some mathematical models arising in marine populations
- Hubbard, John
- Imbert, Cyril - Effet régularisant d'un opérateur non local sur les
équations de Hamilton-Jacobi du premier ordre
- Iovita, Adrian - A p-adic overconvergent Eichler-Shimura map
- Istas, Jacques - Autour de l'auto-similarité locale
- Jaffard, Stephane - Analysis of multifractal random processes: The wavelet
leaders method
- Jerrard, Robert - Refined Jacobian estimates for a Ginzburg-Landau functional
- Kenyon, Richard
- Kerr, David - C*-dynamics and contractive approximation entropy
- Khmelev, Dima - Renormalization and rigidity theory for circle maps with
- Klaff, Benjamin - Character varieties of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Laca, Marcelo - Boundary quotients of Toeplitz algebras of Artin groups
- Lackenby, M. - A characterisation of large finitely presented groups
- Lafforgue, Laurent - Le lemme fondamental, d'après Gérard Laumon et Ngo Bao
- Langlais, Michel - A mathematical model for criss-cross and indirectly
transmitted disease
- Le Roux, Daniel - Modes numériques dans les équations de Saint-Venant,
l'élément PNC1 - P1
- Lei, Tan - Dynamical convergence and polynomial vector fields
- Levitt, G. - JSJ splittings
- Ley, Olivier - Bellman-Isaacs equations under quadratic growth assumptions
and applications to control
- Limic, Vlada - Attracting edge in some strongly reinforced walks
- Loray, Frank - Analytic normal forms for planar vector fields by gluing
complex manifolds
- Lugosi, Gabor - Moment inequalities for functions of independent random
- Lyubich, Mikhail - Holomorphic Dynamics
- Maday, Yvon - Some variations on the reduced basis method with
- Magal, Pierre - Global Attractors and Uniform Persistence
- Mardesic, Pavao - Le diagramme de bifurcation de la période des centres
- Mas, A. - Confidence sets and prediction in the ARH(1) model
- Mathieu, Pierre - Centered Markov chains
- Maury, Bertrand - Pression granulaire et pression fluide
- McDuff, Dusa - Toric and symplectic automorphism groups
- Melo, Severino T. - A K-theoretic proof of Boutet de Monvel's index theorem
- Moulines, Eric - Long Range Dependent Markov Chains
- Nachman, A. - Reconstructing Inhomogeneous Nonlinearities from Boundary Data
- Nigam, Nilima - Perturbative Stekhlov-Poincare maps for general domains
- Noll, Dominikus - Optimization methods for feedback control
- Nualart, David - Stochastic calculus with respect to fractional Brownian
motion and applications
- Poggiale, Jean-Christophe - Surge-Uptake and Temporal Heterogeneity: a solution for the
Plankton Paradox
- Preda, Cristian - Regression models for functional data by reproducing kernel
Hilbert space methods
- Ramsay, Jim
- Rapetti, Francesca - Coupling scalar and vector potentials on nonmatching grids
for eddy currents in a moving conductor
- Rappaz, Jacques - Finite element approximation of multi-scale elliptic problems
using patches of elements
- Raymond, Jean-Pierre - Feedback stabilization of parabolic systems
- Rémond, Gaël - Intersection de sous-groupes et de sous-variétés sur les
variétés abéliennes
- Renault, Jean - Mesures de Gibbs sur les relations d'équivalence AP
- Reutenauer, Christophe - Mots de Christoffel: approche géométrique et applications
aux automorphismes du groupe libre sur deux générateurs
- Rifford, Ludovic
- Robertson, John - The Critical Locus of Henon Maps
- Roquejoffre, Jean-Michel - Existence and stability of conical reaction-diffusion fronts
- Roussarie, Robert - The cyclicity problem for non-generic quadratic Hamiltonian
- Rousseau, Christiane - Modulus of analytic classification of a family unfolding a
generic resonant diffeomorphism
- Ruan, Shigui - Asymptotic Behavior in Nosocomial Epidemic Models with
Antibiotic Resistance
- Salamon, Dietmar
- Saut, J. C. - The global Cauchy problem for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili I
- Schlomiuk, Dana - On Hilbert's 16th problem for quadratic systems
- Sendov, Hristo - Differentiating Spectral Functions
- Séré, Eric - A Hartree-Fock approximation of the polarized vacuum
- Sinestrari, Carlo - Semiconcavity of the value function for exit time problems
with nonsmooth target
- Smith, Hal - Gene transfer in Biofilms: mathematical models and implications
- Sonnendrucker, Eric - Méthodes numériques adaptatives pour l'équation de Vlasov
- Stewart, Cameron L. - On intervals with few prime numbers
- Sznitman, Alain-Sol - Random Motions in Random Media
- Taqqu, Murad - Cyclic flows and stable stationary processes
- Tarres, Pierre - Self-Interacting Random Walks
- Teyssier, Loïc - Homological equation of vector fields: from analytic moduli
to limit cycles
- Thera, Michel - A converse of the Eidelheit theorem in real Hilbert spaces
- Thibault, Lionel - On saddle functions in Banach spaces
- Thieme, Horst - Spatially implicit metapopulations with discrete patch size
- Tillmann, S. - Normal surfaces, angle structures and the character variety
- Trélat, Emmanuel - Global subanalytic solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi type equations
- Tsai, Tai-Peng - Scattering for Gross-Pitaevskii equation
- Vila, Jean-Paul
- Viterbo, Claude
- Welschinger, Jean-Yves - Invariants of real symplectic 4-manifolds and lower bounds in
real enumerative geometry
- Wiest, B. - On the complexity of braids
- Wolenski, Peter - Invariance results for impulsive differential inclusions
- Wolkowicz, Gail - Nutrient Driven Self Cycling Fermentation in the Case of
Inhibition at High Concentrations
- Wolkowicz, Henry - Robust algorithms for large sparse semidefinite programming (SDP)
- Yampolsky, Michael - Non-computable Julia sets
- Yu, Jing - On Drinfeld's Exponentials
- Zhu, Huaiping - Modelling the West Nile virus among birds and mosquitoes
- Zhu, Huaiping - Nilpotent graphics and Hilbert's 16th problem for quadratic systems