SS9 - Analyse variationnelle et optimisation / SS9 - Variational analysis and optimization Org: J-B Hiriart-Urruty (Toulouse) et/and A. Lewis (Simon Fraser)
- CHARLES AUDET, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithms for constrained
We introduce the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) class of
algorithms for nonlinear optimization. MADS extends the Generalized
Pattern Search (GPS) class by allowing local exploration, called
polling, in a dense set of directions in the space of optimization
variables. This means that under certain hypotheses, including a weak
constraint qualification due to Rockafellar, MADS can treat
constraints by the extreme barrier approach of setting the
objective to infinity for infeasible points and treating the problem
as unconstrained. The main GPS convergence result is to identify limit
points where the Clarke generalized derivatives are nonnegative in a
finite set of directions, called refining directions.
Although in the unconstrained case, nonnegative combinations of these
directions spans the whole space, the fact that there can only be
finitely many GPS refining directions limits rigorous justification of
the barrier approach to finitely many constraints for GPS. The MADS
class of algorithms extend this result; the set of refining directions
may even be dense in Rn.
We present an implementable instance of MADS, and we illustrate and
compare it with GPS on some test problems.
This is joint work with John Dennis.
- HEINZ BAUSCHKE, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Minimization with alternating Bregman proximity operators
We investigate two notions of proximity operators associated with
Bregman distances. These operators are shown to inherit key properties
of the standard Moreau proximity operator. Through this analysis, we
establish the convergence of an alternating minimization procedure for
solving a class of optimization problems.
Based on joint work with Patrick Combettes (Paris 6) and Dominik Noll
Optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities
In a recent work with R. Bessi Fourati and H. Smaoui we discussed a
variant of the standard obstacle problem in which forces derive from a
given amount of liquid, above of the membrane; the position of the
liquid is itself an unknown of the problem. Here we consider
associated optimal control problems through an external force field,
or through the obstacle itself. There are two main cases. If the
domain is small enough then the state (vertical deformation of
membrane) is a well-defined function of control; otherwise the system
may be ill-posed. In both cases, regularization schemes allow to
obtain optimality systems.
This is a joint work with R. Bessi Fourati, Univ. Sousse (Tunisia).
- [1]
R. Bessi Fourati, J. F. Bonnans and H. Smaoui,
The obstacle problem for water tanks.
J. Math. Pures Appl. 82(2003), 1527-1553.
Finding zeros of co-hypomonotone operators
Conditions are given for the viability and the weak convergence of an
inexact, relaxed proximal point algorithm for finding a common zero of
countably many cohypomonotone operators in a Hilbert space. In turn,
new convergence results are obtained for an extended version of the
proximal method of multipliers in nonlinear programming.
Joint work with T. Pennanen.
- JEAN-NOËL CORVELLEC, Université de Perpignan, 52 avenue Paul Alduy, 66860
Perpignan Cedex
On nonlinear error bounds
Dans la continuité de nos travaux récents avec D. Azé sur la
caractérisation des bornes d'erreur pour les fonctions
semi-continues inférieurement définies sur un espace métrique
complet (le cas "linéaire"), nous présentons des extensions
(partielles) au cas non linéaire, et quelques-unes de leurs
conséquences en relation avec des résultats récents de la
Following our recent work with D. Azé about the characterization of
error bounds for lower semicontinuous functions defined on complete
metric spaces (the "linear case"), we present some (partial)
extensions in the nonlinear case, as well as some of their
consequences related to various recent results in the literature.
- ROBERT DEVILLE, Université Bordeaux 1, 351 cours de la Libération,
33400 Talence
Ensemble des dérivées d'une application différentiable
Nous présentons les résultats obtenus récemment sur la structure
de l'ensemble des dérivées d'une application différentiable entre
deux espaces de Banach X et Y. Les résultats dépendent de la
géometrie de X et Y, de la notion de différentiabilité
utilisée, et de la structure globale de l'application considerée.
Nous présentons en particulier des exemples d'applications
Lipschitziennes de X dans Y, bornées, Gateaux-différentiables
en tout point, telles que pour tout x, y dans l'espace de départ
X, la norme de f¢(x)-f¢(y) est plus grande que 1. Une telle
construction peut être faite lorsque X et Y sont des espaces de
Hilbert séparables de dimension infinie.
On the solution of convex quadratic optimization problems by
augmented Lagrangian and active set methods
We discuss the use of an augmented-Lagrangian-active-set algorithm for
solving convex quadratic optimization problems. A global linear
convergence is shown when the augmentation parameter is larger than a
certain (usually unknown) Lipschitz constant and the inner subproblems
are solved exactly. The result follows from a lemma of general
interest dealing with the projection onto a convex polyhedron. The
case when the inner subproblems are solved approximately is also
considered. This convergence result leads to a discussion on the
iterative complexity of such algorithms.
On the other hand, it is argued that an
augmented-Lagrangian-active-set algorithm is appropriate to solve the
QP's arising from the use of an SQP-Gauss-Newton method to solve
constrained nonlinear least-squares problems. Numerical experiments in
the seismic tomography domain are given as an illustration.
- JEAN-LOUIS GOFFIN, Faculty of Management, McGill University, 1001 Sherbrooke
Street West, Montréal, Québec H3A 1G5
Conic column generation
Dantzig-Wolfe column generation can be formulated in the case where
columns belong to a general self-dual cone. By duality this leads to
a variant of the cutting plane method where the cutting planes may be
linear, SOCC or SDP, thus leading to approximating an NDO function by
SOCC or SDP (i.e. nonlinear or non-differentiable) cuts. Complexity
as well as computational results will be presented.
- DOMINIKUS NOLL, Université Paul Sabatier
Optimization methods for feedback control
Optimization for feedback control is a recent and very active field
with many challenging problems and a large potential for applications
ahead. Semidefinite programming (SDP) is one of those techniques which
come to mind as having led to significant progress over the last
decade in solving problems in control, finance and integer programming
relaxations. However, despite these merits, the use of SDP for
feedback control design is limited since most problems of practical
interest are non-convex and require different algorithmic
approaches. In this talk we shall discuss two recent strategies,
programming under bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) constraints, and
nonsmooth methods based on bundling techniques. These approaches are
suited for many of the challenging NP-hard problems in controller
- HRISTO SENDOV, University of Guelph
Differentiating Spectral Functions
A function F on the space of n ×n symmetric matrices is
called spectral if it depends only on the eigenvalues of its
argument, that is F(A) = F(UAUT) for every orthogonal U and every
A in its domain. We are interested in the derivatives of these
functions with respect to the argument A. Explicit formulae for the
gradient and the Hessian are given in [1],
[2]. These formulae appear quite different from
each other and this obstructs attempts to generalize them. The
questions that we address in this talk are about the common features
in these formulae. We propose a language that seems to describe well
the higher-order derivatives of the spectral functions. It is based on
a generalization of the Hadamard product between two matrices to a
(tensor-valued) product between k matrices, for k ³ 1.
In particular, we present a compact formula for the k-th derivative
of the operator-valued function f(A), where f is a function on a
scalar argument, see [3,Chapter V].
- [1]
A. S. Lewis,
Derivatives of spectral functions.
Math. Oper. Res. 21(1996), 576-588.
- [2]
A. S. Lewis and H. S. Sendov,
Twice Differentiable Spectral Functions.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. (2) 23(2001), 368-386.
- [3]
R. Bhatia,
Matrix Analysis.
Springer-Verlag, NY, 1997.
- MICHEL THERA, LACO, Université de Limoges
A converse of the Eidelheit theorem in real Hilbert spaces
This talk is based on a recent work with E. Ernst in which we
establish the following converse of the Eidelheit theorem: an
unbounded closed and convex set of a real Hilbert space may be
separated by a closed hyperplane from every other disjoint closed and
convex set, if and only if it has a finite codimension and a nonempty
interior with respect to its affine hull.
- LIONEL THIBAULT, Université Montpellier 2
On saddle functions in Banach spaces
The talk will be focused on some important questions related to the
analysis of extended real valued saddle functions defined on the
product of two real Banach spaces. I will present some new results
obtained recenty with N. Zlateva.