Résumés - listées par conférenciers
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- Ahmed, S. Ejaz - Implicit BIAS Problems in in High Dimensional Predictive Models: “Cut the Bias”, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, TimeSer
- Akbary-Majdabadno, Amir - Discrepancy estimates for the value-distribution of the quadratic twists of automorphic $L$-functions, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, AnNumTh
- Alam, Jahrul - Dictionary-based operator learning for nonlinear partial differential equations, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, DynSys
- Aldirany, Ziad - Approximating the Operator of the Wave Equation using Deep Learning, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, MachLrn
- Alixis, Michel - A two-weight T1 theorem for general Calderon-Zygmund operators for doubling weights, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, HarmAna
- Alsaody, Seidon - Algebras with Additional Structures via Torsors and Descent, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, Descent
- An, Zhongshan - Initial boundary value problem of the vacuum Einstein equations, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, GeomAna
- Anaraki, Javad Rahimipour - Personalized Classifier Selection in EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, MachLrn
- Argerami, Martin - Classification of certain finite-dimensional Operator Systems, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, OpAlg
- Arora, Shivam - On Compactness properties of subgroups, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeoGrTh
- Ashmore, Rylo - On Cuts and Cats, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, GraphSe
- Audet-Beaumont, Samuel - Constructing surfaces with large first Steklov eigenvalue multiplicity, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeoEig
- Bahuaud, Eric - Analytic semigroups, bounded geometry and geometric flows, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, GeomAna
- Baird, Tom - Harmonic forms on the Chen-Teo gravitational instanton, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, SympGeo
- Basu, Sumanta - Frequency-domain graphical models for multivariate time series, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, TimeSer
- Beck, Thomas - Nodal set estimates for perturbed rectangles, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, GeoEig
- Berk, Aaron - On Lipschitzness of the solution mapping for LASSO programs, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, MachLrn
- Bigdely, Hadi - Combination of groups that contain a hyperbolically embedded collection of subgroups, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeoGrTh
- Bihlo, Alex - A multi-model physics-informed neural network approach for solving the shallow-water equations on the sphere, dimanche 5 juin, 17:30-18:00, DynSys
- Blanchette, Benjamin - Homological invariants in persistence theory, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:30, RelHom
- Booth, Ivan - Geometry of horizon merger during a binary black hole collision, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeomAna
- Brecht, Rudy - Deep learning for ensemble forecasting, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, MachLrn
- Brewster, Richard - List homomorphisms to signed trees, dimanche 5 juin, 8:00-8:30, GraphTh
- Briollais, Laurent - The Scalable Birth-Death MCMC Algorithm for Mixed Graphical Model Learning with Application to Genomic Data Integration, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, DataSci
- Brisson, Jade - Tubular excision and Steklov eigenvalues, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeoEig
- Brown, Madelyne - Fourier coefficients of restricted eigenfunctions, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, GeoEig
- Bryne, Chris, Alyssa Sankey, Panel: Asmita Sodhi et Marie MacDonald - Bridging the Gap Panel, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-17:00, HS-Uni
- Buck, Julian - The structure of crossed products by automorphisms of $C (X, D)$, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, OpAlg
- Bulatov, Andrei - Counting Problems: Complexity and Applications, lundi 6 juin, 13:30-14:30, Prizes
- Burazin, Andie et Miroslav Lovric - To OER or not to OER: Let’s have a chat, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, OER
- Burgess, Andrea - Mutually orthogonal cycle systems, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, GraphTh
- Carr, Mackenzie - The Genus Polynomials of Cubic Graphs, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, GraphTh
- Chafee, Amanda - Simulated Annealing on Single Change Covering Designs, lundi 6 juin, 9:30-10:00, DesTh
- Chapman, Olive et Collette Lemieux - Interactive Stories in Teaching Postsecondary Introductory Statistics, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, AuthApp
- Chen, Goong - Biological shapes, modal analysis, and visualization of motion, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-9:00, GeomAn
- Chen, Jie - Tabulation of flat knots, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, GeoGrTh
- Chen, Min - Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities in the sphere, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, CxPDE
- Chen, Shaohua - Global solutions for the 1-D compressible Euler equations with time-dependent damping, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, HarmAna
- Cheng, Da Rong - Existence of constant mean curvature surfaces, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, GeomAna
- Chow, Amenda - Session Debrief Discussions, dimanche 5 juin, 17:30-18:00, LrnMat
- Cissokho, Youssouph - Estimation of cluster functionals for regularly varying time series: sliding blocks estimators., samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, TimeSer
- Clow, Alex - Chomp on Hexagonal Grids \& Other Lexicographic Products of Impartial Poset Games, lundi 6 juin, 10:00-10:30, CombGam
- Cojocaru, Monica - Reclustering populations based on mobility driven well-mixing using reinforcement learning - disease spread insights, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, DynSys
- Constantin, Hannah - “Introduction to Proofs” as an Invitation to Exploration, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, LrnMat
- Cox, Graham - Evolution and bifurcation of marginally outer trapped surfaces, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeomAna
- Crooks, Peter - Symplectic reduction and sheets, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, SympGeo
- Danziger, Peter - Tic-Tac-Toe on Designs, lundi 6 juin, 16:30-17:00, DesTh
- Darijani, Iren - Colourings of path systems, lundi 6 juin, 9:00-9:30, DesTh
- Dean, Andrew - Structure and classification for real C*-algebras, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, OpAlg
- DeDieu, Lauren - Authentic Applications for Future K-12 Mathematics Teachers, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, AuthApp
- DeDieu, Lauren - Experiential Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics Courses and Outreach Initiatives, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, LrnMat
- Derksen, Harm - Multiparameter Landscapes, dimanche 5 juin, 8:00-8:30, RelHom
- Dimitrov, Ivan - A generalization of root systems, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-8:30, GeoHmSp
- Dore-Hall, Skye - Ramp Function Approximations of Michaelis-Menten Functions in a Model of Plant Metabolism, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, DySysAp
- Dueck, Shonda - Cyclic partitions of complete and almost complete uniform hypergraphs, lundi 6 juin, 16:00-16:30, DesTh
- Dueck, Shonda - The threshold strong dimension of a graph, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, GraphTh
- Duker, Marie-Christine - Detecting fractal connectivity in high-dimensional time series, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, TimeSer
- Ebadi, Ashkan - Few-Shot Detection of COVID-19 Infection from Medical Images, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, MachLrn
- Eddaoudi, Mehdi - On the gap between consecutive eigenvalues, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, GeoEig
- Enache, Cristian - On some monotonicity properties of the $p$-torsional rigidity, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-10:00, GeomAn
- Erzurumluoglu, Aras - Fairness and Symmetry in Graph Decompositions, lundi 6 juin, 10:00-10:30, DesTh
- Eswarathasan, Suresh - Eigenvalues of ellipsoids close to spheres, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-17:00, GeomAn
- Ezzat, Shannon - Filling gaps in mathematical maturity in pre-service elementary school teachers, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, HS-Uni
- Fan, Shiheng - Traveling waves and spreading speed for a Lotka-Volterra competition model in a periodic discrete habitat, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, GlobDyn
- Farahani, Mozhgan - The deduction model for cops and robber, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, GraphSe
- Fernandes, Rui - Multiplicative Ehresmann connections, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, Descent
- Fitzpatrick, Sean - Supporting applied content with open education technologies, lundi 6 juin, 9:30-10:00, AuthApp
- Fitzpatrick, Sean - OER, PreTeXt, and Scholarship, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, OER
- Fitzpatrick, Sean - Adventures in Alternative Assessment: A review of my non-expert attempts to liberate my gradebook, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, AltAsse
- Frankland, Martin - Modules over bialgebroids and Beck modules, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, Descent
- Frankland, Martin - Multiparameter persistence modules in the large scale, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, RelHom
- Fu, Xing - Uncertainty Principle on the Lorentz Spaces, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, HarmAna
- Fu, Xuanlong - Tracial matricial structure and stable rank one, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, OpAlg
- Gai, Chunyi - Resource-mediated competition between two plant species with different rates of water intake, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, GlobDyn
- Garcia, Jose Luis Luna - Coronizations and big pieces in metric spaces, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, HarmAna
- Garlick, Martha - Connecting Local of Movement of Mule Deer with Regional Spread of Chronic Wasting Disease, lundi 6 juin, 9:00-9:30, ModDis
- Gates, Fletcher - Stability of Weighted Haar Wavelets, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-8:30, HarmAna
- Gerofsky, Susan - Exploring and experimenting with the mathematics of classical labyrinths, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, LrnMat
- Geshnizjani, Ghazal - What happened before the big bang?, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, GeomAna
- Ghanem, Elsayed - Shrinkage Estimators for Mixture of Logistic Regression Models, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Girotti, Manuela - Convergence Analysis and Implicit Regularization of Feedback Alignment for Deep Linear Networks, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, MachLrn
- Girouard, Alexandre - Metric upper bounds for Steklov and Laplace eigenvalues, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, GeoEig
- Gledel, Valentin - Phantom Arc-Kayles, lundi 6 juin, 16:00-16:30, CombGam
- Gross, Craig - Sparsifying high-dimensional, multiscale Fourier spectral methods, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, MachLrn
- Guan, Pengfei - A weighted gradient estimate for nonlinear PDE associated to the Christoffel-Minkowski problem, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, CxPDE
- Gunasekaran, Sharmila - Slow decay of waves in gravitational solitons, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeomAna
- Haddad, Julian - Explicit representations of isotropic measures in extremal positions, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, CxPDE
- Hatefi, Armin - Unsupervised Shrinkage Estimation Methods for Mixture of Regression Models, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, MachLrn
- He, Yunhui - Local Fourier analysis and its application to multigrid for elliptic optimal control problems, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:30, GeomAn
- Herzog, Ivo - Eklof's Lemma in Ideal Approximation Theory, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-17:00, RelHom
- Heydary, Diba, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, StudRes
- Hoehner, Steven - Asymptotic expected $T$-functionals of random polytopes with applications to $L_p$ surface areas, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, CxPDE
- Howell, Jared - The watchman's walk problem on graph products, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, GraphSe
- Hu, Shengda - Degree of a generalized holomorphic bundle, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, SympGeo
- Huang, Han - Average Case Analysis of Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, CxPDE
- Huang, Jiuzhou - Flow by powers of Gauss curvature in space forms, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, CxPDE
- Huang, Mingdi - Propagation dynamics for time-periodic and partially degenerate reaction-diffusion systems, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, GlobDyn
- Huggan, Melissa - Asynchronous online foundational courses, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, HS-Uni
- Huggan, Melissa - A partizan deletion game, lundi 6 juin, 9:00-9:30, CombGam
- Hughes, Sam - Profinite completions and fibring, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, GeoGrTh
- Huntemann, Svenja - Nofil played on Steiner Triple Systems, lundi 6 juin, 15:00-15:30, CombGam
- Idu, Kennedy Obinna - Boundedness of $\beta$-numbers and $C^{1,\alpha}$-rectifiability of sets in $\mathbb{R}^n$, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, HarmAna
- Ingalls, Colin - Stacks associated with non-commutative surfaces, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, GeoHmSp
- Iosevich, Alex - Frame theory and finite point configurations, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, HarmAna
- Izurdiaga, Manuel Cortés - Ziegler partial morphisms and approximations in exact categories, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:30, RelHom
- Jiang, Leyi - Propagation dynamics of a class of epidemic models with different diffusion speeds in a strip region, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, GlobDyn
- Jiang, Yucong - Dirac structures in generalized Kähler geometry, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-8:30, SympGeo
- Jones, Caleb - Extending Graph Burning to Hypergraphs, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, GraphSe
- Jones, Keith - Grading for a Flexible and Feedback-Oriented Calculus Course, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, AltAsse
- Joyal, Andre, Prizes
- Jungic, Veselin - No strangers at this party, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, LrnMat
- Karabina, Burcu et Xinli Wang - Ungrading case studies: mastery-based grading and journals/reflections in several math courses, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, AltAsse
- Kaur, Avleen - How the Friedrichs angle leads to lower bounds on the minimum singular value, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, StudRes
- Kazaras, Demetre - Comparison geometry and spacetime harmonic functions, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, GeomAna
- Keeler, Blake - A logarithmic improvement in the two-point Weyl law, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, GeoEig
- Kendell, Steven - ($\alpha$) and (r,s)-Power Divergences, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Ketchemen, Laurence - Global dynamics of populations in fragmented landscapes under monostable and bistable growth dynamics, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, GlobDyn
- Kidner, Arnott - $\Gamma$-switchable 2-colourings, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, GraphTh
- Kim, Woojin - Persistence diagrams via limit-to-colimit maps and Möbius inversions, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:30, RelHom
- Kinzebulatov, Damir - Heat kernel bounds and form-boundedness: recent progress, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, HarmAna
- Kirillova, Alexandra, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Stochastic and PDE models of clustering in bacterial colonies, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, GlobDyn
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - It is better to be semi-regular when you have a low degree, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, GraphTh
- Kolpakov, Alexander - Space vectors forming rational angles, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, Descent
- Komarova, Natalia - Mathematical methods in evolutionary dynamics, Plenary
- Kong, Jude - Phytoplankton competition for nutrients and light in a stratified lake: a mathematical model connecting epilimnion \& hypolimnion, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, DySysAp
- Korobenko, Lyudmila - Hypoellipticity via sums of squares, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, HarmAna
- Kotchetov, Mikhail - Affine group schemes and gradings on algebras by abelian groups, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, GeoHmSp
- Kozlowski, Emily - Student Analysis of Contextualized/Real Data in Introductory Statistics, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, AuthApp
- Kribs, David - Multiplicative domains, complementary quantum channels, and entanglement breaking rank, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, OpAlg
- Kucerovsky, Dan - Comparing Hilbert module unitaries with Hilbert space unitaries; and multiplicative unitaries., samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, OpAlg
- Kunduri, Hari Krishna - Toric asymptotically flat gravitational instantons, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeomAna
- Kuperberg, Vivian - Sums of singular series and the distribution of primes, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, AnNumTh
- Lacaze-Masmonteil, Alice - Resolvable directed cycle decompositions of the complete symmetric digraph, lundi 6 juin, 15:00-15:30, DesTh
- Lal, Manish Krishan - Set-valued analysis of generalized bilinear sets, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, VariAna
- Lalin, Matilde - Special values of $L$-functions up close and from afar, samedi 4 juin, 13:30-14:30, Prizes
- Langharst, Dylan - Measure Theoretic Minkowski's Existence Theorem and Projection Bodies, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, CxPDE
- Lee, Mokhwa - Multi-secant extensions of BFGS, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Lemieux, Collette et Olive Chapman - Interactive Stories in Teaching Postsecondary Introductory Statistics, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, AuthApp
- Lemire, Nicole - Low-Dimensional Algebraic Tori Split by 2-groups, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, GeoHmSp
- Li, Aijun - On the sine polarity and the $L_p$-sine Blaschke-Santal\'{o} inequality, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, CxPDE
- Li, Boyu - Imprimitivity theorems arising from Zappa-Szep actions on Fell bundles, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, OpAlg
- Li, Michael Y - Accurate Long-Term Projections of COVID-19 Epidemics by Incorporating Human Behaviours, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, DySysAp
- Li, Na - Accelerating propagation in a periodic functional differential equation, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, GlobDyn
- Li, Siran - Fractional Sobolev isometric immersions, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, HarmAna
- Li, Wanlin - On the vanishing of twisted L-functions of elliptic curves over function fields, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, AnNumTh
- Li, Zhimin - Global dynamics of a nonlocal periodic reaction-diffusion model of Chikungunya disease, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, GlobDyn
- Lin, Youjiang - The Petty projection inequalities, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, CxPDE
- Lin, Yuqing Frank - A multiplicative ergodic theorem for von Neumann algebra valued cocycles, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, OpAlg
- Ling, Eric - Remarks on the cosmological constant appearing as an initial condition for Milne-like spacetimes, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, GeomAna
- Liu, Chunyan - Ulam floating functions, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, CxPDE
- Loredo-Osti, JC - Stochastic modelling of an infectious disease outbreak, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, DataSci
- Lovric, Miroslav et Andie Burazin - To OER or not to OER: Let’s have a chat, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, OER
- Lovric, Miroslav - What's authentic about "authentic"?, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, AuthApp
- Lovric, Miroslav - When a romantic meets a realist, lundi 6 juin, 11:00-12:00, Plenary
- Lumley, Allysa - Selberg's Central limit theorem for quadratic dirichlet L-functions over function fields, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, AnNumTh
- Ma, Junling - An SIR Contact Tracing Model for Randomly Mixed Populations, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, DySysAp
- MacDonald, Marie - Using projects, workshops and inquiry to explore in Linear Algebra., dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, LrnMat
- MacDonald, Marie, Chris Bryne, Alyssa Sankey et Panel: Asmita Sodhi - Bridging the Gap Panel, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-17:00, HS-Uni
- MacDonald, Sullivan Francis - Bounded Solutions to \(p\)-Poisson Equations, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, HarmAna
- MacLellan, John-Oliver - Necessary Conditions for Two Weight Weak Type Norm Inequalities for Multilinear Singular Integral Operators, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, HarmAna
- Magpantay, Felicia - A quantification of transient dynamics, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, DySysAp
- Mamolo, Ami - Developing an online OER for undergraduate mathematics teaching, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, OER
- Marbach, Trent - Pursuit-Evasion Games on Latin Square Graphs, lundi 6 juin, 15:30-16:00, DesTh
- Marcoux, John - Firefighting with a Distance-Based Restriction, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, GraphSe
- Martinez, Angel D. - On the symmetry conjecture for eigenfunctions, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, GeoEig
- McDonald, Brian - The VC-dimension and point configurations over finite fields, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, HarmAna
- McGregor, Geoffrey - Conservative Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, MachLrn
- McKay, Maricela Best - Approximation rates and training dynamics for Physics-informed Neural Networks, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, DynSys
- McLellan, Karyn - Shifting Perspectives in Mathematics, lundi 6 juin, 9:00-9:30, AuthApp
- Mei, Ming - Sharp traveling waves for time-delayed Fisher-KPP type of degenerate diffusion equations, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, GlobDyn
- Meir, Ehud - Descent and generic forms using symmetric monoidal categories, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, Descent
- Miller, Evan - On the regularity of the axisymmetric, swirl-free solutions of the Euler equation in four and higher dimensions, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, HarmAna
- Miller, Ezra - Homological algebra over partially ordered real vector spaces, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-17:00, RelHom
- Milley, Rebecca - From Remote to Flipped: Incorporating asynchronous content into your in-person class, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, HS-Uni
- Milley, Rebecca - Game tree decomposition: which games are sums of other games?, lundi 6 juin, 8:30-9:00, CombGam
- Milley, Rebecca - Average Unmonitored Time in the Watchman's Walk Problem, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, GraphSe
- Moen, Kabe - New bump conditions for commutators, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, HarmAna
- Mohammad-Taheri, Sina - Lasso-Inspired Variants of Weighted Orthogonal Matching Pursuit with Applications to Sparse High-Dimensional Approximation, dimanche 5 juin, 17:30-18:00, StudRes
- Mol, Lucas - On connectivity of orientations of graphs, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, GraphTh
- Moraru, Ruxandra - Co-Higgs bundles on Poisson surfaces, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, SympGeo
- Mosunov, Anton - On the representation of integers by binary forms defined by means of the relation $(x + yi)^n = R_n(x, y) + J_n(x, y)i$, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, AnNumTh
- Mui, Stephanie - On the $L^{p}$ dual Minkowski problem for $-1 < p < 0$, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, CxPDE
- Mullen, Todd - Surrounding an Active Robber, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, GraphSe
- Nash, Lexi - Enumerating Positions of Distance Games, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Nash, Lexi - Enumeration, values, and stacking of distance games, lundi 6 juin, 15:30-16:00, CombGam
- Nasri, Bouchra - Test of serial dependence for multivariate time series with arbitrary distributions, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, TimeSer
- Ojakian, Kerry - Tale of two games: Pyro versus Chop and Save, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, GraphSe
- Orok, Gavin - MathSoc Cartoons and Edu-Action!: Engaging Math Education with Artistic Resources, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Ould-Haye, Mohamedou - Spectral analysis of Time series: Random sampling and Stationarity test, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, TimeSer
- Ozuch, Tristan, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, GeomAna
- Paquette, Charles - Representation theory of poset quivers, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:30, RelHom
- Pardy, Alaina et Abigail Rowsell - Analyzing Distance-Regular Graphs Arising From Primitive Groups, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Park, Doug - Geography problem for simply connected symplectic 4-manifolds, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, SympGeo
- Park, Youngmin - Models of Vimentin Organization Under Actin Retrograde Flow, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, DySysAp
- Pattenden, Tyler - The student perspective on mastery grading in an entry-level liberal arts mathematics class, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, AltAsse
- Pawliuk, Mike - Extreme Ungrading at scale: when 105 students decide their own final grades, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, AltAsse
- Pittman, Brittany - The localization capture time of a graph, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-8:30, GraphSe
- Piubello, Annachiara - Mass and Riemannian Polyhedra, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, GeomAna
- Pivovarov, Peter - Isoperimetric inequalities for polar Lp centroid bodies, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, CxPDE
- Pralat, Pawel - Edge and Pair Queries---Random Graphs and Complexity, samedi 4 juin, 8:30-9:00, GraphSe
- Puchhammer, Florian - Simulating Chemical Reaction Networks with Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, DynSys
- Pupulin, Michael - Travelling wave solutions in a model of Fire blight spread, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, GlobDyn
- Rémillard, Bruno - Change-point problems for multivariate time series using pseudo-observations, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, TimeSer
- Riddlesden, Connor - Combinatorial Approach to ABV-packets for $GL_n$, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, StudRes
- Roberts, Catherine - Creating a Climate of Inclusion, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, HS-Uni
- Rodney, Scott - Limits of Orlicz Norms, dimanche 5 juin, 17:30-18:00, HarmAna
- Rowsell, Abigail et Alaina Pardy - Analyzing Distance-Regular Graphs Arising From Primitive Groups, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Roysdon, Michael - Extensions of Zhang' inequality, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, CxPDE
- Ruan, Shigui - Asymptotic and Transient Dynamics of SEIR Epidemic Models on Weighted Networks, dimanche 5 juin, 8:00-8:30, GlobDyn
- Rubinstein, Mike - Differential equations related to averages of the k-th divisor function, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, AnNumTh
- Ruether, Cameron - Chevalley Generators in Étale Stalks, samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeoHmSp
- Ruzic, Sonja - Weyl Modules for Current Lie Superalgebras, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, StudRes
- Ryan, Brady - Using External Reference Panel and Meta-Analysis Summary Statistics for Rare-Variant Aggregation Tests, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, DataSci
- Ryou, Donggeun - A variant of the $\Lambda(p)$-set problem in Orlicz spaces, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, HarmAna
- Sadanand, Chandrika - Hyperbolic cone surfaces and polygonal billiards, samedi 4 juin, 15:30-16:00, GeoGrTh
- Saha, Esha - HARFE: Hard-Ridge Random Feature Expansion, dimanche 5 juin, 8:00-8:30, StudRes
- Salmaniw, Yurij - Global dynamics of a diffusive competition model with habitat degradation, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, GlobDyn
- Salmaniw, Yurij - Eigenvalues in domains with holes: a reaction-diffusion equation approach to habitat fragmentation, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, HarmAna
- San, Xuefeng - Traveling waves for a periodic epidemic model in a patchy environment, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, GlobDyn
- Sankey, Alyssa - On strongly regular decompositions of block graphs of S($2,k,2k^2-k$), lundi 6 juin, 8:30-9:00, DesTh
- Sankey, Alyssa, Panel: Asmita Sodhi, Marie MacDonald et Chris Bryne - Bridging the Gap Panel, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-17:00, HS-Uni
- Savu, Anamaria - Processes with zero-range interaction and integrability, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, OpAlg
- Schenfisch, Anna - The Algebraic $K$-Theory of Zig-Zag Persistence Modules, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:30, RelHom
- Schmidmeier, Markus - Symmetry and Conservation for Poset Representations, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:30, RelHom
- Seamone, Ben - Fractional eternal domination, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, GraphTh
- Sekkak, Idriss - The stochastic epidemic modelling: The influence of incidence rates and perturbations., samedi 4 juin, 9:30-10:00, TimeSer
- Semnani, Pardis - Log-concave Density Estimation in Undirected Graphical Models, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, MachLrn
- Session Organizers, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-8:30, RelHom
- Shen, Shiyu - Complex K-theory of the moduli space of Higgs bundles, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, SympGeo
- Shirazi, Mohammad - Prescribing the radial limits of solutions to a PDE, dimanche 5 juin, 8:00-8:30, HarmAna
- Singh, Shambhavi - Strong convergence of splitting algorithms by Ryu, by Malitsky-Tam, and by Campoy applied to normal cones of linear subspaces, dimanche 5 juin, 10:00-10:30, VariAna
- Skelton, Andrew - Will Faculty Buy In and Will Students Care? Embedding Transition Content into the First-Year Classroom, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, HS-Uni
- Skoufranis, Paul - Non-Commutative Stochastic Processes and Bi-Free Probability, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, OpAlg
- Skrzydlo, Diana - Improving the Chances a Computer Science Student will Learn Probability, lundi 6 juin, 8:30-9:00, AuthApp
- Skrzydlo, Diana - Interactive Games for Probability Models, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, LrnMat
- Smith, Brett - Exploring calculus with stories, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, LrnMat
- Smith-Roberge, Evelyne - Planar Graphs are Local Girth Choosable, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, GraphTh
- Smith?, Stacey - Is a COVID-19 vaccine likely to make things worse?, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, DySysAp
- Smith?, Stacey - Modelling mutation in equine infectious anemia virus infection suggests a path to viral clearance with repeated vaccination, lundi 6 juin, 9:30-10:00, ModDis
- Sodhi, Asmita - Connecting concepts and community, lundi 6 juin, 10:00-10:30, AuthApp
- Sodhi, Asmita - To project or not to project: Alternative assessment in first-year linear algebra, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, LrnMat
- Sodhi, Panel: Asmita, Marie MacDonald, Chris Bryne et Alyssa Sankey - Bridging the Gap Panel, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-17:00, HS-Uni
- Spronk, Nico - Amenability from operator algebras to algebras of harmonic analysis, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, OpAlg
- Staal, Andrew - Small Elementary Components of Hilbert Schemes of Points, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, Descent
- Staffa, Bruno - On density and equidistribution of stationary geodesic nets, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, StudRes
- Stancu, Alina - The fundamental gap of convex domains in hyperbolic space revisited, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-10:00, GeomAn
- Sun, Yifan - Using flow analysis to accelerate the Frank-Wolfe method, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, MachLrn
- Szyld, Martin - On Tannaka Recognition and Descent for Topoi, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, Descent
- Tatarko, Kateryna - $L_p$ Steiner formula and its coefficients, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, CxPDE
- Taylor, Peter - Paradise Lost, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, LrnMat
- Thiessen, Ryan - Travelling Waves of a New Glioma Invasion Model, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, GlobDyn
- Thioub, Mamadou Y. - Goodness-of-fit tests and robust regime selection procedure for general hidden Markov models, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, TimeSer
- Toms, Andrew - The homotopy type of Cuntz classes in real rank zero C*-algebras, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, OpAlg
- Tot, Jonathan - On the Equilibria and Bifurcations of a Rotating Double Pendulum, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, DySysAp
- Tran, Giang - Epidemiological Predictive Modelling using Delayed Time Embedding, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, DynSys
- Tran, Giang - SRMD: Sparse Random Mode Decomposition, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, MachLrn
- Tricco, Terrence - Synthetic generation of multi-modal discrete time series using transformers, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, MachLrn
- Tsimerman, Jacob - Periods of integrals - interactions of Transcendence theory and Arithmetic, dimanche 5 juin, 11:00-12:00, Plenary
- Uriarte-Tuero, Ignacio - Two weight norm inequalities for singular and fractional integral operators in $\mathbb{R}^n$, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, HarmAna
- Valov, Vesko - On homogeneity of Cantor cubes, samedi 4 juin, 17:30-18:00, Descent
- Vaziry, Arvin - Modelling of spatial infection spread through heterogeneous population: from lattice to PDE models, dimanche 5 juin, 9:00-9:30, GlobDyn
- Verreault, William - Unwinding of analytic functions in RKHS and Hardy spaces, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, HarmAna
- Vooys, Geoff - A Pseudofunctorial Perspective on Equivariant Categories, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeoHmSp
- Walji, Nahid - On the decomposition of automorphic symmetric power L-functions for GL(3) and GL(4), samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, AnNumTh
- Walls, Patrick - Jupyter workflows for creating open educational resources, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:00, OER
- Wang, Cuiping - Dynamic Analysis of Cancer-Immune System with Therapy and Delay, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, DySysAp
- Wang, Shawn - Bregman circumcenters: basic theory, dimanche 5 juin, 9:30-10:00, VariAna
- Wang, Weiqi - Compressive Fourier collocation methods for high-dimensional diffusion equations with periodic boundary conditions, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, MachLrn
- Wang, Xiaoying - How spatial heterogeneity affects transient behavior in reaction-diffusion systems for ecological interactions, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, GlobDyn
- Wang, Xinjian - Propagation phenomena for a vector-host disease model, samedi 4 juin, 16:30-17:00, GlobDyn
- Wang, Xinli et Burcu Karabina - Ungrading case studies: mastery-based grading and journals/reflections in several math courses, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, AltAsse
- Wang, Yahui - Propagation Direction of Traveling Waves to a Competitive Integrodifference System with Bistable Nonlinearity, dimanche 5 juin, 16:30-17:00, DySysAp
- Wang, Ziyuan - A non-Euclidean forward-reflected-backward method with inertial effects for nonconvex minimization, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, VariAna
- Wangberg, Aaron - Accessing student mathematical thinking using portfolios, self-assessment, and silent group exams, dimanche 5 juin, 17:30-18:00, AltAsse
- Wei, Jun-cheng - Jacobi-Toda systems and interfaces with higher multiplicities, dimanche 5 juin, 8:00-9:00, GeomAn
- Wei, Jun-Cheng - Traveling Waves to Gross-Pitaevskii Equation, Adler-Moser Polynomials and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Lump, samedi 4 juin, 8:00-8:30, GlobDyn
- Werner, Elisabeth - On the geometry of projective tensor products, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, OpAlg
- Werner, Elisabeth - Floating bodies and Ulam's problem, vendredi 3 juin, 17:00-18:00, PubLec
- Wiederhold, Tonatiuh Matos - Graphs of constant balancing number, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, StudRes
- Williams, Bill, HS-Uni
- Wolczuk, Dan - Enhancing Student Engagement, samedi 4 juin, 11:00-12:00, Prizes
- Wolczuk, Dan - Moving Forward with OER, samedi 4 juin, 16:00-16:30, OER
- Wolf, Thomas - Comments on Playing the Dots and Boxes Game, lundi 6 juin, 9:30-10:00, CombGam
- Wolf, Thomas - Comments on a Collection of Experiential Learning Resources, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:00, LrnMat
- Wolkowicz, Gail S. K. - The Augmented Phase-Plane for Analyzing Discrete Planar Models, samedi 4 juin, 9:00-9:30, DySysAp
- Wolkowicz, Henry - A Restricted Dual Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method for a Strengthened DNN Relaxation for QAP, dimanche 5 juin, 8:30-9:00, VariAna
- Xing, Sudan - On Multiple Lp-curvilinear-Brunn-Minkowski inequality, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, CxPDE
- Xu, Jingjing - Spreading speed of chronic wasting disease across deer groups with overlapping home ranges, lundi 6 juin, 10:00-10:30, ModDis
- Xue, Shuwen - Propagation dynamics of a parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis model in a time-periodic shifting environment, dimanche 5 juin, 17:00-17:30, GlobDyn
- Yang, Boting - On One-Visibility Cop-Win Strategies for Trees, samedi 4 juin, 10:00-10:30, GraphSe
- Yang, Xiao - A model for 2D art generation, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Ye, Jane - On relaxed constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification, dimanche 5 juin, 14:30-15:15, VariAna
- Yuan, Pei - Dynamical modelling and complex dynamics for the control of pest leafhopper with generalist predatory mite in tea plantations, dimanche 5 juin, 16:00-16:30, DySysAp
- Yue, Hong - Geometric maximal operators and BMO on product bases, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, HarmAna
- Yue, Yuanxi - Bistable wave speed of a Lotka-Volterra system with nonlocal dispersal, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, GlobDyn
- Zaynullin, Kirill - Canonical dimension and unimodular degree of a root system, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, Descent
- Zhai, Zhichun - Fractional Extension/Trace Inequalities via Caffarelli-Silvestre Extension, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-15:30, GeomAn
- Zhang, Kexue - Hybrid Event-Triggered Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems, dimanche 5 juin, 15:00-15:30, DySysAp
- Zhong, Ping - The Brown measure of the sum of a free random variable and Voiculescu's circular element or its elliptic deformation, samedi 4 juin, 17:00-17:30, CxPDE
- Zhu, Yihan - Almost periodic equidistributed functions, samedi 4 juin, 14:30-16:00, Poster
- Zitikis, Ricardas - Detecting systematic anomalies when inputs are stationary time series, samedi 4 juin, 15:00-15:30, TimeSer