
CMS Winter 1999 Meeting
Renaissance - Hôtel du Parc
Montréal, Québec
December 11 - 13, 1999

Consolidated Announcement

[This information is a consolidation of the first through fifth Announcements published in the CMS Notes]

On behalf of the Université de Montréal, the Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique extends a warm invitation to participate in the 1999 Winter Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society.

The meeting will follow an expanded format with a programme encompassing nine symposia, various meetings, and plenary talks including the Coxeter-James Lecture and the CMS Doctoral Prize. The symposia are in Algebraic and geometric methods in differential equations, Applied logic, Combinatorial algebra, group representations and Macdonald polynomials, Computing and mathematical modelling, General history of Mathematics, Mathematical genetics and genomics, Mathematical physics, Teaching of linear algebra, Orders, lattices and universal algebra. In addition there will be a Graduate Seminar and a Contributed Papers Session.

All scientific activities will take place from December 11 to 13, 1999 at the Conference Center of the Renaissance-Hôtel du Parc (3625, Avenue du Parc, Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2X 3P8, Tel (514) 288-6666 or (800) 363-0735, Fax (514) 288-2469, web page

The meeting will be preceded by the 30th anniversary of the CRM on December 10 at the Université de Montréal and followed by the First CMS ``Job Fair'' on December 14 at the Hôtel du Parc.

The most up-to-date information concerning the programmes, including scheduling, is available at the following world wide web address:

Public Lecture

Plenary Speakers

CMS Prizes


Forum on Teaching of Linear Algebra

Contributed Papers Session

Contributed papers of 15 minutes duration are invited and graduate students are particularly urged to participate. Abstracts for CMS contributed papers should be prepared as specified below. For an abstract to be eligible, the abstract must be received before September 30, 1999. The abstract must be accompanied by its contributor's registration form and payment of the appropriate fees.

Related Activities

30th anniversary of the CRM: December 10, 1999, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal.

First CMS ``Job Fair'': December 14, 1999, Hôtel du Parc.

Submission of Abstracts

Titles for Plenary Speakers, Prize Lecturers and Invited symposia Speakers for the scientific and education programme will appear in the November issue of the CMS Notes. Titles for Contributed Papers will appear in the November issue of the CMS Notes. All abstracts will be published in the meeting programme and will also be available on the Canadian Mathematical Electronics Services (Camel)

All speakers should send the title of their talk to their organizers before August 1st, and submit their abstract to the CMS as instructed by their organizers.

Plenary Speakers, Prize Lecturers and Invited symposia Speakers for the scientific and education programme: 

Abstracts may be sent electronically. Abstracts may also be prepared on the standard CMS form available from the session organizer or the CMS office in Ottawa. Abstracts should be sent to the Abstracts Coordinator, CMS Winter Meeting 1999, CMS Executive Office, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5 by September 1, 1999.

Contributed Papers: Those submitting contributed papers may submit their abstracts electronically, by email following instructions given below, or by using the standard CMS form available from the CMS office in Ottawa, in the September issue of the CMS Notes, or at the CMS web site. Abstracts should be sent to the Abstracts Coordinator, CMS Winter Meeting 1999, CMS Executive Office, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5 by September 30, 1999.

Email submission of abstracts:  Files including the speaker's name, affiliation, complete address, title of talk, and abstracts may be sent to (speakers) or (contributed papers).

Please note the above deadlines for the submission of your abstract.

Social Events

Welcoming Reception: The welcoming reception will be held during registration on Friday evening, December 10, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Renaissance - Hôtel du Parc. A cash bar will be available.

Delegates' Luncheon: A delegate luncheon will be held on Saturday, December 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Renaissance-Hôtel du Parc. The cost of this luncheon is included in all registration fees.

Banquet: The CMS banquet will be held on Sunday, December 12, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Renaissance-Hôtel du Parc. A cash bar will be available at 6:30 p.m. Banquet tickets are available at $45 each.

Vegetarian meals are available upon advance request. Please indicate preference on your meeting registration form. Ticket prices include wine, taxes and gratuities.

Coffee Breaks: Coffee and juice will be available during the scheduled breaks.


Exhibits: Exhibits will be open during specified hours in hall of the Conference Center. The CMS exhibit will be open throughout the course of the meeting.

Joint Exhibit: This exhibit features books and other products from publishers and other companies and organizations not represented at the meeting. Order forms will be available at the exhibit for your convenience. The CMS Operations Manager will forward any orders to the corresponding company after the meeting. Books and other materials that will be displayed at this Joint Exhibit will be donated to the local university.

CMS Membership Booth and Book Display: We invite delegates to visit the CMS Membership Booth and Book Display. A representative will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day to answer questions about membership, future meetings, publications, and other programs.

Information Table: In response to members' suggestions, this table will be set up in the registration area for information of interest to delegates. Please send a copy of your announcement to the Operations Manager, CMS, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5, facsimile (613) 565-1539.

All announcements require prior approval. Once approved, delegates may display up to 100 copies of the announcement. The delegate is responsible for providing all copies for display and for removing any remaining copies before 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the meeting. After that time, all remaining material will be discarded.

Announcements may not be posted in the registration or meeting area. Personal distribution of announcements is also not allowed. Announcements of events competing in time or place with the meeting program cannot be accepted.

This table is not meant for material promoting products or services for sale. Those wishing to promote products for sale should contact the Operations Manager for information on the Joint Exhibit.

CMS Business Meetings

Executive Committee Meeting: The Executive Committee will meet on Thursday, December 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Salon Jeanne-Mance of the Conference Center.

Please note the change in times for the Development Group and the Board of Directors meeting. This has been done to allow everyone to attend the CMS Registration-CRM 30th Anniversary reception at the University of Montreal. Transportation from the hotel to the UofM will be provided.

CMS Development Group Lunch: The CMS Development Group, consisting of the CMS Executive Committee and the Chairs of all CMS Standing Committees, will meet on Friday, December 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the Salon Laurier of the Conference Center.

Board of Directors Meeting: The Board of Directors will meet on Friday, December 10, from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Salon Des Pins of the Renaissance-Hôtel du Parc. The Board is pleased to invite the Chairs of all CMS Standing Committees and the appointed delegates from the AMS and the MAA.

General Meeting: The General Meeting of the Society will take place on Sunday, December 12, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Conference Center. All members are invited to attend.

Agendas and Meeting Material: Agendas and accompanying material for the General Meeting will be mailed three weeks before the meeting, that is November 19.

Notices of Motion: In accordance with CMS policy, notices of motion must be received at the Executive Office at least eight weeks before the meeting at which the notice of motion is to be considered.

Notices of motion must be duly signed by the mover and seconder, who must be members in good standing of the Society. In order to be considered at the General Meeting, such notices are to be sent to the Secretary, Canadian Mathematical Society, Executive Office, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5, facsimile: 613-565-1539, so as to arrive no later than 5:00 p.m., October 15.

Committee Meetings: Most standing and ad-hoc committees will hold meetings. CMS Members are encouraged to contact committee Chairs regarding any item for inclusion in committee agendas. Room assignments for all CMS committee meetings are in the hands of the Operations Manager in Ottawa.


Payment for preregistration may be made by cheque, or by VISA or MasterCard. Although registration fees are given in Canadian dollars, delegates may send cheques in US dollars by contacting their financial institution for the current exchange rate.

Please note that payment must be received on or before November 15 in order to qualify for reduced rates.

A preregistration form will be included in the September issue of the CMS Notes and is available by contacting:

CMS Executive Office
577 King Edward, Suite 109
P.O. Box 450, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5702
FAX: 613-565-1539

Electronic pre-registration is available on our Camel web site.

All fees include a free meeting lunch ticket Before Nov 15 After Nov 15
Plenary or Prize Speaker $   0 $   0
Session speakers - or other category if less 200   200
Organizers 135   135
CMS/AMS/MAA members with grants 270   350
CMS/AMS/MAA members without grants 135   175
Non-members 400   520
One-day fee 135   175
Postdocs, retired 100   130
Students, unemployed 50   65
Banquet 45   45

Confirmation of Registration: Those delegates preregistering before December 1 will receive a confirmation of registration and receipt in the mail. Those preregistering after December 1 will find their receipt in their registration packet which may be picked up at the Registration Desk on-site.

Refund Policy: Delegates wishing to cancel their registration must notify the Executive Office in writing before December 1 to receive a refund less a $40 processing fee. Those whose contributed papers have not been accepted will upon request be fully refunded.

Tickets/Badges/Meeting program: All tickets, badges, and meeting programmes will be included in the registration packet which may be picked up at the Registration Desk at the meeting site.

On-site Registration: The Registration Desk will be open on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


It is recommended that those attending the conference book early to avoid disappointment. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at three different facilities and will be held until November 8, 1999. Reservations not in by that date will be on a request only, space available basis. Rates quoted are in Canadian dollars.

Renaissance-Hôtel du Parc
3625, Avenue du Parc, Montréal (Québec) H2X 3P8
Check-in: 15:00; Check-out: 12:00
Reservation Deadline: November 8, 1999

Rates: $109, single/double occupancy, regular room
$129, single/double occupancy, Club excellence
(An additional charge of $15/room for additional person.)

Applicable taxes: GST (7%), PST (7.5%),
Municipal hotel tax ($2 per room)
Phone: 514-288-6666
Reservations FAX: 514-288-2469
Toll-free reservations (Canada & US): 1-800-363-0735

Reservations will be held until 18:00 on the arrival day only, unless you provide a deposit for one night or the reservation is guaranteed by a major credit card.

Quality Hotel
3440, Avenue du Parc, Montréal (Québec) H2X 2H5
Check-in: 15:00; Check-out: 12:00
Reservation Deadline: November 8, 1999

Rates: $69, queensize bed or 2 double beds-s/d/t/q occupancy
$78, kingsize bed - single/double occupancy

Applicable taxes: GST (7%), PST (7.5%),
Municipal hotel tax ($2 per room)
Phone: 514-849-1413
Reservations FAX: 514-849-6564
Toll-free reservations (Canada & US): 1-800-228-5151

Reservations will be held until 18:00 on the arrival day only, unless you provide a deposit for one night or the reservation is guaranteed by a major credit card.

Hôtel de Paris
901, rue Sherbrooke est, Montréal (Québec) H2L 1L3
This is a bed and breakfast style accommodation. Please call the number below for more details on accommodation and services provided.
Check-in: 12:00; Check-out: 12:00
Reservation Deadline: November 8, 1999
Rates: $32, per person
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), PST (7.5%),
Municipal hotel tax ($2 per room)
Phone: 514-522-6861     Reservations FAX: 514-522-1387
Toll-free reservations (Canada & US): 1-800-567-7217

Reservations will be held until 18:00 on the arrival day only, unless you provide a deposit for one night or the reservation is guaranteed by a major credit card.

Attendees should make their own reservations by calling the above numbers. The conference rate is extended up to two days pre- and post-convention. Please mention that you are participating in the CMS Winter Meeting.

Child Care

Child care can be arranged by the Renaissance-Hôtel du Parc by calling the front desk. Advance notice of 24 hours is required.


Autocar Connaisseur/Gray Line offers an Express Airport Service between Dorval and the Center-town Terminal (777, de la Gauchetière) or the Voyageur Bus Terminal (Berri-UQAM subway station). Fees are $9.25 one-way and $16.75 return.

Gray Line provides transportation directly to l'Hôtel du Parc every half hour between 05:10 and 23:10. The cost is $9.25 one-way. Please call ahead to organize transport.

To reach the Quality Hotel from the Voyageur terminal, take the subway (green line) to Place des Arts and then take the Bleury exit. Avenue du Parc extends Bleury Street to the North and the hotel is only a few blocks away.

To reach the Hôtel de Paris from the Voyageur terminal, walk up north on Berri and then turn right on Sherbrooke.

For more information, please consult the Dorval Airport website at


Meeting Committee

[CMS Winter 1999 Meeting]

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.34.
On 18 Sep 1999, 18:22.