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Probability Theory / Théorie des probabilités
M. Csörgo, Organizer
- Siva Athreya - Existence of Positive Solutions Satisfying the Boundary Harnack Principle for a Semi-linear Dirichlet Problem
- Claude Belisle - The Hit-and-run sampler
- David Brillinger - Some aspects of the motion of particles described by stochastic differential equations
- Murray D. Burke - Model checking and estimation: A large sample approach
- Colleen D. Cutler - Scaling structures, chaos, and determinism in time series
- André Dabrowski - A unified approach to fast teller queues and ATM
- Eric Derbez - Generating functions and Integrated SuperBrownian Excursion ( ISE)
- Shui Feng - The behaviour of some degenerate diffusions near boundary under large deviations
- René Ferland - Propagation of chaos: from Physics to Finance
- A. Földes - About the local time of random walk and Brownian motion
- Geneviéve Gauthier - Asymptotic distribution of the EMS option
- Edit Gombay - Correcting some limit theorems about the likelihood ratio
- Lajos Horváth - Best approximations for bootstrapped processes with applications
- Gail Ivanoff - Set-indexed Martingales
- Michael Kouritzin - Parabolic equations with random coefficients
- Reg Kulperger - Empirical processes and tests of independence
- Brenda MacGibbon - On statistical minimax estimation and principal eigenfunctions of the Laplacian
- Neal Madras - In search of faster simulations
- Don L. McLeish - Estimating parameters of financial time series using highs and lows
- Majid Mojirsheibani - Combined estimation and probabilistic classification
- Bruno Remillard - Empirical processes based on pseudo-observations
- Pál Révész - Critical branching Wiener process in the d-dimensional Eucledean space (3 talks)
- Jeffrey Rosenthal - The mathematics of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms
- Thomas S. Salisbury - The complement of the planar Brownian path
- Byron Schmuland - Rademacher's theorem on configuration space
- Qi-Man Shao - Gaussian correlation conjecture and small ball probabilities
- Zhan Shi - The maximum of the uniform empirical process
- Gordon Slade - The scaling limit of the incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation
- Christopher G. Small - The analysis of random shapes
- Barbara Szyszkowicz - An interplay of weighted approximations and change-point analysis
- Keith Worsley - The geometry of correlation fields, with an application to functional connectivity of the brain
- Hao Yu - Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of stock return distribution
- Ricardas Zitikis - The Vervaat, Lorenz and some other related processes of probability and mathematical statistics in weighted metrics