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Siva Athreya - Existence of Positive Solutions Satisfying the Boundary Harnack Principle for a Semi-linear Dirichlet Problem
SIVA ATHREYA, The Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario M5T 3J1 Canada |
Existence of Positive Solutions Satisfying the Boundary Harnack Principle for a Semi-linear Dirichlet Problem |
Boundary Harnack principle is a key tool in obtaining many results in
classical potential theory. Suppose D is a smooth domain and u and
v are two positive harmonic functions on D that vanish on a subset
A of
. The boundary Harnack principle says that u and
v tend to zero at the same rate. Over the past three decades, there
has been a lot of research on extending the principle to very general
Another natural question is, does the boundary Harnack principle hold
for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations other than
? We shall investigate the above question in our
talk. This was part of my Ph.D. thesis work with Professor K. Burdzy,
at the University of Washington.

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