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Number Theory / Théorie des nombres
R. Murty and N. Yui, Organizers
- A. Akbary - On the distribution of the values of symmetric square
L-functions in the half plane
- Henri Darmon - Modularity of hypergeometric abelian varieties
- Chantal David - To be announced
- Jacek W. Fabrykowski - To be announced
- G. Frei - On the discovery of the reciprocity law by Artin
- Eyal Goren - Stratifications of moduli spaces and modular forms
- C. Greither - On Brumer's conjecture
- James Huard - An arithmetic reciprocity relation of Liouville type and applications
- Hershey Kisilevsky - Rank of E(K) for cyclic cubic extensions
- Manfred Kolster - Higher relative class number formulas
- Arne Ledet - Some small 2-groups as Galois groups
- C. Levesque - Explicit solutions of a family of Thue diophantine equations
- Kumar Murty - Zeros of Dedekind zeta functions in towers of fields
- W. Georg Nowak - Large convex domains sometimes contain more lattice points than we would expect
- Yannis Petridis - Zeros of the Riemann zeta function and central values of L-series of holomorphic cusp forms
- Gael Rémond - Theta heights and Kodaira construction
- D. Roy - Criteria of algebraic independence and approximation by hypersurfaces
- Gary Walsh - Old and new results on quartic diophantine equations
- Hugh Williams - Computer verification of the Ankeny-Artin-Chowla conjecture for all p< 5.1010
- Kenneth Williams - Values of the Dedekind eta function at quadratic irrationalities