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W. Georg Nowak - Large convex domains sometimes contain more lattice points than we would expect
W. GEORG NOWAK, Universität für Bodenkultur, A-1180 Vienna, Austria |
Large convex domains sometimes contain more lattice points than we would expect |
Let as usual r(n) denote the number of ways to write
a sum of two squares. Then the quantity

(the ``lattice rest'' of an origin-centered circle of radius

(Cramér, Landau),

(Hardy), and

(Corrádi & Kátai). Compared to (2), (3) is not only weaker but also incapable of generalisation to more general domains, its proof being based on rather special ``arithmetic'' arguments.
The present talk addresses the corresponding problem for cubes: Let

and denote by P3(t) the error term in the asymptotic formula for

This is based on the fact that the set

contains a rather ``large'' set of numbers which are linearly independent over the rationals.
The corresponding general problem for rk(n), k>3, remains open at the present state-of-art.
1. D. R. Heath-Brown, The density of rational points on
surfaces. Acta Arith. 79(1997), 17-30.
2. M. Kühleitner, W. G. Nowak, J. Schoißengeier and
T. Wooley,
On sums of two cubes: An -estimate for the error term.
Arith. 85(1998), 179-195.

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