2011 CMS Winter Meeting
Delta Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, December 10 - 12, 2011

List of Participants

Total number of participants: 509

The following list includes meeting participants whose registration and payment have been received and processed as of January 10, 2012.
(4 participants have chosen to not appear on this list.)

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - V - W - X - Y - Z

Addario-Berry, Louigi (McGill University)
Ahammad, Mohammad Jalal (MUN)
Akhtari, Shabnam (University of Montreal)
Akhter, Tahmina (Ryerson University)
Alam, Jahrul (Memorial University)
Alderson, Matthew (University of Waterloo)
Alderson, Tim (UNB - Saint John)
Alexakis, Spyros (U. of Toronto)
Algarni, Said
Alkan, Kivilcim (Brock University)
Alvarez, Alexander (Ryerson University)
Amundsen, Dave (Carleton University)
Archibald, William Thomas (SFU)
Arguin, Louis-Pierre (Université de Montréal)
Arino, Julien (U of Manitoba)
Avramov, Luchezar (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

Bélair, Jacques (Université de Montréal)
Badescu, Alexandru (University of Calgary)
Bahturin, Yuri (Memorial University)
Bailey, Michael (University of Toronto)
Bailey, Robert (University of Regina)
Banu, Nurzahan
Barbeau, Edward (University of Toronto)
Barron, Tatyana (University of Western Ontario)
Beattie, Margaret (Mount Allison University)
Bell, Jason (SFU)
Bellhouse, David (Western)
Bello, Richard (York University)
Benedetti, Carolina (York University)
Bennett, Michael (UBC)
Bentz, Wolfram (Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa)
Berg, Chris (UQAM)
Bergeron, François (UQAM)
Bergeron, Nantel (York)
Berkesch, Christine (Duke University)
Bernhart, German (TU München)
Bhamidi, Sreekalyani Shanka (University of North Carolina)
Bhat, Ashwini (Lakehead University)
Bhuiyan, Md Abdus Samad (Brock University)
Biermann, Jennifer (Lakehead University)
Blandin, Hector (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Blasiak, Jonah (University of Michigan)
Bleher, Frauke (University of Iowa)
Bloemendal, Alexander (Harvard University)
Bloom, Thomas (U. of Toronto)
Boivin, André (Western)
Bonato, Anthony (Ryerson University)
Bowman, John (University of Alberta)
Boyko, Mariya (University of Toronto)
Brüstle, Thomas
Brannan, Michael (Queen's University)
Brauer, Fred (University of British Columbia)
Braverman, Elena (University of Calgary)
Brown, Nate (Penn State)
Bruni, Carmen (UBC)
Brydges, David (University of British Columbia)
Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf (Toronto)
Buono, Pietro-Luciano (UOIT)
Burchard, Almut (University of Toronto)
Burgess, Andrea (Ryerson University)

Calder, Matt (University of Western Ontario)
Caley, Timothy (University of Waterloo)
Campbell, H.E.A. Eddy (UNB - Fredericton)
Campbell, Lucy (Carleton University)
Campbell, Sue Ann (University of Waterloo)
Campolieti, Joe (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Carette, Jacques (McMaster University)
Carrell, Sean (University of Waterloo)
Caviglia, Giulio (Purdue)
Cerezo, Richard (F.U.N. & MatheMedia)
Chamberlin, Stephen (York University)
Chan, Aaron (University of Waterloo)
Chapman, Olive (University of Calgary)
Charbonneau, Benoit (St. Jerome's University in the University of Waterloo)
Charette, Virginie (Université de Sherbrooke)
Chau, Albert (University of British Columbia)
Chen, George (Cape Breton University)
Chen, Jianxin (University of Guelph)
Chen, Xueqing (Wisconsin-Whitewater)
Chen, Yuming (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Chen, Zhi (York University)
Cheng, Huibin (McMaster)
Cheviakov, Alexei (University of Saskatchewan)
Chiantini, Luca (Universitá di Siena)
Childs, Andrew (University of Waterloo)
Chipalkatti, Jaydeep (University of Manitoba)
Choi, Man-Duen (University of Toronto)
Chugunova, Marina (University of Toronto)
Chung, Phu (SUNY at Buffalo)
Cliff, Gerald (University of Alberta)
Colak, Pinar (Simon Fraser University)
Colbeck, Roger (Perimeter Institute)
Colbourn, Charles (Arizona State University)
Colliander, James (U. of Toronto)
Connon, Emma (Dalhousie University)
Coons, Michael (University of Waterloo)
Cooper, Susan (Central Michigan University)
Coskey, Samuel (York/Fields)
Courchesne, Daniel (É.S.C. l'Horizon)
Cowen, Carl (I U P U I)
Cox, David (Amherst College)
Cox, Sean (Universität Münster)
Craig, Walter (McMaster University)
Craven, Stewart (Retired)
Croke, Sarah (Perimeter Institute)
Cummings, James (Carnegie Mellon)
Czubak, Magdalena (Binghamton U.)

Danziger, Peter (Ryerson University)
Davidson, Kenneth (University of Waterloo)
Davis, Chandler (University of Toronto)
Davison, Matt (University of Western Ontario)
Day, Troy (Queen's University)
Dean, Andrew (Lakehead University)
Deijfen, Maria (Stockholm University)
Deltour, Guillaume (University of Toronto)
Denton, Tom (York University)
Dias, Rodrigo (USP)
Dilcher, Karl (Dalhousie University)
Diveris, Kosmas (Syracuse)
Dixon, Kael (McGill University)
Djokovic, Dragomir (University of Waterloo)
Djoumna, Georges (University of Waterloo)
Donzelli, Fabrizio (Centre de recherches mathématiques)
Doob, Michael (University of Manitoba)
Du, Yimin (York University)
Dubiel, Malgorzata (Simon Fraser University)
Duffy, Christopher (University of Victoria)
Dutta, Tripti (York university)

Eberl, Hermann (Guelph)
El Smaily, Mohammad (Carnegie Mellon University & IST)
Elliott, George (University of Toronto)
Emenogu, Ugochi (Ryerson University)
Erman, Daniel (University of Michigan)
Escobar-Anel, Marcos (Ryerson)

Farah, Ilijas (York )
Faridi, Sara (Dalhousie University)
Fathi Zadeh, Farzad (York University)
Fazly, Mostafa (UBC)
Fernandez Breton, David (York University)
Fgaier, Hedia (University of Guelph)
Fisman, David (University of Toronto)
Fitzpatrick, Sean (UC Berkeley)
Floryan, Jerzy (Western)
Francetic, Nevena (University of Toronto)
Fraser, Craig (University of Toronto)
Friedlander, John (University of Toronto)
Fuller, Adam (University of Waterloo)

Garaschuk, Kseniya (University of Victoria)
Garbary, Robert (University of Waterloo)
Gardner, Jeff
Gauthier, Paul (Université de Montréal)
Geramita, Anthony (Queen's University)
Gerhard, Jürgen (Maplesoft)
Ghasemi, Saeed (York)
Gholami, Samaneh (Ryerson)
Ghorbanpour, Asghar (University of Western Ontario)
Gibbs, Alison (University of Toronto)
Giordano, Thierry (University of Ottawa)
Goetz, Barbara
Goldschmidt, Christina (Warwick)
Goodaire, Edgar (Memorial University)
Granville, Andrew (Université de Montréal)
Gras, Robin (University of Windsor)
Grasselli, Matheus (McMaster University)
Graves, Hester (Queen's University)
Green, Edward (Virginia Tech)
Grieve, Nathan (Queen's University)
Guay-Paquet, Mathieu (University of Waterloo)
Guelzow, Andreas (Concordia University College of Alberta)
Gumel, Abba (University of Manitoba)
Gutoski, Gus

Hackborn, William (University of Alberta)
Haddad, Lucien (Royal Military College)
Haidar, Ali (Ryerson University)
Hamel, Angele (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Hamilton, Jordan (University of Waterloo)
Hamilton, Mark (Mount Allison)
Hamilton, Ryan (University of Waterloo)
Hanson, Brandon (Toronto)
Hao, Yufang (University of Waterloo)
Harbourne, Brian (University of Nebraska)
Hare, Kevin (University of Waterloo)
Harris, John (D'Youville College)
Hartz, Michael (Universität des Saarlandes)
Hay, Daniel (University of Toronto)
Hayashi, Kaho (U. of Toronto)
Haynes, Ronald (Memorial University)
Heglin, Holly (York)
Higuchi, (York University)
Hirsch, Rachel (York University)
Hodgson, Bernard (Université Laval)
Hoefel, Andrew (Queen's University)
Hohlweg, Christophe (UQAM (Montréal))
Hoshino, Richard (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo)
Hu, Shengda (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Hu, Zhiguo (University of Windsor)
Huisgen-Zimmermann, Birge (UCSB)
Humphries, Antony (McGill University)
Hurd, Thomas (McMaster University)
Hurshman, Matt (Dalhousie University)
Hurtubise, Jacques (McGill University)
Hyde, Andrea (UBCO)
Hyndman, Cody (Concordia University)

Igusa, Kiyoshi (Brandeis University)
Ilie, Silvana (Ryerson University)
Ingalls, Colin (UNB)
Ingram, Patrick (Colorado State University)
Ivanescu, Cristian (Grant MacEwan, University of Alberta)
Ivey, Thomas (College of Charleston)

Jackson, Kenneth (University of Toronto)
Jaimungal, Sebastian (Toronto)
Janssen, Jeannette (Dalhousie University)
Jeffrey, Lisa (University of Toronto)
Ji, Zhengfeng (Institute for Quantum Computing)
Johnston, Nathaniel (University of Guelph)
Jordon, Heather (Illinois State University)
Jovanovski, Oliver (Toronto)

Kaimanovich, Vadim (University of Ottawa)
Kajander, Ann (Lakehead University)
Kakariadis, Evgenios (University of Waterloo)
Kalajdzievska, Darja (Manitoba)
Kamalinejad, Ehsan (Toronto)
Karigiannis, Spiro (University of Waterloo)
Kennedy, Matthew (Carleton University)
Kent, Deborah (Hillsdale College)
Kerr, David (Texas A&M)
Kestell, MaryLou
Khalkhali, Masoud (UWO)
Kibedi, Francisco (York University)
Kirkman, Ellen (Wake Forest University)
Kletskin, Ilona (UOIT)
Knutson, Allen (Cornell)
Kondratieva, Margarita (Memorial University)
Koo, Alex (University of Toronto)
Kousha, Termeh (University of Ottawa)
Krepski, Derek (McMaster University)
Kribs, David (Guelph)
Krueger, John (University of North Texas)
Kubota-Zarivnij, Kathy (Toronto Catholic District School Board)
Kucera, Thomas (University of Manitoba)
Kulperger, Reg (University of Western Ontario)
Kuznetsov, Alexey (York University)
Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra (University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign)

Laca, Marcelo (Victoria)
Laflamme, Claude (Calgary)
Lalin, Matilde (Université de Montréal)
Lamzouri, Youness (Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Lan, Kunquan
Langford, William (University of Guelph)
LeBlanc, Victor (U. Ottawa)
Lemay, Joel (University of Ottawa)
Leung, Debbie (Waterloo)
Leuschke, Graham (Syracuse University)
Lewis, Gregory (UOIT)
Li, Zhi Qiang (Fields Institute, University of Toronto)
Lin, Wei (Fudan University)
Liu, Shiping (University of Sherbrooke)
Liu, Xiao (Toronto)
Liu, Xinzhi (University of Waterloo)
Lopez-Ortiz, Alejandrov (University of Waterloo)
Lorch, Lee (York University)
Lorenat, Jemma (Simon Fraser University)
Lou, Yijun (York University)
Lovric, Miroslav (McMaster U)
Lu, Steven (Universite du Quebec a Montreal - UQAM)
Lunney, Scott (University of Victoria)
Lupini, Martino (York University)
Lysne, Menolly (University of Toronto)

MacDonald, Gordon (UPEI)
Madras, Neal (York University)
Makarov, Roman (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Malloch, Amanda (University of Victoria)
Maloney, Greg (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Mamolo, Ami (York University)
Mamon, Rogemar
Mansouri, Abdol-Reza (Queen's University)
Manuge, Derek (University of Guelph)
Marcotte, Odile (CRM)
Margerm, Pat (York University)
Marko, Frantisek (Penn State)
Martinez-Villa, Roberto (UNAM-Morelia)
Martsinkovsky, Alex (Northeastern University)
Mashreghi, Javad (Laval University)
May, Natasha
Mayes, Sarah (University of Michigan)
Mazumder, Asit (Victoria)
Mazur, Dorota (York University)
McBirnie, George (Ryerson University)
McCann, Robert (University of Toronto)
McKay, Neil (Dalhousie University)
McKay, Rebecca (Mount Allison University)
Mendelsohn, Eric (University of Toronto)
Mendivil, Franklin (Acadia University)
Mette, Ina (American Mathematical Society)
Metzler, Adam (University of Western Ontario)
Mia, Abdus Sattar (Brock University)
Milnes, Paul (Western)
Mingo, James (Queen's University)
Molahajloo, Shahla (Queen's University)
Moore, Justin (Cornell University)
Morales, Alejandro (MIT)
Moraru, Ruxandra (University of Waterloo)
Muldoon, Martin (York University)
Muller, Tobias (CWI, Netherlands)
Munther, Daniel (York University)
Murty, V. Kumar (University of Toronto)

Nawata, Norio (Kyushu University)
Nayak, Ashwin (University of Waterloo)
Neufang, Matthias (Carleton University and The Fields Institute)
Ng, Nathan (University of Lethbridge)
Ng, Ping Wong (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Ng, Puiman (Université de Sherbrooke)
Nguyen, Ngoc Ai Van (University of Ottawa)
Nickerson, Sylvia (IHPST, University of Toronto)
Niu, Zhuang (Memorial University)
Nixon, Anthony (Fields Institute)
Novak, Jonathan (MIT)
Novruzi, Arian (University of Ottawa)

Oeding, Luke (UC Berkeley)
Olivares, Pablo (Ryerson)
Olley, Allan (U. of Toronto)
Olvera, Mariana (Columbia University)
Owen, Megan (Fields Institute)
Oztop, Serap (University of Waterloo)

Paquette, Charles (University of New Brunswick)
Pascal, Jean-Paul (Ryerson University)
Pehlivan, Lerna (York University)
Pelinovsky, Dmitry (McMaster)
Penney, Mark
Pereira, Rajesh (University of Guelph)
Perez, Marco (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Petrie, Bruce (University of Toronto)
Petrunic, Josipa (University of Toronto)
Petzka, Henning (University of Toronto)
Piani, Marco (IQC, University of Waterloo)
Pike, David (Memorial University)
Pilaud, Vincent (Fields Institute)
Pinsonnault, Martin (UWO)
Pirvu, Traian (McMaster)
Platt, Craig (University of Manitoba)
Plosker, Sarah (University of Guelph)
Polterovich, Iosif (Université de Montréal)
Pon, Steven (University of Connecticut)
Poole, David (Trent University)
Popovic, Lea (Concordia University)
Portet, Stephanie (U of Manitoba)
Poulin, Francis
Pralat, Pawel (Ryerson University)
Proulx, Louis-Xavier (Université de Montréal)
Pugh, Mary (University of Toronto)
Purbhoo, Kevin (University of Waterloo)
Purin, Marju (Manhattan College)
Pym, Brent (U of Toronto)

Qiu, Xin (Novus Environmental)
Quastel, Jeremy (Toronto)
Quertermous, Katie (James Madison University)

Radjavi, Heydar (Waterloo)
Rahim, Medhat H. (Lakehead University)
Rahman, Mustazee (U. of Toronto)
Rajchgot, Jenna (Cornell University)
Rak, Len (Sheridan College)
Ramsey, Chris (University of Waterloo)
Rangarajan, Sudarsan (University of Guelph)
Rapke, Tina (University of Calgary)
Ratti, Vardayani (University of Guelph)
Rayan, Steven (University of Toronto)
Reid, Nancy (U. of Toronto)
Richards, Geordie (Toronto)
Richmond, Edward (UBC)
Rinot, Assaf (Fields Institute)
Ripoll, Vivien (LaCIM - UQAM)
Robert Gonzalez, Leonel (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Roberts, Malcolm (University of Alberta)
Rodgers, David (Michigan)
Rohlf, Katrin (Ryerson University)
Romaniuk, Yulia (King's University College)
Rosa, Alexander (McMaster University)
Rosenthal, Peter (U. of Toronto)
Ross, Elissa (Fields Institute)
Rowland, Eric (University of Waterloo)
Roy, Aidan (Waterloo)
Roy, Damien (Université d'Ottawa)
Ruttenberg-Rozen, Robyn (York)

Saint-Aubin, Yvan (Université de Montréal)
Sajna, Mateja (University of Ottawa)
Sakovich, Anton (McMaster University)
Salisbury, Thomas (York)
Sam, Steven (MIT)
Samimi, Mansour (Winston-Salem State Univ)
Sands, Bill (University of Calgary)
Sankey, Alyssa (University of New Brunswick)
Santiago, Luis (University of Oregon)
Sargsyan, Grigor (Rutgers University)
Saunders, David (University of Waterloo)
Savage, Alistair (University of Ottawa)
Schippers, Eric (Manitoba)
Schulze, Bernd (Fields Institute)
Scucuglia Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo (University of Western Ontario)
Seco, Luis (Toronto)
Selick, Paul (University of Toronto)
Selvitella, Alessandro (McMaster)
Seo, Gunog (Justine) (Thompson Rivers)
Serrano, Luis (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Sezer, Deniz (U. of Calgary)
Sharma, Bhanu Pratap
Shieh, Narn-Rueih (York and Taipei)
Siddiqi, Wagar (RU)
Sierakowski, Adam
Simons, Gord (Royal Military College)
Simpson, Gideon (University of Minnesota)
Sinapova, Dima (UC Irvine)
Slade, Gordon (UBC)
Small, Marian (University of NB)
Smith, Aaron (Stanford)
Smith, Aaron (Waterloo)
Smith, Gregory (Queen's University)
Smith, Jerrod (University of Toronto)
Solecki, Slawomir (University of Illinois at Urbana)
Soroosh, Yazdani (University of Lethbridge)
Stacho, Ladislav (Simon Fraser University)
Stange, Katherine (Stanford)
Stastna, Marek (Waterloo)
Stechlinski, Peter (University of Waterloo)
Steinberg, Benjamin (City College of New York, Carleton)
Steprans, Juris (York University)
Stevens, Brett (Carleton University)
Stewart, Cameron (University of Waterloo)
Stillman, Michael (Cornell University)
Stokke, Anna (University of Winnipeg)
Strungaru, Nicolae (Grant MacEwan University)
Sutherland, Bruce (U. of Alberta)
Swaters, Gordon (Alberta)
Swishchuk, Anatoliy (University of Calgary)

Tall, Franklin (U. of Toronto)
Tang, Michael (Durham District School Board)
Taylor, Keith (Dalhousie University)
Taylor, Peter (Queen's University)
Taylor, Richard (Thompson Rivers University)
Taylor, Tara (St. Francis Xavier University)
Tessier, Rebecca (University of Waterloo)
Tewari, Vasu (UBC)
Thomas, Hugh (UNB Fredericton)
Thomson, David (Carleton University)
Tikuisis, Aaron (University of Münster)
Ting, Fridolin (Lakehead University)
Tjani, Maria (University of Arkansas)
Todorcevic, Stevo (University of Toronto)
Todorov, Gordana (Northeastern University)
Tonnesen-Friedman, Christina (Union College)
Toth, Csaba (University of Calgary)
Tracy, Craig (UC Davis)
Trelford, Ryan (University of Calgary)
Tsourakakis, Charalampos (CMU)
Tvalavadze, Marina (Fields Institute)
Tyler, Helene (Manhattan College)

van der Walt, Jan Harm (University of Pretoria)
van Roosmalen, Adam-Christiaan (University of Regina)
Van Tuyl, Adam (Lakehead University)
van Willigenburg, Stephanie (UBC)
Venkatesh, Medabalimi (U. of Toronto)
Vigh, Viktor (Fields Institute)
Visentin, Terry (University of Winnipeg)

Waite, Michael (University of Waterloo)
Wang, Haiyan (Arizona State University)
Wang, Jiafeng
Wang, Lin (University of New Brunswick)
Wang, McKenzie (McMaster University)
Wang, Xinli (Nanyang Technological Univ)
Wang, Yun (McMaster University)
Ware, Antony (University of Calgary)
Watmough, James (University of New Brunswick)
Watrous, John (University of Waterloo)
Watson, Nicola (University of Toronto)
Watts, Jordan (U. of Toronto)
Weatherby, Chester (Queen's University)
Wehlau, David (Royal Military College)
Weiss, William (University of Toronto)
Weston, J. Harley (University of Regina)
Whiteley, Walter (York University)
Wild, Chris (University of Auckland)
Williams, Hugh (University of Calgary)
Willson, Benjamin (University of Windsor)
Wilson, Rory (Dalhousie University)
Wolkowicz, Gail (McMaster University)
Woodin, Hugh (Berkeley)
Woodrow, Robert (University of Calgary)
Wormald, Nicholas (Waterloo)
Wright, Aaron (University of Toronto and MIT)
Wright, Graham (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Wu, Jianhong (York University)

Xu, Wen (Memorial University)

Yang, Dilian (University of Windsor)
Yang, Youping (Xi'an jiaotong University)
Yarmola, Tatiana (University of Toronto)
Yong, Alexander (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Young, Matthew (SUNY - Stony Brook)
Yu, Pei (University of Western Ontario )

Zabrocki, Mike (York)
Zacharia, Dan (Syracuse University)
Zanello, Fabrizio (MIT)
Zeman, Martin (UC - Irvine)
Zhang, Zhitao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Zhao, Xiaomei (University of Waterloo)
Zhao, Xiaoqiang (Memorial University)
Zhe, Guo (Delft U. of Technology)
Zhou, Xiaowen (Concordia University)
Zhu, Huaiping (York)
Zorboska, Nina (University of Manitoba)
Zou, Xingfu (University of Western Ontario)

Event Sponsors

Ryerson University York University AARMS: Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences Centre de recherches mathématiques Fields Institute MITACS Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

Support from these sponsors is gratefully acknowledged.

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