
Abstracts - listed by speaker
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- Abadie, Beatriz - Morita equivalence for Quantum Heisenberg Manifolds
- Adem, Alejandro - On spaces of homomorphisms
- Alvarez, Juan - Morita approximations to random copolymer localization
- Ando, Tsuyoshi - Indefinite Contractions
- Angel, Omer - 1 Dimensional DLA
- Anstee, Richard - Robustness of the property of being matchable subject to
vertex deletion
- Arino, Julien - An alternative formulation for a delayed logistic equation
- Aussel, Didier - On quasiconvex mathematical programming problems with
equilibrium constraints
- Bahsoun, Wael - Deterministic representation for position dependent random
- Bakker, Lennard - The Multiplier Group of a Quasiperiodic Flow
- Balint, Virag - Noise limits for complex eigenvalues
- Bampfylde, Caroline - Perturbing a littoral-zone lake community to release a
- Bauer, Kristine - The topological Lie operad
- Bauschke, Heinz - Fitzpatrick functions and (cyclically) monotone operators
- Berggren, Len - Creating Mathematics Textbooks in the Thirteenth Century: The
Case of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and Aristarchos of Samos
- Bezdek, Karoly - The illumination problem and the cube
- Bezdek, Karoly - On the illumination parameters of smooth convex bodies
- Biello, Joe - Rossby wave interaction between the tropics and midlatitudes:
a novel asymptotic theory and solitary waves
- Binding, Paul - A generalized eigenvalue problem in the max-algebra
- Bisztriczky, Ted - Transversals and Convex Sets
- Bluskov, Iliya - Pair Covering Designs with Block Size 6
- Bonato, Anthony - Random graph models and the web
- Bourlioux, Anne - Modelling error analysis and estimation for unsteady
- Boyer, Steven
- Brenken, Berndt - The isolated ideal of a correspondence associated with a
topological quiver
- Brewster, Rick - Switch invariant homomorphism targets
- Bruen, Aiden - Combinatorial characterizations of perfect secrecy
- Bruen, Aiden - Co-tangency sets and a configuration theorem
- Brydges, David - Joint density for the local times of continuous-time random
- Burke, Jim - Variational Analysis and the Roots of Polynomials
- Caron, Rick - Random methods for the analysis of quadratic constraint sets
- Cheung, Wai-Shun - A matrix approach to the study of generalised derivatives of
- Cheviakov, Alexei - Framework for nonlocally-related PDE systems and nonlocal
symmetries: Algorithmic approach
- Choi, Man-Duen - Completely Positive Linear Maps
- Choksi, Rustum - The Periodic Isoperimetric and Cahn-Hilliard Problems and
Nonlocal Perturbations
- Coombs, Daniel - Virus competition at multiple scales
- Cyr, Amik St. - Optimized Schwarz methods for high-order spectral elements
- Cytrynbaum, Eric - Finding the center-how to solve simple geometry problems at
the cellular scale
- Daugherty, Sean - Exploring the Influence and Total Influence Numbers of a
- Davidson, Ken - Nest representations of directed graph algebras
- De Silva, Daniela - A singular energy minimizing free boundary
- Delmas, Jean-Francois - Fragmentation associated to continuous random trees
- Dennis, John - Mesh Adaptive Direct Search Algorithms
- Dubiel, Malgorzata - Hitchhiker's Guide to Mathematics
- Dyer, Danny - Time constrained searching and sweeping
- Edelstein-Keshet, Leah - Models of actin dynamics and cell motility
- Edwards, Rod - Stochastic feedback and beats: a generic model for circadian
- Ekeland, Ivar - A new type of equation arising from noncommitment in
- Elliott, George - On the classification of non-simple inductive limits of
matrix algebras over the interval-the theorem of Robert
- Emerson, Heath - A Gysin sequence in noncommutative geometry
- Erdahl, Bob - Reducible and irreducible Voronoi polytopes for lattices
- Esposito, Pierpaolo - On a semilinear PDE with a singular nonlinearity
- Fallat, Shaun - Compressions of totally positive matrices
- Farenick, Doug - Pure matrix states on operator systems
- Fieldsteel, Adam - Relative pressure and the variational principle
- Finbow, Stephen - Generalisations of Domination, Independence and Irredundance
- Fitzpatrick, Shannon - Independent Domination, Domination and Chromatic Number
- Fowler, Patrick - Cospectrality and the fullerenes
- Frantzikinakis, Nikos - Sets of multiple recurrence
- Froese, Richard - AC spectrum for the Anderson model on a tree: a geometric proof
- Fry, Robb - Beyond partitions of unity
- Gamber, Emily - Topological Properties of D-dimensional Cellular Automata
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - Concentration estimates for Emden-Fowler equations with
boundary singularities and critical growth
- Gibson, Peter - Fast iterative Gaussian quadrature
- Giordano, Thierry - Connes and Woods Approximate Transitivity and Dimension
- Giordano, Thierry - Topological orbit equivalence of free, minimal actions of
Z2 on the Cantor set
- Goddyn, Luis - Silver Cubes
- Goncalves, Daniel - An Introduction to New C*-algebras from Tilings
- Gora, Pawel - Properties of invariant densities of random maps
- Grant, Hardy - The Curious Case of the "Mathematicals" in Greek Antiquity
- Greer, Meredith - Interaction of Infectious and Noninfectious Proteins in Prion
Disease: Models, Simulations, and Steady State Study
- Gumel, Abba - Modeling the Impact of an Imperfect Vaccine and ART in
Curtailing HIV Spread
- Guralnick, Robert - Probabilistic Methods in Finite Group Theory
- Gustafson, Stephen - Schroedinger maps near harmonic maps
- Haagerup, Uffe - Free probability and the invariant subspace problem for von
Neumann algebras
- Hahn, Gena - Recent bounds on the injective chromatic number
- Hales, Thomas
- Hambleton, Ian - Free actions on products of spheres
- Han, Guangyue - Analyticity of Hidden Markov Chains
- Hartenstine, David - Regularity of Weak Solutions of the Monge-Ampère Equation
- Hartnell, Bert - Monitoring a Network with fewer Watchpeople: the trade offs
- Hartsfield, Nora - Self-dual embeddings of strongly regular self-complementary
- Haynes, Ronald - Inverse Positivity of Perturbed M-Matrices
- Heinrich, Katherine
- Hillen, Thomas - Mathematical Models for Mesenchymal Motion
- Horak, Peter - Perfect dominating sets
- Idels, Lev - Time delays in periodic harvesting
- Illner, Reinhard - Entropy methods for degenerate drift-diffusion equations
- Imran, Mudassar - The Model of Antibiotic Resistance in Biofilm
- Indurskis, Gabriel - On the character varieties of manifolds obtained from the
Whitehead link exterior by Dehn filling
- Iosevich, Alex - Erdos distance problem in vector spaces over finite fields
- Islam, Shafiqul - Approximation of absolutely continious invariant measures for
random dynamical systems
- Ivanescu, Cristian - Continuous trace C*-algebras with spectrum [0,1],
inductive limits of continuous trace C*-algebras and their
- Jarai, Antal - A self-organized critical forest fire model
- Jardine, Rick - Cocycle categories
- Jedwab, Jonathan - Proof of the Barker array conjecture
- Jones, Alexander - The Euclid Enigma
- Jungic, Veselin - Ramsey Rainbow Theory
- Kane, Richard - Invariant Theory and Lie Groups
- Kang, Ross - The t-improper chromatic number of random graphs
- Kayll, Mark - A variation of chip firing
- Kenyon, Richard - Dimers and the complex Burgers equation
- Kenyon, Richard - Groves, Pfaffians, and crossing probabilities
- Kerr, David - Dynamics and rigidity in simple C*-algebras
- Kevlahan, Nicolas - Multiscale space-time adaptive simulation of 2D turbulence
- Kharaghani, Hadi - On productive Hadamard matrices
- Khouider, Boualem - Multicloud parametrizations for convectively coupled tropical
- Kim, In-Jae - Smith Normal Form and Acyclic Matrices
- Kirby, Robion - Singular Lefschetz fibrations
- Kirkland, Steve - Conditioning of the Entries in Google's PageRank Vector
- Kirkpatrick, David - On the existence and construction of bounded curvature paths
in narrow roadways
- Klemes, Ivo - Alexandrov's inequality and some conjectures on Toeplitz
- Kocay, Bill - Degree Sequence Problems for 3-Hypergraphs
- Koestler, Claus - Central Limit Laws on Jones Towers
- Kozdron, Mike - Loop-erased random walk and Fomin's identity
- Kra, Bryna - Additive Combinatorics and Ergodic Theory
- Kribs, David - Passive Quantum Error Correction
- Kudryavtseva, Elena - On coincidence points of mappings of the torus into a surface
- Laba, Izabella - An incidence theorem for pseudoflats
- Lamken, Esther - A few more Kirkman squares with block size 3
- Lancaster, Peter - The Boundary of the Pseudo-spectrum
- Landes, Ruediger - Wave front solutions in the theory of boiling liquids
- Lange, Horst - On the controllabilty of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- Langi, Zsolt - Ball-polytopes and 1-convexity
- Leroux, Pierre - Characterization and enumeration of projective-planar and
toroidal K3,3-subdivision-free graphs
- Lesosky, Maia - Medical Imaging and Euclidean Motion Deconvolution
- Lewis, Mark - Spread and persistence of competitive species in advective
- Li, Chi-Kwong - Spectrum preserving maps
- Li, Hangfeng - A Topology for Ergodic Actions of Compact Quantum Groups
- Li, Yuying - A Graduated Non-convexity Method for Applications in Finance
- Lidstone, Dave - Discrete Mathematics in school curricula across Canada
- Liljedahl, Peter - Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
- Limic, Vlada - Recent progress on the attracting edge problem
- Lin, Huaxin - The Rokhlin property for automorphisms on simple C*-algebras
- Lisonek, Petr - Combinatorial families enumerated by quasi-polynomials
- Liu, Jim - On the recognition of probe graphs of some self-complementary
classes of perfect graphs
- Liu, Xiao Ping - Determinantal inequalities for certain classes of totally
nonnegative matrices
- Lucet, Yves - Fast Moreau Envelope Algorithms and Applications
- Majda, Andrew - New waves, PDEs, and coarse-grained stochastic lattice
models for the tropics
- Malik, Tufail - A Resource-Based Model of Microbial Quiescence
- Mastnak, Mitja - About Linear Spaces of Matrices
- McCann, Robert - Free Boundaries in Optimal Transport
- McClendon, Dave - Orbit discontinuities of Borel semiflows on Polish spaces
- McCluskey, Connell - Stability for a Class of Epidemic Models with Mass Action
- McCutcheon, Randall - Central sets and multiple recurrence for non-amenable group
- Mendelsohn, Eric - When Systems Collide
- Milner, Susan - Unleashing Enthusiasm: Teaching the History of Mathematics
- Mingo, Jamie - Second Order Freeness and Compound Wishart Matrices
- Mishna, Marni - Walks in the quarter plane
- Momeni, Abbas - Self-dual variational principles for periodic solutions of
Hamiltonian and other dynamical systems
- Monahan, Adam - Covariance Structure of a Fluctuating Midlatitude Jet
- Morris, Joy - Cyclic Hamiltonian (Near-)Decompositions of the Complete Graph
- Myrvold, Wendy - Fast Enumeration of All Independent Sets of a Graph
- Naszodi, Marton - Touching Homothetic Bodies and Antipodality
- Nguyen, Truyen - On Monge-Ampère Type Equations Arising In Optimal
Transportation Problems
- Nuñez, Victor - Classical drawings of branched coverings
- Oberman, Adam - Numerical methods for Mass Transportation
- Oberman, Adam - Numerical approximation of first and second order non-linear
elliptic PDEs
- Oellermann, Ortrud - The Strong Metric Dimension of a Graph
- Oesterle, Susan - Mathematics for Liberal Arts: Realities, Opportunities &
- Omladic, Matjaz - Semigroups of matrices satisfying commutator equations
- Panario, Daniel - Asymptotics of largest and smallest components in
combinatorial structures
- Panferov, Vladislav - Global regularity of one-dimensional solutions of the
Boltzmann equation
- Pauluis, Olivier - Toward the end of cumulus parameterization
- Peng, Jiming - 0-1 Semidefinite Programming for Clustering: Modeling and
- Pereira, Rajesh - Majorization Relations in the Geometry of Polynomials
- Pike, David - Pancyclic PBD block-intersection graphs
- Pivato, Marcus - Crystallographic Defects in Cellular Automata
- Poulin, Francis - Turbulent self-diffusion in isopycnal coordinates
- Pronk, Dorette - The Orbifold Construction
- Putnam, Ian - Orbit equivalence for Cantor minimal Z2
- Putnam, Ian - Relative K-theory for C*-algebras and applications
- Quas, Anthony - SRB measures for expanding mappings
- Quastel, Jeremy - Travelling fronts in the stochastically perturbed KPP
- Radjavi, Heydar - An Approximate Version of Specht's Theorem
- Ramirez, Antonio - Open-closed string topology
- Rechnitzer, Andrew - Disproving things is easier when you know they are
false-experimenting with two conjectures on pattern-avoiding
- Reed, Bruce - On the diameter of a random Minimum Weight Spanning Tree
- Restorff, Gunnar - Classification of Cuntz-Krieger algebras
- Rolfsen, Dale - Ordering knot groups
- Rosenblatt, Joe - Convergence and Divergence of Convolution Operators
- Rosenthal, Peter - Equations such as AX + YB = Z in Matrices and Operators
- Rudolph, Dan - Kakutani equivalence in the finitary and Cantor minimal
categories: the beginnings of a theory
- Ruskey, Frank - Counting strings over the integers mod a power of two with
given elementary symmetric function evaluations
- Ruskey, Frank - The Amazing Mathematical Object Factory and its Relatives
- Ruuth, Steven - Threshold Dynamics for Willmore Flow
- Sahin, Ayse - Directional Entropy, Rank One and Even Kakutani Equivalence
of Zd Actions
- Sajna, Mateja - Two models for transitive closure of bipolar weighted
- Salisbury, Tom - Singular stochastic integral equations
- Savage, Carla - Partitions and compositions defined by digraphs
- Savu, Ana - Closed and exact functions in interacting particle systems
- Schramm, Oded - Understanding 2D critical percolation: from Harris to Smirnov
and beyond
- Scinocca, John - Wave Forcing, Parameterization, and the Breakdown of Newton's
Third Law
- Scull, Laura - The Equivariant Fundamental Groupoid
- Semrl, Peter - Maps on matrix spaces
- Shramchenko, Vasilisa - Frobenius structures on Hurwitz spaces
- Sidoli, Nathan - Ratio in the Late Ancient Commentators
- Silva, Cesar - Measure-preserving locally scaling transformations of
compact-open subsets of non-archimedean local fields
- Solymosi, Jozsef - Extremal problems for linear k-uniform hypergraphs
- Soteros, Chris - Self-avoiding walk models of random copolymers
- Stacho, Ladislav - Ordered k-colorings dichotomy
- Stanley, Donald - Refining Poincaré Duality
- Stevens, Brett - Maximally Pair Separated Round Robin Tournaments: Ordering
the Blocks of a Design
- Stuckless, Tara - "Math on the Move" in Saskatchewan
- Suri, Subhash - Detecting Cuts in Sensor Networks
- Szafron, Michael - The Probability of Knotting after a Local Strand Passage in
an Unknotted SAP
- Tardos, Gabor - Extremal theory of geometric graphs
- Tawhid, Mohamed - On some applications of H-differentiability to optimization
and complementarity problems
- Teismann, Holger - Bilinear control of Schrödinger equations with confining
- Tisseur, Pierre - Inequalities, equalities between spatial and temporal
entropies of cellular automata
- Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole
- Toth, Csaba - The number of minimum volume tetrahedra
- Tsatsomeros, Michael - The Principal Minor Assignment Problem
- Tseng, Paul - SOCP Relaxation of Sensor Network Localization
- Tyson, Rebecca - Recolonization of Harvested Forest stands by Tamiasciurus
- Uhlmann, Gunther - The Calderon problem with partial data
- Van Brummelen, Glen - Controversies in the Early History of Trigonometry
- van Willigenburg, Stephanie - Multiplicity free expansions of Schur P-functions
- Verde-Star, Luis - Computation of the matrix exponential via the dynamic
- von Bergmann, Jens - Compactness for Moduli Spaces of H-Holomorphic
- Vougalter, Vitali - Eigenvalues of zero energy in the linearized NLS problem
- Wall, Byron - John Venn's Opposition to Probability as Degree of Belief
- Walsh, Genevieve - Which knots are great?
- Wang, Lin - Transient Oscillations in Chemostat Models
- Wang, Xianfu - The extremal characterization of reflexive spaces
- Ward, Michael - Eigenvalue Optimization, Spikes, and the Neumann Green's Function
- Watmough, James - Disease transmission at home and abroad
- Watson, Liam - Tangle surgery and the Jones polynomial
- Wiersma, Herre - Asplund Decomposition of Monotone Operators
- Wolkowicz, Henry - Approximate and Exact Completion Problems for Euclidean
Distance Matrices using Semidefinite Programming
- Wu, Jianhong - Modeling Eradicating Vector-borne Diseases via Structured
- Xu, Baogang - Some results on minimally circular-imperfect graphs
- Yan, Catherine - Crossings and Nestings of Chord Configurations
- Yassawi, Reem - Rank One measures which are not asymptotically randomised by
linear cellular automata
- Ye, Jane - Optimality conditions for generalized semi-infinite
programming problems
- Yuan, Xiaoming - Some hybrid methods for structured monotone variational
- Zou, Xingfu - Existence and global attractivity of posititve periodic
solution in Lotka-Volterra competition systems with deviating
- Zvengrowski, Peter - Recent Progress in the Span of Smooth Manifolds