2022 CMS Summer Meeting

St. John's, June 3 - 6, 2022


To OER or not to OER – that is the question
Org: Andrijana Burazin (University of Toronto Mississauga) and Miroslav Lovric (McMaster University)

To OER or not to OER: Let’s have a chat  [PDF]

As a conclusion to the session, we will provide a summary and our comments. We will invite attendees to participate in a discussion about OER.

SEAN FITZPATRICK, University of Lethbridge
OER, PreTeXt, and Scholarship  [PDF]

Open resources for mathematics teaching have come a long way in the past decade. Most early examples consisted of lecture notes hastily typeset in LaTeX whose best quality was the (lack of) cost.

Modern OER projects in mathematics are collaborative, community-driven, and often competitive with comparable commercial products. For example, textbooks written in PreTeXt can be produced in HTML, PDF, EPUB, and even Braille. Ancillary resources can include lecture slides, WeBWorK question banks, worksheets, and Jupyter notebooks.

But this won't be a talk about what one can do in PreTeXt --- that would repeat too much of my recent FYMSiC talk. Instead, I will talk about some of the scholarship associated with PreTeXt. I will discuss my own work, including collaborative authoring, development work, and pedagogy, and how it has impacted my teaching. But I also want to highlight some work of others, such as the role of AIM and the UTMOST project, a partnership with Runestone Interactive, and a project to support alternative assessment (such as standards-based grading) using a web-based problem generation interface.

AMI MAMOLO, Ontario Tech University
Developing an online OER for undergraduate mathematics teaching  [PDF]

This year, I had the pleasure of leading an amazing team of mathematicians and math educators from McMaster, UTS, and Ontario Tech in developing an online e-course for teaching with technology in undergraduate mathematics. The e-course explores research-based strategies for how accessible and available digital technologies can be leveraged to enhance students' learning and understanding. In this session, I will present an overview of our e-course and discuss some of the decisions and strategies behind the OER we designed and developed.

PATRICK WALLS, University of British Columbia
Jupyter workflows for creating open educational resources  [PDF]

Project Jupyter is a rich ecosystem of open source software for creating and sharing computational documents. I will describe my workflow for creating open educational resources including authoring content in Jupyter notebooks, building textbooks with Jupyter Book and MkDocs, deploying content to GitHub, and managing the workflow from the Jupyter Lab development environment.

DAN WOLCZUK, University of Waterloo
Moving Forward with OER  [PDF]

Although there are many known benefits to using OERs, faculty uptake has remained relatively low. To try to understand this reluctance better, a qualitative study was conducted at the University of Waterloo. In this presentation, we will discuss some recommendations coming out of that study on how to move forward with OERs. We will also discuss how OERs can be used to support Universal Design for Learning.

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