Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- Aggarwala, Bhagwan - Effect of Antibodies on an HIV Positive Patient
- Ali, Twareque - The Galilei group and its extensions in constructing signal transforms
- Alonso-Gutierrez, David - Factoring Sobolev inequalities through classes of functions
- Anisca, Razvan - The ergodicity of weak Hilbert spaces
- Anton, Cristina - Concocting an undergraduate mathematical seminar: the Torus Talks
- Azizi, Abdulrasool - On generalization of Nakayama's Lemma
- Barrett, Wayne - The Combinatorial Inverse Eigenvalue Problem
- Barron, Katrina - On certain constructions of supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebras and twisted sectors
- Bauer, Kristine - Cotriples, stabilization and Andre-Quillen homology
- Behrend, Kai - Recent advances in Donaldson-Thomas theory
- Behrend, Kai - Counting Invariants for Calabi-Yau Threefolds
- Belinschi, Serban - Convolution semigroups in operator-valued probability
- Berger, Arno - Digits and dynamics - an update
- Bernard, Carole - Optimal Investment under State-Dependent Constraints
- Billig, Yuly - Representation of Lie algebras of vector fields on loop manifolds
- Blackbourn, Luke - Number of degrees of freedom and energy spectrum of SQG turbulence.
- Bogart, Tristram - Few smooth $d$-polytopes with $N$ lattice points
- Bose, Christopher - Rigorous uniform approximation of invariant densities for interval maps
- Bouchard, Vincent - Tops
- Bowman, John - Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence
- Braun, Volker - Toric Geometry in Sage
- Braun, Volker - Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Really Small Hodge Numbers
- Braverman, Elena - On fast multiscale algorithms incorporating FFT and domain decomposition
- Bu, Qingying - Orthogonally Additive Polynomials on Banach Lattices
- Buck, Julian - Strict Comparison for Crossed Products of Certain Non-Simple, Non-Commutative C*-Algebras
- Bucur, Alina - Counting points on curves over finite fields
- Budney, Ryan - What operads have to say about knots
- Buskes, Gerard - Positive tensor products and homogeneous polynomials
- Cachazo, Freddy
- Carlsson, Erik - grassmannians and vertex operators
- Carnahan, Scott - Conformal blocks on nodal curves
- Cavers, Michael - Allow Problems Concerning Spectral Properties of Patterns
- Charbonneau, Benoit - A Hodge filtration on vector bundles
- Choi, Man-Duen - Normal Dilations Made Simple but Difficult
- Cliff, Gerald - Super and q Schur algebras
- Cobzas, Dana - Tumor Invasion Margin on the Riemannian Space of Brain Fibers
- Cockett, Robin - Differential Categories to Tangential Structure
- Coons, Michael - An irrationality exponent related to Fermat numbers
- Cunningham, Clifton - Geometrization of two stably-conjugate, self-dual distributions on $p$-adic $sl(2)$
- Currie, James - A decision procedure for morphisms avoiding Abelian k-powers
- Dai, Feng - weighted quadrature in Besov spaces with $A_\infty$ weights on multivariate domains
- Davidson, Ken - Semicrossed products of the disk algebra
- Dawes, Adriana - Cortical thickening and negative curvature may position the Par protein boundary in the early C. elegans embryo
- de Vries, Gerda - Quantitative Analysis of Single Particle Tracking Experiments: Applying Ecological Methods in Cell Biology
- de Vries, Gerda - Making Mathematics with Needle and Thread: Quilts as Mathematical Objects
- Deaconu, Valentin - Residually AF embeddable $C^*$-algebras
- Deaett, Louis - The principal rank characteristic sequence of a real symmetric matrix
- Dean, Andrew - Classification of C*-dynamical systems
- Dewar, Michael - The image and kernel of Atkin's $U_p$ operator modulo $p$
- Dimitrov, Ivan - Lagrangian subalgebras of basic classical Lie superalgebras
- Ditzian, Zeev - Use of Convexity of the Unit Ball of a Space for Improving on the Jackson Inequality
- Doran, Charles
- Dritschel, David
- Duru, Hülya - Multiplication operators on vector-valued function spaces
- Edelstein-Keshet, Leah - Mathematics of Cell Polarization and Motility
- Elliott, George - The role of C*-algebra K-theory in the study of the Hofstadter spectrum
- Elliott, George - Some remarks on the classification of C*-algebras
- Elzinga, Randy - Graphs with Rational Normalized Adjacency Eigenvalues
- Englis, Miroslav - Wigner transform on symmetric spaces
- Fallat, Shaun - On Two Colin de Verdiere Parameters of Chordal Graphs
- Fan, Yi Zheng - Quadratic Forms on Graphs
- Farenick, Doug - Representations of operator systems
- Feingold, Alex - Decomposition of level-1 representations of $D_4^{(1)}$ with respect to its subalgebra $G_2^{(1)}$ in the spinor construction
- Felix, Adam - A Problem of Fomenko's related to Artin's Conjecture on Primitive Roots
- Fodden, Brandon - Lower bounds for fractional moments of L-functions
- Fodor, Ferenc - Convex bodies with a rolling ball and intrinsic volumes of random polytopes
- Frank, Natalie - Fusion: a general framework for hierarchical tilings
- Frankland, Martin - Moduli spaces of 2-stage Postnikov systems
- Freeman, Daniel - Schauder frames for Banach spaces
- Frei, Christoph - A financial market with interacting investors: does an equilibrium exist?
- Fry, Robb - $C^{1}$ fine approximation on Banach spaces
- Gabardo, Jean-Pierre - Self-affine scaling sets in $\mathbb{R}^2$.
- Ganguli, Himadri - On the equation $f(g(x)) =f(x)h^m(x)$ for composite polynomials
- Godsil, Chris - Graph Spectra and Quantum Computing
- Goldmakher, Leo - Subconvexity for a family of double Dirichlet series
- Graves, Hester - A Generalization of the Lagrange and Jacobi 4-Square Theorems
- Greenstein, Jacob - Quantum folding
- Han, Bin - The Matrix Extension Problem and Orthogonal Wavelets over Algebraic Number Fields
- Hinow, Peter - A Kinetic Model for Cell Movement in Network Tissues
- Holtz, Olga - Zonotopal algebra: approximation theory meets algebra and combinatorics
- Hurtubise, Jacques - Monopoles on the product of a surface and the circle.
- Hyndman, Cody - Existence and Uniqueness for nonlinear FBSDEs related to quadratic term-strucutre models
- Ivanescu, Cristian - The Cuntz semigroup of dimension drop C*-algebras
- Jardine, Rick - Dynamical systems and diagrams
- Jeffrey, Lisa - K-theory of the based loop group
- Jones, Nathan - The Lang-Trotter Conjecture for Frobenius fields
- Kamrujjaman, Md. - Effect of Oscillating surface temperature due to time dependent free stream velocity on mixed convection flow along a horizontal
- Karigiannis, Spiro - A new construction of compact $\mathrm{G}_2$ manifolds by glueing families of Eguchi-Hanson spaces
- Kerr, David - Sofic dimension for measured groupoids
- Killough, Brady - A Ring Structure on the K-theory of Certain C*-Algebras.
- Kim, In-Jae - Unordered multiplicity lists of $\Phi$-binary trees
- Kitover, Arkady - The spectrum of disjointness preserving operators on rich subspaces of Banach lattices.
- Kopotun, Kirill - $Q$-monotone spline smoothing
- Koukoulopoulos, Dimitris - When the sieve works
- Kuske, Rachel - Balancing Complex Dynamics: Interactions of Delays, Time Scales, and Noise
- Kuznetsov, Alexey - A Wiener-Hopf Monte-Carlo simulation technique for Levy processes
- La Haye, Pamini Thangarajah, Roberta - Mount Royal’s Initiatives: Promoting a Deeper Understanding in Junior Level, Courses through Projects and Presentations
- Labuschagne, Coenraad - The Radon-Nikodym Property in Banach spaces via the Chaney-Schaefer l-tensor product
- Lai, Ming-Jun - Recent Advances on Sparse Solution and its Application for Image Denoising
- Lalin, Matilde - Remarks on $\frac{\zeta(2j+1)}{\pi^{2j+1}}$ and variants of the Ramanujan polynomials
- Lalonde, François - The New Real Algebraic Geometry
- Lamoureux, Michael - Outer preserving linear operators
- Latremoliere, Frederic - Isomorphisms of Non Commutative Domain Algebras
- Lau, Michael - Gelfand-Zetlin system for $GL(\infty)$
- Lee, Jeong-Yup - Algorithm for determining pure point spectrum on substitution tilings
- Lennard, Chris - The closed, convex hull of every ai $c_0$-summing basic sequence fails the FPP for affine nonexpansive mappings.
- Leung, Denny - Disjointness preserving operators on function spaces
- Li, Xiannan - Bounds on the least quadratic non-residue
- Li, Yongfeng - Nonlinear Oscillation and Multiscale Dynamics in a Closed Chemical Reaction
- Li, Zhongshan - Irreducible 4 by 4 sign patterns that require 4 distinct eigenvalues
- Loewengrub, John
- Loring, Terry - Topological insulators and real almost commuting matrices
- Lukács, Gábor - On abelian topobornological groups: A convenient category for duality theory
- Lumsdaine, Peter LeFanu - “Axiomatising the circle”: higher inductive types in dependent type theory
- Lunasin, Evelyn - Global well-posedness for the 2D Boussinesq system without heat diffusion with anisotropic viscosity
- Makkai, Michael - Generalization of FOLDS (First Order Logic with Dependent Sorts) in a hyperdoctrinal setting
- Mance, William - Normal numbers with respect to the Cantor series expansions
- Marchal, Olivier - Matrix models, beta-ensembles and "quantum" algebraic geometry
- Marko, Frantisek - Bideterminants for Schur Superalgebras
- Massoud, Nadia - Hedge Funds in M\&A Deals: Is there Exploitation of Private Information?
- McDonald, Judi - Spectrally Arbitrary Matrix Patterns that Depend on Field Structure
- McLeish, Don - Transform-Based Simulations and Option Pricing
- McLellan, Brendan - Non-Abelian Localization and U(1) Chern-Simons Theory
- Meagher, Karen - The Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado Theorem: an algebraic perspective
- Mendez-Diez, Stefan - K-theoretic Aspects of String Theory Dualities
- Mingo, Jamie - Graphs and Random Matrices
- Moody, Robert - Spatial stochastic processes and the inverse problem in pure point diffraction.
- Morrison, Phil - On the zero viscoscity limits of turbulence models
- Mudalige, Nishan Charitha - The Geometry of Higher Rank Numerical Ranges
- Mudalige, Nishan Charitha - Normal Compressions of Higher Rank Numerical Ranges
- Muldowney, James - Lyapunov functions and exponential dichotomies for differential equations
- Neher, Erhard - Finite-dimensional representations of equivariant map algebras
- Nica, Bogdan - Fredholm modules and boundary actions of hyperbolic groups
- Nikiforov, Vladimir - Extremal norms of graphs and matrices
- Niu, Zhuang - Homomorphisms between simple $\mathcal Z$-stable C*-algebras
- Novoseltsev, Andrey - Geometric transitions through singular subfamilies in toric varieties
- Novoseltsev, Andrey - Hodge numbers of Calabi-Yau complete intersections
- Oikhberg, Timur - On almost commuting matrices
- Olesky, Dale - Sign Patterns with a Nest of Positive Principal Minors
- Orhon, Mehmet - Reflexivity of Banach C(K)-modules via the reflexivity of Banach lattices
- Ortega, Juana Sanchez - Finite gradings of Lie algebras
- Paré, Bob - The Double Category of Lax Presheaves
- Pianzola, Arturo - Derivations, automorphisms and ideals of certain algebras given by descent
- Pivovarov, Peter - Rearrangements and Isoperimetric Inequalities
- Poonen, Bjorn - $x^2 + y^3 = z^7$
- Popov, Alexey - Norm closed operator ideals in Lorentz sequence spaces
- Prymak, Andriy - Three-monotone spline approximation
- Putnam, Ian - Some conjectures on tiling cohomology
- Putnam, Ian - Duality and spectral triples for Ruelle algebras
- Rampersad, Narad - Decidable properties of automatic sequences
- Richard, Christoph - Ergodic properties of randomly coloured point sets
- Riehl, Emily - Algebraic model structures
- Rioux-Wilson, Judith - Math Fairs For All!
- Roberts, Malcolm - Continuum Shell Models of Turbulence
- Rosenthal, Haskell - The log of an operator with spectrum the unit circle
- Sadun, Lorenzo - A relative cohomology theory for tiling dynamical systems
- Saint-Aubin, Yvan - Teaching mathematics as an outsider
- Salisbury, Tom - Optimal utilization of variable annuity guarantees
- Samuels, Charles - Mahler measures in products of algebraic numbers
- Saulina, Natalia - Surface Operators in Chern Simons Theory
- Schep, Anton - Inequalities for the spectral radius of Hadamard and Krivine products of positive operators.
- Schweizer, Martin - ean-variance problems in mathematical finance
- Scull, Laura - Simplicial Structures in 2-Categories
- Slevinsky, Richard Mikael - A comparative study of extrapolation methods, sequence transformations and steepest descent methods for semi-infinite integrals
- Smith, Ethan - Elliptic curves with a given number of points modulo $p$
- Smith, Jeff
- Smith, Matthew - On solution-free sets via local uniformity and energy incrementing
- SNAP Math Fair
- Spinu, Eigeniu - Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices
- Stancu, Alina - On some isoperimetric inequalities for the p-affine surface area
- Stanley, Don
- Strungaru, Nicolae - Math for the young
- Swishchuk, Anatoliy - Variance and volatility swaps in energy markets
- Taylor, Keith - Variations on the Shearlet Transform
- Taylor, Tara - Using Cantor Sets to Study the Connectivity of Sierpinski Relatives
- Thavaneswaran, Aerambamoorthy - Fuzzy Sets Approach in Mathematical Finance
- Thorne, Frank - Secondary terms in counting functions for cubic fields
- Tokman, Cecilia Gonzalez - Semi-invertible Oseledets theorem for compositions
- Tomesch, Claire - Segalic Models of $(\infty, n)$-categories
- Trudgian, Tim - Tightening the screws on $S(t)$
- Tvalavadze, Marina - Universal enveloping algebra of a symplectic anti-Jordan triple system
- van den Driessche, Pauline - Refined Inertia of Pattern Matrices
- Van Tran, Chuong - A quantitative description of turbulence
- Vander Meulen, Kevin - Index of Nilpotent Matrices and the Nilpotent-Jacobian Method
- Vershynin, Roman - Random matrices: invertibility, structure, and applications
- Vigh, Viktor - Disc-polygonal approximations of planar spindle convex sets
- Wang, Hao - Global analysis of a stoichiometric producer-grazer model with Holling-type functional responses
- Wang, Zhian - Stochastic and deterministic models of chemotaxis
- Warren, Michael - Recent advances relating homotopy theory and type theory
- Whitcher, Ursula - The Griffiths-Dwork algorithm for toric hypersurfaces
- Whittaker, Mike - K-theoretic duality for Smale spaces
- Yilmaz, Ozgur - Compressed sensing with partial support information
- Yu, Xinwei - On The Exact Laws of MHD Turbulence
- Zhai, Zhichun - Analytical results for the Lagrangian averaged Euler equations
- Zheng, Bentuo - Bounded Compact Approximation Property for Quotients of $\mathcal{L}_{\infty}$