Statistical Learning
Org: Yoshua Bengio (Montreal) [PDF]
- LOUBNA BENABBOU, Université Laval
Generalization bounds for multiclass classifiers
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Classification methods based on statistical learning theory are mostly
concerned with binary (two-class) classifiers. It is sometimes argued
that multi-class (more than two classes) problems can be reduced to
binary ones through sequential dichotomization. The drawbacks of such
approaches are obvious. We seek here simultaneous solutions
(classifier determinations) to a multiple classification problem with
real loss function on classification error cases, reflecting the
possibly variable gravity of misdiagnoses and/or a decision not to
classify an object. We demonstrate a general reduction
principle and show in particular that asymmetry in the loss
function is necessary and sufficient for the multi-class problem not
to be reducible to a bi-class one. We then propose two generalization
bounds specifically designed for the multi-class setting. These bounds
are numerical, and are tight by construction.
- YOSHUA BENGIO, U. Montreal
On the Challenge of Learning Abstractions
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We argue that learning to be intelligent involves the learning of
highly varying functions, in a mathematical sense. We present results
suggesting strongly that most currently popular statistical learning
approaches to learning flexible functions have fundamental limitations
that render them inappropriate for learning highly varying functions.
The first issue concerns the representation of such functions with
what we call shallow model architectures. We discuss limitations of
shallow architectures, such as so-called kernel machines, boosting
algorithms, decision trees, and one-hidden-layer artificial neural
networks. Mathematical results in circuits complexity theory helps us
understand the issue. The second issue is more focused and concerns
kernel machines with a local (e.g. Gaussian) kernel.
We show that they have a limitation similar to those already proved
for older non-parametric methods, and connected to the so-called curse
of dimensionality. Though it has long been believed that efficient
learning in deep architectures is difficult, recently proposed
computational principles for learning in deep architectures may offer
a breakthrough. An idea that emerges from the experiments performed
with these algorithms is that in order to optimize a highly non-convex
functions, humans and machines could be exploiting the pedagogical
approach: learn simple concepts first, and when they are mastered use
them to express and learn more abstract concepts. Selecting training
examples and the order in which they are presented (just like teachers
do with children) could be a way to guide this difficult optimization
problem by solving a series of gradually more complex problems
embedded in each other.
- JULIE CARREAU, Université de Montréal
Hybrid Pareto models for asymmetric fat-tailed data
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Density estimators that can adapt for asymmetric heavy tails are
required in many applications such as finance and insurance. We put
forward a non-parametric density estimator that brings together the
strengths of non-parametric density estimation and of Extreme Value
Theory. A hybrid Pareto distribution that can be used in a mixture
model is proposed to extend the generalized Pareto (GP) to the whole
real axis. Experiments on simulated data show the following. On one
hand, the mixture of hybrid Paretos converges faster in terms of
log-likelihood and provides good estimates of the tail of the
distributions when compared with other density estimators including
the GP distribution. On the other hand, the mixture of hybrid Paretos
offers an alternate way to estimate the tail index which is comparable
to the one estimated with the standard GP methodology. The mixture of
hybrids is also evaluated on the Danish fire insurance data set.
- ALI GHODSI, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo,
ON, N2L 3G1
An SVD-based approach to nonnegative matrix factorization
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Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) was introduced as a tool for
data mining by Lee and Seung in 1999. NMF attempts to approximate a
matrix with nonnegative entries by a product of two low-rank matrices,
also with nonnegative entries. We propose an algorithm called R1D
(rank-one downdate) for computing a NMF that is motivated by singular
value decomposition. This computes the dominant singular values and
vectors of adaptively determined submatrices of a matrix.
Preliminary computational tests indicate that this method is able to
successfully identify features in realistic datasets.
Joint work with Stephen Vavasis and Michael Biggs.
- NICOLAS LE ROUX, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada
Representational Power of Restricted Boltzmann Machines and
Deep Belief Networks
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Deep Belief Networks (DBN) are generative neural network models with
many layers of hidden causal variables, recently introduced by Hinton
et al., along with a greedy layer-wise unsupervised learning
algorithm. The building block of a DBN is a probabilistic model
called a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM), used to represent one
layer of the model. Restricted Boltzmann Machines are interesting
because inference is easy in them, and because they have been
successfully used as building blocks for training deeper models.
We show that RBMs are universal approximators of discrete
distributions. A first theorem shows that adding hidden units yields
improved modeling power, while a second theorem shows that an RBM can
model any discrete distribution.
We then study the question of whether DBNs with more layers are
strictly more powerful in terms of representational power. This
suggests another criterion for DBNs, obtained by considering that the
top layer can perfectly fit its input.
- RUSLAN SALAKHUTDINOV, University of Toronto
Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction using Neural Networks
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Scientists, working with large amounts of high-dimensional data are
constantly facing the problem of dimensionality reduction: how to
discover low-dimensional structure from high-dimensional observations.
The compact representation can be used for exploratory data analysis,
preprocessing, data visualization, and information retrieval.
One way to discover low-dimensional structure is to convert
high-dimensional data to low-dimensional codes by training a
multi-layer neural network with a small central layer to reconstruct
high-dimensional input vectors. Gradient descent can be used for
fine-tuning the weights in such "autoencoder" networks, but this only
works well if the initial weights are close to a good solution. In
this talk we will describe an effective way of initializing the
weights which allows deep autoencoder networks to learn
low-dimensional codes that work much better than widely used Principal
Components Analysis.
When trained on large document corpus, autoencoders are capable of
extracting low-dimensional "semantic" codes that allow for much more
accurate and faster retrieval than Latent Semantic Analysis, a
well-known document retrieval method based on Singular Value
- DANA WILKINSON, University of Waterloo
Learning Useful Subjective Representations
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In a variety of domains it is desirable to learn a representation of
an environment defined by a stream of sensori-motor experience. In
many cases such a representation is necessary as the observational
data is too plentiful to be stored in a computationally feasible way.
In other words, the primary feature of a learned representation is
that it must be compact, summarizing information in a way that
alleviates storage and retrieval demands.
This admits a new way of phrasing the problem: as a variation of
dimensionality reduction. There are a variety of well-studied
algorithms for the dimensionality reduction problem. We argue that
any of these can be useful for learning compact representations as
long as additional constraints to the problem are respected, namely
that the resulting representation is useful in the context of the
actions which generated the observations.
Here, we formalize the problem of learning a subjective
representation, clearly articulating solution features that are
necessary for a learned representation to be "useful"; the actions
must correspond to simple and consistent transformations in the
learned representation. Further, we briefly present a possible
solution to the newly defined problem and demonstrate its
effectiveness for reasoning, planning and localization.