Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- A, Oleg Golubitsky - Implementation of Arithmetics in Aldor
- Ali, Twareque - Berezin-Toeplitz operators and vector coherent states
related to supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- Alpuche, Jorge - The Application of the Filtered Back Projection (FBP)
Algorithm to Quantitative Scatter CT Reconstruction
- Appadoo, Raj - Lattice Valuation Model Using O(m,n)-Trapezoidal Type Fuzzy
- Aruliah, Dhavide - Mathematics Learning Objects in Undergraduate Math Education
- Ashtari, Ali - Resolution limits in nonlinear microwave image
- Bagayogo, A. Bass - Hybrid Octree Grid Based Method and Application to an
Aircraft Geometry
- Baldwin, John - Notions of Excellence
- Baldwin, John - Categoricity Proofs
- Bampfylde, Caroline - Biological control through intraguild predation: what is the
most efficient control method?
- Bankston, Paul - Chainability and Unidimensionality from a Model-Theoretic Perspective
- Barnard, Roger - Iceberg-type problems in two dimensions
- Beauchemin, Catherine - Characterizing T Cell Movement within Lymph Nodes
- Belair, Jacques - Stability in an Epidemiological Model with Two Transmission
Rates and Application to Antibiotic Resistance in Commensal
- Benabbou, Loubna - Generalization bounds for multiclass classifiers
- Bengio, Yoshua - On the Challenge of Learning Abstractions
- Benkoczi, Robert - Collection depots facility location problems
- Bennett, Kristin - Optimization Challenges in Machine Learning
- Bloom, Tom - Random polynomials and pluripotential theory
- Boivin, André - Weighted Hardy spaces for the unit disc: Approximation
- Bonato, Anthony - Models of the Web Graph
- Bowman, Christopher
- Branker, Maritza - Weighted pluripotential theory on Kahler manifolds
- Brauer, Fred - Epidemic models with heterogeneous mixing
- Brookes, Jim - Internship opportunities for grad students and post docs
- Broughton, Wayne - Systems of Parallel Representatives
- Bryksina, Natalia - On the number and stability of limit cycles in an SIR model
with saturated incidence
- Buono, Luciano - Delays, Oscillations and Hopf Bifurcations in Drug Delivery
- Campbell, Peter - K-types for principal series representations of GL(3)
- Campolieti, Joe - New State Dependent Diffusions and their Application to
Option Pricing
- Carreau, Julie - Hybrid Pareto models for asymmetric fat-tailed data
- Chen, Xueqing - Quivers, Ringel-Hall Algebras and Lie Theory
- Cheng, Howard - Time- and Space-Efficient Evaluation of Some Hypergeometric
- Chipalkatti, Jaydeep - The higher transvectants are redundant
- Choi, Yemon - Biflatness for Clifford semigroup algebras
- Choulli, Tahir - Two optimal pricing measures: A comparative study
- Cleve, Richard - Efficient quantum algorithms for simulating sparse
- Coates, Mark - Compressed Network Monitoring
- Coombs, Daniel - Virus competition and evolution at multiple scales
- Costara, Constantin - On local irreducibility of the spectrum
- Cytrynbaum, Eric - Connections between a 1D-spiral wave, fast and slow pulses
- Dabbaghian-Abdoly, Vahid - Implementation of Cellular Automata Models on Maple
- Dai, Feng - An inequality on m-term approximation by ultraspherical
polynomials and its applications
- Dick, Rainer - String and brane techniques for surface science and
- Ditzian, Zeev - Sharp Jackson inequalities
- Dobrev, Stefan - Local Computation in Location-Aware Ad-Hoc Networks
- Dolich, Alf - Independence relations, universality, and SOP4
- Du, Chuanbin - Efficient splitting and domain decomposition methods for
time-dependent problems and the applications
- Duca, Alina - Description of the injective modules over a principal left
and right ideal domain
- Dzyubenko, German - Shape preserving approximation of periodic functions
- Eftimie, Raluca - Modelling complex spatial animal group patterns: the role of
different communication mechanisms
- Elbasha, Elamin - Global dynamics of an HPV vaccination model
- Fashandi, Homa - Frequency Based Portal Image Registration for Radiotherapy
- Ferguson, Ron - Search Algorithms for Low Autocorrelation Sequences
- Flores, Daniel - Wavefront Reconstruction Method for Microwave Imaging
- Forrest, Brian - Projective Operator Spaces, Almost Periodicity and
Completely Complemented
- Forrest, Brian - It Really Is Never Too Late To Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
- Fournier, Richard - Asymptotics of the Bohr radius for polynomials of fixed
- Froese, Richard - Absolutely continuous spectrum for discrete Schrödinger
operators on tree like graphs
- Furedi, Zoltan - Color critical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations
- Ganusov, Vitaly - Modeling CD8 T cell dynamics following acute and chronic
viral infections
- Germain, Mickael - Lie algebra data processing applied to medical images
- Ghioca, Dragos - A dynamical version of the Mordell-Lang Theorem
- Ghodsi, Ali - An SVD-based approach to nonnegative matrix factorization
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - A Self-dual Variational Calculus and its Applications
- Giesbrecht, Mark - Complexity and Practicality in Sparse Matrix Computation
- Gilmore, Colin - An Overview of The Electromagnetic Inverse Problem with
Biomedical Applications
- Golubitsky, Oleg B - Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition
- Gour, Gilad - Quantum Resource Theories and Super Selection Rules
- Greenberg, Harvey - Quadratic Binary Progamming Models in Computational Biology
- Gronbaek, Niels - The L1(H)-module L1(G)H
- Guo, Hongbin - Global Dynamics of a Staged Progression Model for Infectious
Diseases with Amelioration
- Guo, Qiang - Adaptive wavelet method for aerosol dynamic equation
- Gustafson, Stephen - Schroedinger Flow and Landau-Lifshitz Dynamics
- Hall, Kevin
- Harada, Megumi - An introduction to the topology of symplectic quotients
- Hart, Bradd - Group existence in simple continuous theories
- Haskell, Dierdre - Stable domination and algebraically closed valued fields
- Haxell, Penny - On stable paths
- Hayden, Patrick - A reverse Shannon theorem for quantum broadcast channels
- Herman, Allen - The Group of Ring Automorphisms of a Rational Group Algebra
- Herron, David - Euclidean Quasiconvexity
- Herzog, Ivo - Definable subspaces of finite dimensional representations
- Hilker, Frank - Dynamical behavior of a population with nonlinear growth and
fatal disease
- Ho, Nan-Kuo - Yang-Mills connections on 2-manifolds
- Hogan, Tom - Implications of design optimization on geometry generation
in aerospace
- Hu, Yingkang - Global Optimization using hyperbolic cross points with
application in clustering
- Hu, Zhiguo - Multipliers on Banach algebras and applications to the
second dual Banach algebras
- Huang, Haohan - Estimating Value at Risk with Non-negative Matrix
Factorization technique
- Huston, Carolyn - Finding the fish: Straying trends between BC Pacific herring
(Clupea pallasi) populations
- Imran, Mudassar - The Pharmacodynamics of Antibiotic Treatment
- Ingalls, Colin - Central extensions of finite subgroups of GL2
- Jacobson, Zack - How does vaccination affect transient population dynamics?
- Jedwab, Jonathan - Bounds on the growth rate of the peak sidelobe level of
binary sequences
- Jeffrey, Ian - Adaptive Basis Functions Suitable for a Well-Conditioned
Formulation to the Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering Problem
under the BIM
- Jin, Yu - Spatial Dynamics of a Periodic Population Model with
- Jupiter, Dan - Weak Stein Neighbourhood Bases
- Karakostas, George - Selfish Routing with More than One Kinds of Users
- Kaveh, Kiumars - String polytopes, G-C polytopes and geometry of flag and
spherical varieties
- Kenyon, Richard - Dimers and Limit shapes
- Khadra, Anmar - Robust Rhythmogenesis in Endocrine GnRH Neurons via
Autocrine Regulations in a Common Pool of Extracellular
- Kharaghani, Hadi - The asymptotic existence of amicable orthogonal designs
- Kirkpatrick, David - Bit-Thrifty Algorithms for Facility Location
- Kocay, William - Non-Fano Quads in Finite Projective Planes
- Kohr, Gabriela
- Kraus, Daniela - Critical points of inner functions, nonlinear partial
differential equations, and an extension of Liouville's
- Krawetz, Bryan - Faster polynomial arithmetic over algebraic number and
function fields in Maple 11
- Kritchevski, Eugene - Hierarchical Anderson Model
- Kucera, Thomas - Elementary Socles and Radicals
- Kuhlmann, Salma - Restricted Exponentiation in Fields of Algebraic Power
- Kuttler, Jochen - On the Luna stratification of quotients
- Laskowski, Chris - Ideals of formulas, 2-cardinal models, and group existence
- Lazrak, Ali - Perfect competition among generations: growth theory under
- Le Roux, Nicolas - Representational Power of Restricted Boltzmann Machines and
Deep Belief Networks
- Lee, Greg - Nilpotent symmetric units in group rings
- Leung, Debbie - Approximate error correction
- Linek, Vaclav - Chromatic numbers of Steiner quadruple systems
- Liu, Cheng - Stockwell Transform as the Instantaneous Frequency Estimator
- Lungu, Edward - Anti-Tuberculosis resistance in patients co-infected with
HIV and TB
- Lutscher, Frithjof - The effect of foraging patterns on population dynamics for
central place foragers
- Lykova, Zinaida - The Hochschild and cyclic cohomology of simplicially
trivial topological algebras
- MacLean, Scott - Mathematical Symbol Recognition in the MathBrush System
- Malenfant, Matt - Better Evaluation Points for the Interpolation of Sparse
Symbolic Polynomials
- Malik, Tufail - Microbial Quiescence, A Survival Strategy In Environmental
- Marcotte, Odile - Average Distance and Maximum Induced Forest
- Marsh, Rebeccah and Hong Miao
- Marzlin, Karl-Peter - Criteria for the Existence of Decoherence-free Subspaces
- Mashreghi, Javad - Integral representations of the derivatives of functions in
- McNeilly, David
- Meghdadi, Amir - Temporal and Spatial Imaging of Brain Epileptic Activities
by Dynamical Characterization of EEG Signal
- Merkli, Marco - Infinite Products of Random Matrices and Repeated
Interaction Dynamics
- Miao, Hong and Rebeccah Marsh
- Miao, Tianxuan - Approximation Properties of Ap(G) and Apr(G)
- Mickens, Ronald - SIR Models with Ö{SI} Dynamics
- Milson, Rob - Curvature homogeneous geometries
- Minda, David - Geometric variations of Schwarz's Lemma
- Mojabi, Puyan - The use of the L-curve and NCP parameter-choice methods in
electromagnetic inverse scattering problems
- Monagan, Michael - Solving Linear Systems over Cyclotomic Fields
- Moosa, Rahim - A consequence of the canonical base property
- Mubayi, Dhruv - Turan's theorem with colors
- Muir, Jerry Jr. - Preservation of geometric properties by a class of extension
- Muñoz-Delgado, Francisco-Javier - Optimal shape perserving linear operators with different
types of data
- Murty, Katta G. - New Algorithm for Linear Inequalities, Linear Programs
(LP), using no Matrix Inversions
- Musgrave, Jeff - An evaluation of control strategies for the HIV epidemic
- Myrvold, Wendy - Investigating Conjectures about Fullerenes
- Nekka, Fahima - Impact of Drug Intake Variability on Therapeutic Outputs
- Neufang, Matthias - Jordan Arens irregularity
- Ng, Chi-Keung - Property (T) and strong property (T) for C*-algebras
- Ng, Malcolm - Accuracy Improvement of an Existing Permittivity Measurement
Technique for Dielectric Disk Samples
- Oellermann, Ortrud - Steiner Trees and Convex Geometries
- Padmanabhan, Ranganathan - A group representation for the anti-Pappian design
- Panel Discussion - Panelists
- Paquette, Michel - Communication in Networks with Positively Correlated Faults
- Paseka, Alex - Information in Option Prices and the Underlying Asset
- Pawlak, Barbara - PET Image Reconstruction by Density Estimation
- Pearce, Roman - Sparse Polynomial Arithmetic using Heaps
- Pereira, Rajesh - Inequalities in the Analytic Theory of Polynomials
- Pfaltzgraff, John - Conformal mapping of multiply connected slit domains
- Podder, Chandra - Mathematical Analysis of a Model for Assessing the Impact of
Antiretroviral Therapy, Voluntary Testing and Condom Use in
Curtailing HIV
- Popov, Bojan - L1 approximations of Hamilton-Jacobi equations
- Potapov, Alex - Modeling aquatic invasions and control in a lake system:
principles and approaches
- Prymak, Andriy - Ul'yanov-type inequality for bounded convex sets in Rd
- Pyke, Randall
- Radnell, David - Interactions between conformal field theory and Teichmueller
- Ransford, Thomas - Pseudospectra and power growth
- Ransford, Thomas - Computation of capacity
- Read, Charles - The hypercyclicity problem
- Reed, Bruce - The diameter of sparse random graphs
- Reid, Greg - Introduction to Symbolic-Numeric Completion Methods for PDE
- Reluga, Timothy - Population Games for Epidemiology
- Rosenberg, Arnold - IC-Scheduling Theory: A New Scheduling Paradigm for
Internet-Based Computing
- Roth, Oliver - On the isolated singularitites of a class of subharmonic
- Rothmaler, Philipp - Cotorsion modules
- Rowe, David - Quasi-symmetry, critical phenomena, and embedded
- Roy, Aidan - Weighted complex projective 2-designs from bases
- Ruan, Zhong-Jin - Completely Bounded Multipliers on Locally Compact Quantum
- Ruscheweyh, Stephan - Universally convex univalent functions
- Sabouni, Abas - Parallel FDTD/GA for Microwave Image Reconstruction
- Sahai, Beni - A Basis for Immunological Protection from Death Upon
Pandemic Influenza Infection
- Salakhutdinov, Ruslan - Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction using Neural Networks
- Samei, Ebrahim - 2-weak amenability of Beurling algebras
- Sanders, Barry - Information-theoretic security for authenticated
long-distance quantum key distribution with partial trust
- Scanlon, Thomas - Trivial types and rational dynamics
- Seco, Luis - Modeling stochastic correlation in financial markets
- Sharomi, Oluwaseun - Mathematical Analysis of the Transmission Dynamics of HIV/TB
Co-infection in the Presence of Treatment and Condom Use
- Shevchuk, Igor - Convex and coconvex polynomial approximation in the uniform
- Skotiniotis, Michael - The Spekkens toy model Revisited
- Smith, Robert - The basic reproductive ratio: does the emperor have no
- Smith, Robert - Predicting the potential impact of a cyctotoxic T-lymphocyte
HIV vaccine: how often should you vaccinate and how strong
should the vaccine be?
- Solynin, Alexander - Hyperbolic convexity and the analytic fixed point function
- Song, Iickho - On the number of partitions with the length fixed
- Speissegger, Patrick - A reasonably tame Cantor set
- Spronk, Nico - Amenability constants for semilattice algebras
- Stinson, Douglas - Unconditionally secure chaffing and winnowing with short
authentication tags
- Stoica, Cristina - Variational principles for systems with configuration space
- Stokke, Ross - Approximate and pseudo-amenability of the Fourier Algebra
- Suffridge, Ted - Invariant mappings on the ball and extremal problems
- Sun, Jie - Descent constructions for central extensions of infinite
dimensional Lie algebras
- Szechtman, Fernando - Modular Reduction of the Steinberg Lattice of the General
Linear Group
- Tapp, Alain - Anonymous message transmission
- Terlaky, Tamas - Polytopes & Arrangements: Diameter & Curvature
- Thomas, Hugh - (Co)minuscule Schubert calculus
- Thulasiraman, Parimala - Design, development and implementation of a parallel
algorithm for computed tomography using algebraic
reconstruction technique
- Tonev, Thomas V. - Peripheral additivity and isomorphisms between semisimple
- Toussaint, Godfried - Facility Location and Assignment Problems with Applications
to Computational Musicology
- Tracqui, Philippe - Proteolytic control of the mechanical switch leading to in
vitro morphogenesis of capillary-like networks: a theoretical
- Tyson, Rebecca - Modelling the swimming behaviour of the nematode
- Uygul, Faruk - A Representation Theorem for Completely Contractive Dual
Banach Algebras
- Vaidya, Naveen - Modeling, Analysis, and Contol of the HIV Epidemics in Far
Western Nepal
- van den Driessche, Pauline - Modeling the Spread of West Nile Virus
- Varolin, Dror - Non-negative Hermitian polynomials and quotients of squared
- Varolin, Dror - Extension Theorems in Complex Analysis and Geometry
- Vasilyev, Yevgeniy - Externally definable sets in simple structures
- Venugopal, Niranjan - A 3D Model-Based Outer Volume Suppression Technique for MR
Spectroscopic Imaging of the Prostate
- Verstraete, Jacques - Clique partitions of dense graphs
- Wang, Liqun - First Hitting Time Distribution for Diffusion Processes and
Time-Dependent Double Barriers
- Watmough, James - The final size of an epidemic
- Wen, Qianglong - Some Irreducible Characters of GL(2,Z/pnZ) and
- White, Michael C. - The Bicyclic semigroup algebra
- Wilkinson, Dana - Learning Useful Subjective Representations
- Willems, Matthieu - A Chevalley formula in Equivariant K-theory
- Williams, Brock - Circle Packings, Welding Operations, and Applications
- Williams, J.F. - On the hows, wheres and whys of Industrial Mathematics
- Willms, Allan - A Geometric Comparison of Hodgkin-Huxley and Multi-State
- Winter, Matthias - Spikes for Biological Systems: The Role of Boundary Conditions
- Wittkopf, Allan - What's new in Maple 11
- Wodarz, Dominik - HIV coinfection, immunity, and virus evolution in vivo
- Wu, Wenyuan - New Progress on Implicit Riquier Bases for PDE
- Wu, Xiaonan - Anomaly Detection in Financial Fraud Data
- Yamada, Mieko - Self-dual Z4 codes generated by Hadamard
matrices and conference matices
- Yue, Hong - A John-Nirenberg Type Inequality for Q(Rn)
- Zhang, Hu - Minimizing the Number of Critical Vertices in Network Design
- Zhang, Yong - Fixed point properties characterized by existence of left
invariant means on semigroups
- Zhao, Yiqiang Q. - Tail Asymptotics and Block-Form Compensation Algorithm for
Parallel Systems
- Zhou, Ping - Newton's interpolation formula in study of multivariate
- Zhou, Wei - Fraction-free Computation of LCM and GCD by values