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Meeting Committee


CMS Summer Meeting 2002
Université Laval
Quebec City, Quebec
June 15-17, 2002

First Announcement

On behalf of Laval University, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites all researchers, educators and students to the Summer 2002 Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS).

Following the usual format, the meeting will include fourteen symposia, contributed papers, five plenary speakers, as well as the Jeffery-Williams and Krieger-Nelson lecturers and a public lecture presented by Jean-Marie De Koninck.

Laval University is also very pleased to announce that, during the meeting, Professor Robert P. Langlands (IAS) will receive a honoris causa doctorate.

All pre-meeting activities and scientific talks will be held at Pavillon Palasis-Prince and Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, home of Laval's Faculty of Science and Engineering.

The most up-to-date information concerning the programmes, including scheduling, will appear on this website as it becomes available

Meeting registration forms and hotel accommodation forms are published in the February 2002 issue of the CMS Notes and are also available on the website, along with on-line forms for registration and submission of abstracts.

Public Lecture

Jean-Marie De Koninck (Laval University)

Free parking is available in lots 110 and 202 beginning at 7:00 p.m. for the Public Lecture and the following Reception. These lots are located near the Théâtre de la Cité universitaire. Please see the travel section for more information on parking.

Plenary Speakers

David W. Henderson (Cornell University)
Nikolai Nikolski (University of Bordeaux 1, Steklov Inst.)
Christophe Reutenauer (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Paul D. Seymour (Princeton University)
Isadore M. Singer (MIT)

Prizes and Awards

The CMS Jeffery-Williams Lecture will be given by Edwin Perkins, University of British Columbia.
The CMS Krieger-Nelson Lecture will be given by Priscilla Greenwood, University of British Columbia, Arizona State University.

Honorary Degree

Laval University is very pleased to announce that Robert P. Langlands (IAS) will receive a honoris causa doctorate. The presentation will be made during the banquet on Sunday, June 16, 2002.


Contributed Papers Session

(Org: N. Lacroix and C. Levesque,
Laval University)

Contributed papers of 15 minutes duration are solicited. In order to provide a broader audience, there will be parallel sessions of and only of contributed papers: (no lecture in the 13 other sessions). Abstracts for CMS contributed papers should be prepared as specified below.

For an abstract to be eligible, the abstract must be received before May 15, 2002. The abstract must be accompanied by its contributor's registration form and payment of the appropriate fees.

Travel Grants for Graduate Students

Limited funds are available to partially fund the travel and accommodation costs for graduate students. For more information, please contact the Meeting Committee at

Applicants must be bona fide graduate students, at a Canadian or other University. To apply for this funding, please have a letter written by your Supervisor or departmental Graduate Advisor, briefly answering the following: Name of Student, Area of study and level, How will the student benefit from the meeting? Will the student be speaking? What support is available from local sources or grants, for this student?

Please have this sent before May 1, 2002. This letter may be emailed to Applicants will be notified early in May of the funding decision.

If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.

Related Activities

Beginning this year the CMS Summer Meeting will be preceeded by a workshop intended specifically for Mathematics/Statistics faculty who have recently begun their academic careers. This workshop is a key component to Project NExTMAC ("New Experiences in Teaching Mathematics Across Canada") which aims to provide information and resources that will enable junior faculty to become better and more effective teachers of mathematics and statistics. The workshop, which will focus on pedagogical and professional development issues, will take place on Friday June 14th. Sessions for the workshop are still being finalised, but are anticipated to include topics such as:
  • time management issues, such as how to balance teaching, research, and committee work, personal life and professional life, etc,
  • teaching strategies, such as cooperative learning, active learning, etc.
  • challenges in the classroom
  • issues related to teaching introductory courses
  • preparing for promotion and tenure
  • mathematicians teaching statistics
  • information about NSERC and preparing grant applications and renewals
The workshop will involve a combination of panel discussions, round-table discussions, as well as lecture-style presentations. One thing we are trying to encourage is discussion between junior faculty in a setting where they can freely share their ideas, experiences, and concerns with their peers from other Canadian institutions.

For registered participants of the CMS Summer Meeting, there will be no workshop registration fee. However, all participants Should preregister for the workshop in one of three ways.

For those already registered for the CMS meeting, please send a message to indicating your wish to participate.

For those now registering for the CMS meeting, please indicate your wish to participate by clicking NEXTMAC WORKSHOP in the related events section. Make your choice of registration fee as usual. No additional fee is required. Please remember, the special $55 NEXTMAC WORKSHOP ONLY fee is reserved for those not attending the rest of the CMS Summer Meeting.

For those wishing to register for the NEXTMAC workshop alone, a special fee category has been added to the CMS Summer Meeting registration form found at: Complete the registraton form. In the related events section, click the box for NEXTMAC WORKSHOP. In the payment section, check off the special $55 NEXTMAC WORKSHOP ONLY fee. your payment will be processed by the CMS.

The CMS will provide the organizers with a list of registered Workshop participants.

A detailed schedule of Related Activities and all other events is available from the schedules page of this web site.

Social Events

A welcoming reception will be held Friday, June 14, from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. at the Théâtre de la Cité Universitaire of Laval University.

The Delegates' Luncheon will be held on Saturday, June 15, from 12:10 to 1:40 p.m. at the Pavillon De Koninck. A ticket to this luncheon is included in all registration fee categories.

A banquet will be held on Sunday, June 16, from 7:00 p.m. at the Musée du Québec, Parc des Champs-de-Bataille. Tickets to this event are available at $50.00 each.

Coffee and juice will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

A detailed schedule of all social and other events is available on this website.

Business Meetings

The CMS will be holding business meetings during the course of the meeting. Additional information will be provided in later announcements and may be found on the Society's website.

The CMS Executive Committee Meeting will meet on Thursday, June 13, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m at the Chateau Bonne Entente.

The CMS Development Group Luncheon will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14 in room 3370 of the Pavillon Pouliot.

The CMS Board of Directors Meeting will be held from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, June 14 in room 2708 of the Pavillon Pouliot.

The CMS Annual General Meeting is scheduled from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., Sunday, June 16 in room 2708 of the Pavillon Pouliot. Lunch will be provided. All CMS members are invited to attend.

A detailed schedule of business meetings and other events is available.


Exhibits will be open during specified hours during the conference.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts for all talks will be published in the meeting programme and will also be available on-line.

Abstracts may be sent electronically, following instructions given below. Electronic submission of abstracts is preferred. If this is not possible, abstracts may also be prepared on the standard form available from the CMS Executive Office, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5.

Speakers are asked to submit their abstracts as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been set at April 1, 2002. The organizers appreciate the cooperation of all the speakers in observing this important deadline.

Contributed papers may be submitted up to May 15, 2002.

Electronic submission of abstracts:  To submit your abstract, please go to the forms section of the meeting website.

Alternatively, files including the session, speaker's name, affiliation, complete address, title of talk, and abstracts may be sent to (speakers), or (contributed papers).

Please make sure to include the session name in your subject line.

Important deadline for submission of abstracts:
Invited Speakers : April 1, 2002
Contributed Papers : May 15, 2002.


The registration form will appear in the February 2002 issue of the CMS Notes and are also available from:

CMS Executive Office
577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5702    FAX: 613-565-1539

Electronic pre-registration is also available.

Payment for preregistration may be made by cheque, or by VISA or MasterCard. Although registration fees are given in Canadian dollars, delegates may send cheques in US dollars by contacting their financial institution for the current exchange rate.

Please note that payment must be RECEIVED IN OTTAWA on or before May 1 in order to qualify for reduced rates. In order for your payment to be processed before the meeting, it should be received by May 31.

Before After
Delegate's Luncheon included May 1 May 1
Plenary speakers/prize lecturers $   0 $   0
Session speakers 215 215
Organizers 145 145
Non-members 430 560
CMS/AMS/MAA members with grants 290 375
CMS/AMS/MAA members without grants 145 190
One-day fee 195 255
Postdocs, retired 110 145
Teachers (K-12, CEGEP), students, unemployed 55 70
Banquet (free for plenary/prize speakers) 50 50
CMS = Canadian Mathematical Society
AMS = American Mathematical Society
MAA = Mathematical Association of America

Refund Policy

Delegates wishing to cancel their registration must notify the CMS Executive Office in writing before May 31 to receive a refund less a $40 processing fee. Those whose contributed paper has not been accepted will upon request be fully refunded.

Do you qualify for free CMS membership?

An AMS or a MAA member who registers at a semi-annual meeting of the CMS and who is not a member of the CMS, is eligible for a one-time only, one-year free membership in the CMS.

If you qualify, please visit the CMS booth to complete a membership application form. Please provide proof of current AMS or MAA membership. This offer applies to new members only.


It is recommended that those attending the conference book early to avoid disappointment. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the locations given below and will be held until the deadlines specified below. Reservations not made by that date will be on a request only, space available basis. Rates are per room, per night and are quoted in Canadian dollars.

Chateau Bonne Entente
3400, chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec (Québec) Canada G1X 1S6
Check-in: 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 1:00 p.m.
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), PST (7.5%)
Deadline: May 4, 2002     Group Code: ULMATHS
Phone: 418-653-5221    toll-free: 800-463-4390
FAX: 418-653-3098
parking: free

Rates: $79, motel section, single/double occupancy
$135, luxury section, single/double occupancy
$165, superior section, single/double occupancy
Other room types and suites are also available.
(Children 12 yrs old and under sharing parents'
accommodation are complimentary.)

This is a four star hotel and is located about 10 minutes from Laval University, the hotel offers free parking and free shuttle service to the airport, Sainte-Foy train and bus station, Sainte-Foy shopping centers and Old Quebec, on an individual basis and upon availability.

Hotel Quartier
2955, Boulevard Laurier, Sainte-Foy (Québec) Canada G1V 2M2
Check-in: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), PST (7.5%)
Deadline: May 10, 2002     Group Code: 1306soc
Phone: 418-650-1616   Toll-free: 1-888-818-5863
FAX: 418-650-6611
Parking: free

Rates: $69, single/double occupancy
(Children 11 yrs old and under sharing parents'
accommodation are complimentary.)
(includes free local calls)

This hotel is about 5 minutes away from the university by car or bus.

Hotel Universel
2300, chemin Ste-Foy, Sainte-Foy (Québec) Canada G1V 1S5
Check-in: 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: Hotel tax ($2 per night) + GST (7%), PST (7.5%)
Deadline: May 10, 2002     Group Code: Réunion d'été 2002
Phone: 418-653-5250    toll-free: 800-463-4495
FAX: 418-653-4486
Parking: free

Rates: $75, single/double occupancy
$10, each additional person
(Children 16 yrs old and under sharing parents'
accommodation are complimentary.)

This hotel is located at the entrance of Laval University.

Laval University Residences
Summer Housing, Local 1618, pavillon Alphonse-Marie-Parent
Cité universitaire, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 7P4
Check-in: 2:00 p.m.; Check-out: 11:00 a.m.
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), PST (7.5%)
Deadline: May 10, 2002     Group Code: 80181
Phone: 418-656-5632    FAX: 418-656-2335
Parking: free (ask for parking permit)

Rates: $38, single occupancy
(includes breakfast and daily linen change)

In all cases, delegates must make their own reservations. The conference rate is extended up to two days pre- and post-convention. Where applicable, and in order for your room to be applied against our block, please quote the group code.

Accommodation reservations and cancellations: For the Chateau Bonne Entente, reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival unless the hotel receives a room deposit equal to the room for one night, by cheque, major credit card or acceptable letter of guarantee. Deposit is refundable without penalty if an individual guest cancels a room reservation 2 days prior to the day of arrival. Otherwise, the entire deposit is non refundable. In the case of a ``no show'', the individual guest will be charged for the first night.

For the Hotel Quartier, reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival unless guaranteed by a first night deposit, or major credit card guarantee. Should a guaranteed reservation not be cancelled by 12:00 p.m. on the day of arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.

For the Hotel Universel, reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival unless guaranteed by a first night deposit, or major credit card guarantee. Should a guaranteed reservation not be cancelled by 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.

For the Laval University Residences, a deposit is necessary to guarantee your reservation.

Child Care

The following information was provided by the three meeting hotels. Advance research and arrangements are recommended.

The Chateau Bonne Entente does provide in house child care services. Please contact the hotel directly at 418-653-5221 to make enquiries.

Both the Hotel Quartier and Hotel Universel recommend the firm of Service de gardiennes et d'aides familiale de Québec, 1323 Ave Maguire, local 102, Sillery G1T 1Z2. Please contact them directly at 418-659-3778. After normal business hours, please call 418-576-8258.

There is no current information regarding child care options at the University Residences. Updates will be posted to our website as they become available.


The City of Québec: This historic city is a great vacation spot and we hope you will take the opportunity to bring your family, stay a few extra days, and really enjoy this beautiful city.

Detailed information regarding Laval University and Québec City, including tourism information, local weather and climate, car rental information, site and street maps, and suggested One Day Itineraries for self-guided tours, are available at the websites:

Parking: Delegates staying at the the Chateau Bonne Entente, Hotel Quartier, Hotel Universel and Laval Residences may park at no charge at those facilities.

For those not staying at Laval Residences, campus parking is available free of charge at all campus lots on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, campus parking near the conference site is by means of a Pay and Display system. We recommend that you have change available for the parking permit dispensers.

A map of the university parking lots is available at:


Support from the following is gratefully acknowledged:
- Université Laval, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
- The National Programme Committee (a joint funding body of the Centre de recherches mathématiques, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, and The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences)
- CICMA - Centre Interuniversitaire en Calcul Mathématique Algébrique
- LaCIM - Laboratoire de combinatoire et d'informatique mathématique
- ISM - Institut des sciences mathématiques
- Caisee populaire Desjardins de l'Université Laval
- iCore Alberta Informatics Circle of Research Excellence
- Number Theory Foundation

The Canadian Mathematical Society would like to acknowledge the contribution of the members of the Meeting Committee for organizing this meeting.




Meeting Committee


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