By invitation of the Meeting Committee, there will be symposia in the following areas. Here is the preliminary list of speakers. If you are interested in being an invited speaker in one of the symposia, it may be possible to do so by contacting one of the organizers of that symposium.
Moulay Benameur (Metz), Jerome Chabert (Clermont-Ferrand), George Elliott (Toronto), Heath Emerson (Victoria), Damien Gaboriau (ENS Lyon), Thierry Giordano (Ottawa), David Kerr (Rome), Marcelo Laca (Victoria), Severino T. Melo (Sao Paulo), Jean Renault (Orleans).
Frédéric Bourgeois (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Octav Cornea (Montréal), Dusa McDuff (SUNY, Stony Brook), Dietmar Salamon (ETH), Claude Viterbo (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau), Jean-Yves Welschinger (ENS Lyon).
Boris Adamczewski (Orsay), Francesco Amoroso (Caen), Peter Borwein (Simon Fraser), Pierre Cartier (IHES), Cornelius Greither (Universität der Bundeswehr München), Adrian Iovita (Concordia), Gaël Rémond (Grenoble), Cameron L. Stewart (Waterloo), Jing Yu (Academia Sinica).
This session has been cancelled.
This session has been cancelled.
Stan Alama (McMaster), Claude Bardos (Paris 7), Lia Bronsard (McMaster), Pierre Degond (Toulouse 3), Nassif Ghoussoub (British Columbia), Robert Jerrard (Toronto), A. Nachman (Toronto), Jean-Michel Roquejoffre (Toulouse 3), J. C. Saut (Paris-Sud), Eric Séré (Paris-Dauphine), Tai-Peng Tsai (British Columbia).
Alexander Brudnyi (Calgary), Florin Diacu (Victoria), Freddy Dumortier (Limburgs Universitair Centrum), Frédéric Fauvet (Strasbourg), Lubomir Gavrilov (Paul Sabatier), Frank Loray (Rennes I), Pavao Mardesic (Bourgogne), Robert Roussarie (Bourgogne), Christiane Rousseau (Montréal), Dana Schlomiuk (Montréal), Loïc Teyssier (Lille 1), Huaiping Zhu (York).
Hedy Attouch (Montpellier), Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (IHES), Piermarco Cannarsa (Roma), Thierry Champion (Toulon), Monica Cojocaru (Guelph), Cyril Imbert (Montpellier), Olivier Ley (Tours), Jean-Pierre Raymond (Toulouse), Ludovic Rifford (Lyon), Carlo Sinestrari (Roma), Emmanuel Trélat (Orsay), Peter Wolenski (Baton Rouge).
Charles Audet (Montréal), Heinz Bauschke (Guelph), J. Frédéric Bonnans (Rocquencourt), Patrick-Louis Combettes (Paris), Jean-Noël Corvellec (Perpignan), Robert Deville (Bordeaux), Jean-Charles Gilbert (Rocquencourt), Jean-Louis Goffin (Montréal), Dominikus Noll (Toulouse and Vancouver), Hristo Sendov (Guelph), Michel Thera (Limoges), Lionel Thibault (Montpellier).
Michel Benaim (Neuchatel), Nina Gantert (Karlsruhe), Richard Kenyon (CNRS / Paris Sud), Vlada Limic (British Columbia), Pierre Mathieu (Marseille), Pierre Tarres (Toulouse).
Antoine Ayache (Cachan), Julien Barral (INRIA), Hermine Biermé (Orleans), Jacques Istas (Grenoble), Stephane Jaffard (Paris 12), Eric Moulines (Paris), David Nualart (Barcelone).
Peter Bartlett (Berkeley), Yoshua Bengio (Montreal), Stephane Boucheron (CNRS Orsay), Olivier Bousquet (Max Plank Institut), Nicola Cesa-Bianchi (Milan).
C. Abraham (Montpellier), A. Boudou (Toulouse), Sophie Dabo-Niang (Paris 6), Frederic Ferraty (Paul Sabatier), Aldo Goia (Turin), A. Mas (Montpellier), Cristian Preda (Lille 2), Jim Ramsay (McGill).
Habib Ammari (Ecole Polytechnique-Palaiseau), Tahar Zamene Boulmezaoud (de Pau), Georges-Henri Cottet (Grenoble), Yves Demay (Nice), André Fortin (Laval), Thierry Gallouet (Marseille), Martin Gander (McGill), Daniel Le Roux (Laval), Yvon Maday (Paris 6), Bertrand Maury (Paris-Sud), Nilima Nigam (McGill), Francesca Rapetti (Nice), Jacques Rappaz (Ecole Polytechnique-Lausanne), Eric Sonnendrucker (Strasbourg), Jean-Paul Vila (Toulouse).
S. Baseilhac (Institut Fourier), N. Bergeron (Paris XI), H. Boden (McMaster), F. Bonahon (Southern California), Inna Bumagin (McGill), O. Collin (Québec à Montréal), T. Fiedler (Paul Sabatier), Benjamin Klaff (UQAM), M. Lackenby (Cambridge), G. Levitt (Caen), S. Tillmann (Québec à Montréal), B. Wiest (Rennes I).
This session is being held in memory of Ovide Arino (Pau) who passed away in September 2003. Dr. Arino was one of the co-organizers of this session until his passing.
Mostafa Adimy (de Pau, France), Beddr'Eddine Ainseba (Bordeaux 2), Julien Arino (McMaster), Pierre Auger (Lyon 1), Jacques Demongeot (Grenoble), Jean-Luc Gouzé (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Hassan Hbid (Marrakech), Michel Langlais (Bordeaux 2), Pierre Magal (du Havre), Jean-Christophe Poggiale (Marseille), Shigui Ruan (Dalhousie and Miami), Hal Smith (Arizona State), Horst Thieme (Arizona State), Gail Wolkowicz (McMaster), Huaiping Zhu (York).
Artur Avila (College de France), Ilia Binder (Toronto), Mark Braverman (Toronto), Xavier Buff (Toulouse), Serge Cantat (Rennes), Arnaud Cheritat (Toulouse), Bertrand Deroin (Toronto), Tien Cuong Dinh (Orsay), Adam Epstein (Warwick), John Hubbard (Cornell and Marseille), Dima Khmelev (Toronto), Tan Lei (Cergy-Pontoise), John Robertson (Toronto), Michael Yampolsky (Toronto).