
Canadian School Mathematics Forum
Honorary President: Pierre Reid, Ministry of Education of Quebec
The Canadian Mathematical Society
will hold a national educational
forum in Montreal in May 2003. This forum will be followed by a second
one in Ontario in 2005. These
fora will continue the tradition initiated with the first national
education forum in Quebec City in May 1995, chaired by Katherine
These meetings will bring together about 200 people from all provinces
and territories representing the different groups with interest in and
impact on mathematical
education in middle and high school (Grades 6-12), including:
- School teachers
- University faculty in mathematics and education
- School board administrators
- Provincial ministries
- Non Canadian participants
- Provincial associations of math teachers
The first meeting will be an opportunity to compare issues and best
practices across the country. It should also identify those issues on
which subgroups can prepare more
detailed findings to be presented at the second meeting. These
findings should be published both electronically and in print and
should be distributed widely.
The CMS hopes, through these fora, to develop new and fruitful
connections to enhance the quality of mathematics education in the
country and to increase the recognition
of Mathematics throughout Canada.
The 2003 Forum will be held in the Université du Québec à Montréal
(UQAM), May 16-18, 2003. Registration, exhibits, plenaries, and
working groups will take place in the Pavillon J.-A. DeSève, located
at 320 rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montréal, Québec H2X 1L7. A detailed
schedule of all events is available from the
schedule page of the
web site.
There will be translation for the plenary activities (panels, plenary
lectures and presentations). The working groups will be held in
French or English, or may be bilingual if some participants prefer.
Public Lecture
Jean-Marie De Koninck (Université Laval)
The public lecture will be delivered on Friday, May 16, from 8:00 -
9:00 p.m. in room DS-R-510, Pavillon J.-A. DeSève, located at 320 rue
Sainte-Catherine Est, Montréal, Québec H2X 1L7. All are welcome to
Plenary Speakers
Deborah Ball (University of Michigan)
Hyman Bass (University of Michigan)
Jean-Pierre Kahane (Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Frederick Leung (Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong)
Financial Support
Some partial financial support may be available for eligible
participants. As funding is limited, we ask participants to seek
financial support from their institution. Forum organizers will
provide a formal letter of invitation to support your request to your
Those wishing to apply for financial support are asked to do so by
completing Section C of the Participant Application and Registration
Form. This should be submitted by the February 28 deadline.
Decisions on application and/or financial support will be communicated
to applicants in early April. Priority will be given to applications
coming from teachers in schools.
If financial support is granted, the participant will receive a cheque
for reimbursement of expenses upon completion and submission of the
standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original
Social Events
A welcoming reception will be held Thursday, May 15, from 5:00 to 7:00
p.m. in the Foyer of the Pavillon J.-A DeSève, 320 Saint-Catherine
Street East.
Lunch will be provided on Friday, from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. and on
Saturday, from 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. Tickets to these lunches are
provided to each participant.
A banquet will be held on Saturday evening at the Crowne Plaza
Montréal Centre. More details will be posted on our web site as they
become available. A ticket to this event is included in all
registration fee categories.
Coffee and juice will be available during the scheduled breaks.
A detailed schedule of all social and other events is available from
the schedule page of the Forum web site.
Exhibits will be held during hours specified in the Forum schedule.
Additional information will be posted to the meeting web site as it
becomes available.
Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts for all talks/workshops will be published in the Forum programme
and will also be available on-line.
Abstracts may be sent electronically, following instructions given
below. Electronic submission of abstracts is preferred. If this is not
possible, abstracts may also be prepared on the standard form available
from the CMS Executive Office, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, Ottawa, Ontario
Speakers/workshop leaders are asked to submit their abstracts as soon as
possible. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been set at March
1, 2003. The organizers appreciate your cooperation in observing this
important deadline.
Electronic submission of abstracts: To submit your abstract, please go to
the forms section of the meeting web site.
Alternatively, files including the Theme title, speaker's name,
affiliation, complete address, title of talk/workshop, and abstracts may
be sent to abstracts-forum03@cms.math.ca.
Important deadline for submission of all abstracts: March 1, 2003.
Application and Registration
The Participant Application and Registration Form is available from:
CMS Executive Office
577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5702 FAX: 613-565-1539
Email: meetings@cms.math.ca
Electronic pre-registration is also available on this website.
Participation in the Forum is by invitation only. Those who have
already received an invitation to participate should complete Sections
A, B, C, and D of the Participant Application and Registration Form.
Those wishing to be considered for participation should complete
Sections A, B, C of the Form before the February 28 deadline.
Decisions on all applications will be communicated to applicants in
early April. Once accepted, applicants should return and complete
Section D of the Form to complete their registration.
Payment for preregistration may be made by cheque, or by VISA or
MasterCard. Although registration fees are given in Canadian dollars,
delegates may send cheques in US dollars by contacting their financial
institution for the current exchange rate.
Please note that payment must be RECEIVED IN OTTAWA on or before May 1
in order to qualify for reduced rates. In order for your payment to be
processed before the meeting, it should be received by May 9.
Registration includes a lunch on Friday and Saturday, and a banquet.
Category | Before May 1 | After May 1 |
Plenary speaker | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Working group organizer/participant | $ 200 | $ 250 |
Refund Policy
Participants wishing to cancel their registration must notify the CMS
Executive Office in writing before May 1 to receive a refund less a
$40 processing fee.
It is recommended that those attending the Forum book early to
avoid disappointment. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the
locations given below and will be held until the deadlines
specified. Reservations not made by that date will be on a space
available basis. Rates are per room, per night and are quoted in
Canadian dollars.
l'Hotel Gouverneur Place Dupuis
1415, rue St-Hubert, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2L 3Y9
Check-in: 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 1:00 p.m.
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Provincial tax (7.5%), Hotel tax ($2 per
Deadline: April 14, 2003
Group Code: Forum d'éducation 2003
Phone: 514-842-4881 toll-free: 888-910-1111
FAX: 514-842-1584
parking: $16.50 daily (full in-out privileges) - no vans please
web: www.gouverneur.com
Rates: | $139, standard room, single/double occupancy |
| $154, superior room, single/double occupancy |
| $20 per additional person to a maximum of 4 people per
room |
Quality Hotel Centre-Ville
3440 avenue du Parc, Montréal (Québec) Canada H2X 2H5
Check-in: 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Provincial tax (7.5%), Hotel tax ($2 per
Deadline: April 14, 2003
Group Code: Forum d'éducation 2003
Phone: 514-849-1413 FAX: 514-849-6564
parking: $13.50 daily
Rates: $115, single/double/triple/quadruple occupancy
University of Montreal Residences
2350, boul. Edouard-Montpetit, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
Check-in: 4:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Provincial tax (7.5%) - included in rate
Deadline: April 14, 2003
Group Code: 226093
Phone: 514-343-6531 FAX: 514-343-2353
email: residences@sea.umontreal.ca
web: www.resid.umontreal.ca
parking: $9.00 daily
Rates: $40.26, single occupancy (taxes included)
In all cases, delegates must make their own reservations. The
conference rate is usually extended up to two days pre- and
Accommodation reservations and cancellations: In all cases,
all reservations must be guaranteed by a first night deposit,
or major credit card guarantee.
For l'Hotel Gouverneur Place Dupuis, reservations will be held until
6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. In the case of a "no show" or if a
guaranteed reservation is not cancelled by 6:00 p.m. on the day of
arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to
the guarantor.
For the Quality Hotel Centre-Ville, cancellations must be received by
6:00 p.m. on the day PRIOR to the date of arrival. In the case of a
"no show" or if a guaranteed reservation is not cancelled in time, the
cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.
For the University of Montreal Residences, the first-night deposit is
non-refundable. In the case of a "no show", the cost of the room for
the first night will be charged to the guarantor. The total cost for
all room nights is payable upon check-in.
Child Care
Information regarding available child care may be provided by the
hotels. Advance research and arrangements are recommended.
Please contact the hotels directly to make enquiries.
Additional information will be posted to the meeting web site as it
becomes available.
The City of Montreal: Detailed information regarding the University of
Quebec at Montreal and the City of Montreal, including tourism information,
local weather and climate, car rental information, site and street
maps, and suggested One Day Itineraries for self-guided tours, are
available at the following web sites:
Parking: Guests at l'Hotel Gouverneur Place Dupuis may park for a
daily fee of $16.50, with full in-out privileges. No vans please.
Guests at the Quality Hotel Centre-Ville may park for a daily fee
of $13.50. Guests at the University of Montreal Residences may park
for a daily fee of $9.00.
For more information regarding the location of the hotels and the
Pavillon De-Sève, please consult the following web site:
Support from the following is gratefully acknowledged:
In the category of Title sponsor:
In the category of Major sponsor:
In the category of Sponsor:
In the category of Supporter:
In the category of Contributor: under $1,000
- Ministry of Education of New-Brunswick
British Columbia
- Mathematics Council of Newfoundland Teachers
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
The Canadian Mathematical Society would like to acknowledge the
contribution of the members of the Scientific Committee for the
planning of the program of this Forum and the contribution of the
Local Committee, especially Louis Charbonneau for organizing this
Forum and writing the applications.