
Abstracts - listed by speaker
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- Acuña, Francisco Gonzalez - Minimal coverings of a 3-manifold with special open subsets
- Adem, Alejandro - Commuting and non-commuting n-tuples in a Lie group
- Antonyan, Sergey - Banach-Mazur compacta: Results and Problems
- Armas, Lorena - Paths in Open Book Decompositions
- Baribeau, Line - The spectral Schwarz lemma revisited
- Barot, Michael - Graduated inclusions between simply-laced semi-simple Lie
algebras: a description with unit forms
- Bautista, Raymundo - Representations of tame algebras over rational functions
- Bayard, Pierre - Entire spacelike hypersurfaces with prescribed curvature in
Minkowski space
- Billig, Yuly - Thin coverings of modules
- Boden, Hans - The SL(2,C) Casson invariant
- Borwein, Jonathan - Maximality of Sums of Monotone Operators
- Bosch, Carlos - Multipliers of Temperate Distributions
- Boué, Michelle - Critical values for an epidemic model with moving particles
- Boyer, Charles - On Toric Sasakian Geometry
- Boyer, Steven - On families of virtually fibred Montesinos link exteriors
- Bronsard, Lia - Vortices for a rotating toroidal Bose-Einstein condensate
- Bruestle, Thomas - Cyclic cluster algebras of rank three
- Brydges, David - A combinatorial generalisation of Cramer's rule
- Brydges, David - Self-Avoiding Walks and Trees
- Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf - Noncommutative Version of Hochschild Cohomology
- Caballero, María-Emilia - Conditioned stable Lévy processes and the ruin problem
- Cabrera Ibarra, Hugo - Conway polynomials associated to 3-tangle closures
- Cedillo, Tenoch - The potential of CAS in promoting changes in teachers'
mathematical knowledge, practices and conceptions
- Chau, Albert - On the uniformization of complete non-negatively curved
Kahler manifolds
- Chen, Jingyi - Minimal surfaces with isotropic link
- Chernousov, Vladimir - Zero cycles on projective homogeneous varieties
- Choksi, Rustum - Scaling laws during the onset and destruction of the
intermediate state in a type-I superconductor
- Chu, Kenneth - On the geometry of the moduli space of real binary octics
- Cisneros, Jose Luis - Characteristic classes and transversality
- Cisneros, Luis - A numerical study on the two-dimensional discrete sine-Gordon
- Contreras, Gonzalo - C2-densely the 2-sphere has an elliptic closed geodesic
- Craig, Walter - Remarks on the singular set of solutions of the
Navier-Stokes equations
- Cruz Sampedro, Jaime - Embedded Eigenvalues of Continuous and Discrete Schrödinger
- Culler, Marc - Homology of small-volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Dawson, Donald - Catalytic branching processes
- de la Peña, Jose Antonio - Spectra of Coxeter polynomials
- del Rio, Rafael - Sturm-Liouville operators in the half axis with local
- Devos, Matt - A generalization of Kneser's addition theorem
- Diaz-Barriga, Alejandro - A mathematician's perspective on teacher training in Mexico
- Djorjevich, Slavisa - Spectrum of Upper Triangular Operator Matrices
- Ekeland, Ivar - A new type of differential equation arising from economic
- Esteva, Salvador Pérez - Atomic decompositions in Banach-valued Hardy spaces on
Lipschitz domains
- Eudave, Mario - Some examples of knots with interesting properties
- Figueras, Olimpia
- Froese, Richard - AC spectrum for Schrödinger operators on tree-like graphs
- Fujioka, Jorge - Systems with Embedded Solitons
- Galaz, Fernando - Iterating the Cesaro operator
- Galeana, Hortensia - Hypergraph transversals and kernels in digraphs
- Gamboa de Buen, Berta - Empty intesection of slices and the fixed point property in
Banach spaces
- García, Armando - An extension of Ekeland's variational principle to locally
complete spaces
- Gitler, Isidoro - On a new class of Mengerian hypergraphs
- Gitler, Samuel - Moment angle complexes
- Glanfield, Florence - A Reflection about Mathematics Teacher Education Programs in
- Goddyn, Luis - Spanning Trees of Many Different Weights
- Gonzalez, Jesus - Formal groups and BP-homology of finite abelian groups of
rank two
- Gorostiza, Luis - Some questions on occupation times of branching systems
- Guan, Pengfei - Nonlinear Differential Equations in Geometry
- Gutman, Ivan - Energy of a Graph
- Hambleton, Ian - Free actions on products of spheres
- Haxell, Penny - Hypergraph intersections
- Heil, Wolfgang - 3-manifolds covered by three open balls or solid tori
- Hernandez, Antonio - Symmetry breaking and adiabatic invariants
- Hernández-Hernández, Daniel - Pricing, hedging and PDE's
- Herrera, Rafael - Parallel Quaternionic Spinors and Riamnnian holonomy
- Hitt, Fernando - Reflexión sobre diferentes acercamientos en la enseñanza
de las matemáticas en ambientes tecnológicos
- Hodgson, Bernard R. - The mathematical education of primary and secondary school
teachers: the experience of Université Laval
- Hu, Zhiguo - Multipliers and topological centre problems
- Indurskis, Gabriel - Exceptional fillings of once-punctured torus bundles
- Iturriaga, Renato - Physical solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
- Ivanoff, Gail - Filtering of set-indexed stochastic processes
- Iyengar, Srikanth - Hochschild cohomological criteria for the Gorenstein property
for commutative algebras
- Jakobsen, Dimitri - Estimates from below for spectral function and error term in
Weyl law
- Jasso, Edgar - On knots with Seifert Fibered Dehn Surgeries
- Jordan-Santana, Mercedes - A geometric proof that the singular braid group is
- Jorge, Mari Carmen - A note on interface and bubble type asymptotic solutions to
the two-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation
- Jungic, Veselin - Rainbow Ramsey Theory
- Kamran, Niky - Analytic Lie pseudogroups of infinite type
- Kane, Richard - Torsion and Lie Groups
- Kieran, Carolyn - Using Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in Teaching High School
Mathematics: Two Research-Based Examples from Classroom
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Spot patterns in the BZ reaction
- Kuske, Rachel - Noise-sensitivity in bursting: new approaches for
quantitative analysis
- Laing, Christian - Geometric Measures as Brain Shape Descriptors
- Lam, Kee - On Yuzvinsky's conjecture arising from the study of sums of
- Lamoureux, Michael - Linear operators and minimum phase
- Larrañaga, J Carlos Gómez - Lusternik-Schnirelmann type invariants for 3-Manifolds
- Leuschke, Graham - Non-commutative desingularization of the generic determinant
- Lisonek, Petr - Rainbow Graphs in Steganography
- Liu, Shiping - The derived category of algebras with radical squared zero
- Livak, Alexander - A covering lemma and its applications
- Lomeli, Hector - Invariant manifolds, variational principles and dynamic
- Lupercio, Ernesto - Orbifold String Topology
- López-Mimbela, J. Alfredo - Symmetric steady states of a semilinear equation with
fractional Laplacian
- Marcoux, Laurent - Sums of small numbers of commutators
- Martinez, Roberto - On a group graded version of BGG
- Martínez Avendaño, Rubén - Eigenmatrices and operators commuting with finite-rank
- Meda, Ana - Estimates for the Value at Risk and ruin probabilities of
diffusion processes with jumps
- Mikhalkin, Grigory - Tropical intersection theory
- Minzoni, Antonmaria - Stability of embedded solitons at the edge of the continuum
- Monfared, Mehdi Sangani - Character Amenability of Banach Algebras
- Mont, Xavier Gómez - The Homological Index of a Vector Field on an Isolated
Complete Intersection Singularity
- Montejano, Luis - Colorable Transversal Theory
- Montero Zarate, Alberto - A Gamma convergence result for the Gross Pitaevskii energy in
- Moody, Robert - Between order and disorder: the mathematics of quasicrystals
- Mostovoy, Jacob - Moduli spaces of real curves
- Muciño, Jesús - Moduli spaces of singular flat metrics from meromorphic one
- Neufang, Matthias - Quantum groups and quantum information theory
- Neumann, Max - Surfaces in semi-alternating knot complements
- Nuñez, Victor - Coverings of Montesinos knots of the second kind
- Padilla, Pablo - A dynamical systems approach to symmetry in PDE's
- Panayotaros, Panayotis - Localized invariant tori in the discrete NLS with diffraction
- Panayotaros, Panayotis - Localized invariant tori in the discrete NLS with diffraction
- Pedersen, Erik - Manifolds and p-compact groups
- Pérez-Abreu, Victor - Representation of Infinitely Divisible Distributions on
- Perkins, Edwin - Pathwise uniqueness for parabolic stochastic PDE's
- Petean, Jimmy - On the Yamabe invariant of products
- Pianzola, Arturo - Almost commuting subgroups of Lie groups and toroidal Lie algebras
- Pineda, Daniel Juan - The Fibered Isomorphism Conjecture for braid groups
- Pizaña, Miguel Angel - Graph Relations and Clique Divergence
- Quastel, Jeremy - Effect of Noise on Traveling Fronts in the Fisher-KPP
- Quiroga, Raul - Superrigidity, semisimple Lie groups and pseudoRiemannian
- Rada, Juan - A generalization of the energy to digraphs
- Radford, Luis - The Investigation of Motion and its Symbolic Mathematical
- Ramirez, Arturo - Una propuesta didáctica usando geometría dinámica
- Ramirez, Enrique - There exist infinitely many two component links which are
- Reed, Bruce - Erdös-Posa Property for Cycles of Prescribed Length
- Rémillard, Bruno - On signed-measure solutions of stochastic differential
- Richmond, L. Bruce - Baby-Steps Giant-Steps in Polynomial Factorization
- Rivera Campo, Eduardo - Partitions of complete geometric graphs into plane trees
- Rivero, Victor - Recurrent extensions of positive self-similar Markov
processes and Cramer's condition
- Rocha, Marianito - Approximate monotonic traveling wave solutions to
reaction-diffusion systems with general nonlinearities
- Rodrigues, Eliane - A non-homogeneous Poisson model to estimate the number of
ozone peaks in Mexico City
- Rolfsen, Dale - On R-covered foliations of 3-manifolds
- Salazar, Gelasio - On pseudolinear crossing numbers
- Sanchez Morgado, Hector - Hyperbolicity and exponential convergence of the Lax Oleinik
- Sanchez, Adolfo - Looking for a natural notion of superspace
- Sanchez, Federico - Geometrical extrinsic dynamics of Riemannian submanifolds
- Santillan, Marcela
- Scharlemann, Marty - Straightening tube sums
- Schmuland, Byron - Some recurrence sequences
- Seade, Jose - Open books and real analytic germs
- Silva, Luis - Applications of M. G. Krein's Theory of Entire Operators to
Sampling Theory
- Slade, Gordon - Invasion percolation on a tree
- Sontz, Stephen - Heat kernel analysis in a deformation of quantum mechanics
- Spronk, Nico - The algebra generated by idempotents in a Fourier-Stieltjes
- Steinke, Thomas - From Toys to Tools: Reflections of a Math Consultant on
Implementing Technology in K-12 Math in Ottawa and Ontario
- Sumners, DeWitt - DNA Knots Reveal Chiral Packing of DNA in Phage Capsids
- Szetchman, Fernando - Irreducible representations of Sylow subgroups of symplectic
- Toloza, Julio - Absence of continuous spectrum on a class of unbounded Jacobi
- Torres-Giese, Enrique - Topology of Spaces of Homomorphisms
- Troitsky, Vladimir - Minimal vectors and invariant subspaces
- Turbiner, Alexander - Anharmonic oscillator and double-well potential:
approximating eigenfunctions
- Urrutia, Jorge - On Quadrangulations of Point Sets
- Valencia, Carlos - Connected graphs with a minimal number of edges
- Vargas, Arturo - Evolution of Benjamin-Ono Solitons in the Presence of Weak
Z-K Lateral Dispersion
- Vazquez, Mariel - Processes of topology simplification in biology
- Verstraete, Jacques - Cycles in sparse graphs
- Villarreal, Rafael - Ring graphs and complete intersection toric ideals
- Villegas, Carlos - Asymtotics of clusters of eigenvalues for perturbations of
the hydrogen atom Hamiltonian
- Virág, Bálint - Scaling limits of random matrices
- Vossieck, Dieter - Rigid homomorphisms between finite length modules over a
discrete valuation ring
- Walsh, Genevieve - Commensurability classes of two-bridge knot complements
- Walsh, John - The Rate of Convergence of Numberical Solutions of SPDEs
- Ward, Michael - Eigenvalue Optimization, Spikes, and the Neumann Green's
- Wawrzyncyk, Antoni - Schur Lemma and the spectral mapping formula
- Webb, Kerri - Balanced Graphs
- Weder, Ricardo - Inverse Scattering at a Fixed Energy
- Wittenberg, Ralf - Attractors in one-dimensional spatiotemporal chaos
- Xicotencatl, Miguel - The loop orbifold of the symmetric product
- Zaragoza Martínez, Francisco Javier - Irreducible triangulations of surfaces
- Zhevandrov, Petr - Water waves guided by underwater obstacles
- Zworski, Maciej - Quantum chaos in scattering theory