
Low-Dimensional Topology
Org: Victor Nuñez (CIMAT) and D. Rolfsen (UBC) [PDF]
- LORENA ARMAS, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad
Universitaria, 04510 México DF
Paths in Open Book Decompositions
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In this talk we give an algorithm to decide when a path with endpoints
in the boundary of a disk with holes is simple, i.e., it can
be drawn without selfintersections. This algorithm is simpler than
previous ones given by Zieschang, and by Matsumoto and Kamada.
This is a joint work with Francisco Gonzalez Acuña.
- HANS BODEN, McMaster University
The SL(2,C) Casson invariant
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We present some joint results with Cindy Curtis on the SL(2,C)
Casson invariant for 3-manifolds. This invariant was defined by
Curtis, who also established a surgery formula. Despite these
results, only few computations of the invariant are known. One class
of examples we explore are Seifert-fibered 3-manifolds, where we
present a closed formula for the SL(2,C) Casson invariant which is
interesting to compare with the corresponding formula for the SU(2)
Casson. Moreover, combining these results with known results on the
Culler-Shalen seminorms, we provide computations for families of
3-manifolds arising as Dehn surgeries on knots with Seifert slopes.
This approach is used to investigate the behavior of the SL(2,C)
Casson invariant for surgeries on twist knots and pretzel knots.
- STEVEN BOYER, Université du Québec à Montréal, PO Box 8888,
Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada
On families of virtually fibred Montesinos link exteriors
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William Thurston conjectured over twenty years ago that every finite
volume hyperbolic 3-manifold is finitely covered by a manifold which
fibres over the circle. The first non-trivial examples supporting the
conjecture were obtained by Gabai and Reid. In a 1999 paper, Aitchison
and Rubinstein found combinatorial conditions on certain polyhedral
decompositions of 3-manifolds which guarantee the existence of such
cover which fibres over the circle. In 2002, Chris Leinenger showed
that every manifold obtained by Dehn filling one component of the
Whitehead link exterior is finitely covered by a surface bundle and
more recently Genevieve Walsh did the same for 2-bridge knot
exteriors and certain Montesinos links. In this talk we show use
construct several infinite families of Montesinos links which
virtually fibre.
- HUGO CABRERA IBARRA, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y
Conway polynomials associated to 3-tangle closures
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Given a certain type of oriented 3-string tangle, we consider five
different ways for closing it to obtain knots or links and give
formulas for calculating the Conway polynomials of the closures of the
composition of two such 3-tangles.
- MARC CULLER, University of Illinois at Chicago, MSCS (M/C 249)
851 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60613, USA
Homology of small-volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds
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If a closed, orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold M has volume less
than 1.219 then H1(M;Z) has rank at most 3. Moreover, unless
M is an exceptional manifold in the sense of Gabai, Meyerhoff and
N. Thurston, the rank of H1 (M;Zp) is at most 2 for any odd
prime p. There are three examples of manifolds known with volume
less than 1.219, one of which, namely the Weeks manifold, has mod
5 first homology of rank 2. The proof combines several deep results
about hyperbolic 3-manifolds, including the work of
Gabai-Meyerhoff-Thurston on maximal tube radius; the Marden Tameness
Conjecture, proved by Agol and Calegari-Gabai; the log(2k-1)
Theorem, proved with Anderson, Canary and Shalen; and bounds on volume
change under Dehn filling obtained by Agol, Dunfield, Storm and
W. Thurston using results from Perelman's work on Ricci flow. The
basic strategy is to compare the volume of a tube about a shortest
closed geodesic C in M with the volumes of tubes about closed
geodesics in a sequence of hyperbolic manifolds obtained from M by
Dehn surgeries on C.
This is joint work with Ian Agol and Peter Shalen.
- MARIO EUDAVE, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad
Universitaria, 04510 México DF
Some examples of knots with interesting properties
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In this talk we give some explicit examples of knots or links which
give a positive answer to questions made by several people. First,
for each odd number n, we find knots whose exterior contains a
connected, orientable, incompressible surface with n boundary
components, answering a question of F. Gonzalez-Acuña and
A. Ramirez. Second, we construct knots whose exterior contains an
incompressible torus with four boundary components, and a
non-meridional slope; these examples are simpler that the ones given
by the author some years ago, which answered a question made by
J. Luecke. Third, for each rational number p/q, we find a link with
two components k1Èk2, so that by doing p/q-Dehn surgery on
k1 gives a reducible manifold, answering a question of N. Sayari.
- WOLFGANG HEIL, Florida State University
3-manifolds covered by three open balls or solid tori
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Hempel and McMillan showed that a closed 3-manifold M that can be
covered by three open balls is a connected sum of S3 and
S2-bundles over S1. We sketch a new proof of a slightly
generalized result and show how the proof can be adapted to classify
closed 3-manifolds covered by one open solid torus and two open
balls or by two open solid tori and one open ball. We think that with
these methods we will be able to handle the case for 3 open solid tori.
- GABRIEL INDURSKIS, University of British Columbia, Dept. of Mathematics,
#121-1984 Mathematics Road, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2, Canada
Exceptional fillings of once-punctured torus bundles
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Let M be a hyperbolic 3-manifold which is a bundle over the circle
with a once-punctured torus as fibre. Its monodromy is conjugate in
SL(2,Z) to the canonical form ±Ra1 Lb1 ¼Ran Lbn with positive exponents, where n > 0 and R and
L are the upper and lower triangular matrices generating
SL(2,Z). We show that when n > 5, there is only one
non-hyperbolic Dehn filling of the bundle (namely the Dehn filling
with slope isotopic to the boundary of the fibre). This concretizes a
result of Bleiler and Hodgson which showed the existence of such a
lower bound. The bound is sharp, as there are bundles with n=5
which admit two exceptional fillings.
This is joint work with David Futer (Michigan State University).
On knots with Seifert Fibered Dehn Surgeries
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For a hyperbolic knot in S3 there are only finitely many Dehn
surgeries yielding non-hyperbolic manifolds. In this talk we will
present an infinite family of (hyperbolic) knots admitting a
Seifert-fibered Dehn surgery; these knots do not arise from the
primitive/Seifert-fibered construction introduced by J. Dean a few
years ago. The pretzel knot (3,-3,3) belongs to this family.
This is joint work with Mario Eudave-Muñoz.
A geometric proof that the singular braid group is
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Singular Braids can be seen as the classical braids where we allow two
strings to intersect. If the intersecting points are marked with
white or black colour we can give the definition of life-disc in order
to create a group, the singular braid group. In this talk we give the
presentation of this group, its geometric description and some
properties that help us to prove that this group is torsion-free.
- CHRISTIAN LAING, Florida State University, 208 Love Building, Tallahassee,
Florida USA 32306-4510
Geometric Measures as Brain Shape Descriptors
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Classification and identification of differences in brain anatomy
(i.e., differences in shape) can play an important role in
Neuroscience. Methods such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are
used to correlate brain structure and function, and to measure changes
during development and disease.
Given a set of polygonal curves (not necessarily closed or connected),
geometric measures involving combinations of writhe and average
crossing numbers of subcurves, as well as ropelength and thickness,
can be computed to obtain a set of features for the purpose of shape
characterization. These measures, originally given for simple closed
curves, can be defined in a natural way for a set of polygonal
We apply these geometric measures to a set of curves obtained by
tracing sulcal paths on the gray matter surface of human brains.
These surfaces are extracted from MRI scans of human brains. We then
compute these geometric measures to construct a feature vector which
is used in a machine learning process. A clustering technique called
multiple discriminant analysis is used to find an optimal projection
of the feature space into a plane. This optimal planar projection
minimizes the variance within a cluster, and maximizes the distance
between distinct clusters.
In our preliminary results, an automatic differentiation between
sulcal paths from the left or right hemispheres was possible. Also a
male-female classification and younger-older classification was
Lusternik-Schnirelmann type invariants for 3-Manifolds
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We will talk about what is known about these invariants for 3-Manifolds.
- MAX NEUMANN, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
Surfaces in semi-alternating knot complements
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I want to consider knots made by glueing two alternating tangles (with
few strings or with some other conditions) and look for essential
surfaces in their complements.
- VICTOR NUÑEZ, Cimat, AP 402, Guanajuato, Gto., México
Coverings of Montesinos knots of the second kind
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A Montesinos knot k Ì S3 is a link that has a Seifert manifold
as double branched covering, B2(k), and such that k is not a
union of fibers of a Seifert fibering of the 3-sphere (this is not an
exact definition, but the exceptions are few and non-interesting for
For the first kind of Montesinos knots, the double branched covering
is an orientable Seifert manifold with orbit surface the 2-sphere. A
Montesinos knot k is of the second kind, if B2(k) is an
orientable Seifert manifold with orbit surface a non-orientable
For a Montesinos knot k of the first kind, it is known how to get
the 3-sphere as a dihedral branched covering of (S3,k). We explain
how to obtain the 3-sphere as a dihedral covering, and also as a
`meta-dihedral' branched covering of (S3,k). These last
`meta-dihedral' coverings show a surprising and very interesting
similarity with the study of Montesinos knots of the first kind.
Joint work with Jair Remigio.
There exist infinitely many two component links which are
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A link or knot l is 2-universal if every closed orientable
3-manifold is a covering of S3 branched along l, and each
branching index is either one or two. In this work we give a family of
2-universal links.
- DALE ROLFSEN, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2,
On R-covered foliations of 3-manifolds
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A codimension one foliation of a manifold is said to be R-covered if
the space of leaves of the pullback of the foliation to the universal
cover is homeomorphic to the real line. Sometimes the definition also
requires that the foliation of the manifold be transversely oriented,
but we will not assume this.
We will present a family of 3-manifolds which possess R-covered
foliations, but on the other hand cannot be given a foliation which is
both transversely oriented and R-covered. We use a theorem of
Calegari and Dunfield that if a 3-manifold has a transversely oriented
R-covered foliation, then its fundamental group is left-orderable.
Our examples are Haken manifolds which have finite homology groups,
possess R-covered foliations, but have non-left-orderable
fundamental groups.
- MARTY SCHARLEMANN, University of California, Santa Barbara
Straightening tube sums
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Suppose the complement of a 3-manifold W Ì S3 contains an
incompressible torus T. Then there is a natural way to reimbed W
in a typically simpler form, namely reimbed the solid torus that T
bounds in S3 as an unknotted solid torus. When T is of higher
genus there is not such a natural choice of reimbedding. For the
special genus two case in which T is a tubed sum of two distant tori
there is a natural choice. We show how this case suffices as a
3-dimensional tool to prove the genus three, 4-dimensional
Schoenflies Conjecture.
- DEWITT SUMNERS, Florida State University
DNA Knots Reveal Chiral Packing of DNA in Phage Capsids
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Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. They pack their
double-stranded DNA genomes to near-crystalline density in viral
capsids and achieve one of the highest levels of DNA condensation
found in nature. Despite numerous studies some essential properties
of the packaging geometry of the DNA inside the phage capsid are still
unknown. Although viral DNA is linear double-stranded with sticky
ends, the linear viral DNA quickly becomes cyclic when removed from
the capsid, and for some viral DNA the observed knot probability is an
astounding 95%. This talk will discuss comparison of the observed
viral knot spectrum with the simulated knot spectrum, concluding that
the packing geometry of the DNA inside the capsid is non-random and
- [1]
J. Arsuaga, M. Vazquez, S. Trigueros, D. W. Sumners and J. Roca,
Knotting probability of DNA molecules confined in restricted
volumes: DNA knotting in phage capsids.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99(2002), 5373-5377.
- [2]
J. Arsuaga, M. Vazquez, P. McGuirk, D. W. Sumners and J. Roca,
DNA Knots Reveal Chiral Organization of DNA in Phage Capsids.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102(2005), 9165-9169.
- [3]
C. Micheletti, D. Marenduzzo, E. Orlandini and D. W. Sumners,
Knotting of Random Ring Polymers in Confined Spaces.
J. Chem. Phys. 124(2006), 064903 (1-10).
- MARIEL VAZQUEZ, San Francisco State University, Mathematics Department,
1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132, USA
Processes of topology simplification in biology
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Important Biological processes such as replication, transcription and
recombination involve global topological changes of long DNA
molecules. Circular DNA adopts different topological conformations in
the cell, negative supercoiling being its preferred, native state.
There is evidence that knots inhibit replication and transcription,
and it is known that links with two or more components prevent proper
segregation at cell division. The cell has thus devised ways to
reduce topological entanglement. I will talk about recent models of
DNA unknotting and unlinking both from a biological, a mathematical
and a computational point of view.
This is joint work with J. Arsuaga, I. Grainge, X. Hua, D. Sherratt
and S. Trigueros.
- GENEVIEVE WALSH, University of Quebec at Montreal and Tufts University
Commensurability classes of two-bridge knot complements
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Two 3-manifolds are said to be commensurable if they have a common
finite-sheeted cover. Commensurability classes are a reasonable way
to organize hyperbolic 3-manifolds. For example, if a manifold is
virtually fibered or virtually Haken, then so is every manifold in its
commensurability class. However, the general problem of determining
if two hyperbolic 3-manifolds are commensurable is difficult. We show
that a hyperbolic 2-bridge knot complement is the unique knot
complement (in S3) in its commensurability class. The proof relies
heavily on facts particular to 2-bridge knots.
There are commensurability classes that contain more than one
hyperbolic knot complement. For example, this can happen if one of
the knots admits a lens space surgery. We speculate on the general
This is joint work with Alan Reid.