Plenary Speakers [PDF]
- FRANCISCO GONZALEZ ACUÑA, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM & CIMAT
Minimal coverings of a 3-manifold with special open subsets
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What is the minimal number of "special" open subsets U of a closed
3-manifold M3 that cover it?
We will discuss this question with the following nine meanings of the
word "special":
absolute: |
2. Homeomorphic to S1 ×R2 |
3. Homeomorphic to an open subset of R3 |
4. Contractible (in themselves) |
relative: |
9. S1-contractible in M3. |
- DAVID BRYDGES, University of British Columbia, 1984 Mathematics Road,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Self-Avoiding Walks and Trees
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A long chain molecule can be crudely modeled as a sequence of N
points in Rd where the first point is at the origin. The
sequence is admissible if each point is the centre of a sphere such
that the spheres are non-overlapping but touching each other in
accordance with the topology of a chain. By putting a uniform
distribution on the subset of RNd consisting of admissible
sequences we can address basic questions such as what is the expected
end-to-end distance when N is large? Analogous questions can be
posed for molecules with other topologies such as trees. An even more
basic model for a long chain molecule is self-avoiding walk on the
simple cubic lattice Zd. I will review and dicuss recent
results related to this class of problems.
- GONZALO CONTRERAS, CIMAT, P.O. Box 402, 36.000 Guanajuato, GTO, México
C2-densely the 2-sphere has an elliptic closed geodesic
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We prove that a Riemannian metric on the 2-sphere or the projective
plane can be C2-approximated by one whose geodesic flow has an
elliptic closed geodesic. This result was conjectured by M. Herman
and also partially recovers in the generic case a claim by
H. Poincaré for convex surfaces. Consequences of this theorem are
that there is a dense set of metrics in the 2-sphere whose geodesic
flow is not ergodic and that there are no structurally stable geodesic
flows on the 2-sphere. I find this a beautiful example of the use of
modern dynamical systems in Riemannian geometry.
- PENGFEI GUAN, McGill University
Nonlinear Differential Equations in Geometry
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We will discuss some recent progress of nonlinear differential
equations arising in geometry. Geometrically inspired problems
provided the motivation for much of the development of the modern
theory of nonlinear PDEs, in turn, the PDE theory plays key role in
solving some outstanding problems in geometry. We will concentrate on
nonlinear scalar equations to illustrate some of the main ideas and
techniques. These equations are related to the Christoffel-Minkowski
problem, high codimension mean curvature flow and the problem of
prescribing the sk curvature of a conformal metric.
- JORGE URRUTIA, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
On Quadrangulations of Point Sets
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Let P = {p1,...,pn} be a point set in general position on the
plane. A quadrangulation of P is a set Q = {Q1,...,Qm } of
quadrilaterals (not necessarily convex) with disjoint interiors such
- the vertices of all Qi are elements of P;
- no element of P lies in the interior of any Si, i = 1,...,m;
- S1 ȼÈSm = Conv(P) where Conv(P) denotes
the convex hull of P.
Q is called a convex quadrangulationof P when all of its
elements are convex. In this talk we study several problems on convex
and non-convex quadrangulations of point sets,
We also study quadrangulations of bicolored point sets, that is sets
of points on the plane such that its elements are colored with two
colors, say red and blue. The set of blue points will be denoted by
B = {b1,...,br}, and the set of red points by R = {r1,...,rs}; r+s=n, r £ s. We will assume that P=RÈB is in general position. A bichromatic quadrangulation Q of
P is a quadrangulation in which all the edges of the elements of Q
join a blue and a red point. Some problems on quadrangulations of
point sets colored with 3 colors will also be studied.
- MACIEJ ZWORSKI, University of California, Berkeley
Quantum chaos in scattering theory
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Models of quantum chaotic scattering include scattering by several
convex bodies, open quantum maps, analysis on convex co-compact
hyperbolic surfaces, and semiclassical potential scattering. In the
talk, I will describe common features of these different models. The
general goal will be to explain how classical objects, such as the
thermodynamical pressure or dimension of the trapped set, affect
quantum properties such as the decay rates or the density of states.
I will concentrate on (colourful) pictures and intuitions rather than
on the technical aspects of this (rather technical) subject.