


Abstracts - listed by speaker Abstracts are displayed on the website for information only and are
not to be considered a published document. Some inconsistencies in
display of fonts may occur in some web browser configurations.
- Abeles, Francine - Game theory and politics: a note on C. L. Dodgson
- Ackerberg-Hastings, Amy - The semi-secret history of Charles Davies
- Adler, Andrew - A course on making and presenting problems
- Anco, Stephen
- Anderson, Lindsay - Pricing a fixed-strike asian call option with continuous
arithmetic averaging
- Arthur, James - An introduction to the trace formula
- Bahsoun, Wael - Invariant measures for inner functions
- Baltus, Christopher - Gauss's algebraic proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra
- Belair, Jacques - Delayed regulation in hormonal systems: oscillations and control
- Bélair, Luc - Delta-rings and axioms for Frobenius on Witt vectors
- Belhumeur, Peter - To be announced
- Bernstein, Dan - Sieving in cache
- Blake, John - Goal programming in hospital case mix management
- Boden, Hans - Integral and non-integral SU(3) generalizations of
the Casson invariant, Part I
- Borwein, Jonathan - CEIC: International Mathematical Union Initiatives
- Boudreau, François and Vit Vaculik - To be announced
- Bourlioux, Anne - The mathematics behind the computation of turbulent flames
- Braverman, Maxim - Quantization of non-compact Hamiltoninan G-spaces
- Bryant, David - The combinatorics of quartet phylogenies
- Bungay, Sharene - Optimization of first order saddle points using genetic algorithms
- Burke, Max - Borel measurability of separately continuous functions
- Burns, Dan - Algebraicization of entire Grauert tubes
- Burns, Robert - Constructible groups and a dichotomy in group laws
- Butler, Leo - Topology and integrable geodesic flows
- Campbell, Lucy - Nonlinear critical layer development of forced wave packets
in geophysical shear flows
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Multistability in coupled, near-identical neural models
- Cannings, Richard and Claude Laflamme - Interactive Mathematics on the Web using Java and TEX
- Carbone, Lisa - Lattices on non-uniform trees
- Carrell, James - Singular loci of subvarieties of G/B stable under a
maximal torus
- Carter, Michael - To be announced
- Casselman, Bill - Archimedes animated
- Chanillo, S.
- Cheb-Terrab, Edgardo - Research and educational tools for differential equations in Maple
- Christara, Christina - Fast solvers for quadratic spline collocation equations
- Clarke, Francis - Robustness of discontinuous feedbacks
- Clarke, Francis - The feedback problem in control theory
- Clements, John - Investigation of the equal anisotropy ratio assumption in the
bidomain model for a human ventricular myocardium
- Cohen, Edward - The leap-year problem has not gone away
- Corless, Robert - Applications of the NODES package for solving IVPs for ODE
in Maple: modules for classroom use
- Craig, Walter
- Crowley, Diarmuid - Classification of 3-sphere bundles over the 4-sphere
- Cusick, Tom - Boolean functions and cryptography
- da Silva, Ana Cannas - Index of contact diffeomorphisms and folded
symplectic structures
- Davidson, M., X. Li, and C. Essex - Oscillation and stability of age structured population
- Davis, James F. - Algebraic K-theory of virtually cyclic groups
- de Vries, Gerda - From spikers to bursters via coupling: effects of noise and
- Dekster, Boris - Each convex body in E3 symmetric about a plane can be illuminated
by 8 directions
- Denton, Brian - To be announced
- Devitt, Stan - Mathematical semantics, OpenMath and the Web
- Diaz, Angel - XML Based Interactive Scientific Publishing With The Mathematical Markup Language
- Dixon, John - Using probabilistic methods to prove theorems in group theory
- Djokovic, Dragomir Z. - Closure ordering of adjoint nilpotent orbits in simple real
lie algebras
- Doebeli, Michael - Evolutionary branching and sympatric speciation caused by different
types of ecological interactions
- Doeschal, Andrea - Assessment of a cellular model for sediment transport in braided
- Dony, Robert
- Drake, James - Requirement for new mathematical models of the brain for hydrocephalus
- Drapaca, Corina - Transient ventricular wall dynamics in shunted hydrocephalus
- Drozd, John Jan - The apsidal angle and its derivative in Newton's apsidal precession
- Drucker, Tom - Language, truth, and logic in Russell's mathematics
- Dubuc, S. and Jun Li - Le pavage du plan par la coube de Lévy
- Dullerud, Geir E. - Distributed control of inhomogeneous systems, with boundary
- Earn, David - A simple model for complex dynamical transitions in epidemics
- Edelstein-Keshet, Leah - Recent progress in biomedical modelling
- Edwards, Roderick - Structure and behaviour in gene networks
- Elyassini, Khalid - A new resolution approach for linear programming problems
- Essex, C., M. Davidson, and X. Li - Oscillation and stability of age structured population
- Essex, C., P. Yu, and W. Yao - Analysis on a simple quiet standing model
- Essex, Chris - Numerical monsters
- Farah, Ilijas - Layered Ramseyan structures (joint work with Neil Hindman,
Howard University)
- Fieguth, Paul - To be announced
- Foreman, Mike - Summer current simulations for Juan de Fuca Strait and
southwestern Vancouver Island
- Francis, Bruce - Applications of postmodern control theory
- Fraser, Craig - Hilbert's Grundlagen der geometrie and its relation to Euclid's
- Freedman, Herb - Competition models of cancer treatment
- Friedlander, John - Carmichael's function and the power generator
- Gaglione, Anthony M. - Are some groups less discriminating than others
- Galperin, Efim A. - Web-aided spreadsheet education: the myth and realities
- Geddes, Keith - Generating numerical ODE formulas via a symbolic calculus of
divided differences
- Gersten, Steve - To be announced
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - To be announced
- Gilligan, Bruce - On globalization of holomorphic actions
- Gilman, Bob - Languages of free generators
- Ginzburg, Viktor - Existence of periodic orbits for some classes of Hamiltonian systems
- Glass, Leon - Control of complex rhythms in medicine: theory, experiment, and
clinical applications
- Glass, Leon - Dynamics of reentrant tachycardia
- Godard, Roger - Interpolation theory at the dawn of a new millennium: an
historical approach
- Goldin, Rebecca - A generalization of a theorem of Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson I
- Grant, Hardy - Greek mathematics in cultural context
- Greatbatch, Richard - Who needs the Boussinesq approximation?
- Griffin, Nicholas - Russell's logicism is not `If-Thenism'
- Guillemin, Victor - Morse theory on graphs, part I
- Gumel, A.B., Beni Sahai, and P.N. Shivakumar - Numerical model for the dynamics between HIV and CD4+ T
cells in vivo
- Gupta, C. Kanta - Varieties of groups and group representations
- Gustafson, Stephen
- Han, Zheng-chao - Existence and compactness results of the Yamabe problem with
- Hart, Bradd and Eric Muller - To be announced
- Hart, Klaas Pieter - Fun with model theory in topology
- Heenan, Tony - Visualization of the flow through the human oro-pharynx
- Heinrich, Kathy - But the students won't know I hate math
- Henderson, David - Teachers as mathematicians-mathematicians as teachers
- Herald, Chris - Integral and non-integral SU(3) generalizations of
the Casson invariant, Part II
- Hernandez, Nicolas - Scenario generation techniques in mark-to-future analysis
- Hodgson, Bernard - Specific mathematics courses in teacher education: some examples for
prospective primary and secondary teachers
- Holder, Allen - Radiotherapy planning via linear optimization
- Holm, Tara - A generalization of a theorem of Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson II
- Hosseini, Manou - Performance-dependability prediction in an uncertain environment
- Hrusak, Michael - Combinatorics of MAD families
- Hsieh, John - Statistical inference of stochastic models in life sciences
- Huang, Huaxiong, Brian Wetton, and Dong Liang - Motion of a liquid drop on a partially wetting surface under shear
- Hurd, Tom - Estimation of multivariate Levy distributions
- Hurtubise, Jacques - Integrable systems, loop groups and surfaces
- Husch, Larry - Visual calculus-a report
- Ibragimov, Ranis - On the tidal motion around the earth complicated by the
circular geometry of the ocean's shape
- Iron, David - The stability of spike solutions to the 1-dimensional
Gierer-Meinhardt model
- Ito, Kazifumi - Receding horizon optimal control problem for infinite
dimensional control systems
- Ivanov, Sergei - Intersecting free subgroups in free products of groups
- Ivrii, Victor - Spectral asymptotics with sharp remainder estimates for operators
with low regularity condition
- Jackiw, Nicholas - JavaSketchpad: web-based dynamic geometry
- Jacobowitz, Howard - On the existence of elliptic pseudodifferential operators
- Jeffrey, Lisa - Intersection pairings on singular quotients
- Johnston, Heather - Homology manifold bordism: Everyone has an evil twin
- Jones, Lowell - Classifying chain complexes
- Jörgenson, Loki - Three years later: are the CMS' digital journals a success?
- Kalemaris, Agnes - Grace Murray Hopper was a mathematician
- Karatzas, Ioannis - Financial mathematics
- Kari, Lila - Life like a theorem
- Karsten, Richard - A thermally and mechanically driven model of the circumpolar
- Kharlampovich, Olga - JSJ decomposition for finitely generated fully residually free
- Khouider, Boulaem - Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec
- Khoury, Joseph - On some properties of elementary derivations in dimension six
- Kiem, Young-Hoon - Intersection homology of symplectic torus quotients
- Kiem, Young-Hoon - Intersection homology of representation spaces of surface
- Kim, Sehjung - Dynamical behaviors of a network of three neurons with a
piecewise linear signal function
- Kleiner, Israel - Aspects of the evolution of field theory
- Kogan, Mikhail - Schubert varieties and Gelfand-Cetlin polytop
- Kortenkamp, Ulrich - Interactive geometry
- Krause, E. - Flow-modeling for the human circulatory system
- Kreyszig, Erwin - ``Modern'' starts
- Kuhlmann, Salma - A maximality property of the Hardy field
- Kunoff, Sharon - A commentary on the first Hebrew geometry and its relationship
to the first arabic geometry
- Kwasik, Slawomir - 3-dimensional surgery, UNil-groups and the Borel conjecture
- Labahn, George - To be announced
- Labute, John - On the cohomological dimension of one-relator pro-p-groups
- Laflamme, Claude and Richard Cannings - Interactive Mathematics on the Web using Java and TEX
- Lambert, Rob - Solution of linear systems for discrete logarithm calculation
- Lari-Lavassani, Ali - Modeling and valuing energy derivatives
- Lavers, Gregory - Gödel, Carnap and Friedman on analyticity
- Laverty, David - Kit Fine's theory of variable objects and his
- Lehoux, Daryn - The Zodiacal days in the Geminus and Miletus parapegmata
- Lerman, Eugene - Contact cuts
- Levy-Vehel, Jacques - To be announced
- Lewis, Albert - The contrasting views of Charles S. Peirce and Bertrand
Russell on Cantor's transfinite paradise
- Lewis, Andrew - Affine connection control systems
- Li, Jun and S. Dubuc - Le pavage du plan par la coube de Lévy
- Li, Song-Ying - Boundedness of the second derivatives of Green's operators on
H1 and BMO
- Li, Tian-Ju - Intersection forms of non-spin manifolds
- Li, X., C. Essex, and M. Davidson - Oscillation and stability of age structured population
- Li, Xiaorang - Fractional differential equation with maple
- Li, Yue-Xian - Tango waves in a bidomain model of fertilization calcium waves
- Liang, Dong, Huaxiong Huang, and Brian Wetton - Motion of a liquid drop on a partially wetting surface under shear
- Lillywhite, Steven - The topology of symplectic reductions of loop spaces
- Liu, Andy - Math fair
- Longtin, Andre - Dynamical gain control in electrosensory systems
- Lovric, Miroslav - ``Teaching mathematics'' course at Mcmaster university-an
innovative attempt at improving quality of teaching
- Ma, Xinan - To be announced
- Mackey, Michael - Periodic hematological diseases: insight into the pathology from
mathematical modeling
- Macki, Jack - Reforming the first two years of engineering mathematics
- Magid, Andy R. - Pro-algebraic hulls of discrete groups: examples and questions
- Mallier, Roland - Modal interactions in a bickley jet by direct numerical simulation
- Markman, Eyal - Hyperkahler varieties; their reflections and monodromy
- McCague, Hugh - The mathematics of building and analysing a medieval cathedral
- McCann, Robert - Kinetic equilibration rates for granular media
- McCooey, Michael - Symmetry groups of four-manifolds
- McDuff, Dusa - Some open problems in symplectic topology
- Meinke, M. and W. Schroeder - Large-eddy simulation of internal flows
- Melville, Duncan - Third millennium mathematics: A brief survey
- Miasnikov, Alexei - Exploiting links between the algebraic geometry over groups and
- Miletic, Ivan and Adam Smyth - Controller performance monitoring in the steel industry
- Millar, Mike
- Mitchell, Ross - To be announced
- Miura, Robert - Resonances in excitable cells
- Mohammadalikhani, Ramin - Moduli spaces of flat connections on surfaces
- Moore, Gregory - Editing mathematicians: Bertrand Russell and Kurt Goedel
- Moore, Justin - Dimensions of Martin's axiom
- Morris, Kirsten - Comparing finite-dimensional models for infinite-dimensional
- Mosca, Michele - Quantum computers: powers and limitations
- Muller, Eric and Bradd Hart - To be announced
- Murty, Kumar - Points on Abelian varieties over finite fields
- Murty, Ram - Euclid, Brahmagupta, and ABC
- Myers, Gene - Whole genome assembly of the Drosophila and human genomes
- Nadiga, Balu - Idealized studies of mesoscale-eddies in oceans
- Nawa, Hayato - Blowup of solutions of a class of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- Ncube, Israel - Stochastic approximation for a simple automatic classifier via a
dynamical systems approach
- Ng, Kit-Sun - Quadratic spline collocation methods for systems of PDEs
- Oberlack, Martin - Universal principles of turbulent wall-bounded flows
- Ozbay, Hitay - Finite dimensional H-infinity controllers for
a class of infinite dimensional systems
- Pederson, Erik - To be announced
- Pelinovsky, Dmitry - Degenerate rational solutions of the KP hierarchy
- Pianzola, Arturo - Line bundles and conjugacy theorems
- Pierce, David - Differential geometry in model theory
- Pierrehumbert, Raymond - Statistical mechanics of chaotic advection-diffusion in the atmosphere
- Piper, Janet and Bill Ralph - JTC (Journey through calculus) workshop
- Poletsky, E. - To be announced
- Polthier, Konrad - Mathematical visualization and online experiments with JavaView
- Pomerance, Carl - Prime numbers: what we still don't know
- Queyranne, Maurice - Scheduling polyhedra: from cutting planes to approximation algorithms
- Ralph, Bill - Mathematics meets multimedia-the
journey through calculus software
- Ralph, Bill and Janet Piper - JTC (Journey through calculus) workshop
- Rasekh, Lila - Discrete cosine transform
- Renner, Lex E. - An explicit cell decomposition of the canonical compactification
of a semisimple algebraic group
- Rhemtulla, Akbar - Incompatible group orderings, local indicability and braids
- Ribes, Luis - Finite extensions of free pro-p groups
- Rice, Adrian
- Richards, Mike G. - Multivariate process analysis-advanced tool for six sigma
- Riehm, Carl - Orthogonal representations of finite groups
- Robitaille, Ariane - Can we learn something about combinatorics from review journals?
- Rogers, Pat and Walter Whiteley - Some current mathematics courses for teachers
- Rohlf, Katrin - Stochastic theory of blood flow in small vessels
- Roy, Ranja - The trace conjecture-a counterexample
- Ruan, Shigui - Global Analysis in a predator-prey system with nonmonotonic
functional response
- Russell, David - Forced waves in a supported nonlinear elastic beam
- Sadov, Sergey - A mathematical model of ice melting on transmission lines
- Sahai, Beni, P.N. Shivakumar, and A.B. Gumel - Numerical model for the dynamics between HIV and CD4+ T
cells in vivo
- Salisbury, Tom - Knockout baskets and survivorship bias
- Saupe, Dietmar - To be announced
- Scheidler, Renate - Invariant computation and cryptography in function fields
- Scherk, John
- Schirokauer, Oliver - The discrete logarithm problem in finite fields
- Schopflocher, Tom and Paul J. Sullivan - The PDF of scalar concentration in turbulent flows
- Schroeder, W. and M. Meinke - Large-eddy simulation of internal flows
- Shampine, Lawrence - Solving ODEs in new computing environments
- Shen, Samuel - Optimal estimation of climate parameters
- Shivakumar, P.N., A.B. Gumel, and Beni Sahai - Numerical model for the dynamics between HIV and CD4+ T
cells in vivo
- Shpilrain, Vladimir - Measuring sets in finitely generated groups
- Sjamaar, Reyer - Moment maps and Riemannian symmetric pairs
- Skinner, Frances - Cellular mechanisms of neuronal network behaviour
- Slimowitz, Jennifer - Shortening the Hofer length of Hamiltonian circle actions
- Smith, Robert - Self-cycling fermentation and impulsive dynamical systems
- Smoller, Joel - Non-formation of vacuum states for the compressible Navier-Stokes
- Smyth, Adam and Ivan Miletic - Controller performance monitoring in the steel industry
- Sorenson, Jon - A fast algorithm for approximately counting smooth numbers
- Spraggon, Donna - Felix Klein's ``Erlanger programm'' and its influence
- Starchenko, Sergei - On stable structures definable in o-minimal models
- Stastna, Marek - Some Problems in the application of consolidation theory to
- Stein, Andreas - Explicit bounds in function fields and cryptographic
- Stern, Ron - Some issues in discontinuous feedback design
- Stewart, James - How to enliven the mathematics classroom
- Stinson, Doug - Some baby-step giant-step algorithms for the
low hamming weight discrete logarithm problem
- Stockie, John - Simulating flexible fibres immersed in fluid
- Straub, David - Instability of chaotic 2 dimensional flow to 3D perturbations
- Sulem, Catherine - Asymptotic stability of solitary waves for nonlinear
Schrödinger equations
- Sullivan, Paul J. and Tom Schopflocher - The PDF of scalar concentration in turbulent flows
- Symington, Margaret - Singular Lagrangian fibrations in dimension four
- Tang, Francis Chi-Yu - On the residual finiteness of the outer automorphism groups of
certain generalized free products
- Tataru, Daniel - On Strichartz type estimates and the nonlinear wave equation
- Tattersall, Jim - Vignettes from Gerbert's mathematics
- Terlaky, Tamás - New proximities and search directions for linear and semidefinite
- Terzopoulos, Demetri
- Thiele, Rudiger - On Hilbert's 24th problem
- Thomas, Robert - Mathematics and fiction: A pedagogical comparison
- Thomas, Simon - Asymptotic cones of finitely generated groups
- Todorcevic, Stevo - Parametrized Ramsey theory
- Tolman, Sue - Symplectic packing, Gromov width, and Grassmanians
- Toth, John - To be announced
- Traynor, Lisa - Invariants for legendrian tangles
- Treloar, Thomas - Manin pairs and the symplectic geometry of polygons
- Tuszynski, Jack - Nonlinearity and fractality in the mathematical modelling of
pharmacokinetic processes
- Vaculik, Vit and François Boudreau - To be announced
- Van Brummelen, Glen - sin 10: From Ptolemy to al-Kashi
- van den Dries, Lou - Logarithmic-exponential series
- van den Driessche, Pauline - The number of limit cycle solutions to n-dimensional dynamical
systems with biological applications
- Walsh, Gary - Problems of fundamental importance in crypto number theory
- Wehlau, David - Using ladders to compute invariants of p-groups
- Weitsman, Jonathan - To be announced
- Wellin, Paul R. - Mathematica and Mathematics on the Web
- Weston, Harley - Mathematics every teacher should know
- Wetton, Brian, Dong Liang, and Huaxiong Huang - Motion of a liquid drop on a partially wetting surface under shear
- Whiteley, Walter and Pat Rogers - Some current mathematics courses for teachers
- Wilczynski, Darius - Group actions on Hirzebruch surfaces
- Williams, Bruce - Transfer maps for K-theory and L-theory
- Woolgar, Eric - A proposal for a mathematics digital library
- Yao, W., C. Essex, and P. Yu - Analysis on a simple quiet standing model
- Yau, Shing-Tung - PDE-to be confirmed
- Yu, P., W. Yao, and C. Essex - Analysis on a simple quiet standing model
- Yu, Pei - Computation of simplest normal forms using a perturbation technique
- Yu, Pei and Yuan Yuan - Computation of simplest normal forms of Bodganov-Takens
- Yuan, Yuan and Pei Yu - Computation of simplest normal forms of Bodganov-Takens
- Zara, Catalin - Morse theory on graphs, part II
- Zelmanov, Efim I. - On some algebraic structures related to conformal field theory
- Zhu, Huaiping - Stability and bifurcation of a multiple delayed system of coupled
excitatory and inhibitory neurons
- Zuccherato, Robert - Obtaining non-repudiation within a PKI environment