Résumés - listées par conférenciers
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- (CANCELLED), Reebhu Bhattacharyya - Isotropic States on Kähler Manifolds, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-16:00, GeoQuan
- (CANCELLED), Zhongkai Tao - Spectral asymptotics for kinetic Brownian motion, lundi 2 décembre, 17:00-18:00, GeoQuan
- Abuelnasr, Belal - Effects of Diabetes on Renal Calcium Homeostasis, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, DynSyst
- Akbari, Masoomeh - The Generalized Honeymoon Oberwolfach Problem with one large table of size 2m, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, CombDes
- Akbary, Amir - Dual pairs of eta quotients, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, AutoNT
- Akhtari, Shabnam - Index Form Equations and Monogenized Orders in Quartic Number Fields, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, CAargeo
- Akhter, Adriana-Stefania Ciupeanu, Tanjima - Preventing HPV-Induced Cervical Cancer in Alberta, Canada: A Mathematical Modeling study, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Akhter, Tanjima et Adriana-Stefania Ciupeanu - Preventing HPV-Induced Cervical Cancer in Alberta, Canada: A Mathematical Modelling study, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, StudRes
- Alacaoglu, Ahmet - Towards Weaker Variance Assumptions for Stochastic Optimization: A Blast From the Past, lundi 2 décembre, 15:00-15:30, AlgAppA
- Alacaoglu, Ahmet - Revisiting Inexact Fixed-Point Iterations for Min-Max Problems: Stochasticity and Structured Nonconvexity, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, VarAna
- Aldroubi, Akram - Dynamical sampling: source term recovery and frames, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, OpTheo
- Algorta, Jupiter - Exploring Cellular Polarization and Motility Through Bulk-Surface Dynamics, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, CellMig
- Alonso, Raul - An anticyclotomic Euler system for Hilbert cuspforms over a real quadratic field, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, AGalois
- Alvir, Rachael - Scott Complexity and Torsion Abelian Groups, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, DesSetT
- An, Wong Tian - Towards a notion of mesoscopy, samedi 30 novembre, 8:50-9:10, AutoRep
- Anco, Stephen - Hidden symmetry groups in classical mechanics and beyond, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, SymAlgS
- Arias, Arturo Arellano - A shape theorem for the convex hull of $d$-dimensional branching Brownian motion in periodic environments., samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, ReProSt
- Arman, Andrii - Bodies of constant width that have small volume, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, AsymGeo
- Árnadóttir, Soffía - Cayley incidence graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, CaylGra
- Arulseelan, Jan - Computability in Continuous Logic with Applications to Operator Algebras, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, DesSetT
- Ashmore, Rylo - Herding logical cats with Rabin’s Theorem, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, PurEvG
- Astwood, Michael - The Kepler Problem on Pseudo-Riemannian Surfaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, StudRes
- Babinkostova, Liljana - Elliptic Pseudoprimes, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, CAargeo
- Bairakji, Serine - Lost in Levis: The Case of the Missing Middle, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:20-9:40, AutoRep
- Balodis, Kristaps - The Status and Consequences of the p-adic Kazhdan-Lusztig Hypothesis, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:40, AutoRep
- Balodis, Kristaps - L-functions, representation theory, and geometry., dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, NumTheo
- Banks, Nic - Galois Theory and Computation of Intersective Polynomials, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, NumTheo
- Baptista, Ricardo - Dynamics and Memorization Behaviour of Score-Based Diffusion Models, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, MachLea
- Barake, Dan - Characters in p-adic Vertex Operator Algebras, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, NumTheo
- Barreira, Raquel - The evolving surface finite element method as a tool for solving PDEs on continuously evolving domains, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, CellMig
- Bäumler, Johannes - The truncation problem for long-range percolation, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, DisProb
- Bauschke, Heinz - On the Bredies-Chenchene-Lorenz-Naldi algorithm, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, AlgAppA
- Beaton, Iain - Reconfiguration Graphs for Minimal Domination Sets, lundi 2 décembre, 15:00-15:30, GraStAl
- Bégin, Jean-François - Benefit volatility-targeting strategies in lifetime pension pools, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, BusOpti
- Berman, Leah Wrenn - Infinite classes of movable $(n_{4})$ configurations using Poncelet polygons, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, IntDisG
- Besrour, Khalil - Modular Solutions to Modular Differential Equations, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, AutoNT
- Besrour, Khalil - Introduction to Modular Forms and Modular Differential Equations, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, StudRes
- Binder, Ilia - Conformal Dimension of Planar fractals., samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, OpTheo
- Bloem-Reddy, Benjamin - Causal Inference with Cocycles, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, MachLea
- Blois, Cindy et Pam Sargent - Building Resilience in a Community of Learners, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, MathEd3
- Bluman, George - Use of the symmetry-based method to construct non-invertible mappings, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, SymAlgS
- Boileau, Dr. André - Les hauts et les bas d'un prof de maths, samedi 30 novembre, 13:30-14:30, PzAPA
- Bokil, Vrushali - Structure Preserving Discretizations for Magnetohydrodynamics, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, SPDiscr
- Borges, Tainara - Bounds for bilinear averages and associated maximal functions, HarAnaG
- Bouthat, Ludovick - Exploring Hadamard multipliers on weighted Dirichlet spaces through $L$-matrices, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, OpTheo
- Bowman, John - Conservative, Symplectic, and Exponential Integrators, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, SPDiscr
- Branker, Maritza - Viewing our students as ambassadors of our discipline: a new approach to the mathematics senior seminar., dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, EmbEthi
- Braverman, Elena - On logistic models incorporating various diffusion strategies with and without harvesting, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, ReAdvDE
- Break, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, HarAnaG
- Break, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, HarAnaG
- Break, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, HarAnaG
- Break, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, HarAnaG
- Break, HarAnaG
- Bright, Paige - A Continuum Erd\H{o}s--Beck Theorem, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, HarAnaG
- Bright, Paige - Dual Furstenberg Sets, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, IncProb
- Brose, Anouk - Computing Lattice Diameters of Lattice Polygons, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, IntDisG
- Brown, Dan et Maura Grossman - Teaching computer ethics by focusing on discrimination and surveillance: takeaways from an online teaching experiment, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, EmbEthi
- Brudnyi, Alex - Runge-Type Approximation Theorem for Banach-valued $ H^\infty$ Functions on a Polydisk, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, OpTheo
- Bruni, Carmen - On the Ethics of Social Computing for Computer Science Majors, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, EmbEthi
- Burgess, Andrea - Colourings of Kirkman triple systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, CombDes
- Bushling, Ryan - An Integral Identity with Applications to Convex Sets, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, HarAnaG
- Caetano, Samantha-Jo - Teaching Ethics in the Era of Data, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, EmbEthi
- Cairns, Hannah - Cooperative motion in higher dimensions, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, DisProb
- Cameron, Benjamin - Vertex-critical graphs in co-gem-free graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, GraStAl
- Cameron, Kathie - Frozen Colourings, lundi 2 décembre, 16:00-16:30, GraStAl
- Camley, Brian - Controlling Cell Exploration and Oscillation Using Deposited Footprints, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, CellMig
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Distributed Time Delay and Synchronization in a Neural Mass Model, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, DynSyst
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Time Delays, Symmetry and Hopf Bifurcation in Oscillator Networks, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, ReAdvDE
- Campos, Gyivan Lopez - 0/1-Borsuk problem on matroids, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, IntDisG
- Carter, Rebecca - Mathematical Inquiry with Concurrent Education Students, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, MathEd2
- Casey, Emily - Anisotropic singular integrals and rectifiability, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, HarAnaG
- Chakravarthy, Adithya - The Iwasawa $\mu$-invariants of elliptic curves over the rational numbers, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, AGalois
- Chan, Ada - Pair-state transfer in distance regular graphs, lundi 2 décembre, 8:30-9:00, AlgGrT2
- Chan, Aden - A framework for utilizing online grading software to deliver efficient assessment and feedback to students, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, MathEd1
- Charalampidis, Stathis - Computational Analysis of self-similar blow-up in nonlinear dispersive PDEs, lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, SymAlgS
- Chen, Imin - Improved constants for Serre's open image theorem, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, CAargeo
- Chen, Wuyang - Towards Data-Efficient and OOD Generalization of Scientific Machine Learning Models, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, MachLea
- Chen, Yanze - Eisenstein series on metaplectic covers and multiple Dirichlet series, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:40, AutoRep
- Chen, Yixin - Two-torsion in Brauer groups of hyperelliptic fibered surface, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, CAargeo
- Chen, Yuming - An algebraic approach to determining negative (semi-)definiteness in applying the Lyapunov direct method, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, ReAdvDE
- Chernoff, Egan - Popularizing the Mathematics of Mathematics Education, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, MathEd2
- Chiu, Jeremy - What inhibits resilience, and what can we do about it?, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, MathEd3
- Choi, Stephen - Polynomials whose reducibility is related to the Goldbach conjecture, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, GregMar
- Chorney, Sean - Teaching Math for Social Insight: A Pedagogy of Mathematising, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, MathEd2
- Cicek, Fatma - Moments of Rankin-Selberg Convolution $L$-functions Near the Central Point, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:20-16:40, AutoRep
- Ciupeanu, Adriana-Stefania et Tanjima Akhter - Preventing HPV-Induced Cervical Cancer in Alberta, Canada: A Mathematical Modelling study, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, StudRes
- Clarke, Nancy - On the Structure of Dominating Graphs of Trees and Cycles, lundi 2 décembre, 15:30-16:00, GraStAl
- Clow, Alex - Eternal Distance-k Domination in Trees, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, PurEvG
- Clow, Alexander - A Map Colour Theorem for Oriented Colouring, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, GraTheo
- Cohen, Alex - Lower bounds for incidences, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, HarAnaG
- Cohen, Alex - Branching structure in phase space, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, IncProb
- Coles, Matt et Kelly Paton - Student experience of group work in a large first-year calculus course: measuring, facilitating, improving, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, MathEd1
- Cooper, Susan - Viewing Codes Through the Lens of Fat Points, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, AlgGeo
- Cooper, Susan - A Little Support Goes A Long Way - An EDI Journey, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, GregMar
- Coupek, Pavel - Heights of modular forms and Eisenstein congruences, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, AGalois
- Cox, Danielle - Reflective Practices \& Interpreting Student Errors, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, MathEd3
- Cruz, Angel - Fourier Dimension and Trasnlation-Invariant Linear Equations, samedi 30 novembre, 8:00-8:30, HarAnaG
- Cruz, César Hernández - Full homomorphisms to trees, lundi 2 décembre, 9:00-9:30, GraStAl
- Cruz, Jose et Fatemeh Jalalvand - Geometric Properties of Log Unit Lattices, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, NumTheo
- Cruz, Jose - On the Fourier transform and Vogan's perspective on the Local Langlands Correspondence, samedi 30 novembre, 16:40-17:00, AutoRep
- Cui, Ying - Variational Theory and Algorithms for a Class of Asymptotically Approachable Nonconvex Problems, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, AlgAppA
- Cumberbatch, James - Smooth integers with restricted digits, lundi 2 décembre, 8:00-8:30, NumTheo
- Cusseddu, Davide - A bulk–surface modelling framework for cell polarisation, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, CellMig
- Cytrynbaum, Eric - Spatiotemporal patterning in reptile tooth replacement, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, DynSyst
- Daniels, Lindsay - Building resilience through self-affirmation and reflection exercises, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, MathEd3
- Daniels, Lindsey - Utilizing text analytics, data visualizations, and regression to inform teaching and feedback in large enrollment courses, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, MathEd1
- Dartyge, Cecile - Exponential sums and reducible polynomials., dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, GregMar
- De Sterck, Hans - Fast Multipole Attention for Transformer Neural Networks, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, MachLea
- DeLand, Rebecca - Limiting Density of Elliptic Divisibility Sequences, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, NumTheo
- Deng, Qi - Uncovering the impact of infection routes on within-host MPXV dynamics: insights from a mathematical modeling study, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, DynSyst
- Deng, Qi - Modeling the Interaction of Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and Oncolytic Viruses in a Tumor Microenvironment, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, ReAdvDE
- Denson, Jacob - A Characterization of Boundedness For Multipliers of Spherical Harmonic Expansions, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, HarAnaG
- Desjardins, Julie - Trisections of Low Genus on Del Pezzo Surfaces of Degree 1, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, CAargeo
- Devin, Lucile - Polynomial races with big ties, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, GregMar
- Diakonikolas, Jelena - Faster solutions to variational inequalities with highly nonuniform component or block Lipschitz constants, lundi 2 décembre, 10:00-10:30, AlgAppA
- Dijols, Sarah - Parabolically induced representations of p-adic G2 distinguished by SO4, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, AutoNT
- Dinh, Linh - Contributions to the theory of Clifford-cyclotomic circuits, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, StudRes
- Dinner, Meet for Group, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, HarAnaG
- Do, Kim Tuan - Euler systems over imaginary quadratic and biquadratic fields, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, AGalois
- Dobson, Ted - ${\mathbb Z}_{p}\times{\mathbb Z}_p$ is a BCI-group, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, CaylGra
- Doolittle, Edward, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, MathEd2
- Douglas, Sean - Chain Rule For Weighted Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, HarAnaG
- Doyon, Nicolas - Using the Finite Element method to solve the Poisson Nernst-Planck equations in neural structures, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, DynSyst
- Druzhkov, Kostya - The relationship between two approximate symmetry frameworks, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, SymAlgS
- Eberl, Hermann - A spatio-temporal model of blossom blight, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, ReAdvDE
- Emond, Kye - Existence and Uniqueness for a System of a Solid in a Lorentz Gas, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Eskandari, Payman - On the unipotent parts of the Hodge and Tate conjectures, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, AGalois
- Faulkner, Katharine - Modelling Glucose Regulation: Lipotoxicity and the Progression to Type 2 Diabetes, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, DynSyst
- Feder, David - Hard-core bosons on lattices as the symmetric power of cycle graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, AlgGrT2
- Fernandez, Silvia - Bounding Sylvester’s four-point constant and the rectilinear crossing number of the complete graph, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, IntDisG
- Fernando, Neranga - Idempotents and Tripotents in Quandle Rings, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, FinFiel
- Feuerverger, Andrey - Statistics in Number Theory???, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, GregMar
- Fiedler, Jacob B. - Universal sets for pinned distances, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, IncProb
- Finbow, Stephen - On the eviction model of eternal domination, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, PurEvG
- Fiorilli, Daniel - Biases and variances in the distribution of primes, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, GregMar
- Firoozi, Federico - Counting lattice paths with respect to a linear boundary of rational slope, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, IntDisG
- Fodor, Ferenc - Stability of mean width inequalities, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, IntDisG
- Foley, Angèle - When is a graph e-positive?, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, GraStAl
- Forrest, Brian - It's ok to be wrong!!! Really!, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, MathEd3
- Foxall, Eric - Optimal control of ribosome population for gene expression under periodic nutrient intake, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, OptConD
- Francis, Michael - Towards $b^k$-analogues of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, lundi 2 décembre, 15:00-16:00, GeoQuan
- Fraser, Ailana - Minimal surfaces in higher codimension, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, GeAnPDE
- Fraser, Robert - A Framework for constructing large sets without configurations, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, IncProb
- Frei, Christoph - Bayesian Clustering for Portfolio Credit Risk, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, BusOpti
- Friedlander, Michael - Density Estimation from Moments, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, AlgAppA
- Gafni, Ayla - Exponential Sums with Additive Coefficients, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, GregMar
- Gai, Chunyi - An Asymptotic Analysis of Spike Self-Replication and Spike Nucleation of Reaction-Diffusion Patterns on Growing 1-D Domains, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, CellMig
- Gai, Chunyi - Pattern Formation and Spike Dynamics in the Presence of Noise, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, SPDiscr
- Gao, Yuan - On a result by Baillon, Bruck, and Reich, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, VarAna
- Garber, Alexey - On spheres with $k$ points inside, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, IntDisG
- Gasior, Kelsey - The Impact of Dynamical System Nondimensionalization on Sensitivity Analysis when Modeling the Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, DynSyst
- Ge, Zhenchao - A discrete mean value for Dirichlet L-function over local extrema, lundi 2 décembre, 10:00-10:30, NumTheo
- Ghosh, Samprit - Certain Polytopes associated to Algebraic integer conjugates, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, NumTheo
- Glanfield, Florence - Exploring Intersectionality: Mathematics, Indigenous Worldviews, and Educative Practices, samedi 30 novembre, 11:00-12:00, EdPlen
- Glazyrin, Alexey - Illuminating constant width bodies, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, IntDisG
- Glebov, Gleb - The Non-Uniqueness of Decimal Representations and the Modified Long Division, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, MathEd2
- Godsil, Chris - Continuous quantum walks on locally finite graphs., dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, AlgGrT2
- Gordon, Julia - Explicit improvement on Harish-Chandra's integrability bound, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, AutoNT
- Grasselli, Matheus - From debt crisis to financial crashes (and back), samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, BusOpti
- Grieve, Nathan - On Schmidt's Subspace Theorem, Vojta's height inequalities and algebraic points in projective varieties: selected recent progres, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, CAargeo
- Groechenig, Michael - Bialynicki-Birula theory for quotient stacks, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, AlgGeo
- Groechenig, Michael - Applications of finite and p-adic fields to complex algebraic geometry, dimanche 1er décembre, 13:30-14:30, PzCJ
- Grossman, Maura et Dan Brown - Teaching computer ethics by focusing on discrimination and surveillance: takeaways from an online teaching experiment, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, EmbEthi
- Grundland, Michel - Quasi-rectifiable Lie algebras and Riemann k-wave solutions of hydrodynamic-type systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, SymAlgS
- Gu, Miao (Pam) - On Triple Product L-functions, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:50-10:30, AutoRep
- Gu, Miao - Factorization tests arising from counting modular forms and automorphic representations, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, GregMar
- Guenda, Kenza - Code-based cryptography, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, FinFiel
- Gupta, Himanshu - Minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of Johnson and Hamming graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, AlgGrT1
- Gustafson, Stephen - Two-solitons with logarithmic separation for 1D NLS with repulsive delta potential, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, GeAnPDE
- Hahn, Gena - Resurrection -- revisiting old problems, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, GraTheo
- Han, Donglin - Retrospective estimation of proportion of total infections of COVID-19 during the first wave in Alberta, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, DynSyst
- Hare, Kevin - Non-expansive matrix number systems with bases similar to certain Jordan blocks, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, CAargeo
- Harrington, Peter - Mastery grading and its effect on student resilience and determination, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, MathEd3
- Harvey, Nick - When Online Learning Meets Stochastic Calculus, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, MachLea
- Haxell, Penny - A bounded diameter strengthening of K\H onig's Theorem, samedi 30 novembre, 8:00-8:30, GraTheo
- Hayat, Matt - Integrating Ethics into Mathematics and Statistics Education, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, EmbEthi
- Hazeltine, Alex - The local theta correspondence and functoriality, samedi 30 novembre, 15:50-16:30, AutoRep
- Heath, Emily - Proper Rainbow Saturation for Cliques, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, GraTheo
- Heisz, Nathan - Densities of Bounded Primes in Hypergeometric Series, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, NumTheo
- Hell, Pavol - Signed Graphs and Homomorphisms, lundi 2 décembre, 16:30-17:00, GraStAl
- Hereman, Willy - Symbolic computation of conservation laws of nonlinear partial differential equations, lundi 2 décembre, 9:00-9:30, SymAlgS
- Herman, Allen - Parameters of quotient-polynomial graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, AlgGrT1
- Hernandez, Antonio Torres - Counting Vertices on Hyperplane Slices of Polytopes, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, IntDisG
- Hernández-Torres, Saraí - Minkowski content of the scaling limit of 3D loop-erased random walk, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, ReProSt
- Hitesh, Kumar - Combinations of first and second eigenvalue of trees, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, AlgGrT1
- Hoheisel, Tim - Stability in nonsmooth optimization via graphical differentiation, lundi 2 décembre, 17:00-17:30, AlgAppA
- Holloway, David - What makes cotyledon numbers so variable in conifers?, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, CellMig
- Holmes-Cerfon, Miranda - Programmable assembly: inverse design of materials from discrete components, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, MachLea
- Hosseinyazdi, Mahboobeh (Mary) - The solution set of a system of max-min-product fuzzy relational inequalities, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, BusOpti
- Houle, James - Sch\"affer's Conjecture and the Modular Method, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Hsu, Chi-Yun - $p$-adic companion forms for Yoshida lifts, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, AGalois
- Huggan, Melissa - Cops and Attacking Robbers: A Shift in Power, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, PurEvG
- Hughes, Jack - Travelling waves and wave pinning (polarity): Switching between random and directional cell motility, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, CellMig
- Hughes, Thomas - Stochastic PDEs with the compact support property: the stable noise regime, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, ReProSt
- Hurford, Amy - Optimal control strategies for community and traveler isolation under resource constraints, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, OptConD
- Hyndman, Cody - Generative Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Markets via Geometric Deep Learning, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, BusOpti
- Ibrahim, Slim - Persistence of vorticity concentration in the two-point vortex system of the 2D Euler equations, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, GeAnPDE
- Ivanov, Illya - Counting $C$-polyhedra facets, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, IntDisG
- Jain, Vishesh - Entangled states are typically incomparable, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, AsymGeo
- Jalalvand, Fatemeh et Jose Cruz - Geometric Properties of Log Unit Lattices, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, NumTheo
- Jamshid-Nejad, Masomeh - The Impact of Excel-Based Instruction on Business Students' Understanding of the Normal Distribution in Statistics, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, BusOpti
- Janbazi, Fatemezahra - Boundedness of average rank of elliptic curves ordered by the coefficients, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, NumTheo
- Janssen, Jeannette - Orthogonal Colourings of Random Geometric Graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, GraTheo
- Jedwab, Jonathan - Additive triples in groups of odd prime order, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, CombDes
- Jedwab, Jonathan - Quaternary Legendre pairs of even length, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, FinFiel
- Johnson-Leung, Jennifer - Index lowering operators on Jacobi forms and stable Klingen theory, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, AutoNT
- Joo, Sookyung - stability of nematic state in periodically modulated nematic phases, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, MACVarP
- Juma, Victor - Diffusion-driven dynamics in bistable reaction-diffusion systems: Beyond Turing Instabilities, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, CellMig
- Kangasniemi, Ilmari - On the theory of quasiregular values, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, GeAnPDE
- Karpinski, Christopher - Hyperfiniteness of boundary actions of small cancellation groups, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, DesSetT
- Karu, Kalle - Anisotropy in Stanley-Reisner rings, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, AlgGeo
- Kashkan, Kirill - Dense Forests With Low Visibility, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, AsymGeo
- Katz, Daniel - Almost perfect nonlinear power functions with exponents expressed as fractions, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, FinFiel
- Kavi, Lord - Towards Haemers Laplacian Toughness Conjecture, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, AlgGrT1
- Kazachek, Alex - Quantum Channel Capacities and Additivity Conjectures, lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, GeoQuan
- Kharaghani, Hadi - Hadamard matrices related to orthogonal arrays, lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, CombDes
- Khodaiemehr, Hassan - Quantum Bosonic Codes and Finite Fields, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, FinFiel
- Kim, Hyunmoon - Stratification of families of representations of the Heisenberg Lie algebra, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:30, GeoQuan
- Kinzebulatov, Damir - Feller generators with singular drifts in the critical range, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, OpTheo
- Kinzebulatov, Damir - Singular SDEs with critical and super-critical drifts, samedi 30 novembre, 8:00-8:30, ReProSt
- Klippenstein, Brock - Fast Analytical-Numerical Hybrid Methods for Solving the Cosmic Ray Fokker-Planck Equation, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, ReProSt
- Koban, Matthew - Bundle representations of double quivers, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, GeoQuan
- Koeller, Judith - Experiences teaching About Ethics in Math via Peace Studies, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, EmbEthi
- Kolokolnikov, Thedore - Maximizing network connectivity subject to resource constraints, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, AlgGrT1
- Kolokolnikov, Thedore - Stripe patterns for Gierer-Meinhard model in thin domains, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, CellMig
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Agent-based models: examples from from bacterial aggregation and epidemic models, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, MACVarP
- Krause, Dan - On Assigning Meanings in Mathematics Education, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, MathEd2
- Krishnan, Kesav - Local Convergence of Integer Valued Lipschitz Functions on Trees, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, DisProb
- Kundu, Arnab - Motivic cohomology in mixed-characteristic, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, AlgGeo
- Łaba, Izabella - A short survey of integer tilings, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, HarAnaG
- Łaba, Izabella - Incidence questions in p-adic geometry, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, IncProb
- Lacaze-Masmonteil, Alice - Completing the solution of the directed Oberwolfach problem with two tables, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, CombDes
- Lalin, Matilde - Arithmetic constants for symplectic variances of the divisor function, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, CAargeo
- Lalin, Matilde - Variances of prime independent multiplicative functions over function fields, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, GregMar
- Lam, Cho Ho (Peter) - Faster Infeasibility Analysis for Linear Programs, lundi 2 décembre, 16:00-16:30, AlgAppA
- Lamken, Esther - Duplicated Steiner triple systems with self-orthogonal near resolutions, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, CombDes
- Lan, Kunquan - Have the classical Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals been fully understood before?, samedi 30 novembre, 8:00-8:30, ReAdvDE
- Lane, Andrew - Proper Rainbow Saturation for Trees, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, GraTheo
- Lángi, Zsolt - Steiner symmetrization on the sphere, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, IntDisG
- Lanthaler, Samuel - Generative AI for the statistical computation of fluids, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, MachLea
- Lau, Josh - Algebro-topological invariants of co-existentially closed continua, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, DesSetT
- Lecuyer, Mathias - Adaptive Randomized Smoothing: Certified Adversarial Robustness for Multi-Step Defences, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, MachLea
- Lee, Heejong - Recent advances on the Serre weight conjectures, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, AGalois
- Levinson, Jake - Limits in tropical compactifications and tropical psi classes, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, AlgGeo
- Lewis, Mark - One equation helps solve three paradoxes in the spatial ecology of predators and prey, vendredi 29 novembre, 18:00-19:00, Mitacs
- Li, Bo - The Legendre-Transformed Poisson-Boltzmann Electrostatics, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, MACVarP
- Li, Chenkuan - The analytical solution to the multi-term time-fractional diffusion-wave equation, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, GeAnPDE
- Li, Chongming - Evolutionary Stability of Bacterial Persister Cells, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, ReAdvDE
- Li, Jiajin - Unveiling Spurious Stationarity and Hardness Results for Bregman Proximal-Type Algorithms, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, AlgAppA
- Li, Ke - Rethinking Regression: Insights from Machine Learning, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, MachLea
- Li, Rex - Optimal Trajectories in Variable Speed Environments with Line Constraints, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Li, Shuxing - Intersection Distributions and Related Steiner Systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, CombDes
- Li, Shuxing - On the Nonexistence of Generalized Bent Functions, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, FinFiel
- Liang, Jinting - Log-concavity and log-convexity via distributive lattices, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, AlgGrT1
- Lin, Tianyi - Lower bound construction in nonsmooth optimization, lundi 2 décembre, 15:30-16:00, AlgAppA
- Lippner, Gabor - Regular graphs with the most number of k-cycles., lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, AlgGrT2
- Lisonek, Petr - On a new class of Hadamard matrices, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, FinFiel
- Liu, Haggai - Moduli Spaces of Weighted Stable Curves and their Fundamental Groups, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, AlgGeo
- Liu, Haggai - Moduli Spaces of Weighted Stable Curves and their Fundamental Groups, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Liu, Yu-Ru - Equidistribution of Polynomial Sequences in Function Fields, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, GregMar
- Liu, Yucheng - The torus plateau for the high-dimensional Ising model, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, DisProb
- Lo, Chi-Heng - On local Arthur packets and unitary dual of classical groups, samedi 30 novembre, 17:10-17:50, AutoRep
- Loewen, Philip - Sensitivity Analysis for the Linear Quadratic Regulator, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, VarAna
- Lu, Xin Yang - Geometry of minima in co-polymer models, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, MACVarP
- Lu, Zhaosong - Variance-reduced first-order methods for stochastic optimization with deterministic constraints, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, AlgAppA
- Maarefparvar, Abbas - An Application of Terada's Principal Ideal Theorem, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, NumTheo
- Maciejewski, Wes - Teaching Mathematical Practice, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, MathEd2
- Madou, Kodjo Raphael - Recent advances in non-local operators: singular SDEs and heat kernel bounds, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, ReProSt
- Maletto, Simone - Congruences of special values of the symmetric square L-function, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, AGalois
- Malik, Amita - Zeros of derivatives of L-functions attached to Maass forms, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, GregMar
- Mamolo, Ami - Mathematics in society – what is on the horizon?, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, MathEd2
- Mann, Meagan - A Data-Centric Approach to Cops and Robbers, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, PurEvG
- Mapfumo, Kudzanayi - The spatiotemporal dynamics of Rho-GEF-H1-Myosin reaction-diffusion system, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, CellMig
- Marbach, Trent - From Localizing Designs to Designing Detecting Hypernetworks, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, CombDes
- Marinova, Rossitza - Variational Approach for Computing Solitary-Wave Solutions, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, MACVarP
- Marshall, Caleb - The Size of Spanning Sets of Lines for Fractal Subsets of $\mathbb{R}^n$, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, GeAnPDE
- Marshall, Caleb - Pinned Dot Product Set Estimates, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, IncProb
- Martin, Kimball - Distributions of root numbers and Fourier coefficients of modular forms, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, AutoNT
- Massaad, Daniel de la Riva - Voter Model stability with respect to conservative noises, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, DisProb
- Masuda, Ariane - Involutions over finite fields, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, FinFiel
- McAdam, Shawn - Tractable approximate solutions to a large family of 2nd order hyperbolic PDE, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, SymAlgS
- McDonald, Alex - Prescribed projections and efficient coverings of sets by curves, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, IncProb
- McDonald, Kiara - Broadcast Independence in Split Graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- McDonald, Kiara - Broadcast Independence in Different Classes of Graphs, lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, GraStAl
- McKinnon, Dave - How do rational points cluster on wonderful varieties?, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, CAargeo
- Meadows, Tyler - Optimizing biomass production in bioreactors, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, OptConD
- Melnikov, Alexander - On dual problem of imperfect hedging with life insurance applications, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, BusOpti
- Miller, Pearson W. - Geometric effects in bulk-surface dynamics, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, CellMig
- Miraftab, Bobby - From finite to infinite: hamiltonian structures in Cayley graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, CaylGra
- Mohar, Bojan - Square energy of graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, AlgGrT1
- Mokhtar, Ahmad - Connectedness of Fano schemes of matrices of bounded rank, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, AlgGeo
- Mondal, Shubhodip - Unipotent homotopy theory of schemes, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, AlgGeo
- Monks, Kenneth G. - Proof Verification with Lurch, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, MathEd1
- Monterde, Hermie - New results in vertex sedentariness, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, AlgGrT2
- Moon, Nathalie - Embracing Uncertainty: Weaving Ethics into Statistics Education, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, EmbEthi
- Moore, Ben - On powers of sparse graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, GraTheo
- Moore, Ben - Orientations of Highly Edge Connected Graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, GraStAl
- Mooroogen, Yuveshen - A large-scale variant of the Erdos similarity conjecture, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, GeAnPDE
- Mooroogen, Yuveshen - A large-scale variant of the Erdos similarity conjecture, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, IncProb
- Morris, Joy - Cop numbers of generalised Petersen graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, PurEvG
- Mou, Wenlong - Continuous-time reinforcement learning: blessings of elliptic structures and high-order approximations, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, MachLea
- Moura, Lucia - New families of strength-3 covering arrays using LFSR sequences, samedi 30 novembre, 8:00-8:30, FinFiel
- Mozzaffari, Elise - A Procedure for Obtaining a $(2+c)$-Regular Graph from a Given Cycle Graph, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Mullen, Todd - An Empowered Robber, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, PurEvG
- Murray, Samuel - Borel Fractional Perfect Matchings in Quasitransitive Amenable Graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, DesSetT
- Murugan, Mathav - Diffusions and random walks with prescribed sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, ReProSt
- Myroshnychenko, Sergii - Centroid of a convex body can be rarely the centroid of its sections, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, GeAnPDE
- Myroshnychenko, Serhii - Stability of simplex slicing, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, AsymGeo
- Nasserden, Brett - Some Explicit Computations on Toric Vector Bundles with Applications to Arithmetic Dynamics, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, CAargeo
- Nasserden, Brett - Some Progress on Fulton’s Local-Global Question, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, NumTheo
- Naz, Rehana - Lie symmetries, closed-form solutions, and conservation laws, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, SymAlgS
- Negrini, Isabella - Modular generating series for rigid cocycles, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, AutoNT
- Nevin, Joshua - Distant 2-Colored Components on Embeddings, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, GraTheo
- Nguyen, Nhu - Stochastic Approximation and Applications, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, OptConD
- Nguyen, Tam - Residually isomorphic modular forms and BDP p-adic L-functions, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, AGalois
- Niezen, Joanna - Assignment Resubmission and Resilience, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, MathEd3
- Nigam, Nilima - Structure-preservation and the Steklov eigenfunctions, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, SPDiscr
- Noquez, Tori - Fractals as Final Coalgebras in Various Categories of Metric Spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, DesSetT
- Nurse, Kathryn - Nowhere-zero flows and group connectivity - an intermediate step, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, GraStAl
- Ogden, Shannon - The Rainbow Connection, lundi 2 décembre, 10:00-10:30, GraStAl
- Olivier, Pierre - Divergence of Taylor Polynomials in de Branges-Rovnyak Spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, OpTheo
- Ollivier, Rachel - Rigid dualizing complexes for affine Hecke algebras., samedi 30 novembre, 9:50-10:30, AutoRep
- Open, problem discussion, lundi 2 décembre, 10:00-10:30, CombDes
- Orban, Dominique - Complexity of trust-region methods in the presence of unbounded Hessian approximations, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, AlgAppA
- Palacios, Jose - Linearized dynamic stability for vortices of Ginzburg-Landau evolutions, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, GeAnPDE
- Pan, Minghao - Dimension jump at the uniqueness threshold for percolation in $\infty + d$ dimensions, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, DisProb
- Panario, Daniel - Stable binomials over finite fields, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, FinFiel
- Pantangi, Raghu - Perfect State Transfer in Cayley and double coset graphs related to linear groups in two dimensions., samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, CaylGra
- Paranj, Ali Fele - Generation and Evolution of Vascular Netowrks, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, CellMig
- Parhi, Rahul - Deep Learning Meets Sparse Regularization, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, MachLea
- Parida, Prangya - Cover-free families on graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-11:00, Poster
- Parida, Prangya - Cover-free families on graphs, lundi 2 décembre, 9:00-9:30, CombDes
- Park, Hansol - Emergent behavior of mathematical models on manifolds, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, MACVarP
- Pasos, Alan - Coping with Coercion in Logic, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, MathEd2
- Paton, Kelly et Matt Coles - Student experience of group work in a large first-year calculus course: measuring, facilitating, improving, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, MathEd1
- Pelz, Merlin - Synchronized Memory-Dependent Intracellular Oscillations in Compartmental-Reaction Diffusion Systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, DynSyst
- Pelz, Merlin - Symmetry-Breaking in Compartmental-Reaction Diffusion Systems with Comparable Diffusivities, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, CellMig
- Peng, Bo - Generalized Oxtoby systems and hyperfiniteness, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, DesSetT
- Peng, Guanying - A regularizing property of the 2D Eikonal equation, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, MACVarP
- Péringuey, Paul - Refinements of Artin's primitive root conjecture, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, GregMar
- Péringuey, Paul - Sign correlation between error terms of counting functions of primes in arithmetic progressions modulo 11, lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, NumTheo
- Pike, David - 2-Block-Intersection Graphs of Twofold Triple Systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, CombDes
- Plosker, Sarah - Quantum state transfer in weakly Hadamard diagonalizable graphs, lundi 2 décembre, 9:00-9:30, AlgGrT2
- Poirier, Lindsay - Data Ethnography: Cultivating Reflexive Sensibilities through the Cultural Analysis, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, EmbEthi
- Pollack, Paul - Counting primes with a given primitive root, uniformly, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, GregMar
- Porter, Amanda - Hyperopic Cops and Robbers: Cops with Vision Problems, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, PurEvG
- Potocnik, Primoz - Extended Census of Cubic Cayley Graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, CaylGra
- Poulin, Antoine - Borel quasi-trees are treeable, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, DesSetT
- Pragada, Shivaram - Bollobas-Nikiforov conjecture and triangle counting, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, AlgGrT1
- Qi, Peikai - An analogue of Greenberg pseudo-null conjecture for CM fields, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, AGalois
- Qin, Yuzhe - A second-order accurate numerical scheme for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Navier-Stokes (PNPNS) system, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, SPDiscr
- Qiu, Jiniao - A particle consensus approach to solving nonconvex-nonconcave min-max problems, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, OptConD
- Qiu, Jinniao - Viscosity solutions of a class of second-order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations in the Wasserstein Space, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, ReProSt
- Quesada-Herrera, Emily - Fourier optimization and quadratic forms, lundi 2 décembre, 9:00-9:30, NumTheo
- Raani, K.S. Senthil - Sets containing all sufficiently large distances, HarAnaG
- Ramazi, Pouria - Towards Optimizing Vaccine Uptake Through Tailored Communication Strategies, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, OptConD
- Ramdorai, Sujatha - Iwasawa theory over anticyclotomic extensions, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, AGalois
- Rattan, Amarpreet - Centrality of star factorizations, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, CaylGra
- Rayan, Steve - A Snapshot of Mathematics in the Second Quantum Revolution, dimanche 1er décembre, 11:00-12:00, Plen
- Razafimahatratra, Sarobidy - The intersection density of transitive groups of degree $3p$, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, AlgGrT1
- Reeves, Lily - Phase Transitions of Ballistic Annihilation, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, DisProb
- Richardson, Nicholas - Density Separation with Tensor Factorization, lundi 2 décembre, 16:30-17:00, AlgAppA
- Rios, Cristian - Continuity of solutions to infinite degenerate elliptic equations in the plane, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, GeAnPDE
- Robins, Sharon - Versal Deformations of Smooth Complete Toric Varieties, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, AlgGeo
- Rodney, Scott - Existence, Boundedness, and Regularity - an overview of some recent results in Partial Differential Equations, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, GeAnPDE
- Ross, Ethan - Quantization of Symplectic Stratified Spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:30, GeoQuan
- Ruscitti, Kaleb D. - Degeneration of Holomorphic Sections to Bohr-Sommerfeld points for Moduli of SL(2,C) Bundles, lundi 2 décembre, 10:00-10:30, GeoQuan
- Ruuth, Steven - A Closest Point Method for PDEs on Manifolds with Interior Boundary Conditions for Geometry Processing, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, CellMig
- Sabharwal, Siddharth - Population Size in Stochastic Ecological Dynamics, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, OptConD
- Salimi, Mehdi - Decision-Making Strategies for Pursuers with Speed and Energy Constraints in a Pursuit-Evasion Differential Game, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, BusOpti
- Sanaei, Asiyeh - Damage Number of Small Graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, PurEvG
- Santos, Welington - Codes for Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, FinFiel
- Sargent, Pam et Cindy Blois - Building Resilience in a Community of Learners, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, MathEd3
- Saunders, David - Generalized Optimal Transport Problems in Finance, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, BusOpti
- Sawyer, Eric - Probabilistic and Deterministic Fourier Extension, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, OpTheo
- Scheepers, Marion - Fine structure of real quadratic integer rings, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, CAargeo
- Scheidler, Renate - Solving norm equations in global function fields using compact representations, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, CAargeo
- Schmidt, Mark - Global-Local Smoothness: Line Search can really help! Really!, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, AlgAppA
- Schulte, Egon - Skeletal polyhedra, complexes, and their classification by symmetry, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, IntDisG
- Seamone, Ben - Ramsey numbers of signed graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, GraStAl
- Selk, Zachary - Rough Paths above Weierstrass Functions, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, ReProSt
- Sengupta, Spandan - Using a Population Rate Model of the CA1 Hippocampus to examine cell-type specific contributions to theta-gamma coupled rhythms, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, DynSyst
- Senthil, Raani K. S. - Distribution of distances in quasi-regular sets, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, IncProb
- Shaabani, Shahaboddin - The Operator Norm of Paraproducts on Bi-parameter Hardy Spaces, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, HarAnaG
- Shabtai, Ood - Pairs of spectral projections of quantum observables on Riemann surfaces, lundi 2 décembre, 16:00-17:00, GeoQuan
- Sharpe, Owen - Prime Gradient Noise, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, StudRes
- Shen, Zhongwei - WKB Approximation of Quasi-stationary Distributions with Applications, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, OptConD
- Shevyakov, Alexey - Exact Internal Waves in a Two-Fluid System, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, SymAlgS
- Shinko, Forte - Hyperfiniteness of graphs of slow intermediate growth, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, DesSetT
- Shmerkin, Pablo - Restricted projections and self-similar sets, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, HarAnaG
- Shokri, Kianoosh - A construction of strength-$4$ covering arrays using three $k$-caps in $PG(3, q)$, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, CombDes
- Shuai, Zhisheng - Impact of Incidence Functions on Epidemiological Model Dynamics: Mass Action vs. Standard Incidence, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, ReAdvDE
- Shumaker, Jaxon - Classifying monogenic quartic orders, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:00-8:30, NumTheo
- Sil, Subhankar - Non-invertible mappings relating linear PDEs to corresponding nonlinear PDEs through symmetry-based method, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, SymAlgS
- Silberman, Lior - Arithmetic Quantum Unique Ergodicity on Hyperbolic spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:50-17:10, AutoRep
- Silva, Rafael de la Rosa - The natural extension to PDEs of Lie's reduction of order algorithm for ODEs, lundi 2 décembre, 8:30-9:00, SymAlgS
- Simpson, Reginald - The Density and Distribution of Cyclic Groups in the Invariant Factor Decomposition of the Multiplicative Group, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, GregMar
- Singh, Shambhavi - Analysis of Chambolle-Pock through the lens of duality, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, VarAna
- Skrzydlo, Diana - Resilience Through Reflection, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, MathEd3
- Sodhi, Asmita - Ms. Frizzle Teaches Calculus, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, MathEd3
- Solymosi, Jozsef - On the Thue-Vinogradov Lemma, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, FinFiel
- Solymosi, Jozsef - A sparse removal lemma for pentagons, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, GraTheo
- Sonnleitner, Mathias - Strange shadows of $\ell_p$-balls, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, AsymGeo
- Sooyeong, Kim - Perfect state transfer in a graph and its line graph, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, AlgGrT1
- Sosnovski, Bianca - Applications of Finite Fields in Cayley Hash Functions, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, FinFiel
- Soubrier, Clement - Experimental analysis of M. smegmatis morphological feature dynamics and modelling using reaction-diffusion systems., dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, CellMig
- Spier, Thomás - Efficient reconstruction of the characteristic polynomial, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, AlgGrT1
- Spill, Fabian - Cellular and Subcellular Geometry and Mechanics as Determinants of Cell Migration, samedi 30 novembre, 8:00-8:30, CellMig
- Spragge, Matt - On the well-posedness of the Boltzmann equation for kinetic systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, StudRes
- Stancu, Alina - An asymmetric flow with many symmetric solutions, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, AsymGeo
- Steele, James - Between equivariant and constructible Yoneda algebras in the $p$-adic local Langlands correspondence, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:10, AutoRep
- Stephen, Tamon - Hypergraph Transversal Pairs Near the Fredman-Khachiyan Bound, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, IntDisG
- Stinchcombe, Adam - A mathematical model for the role of dopamine-D2 self-regulation in the production of ultradian rhythms, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, DynSyst
- Stinson, Doug - Recent results on near-factorizations of groups, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, CombDes
- Stockton, Jacob - A derived Hecke algebra, samedi 30 novembre, 9:20-9:40, AutoRep
- Stull, Donald M. - Exceptional sets for orthogonal directions, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, IncProb
- Sutherland, Danica - Expander Graphs and Low-Distortion Embeddings for Learning on Graphs, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, MachLea
- Talkback/roundtable, session - Talkback/roundtable discussion, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-18:00, EmbEthi
- Tanabe, Naomi - Subconvexity for L-functions of Hilbert modular forms, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, AutoNT
- Taylor, Krystal - Projections and Favard length in a nonlinear setting, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, HarAnaG
- Taylor, Krystal - Efficient Coverings of Fractal sets by curves, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, OpTheo
- Taylor, Peter - Discrete Optimization for school and university, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, MathEd2
- Taylor, Seth - A functional discretization of the coadjoint action on the diffeomorphism group, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, SPDiscr
- Teixeira, Hugo - The functional graph of $f(X)=(cX^q+aX)(X^{q}-X)^{n-1}$ over quadratic extensions of finite fields, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, FinFiel
- Teyssier, Lucas - Mixing time of fixed-point-free conjugacy classes of symmetric groups, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, ReProSt
- Thomson, David - Derivatives in Finite Fields, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, FinFiel
- Thrampoulidis, Christos - Implicit Geometry of Next-token Prediction: From Language Sparsity Patterns to Model Representations, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, MachLea
- Tokman, Mayya - Exponential integration and applications, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, SPDiscr
- Torcomian, Lucas Villagra - The modular method for Generalized Fermat equations, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, AutoNT
- Troupe, Lee - The number of subgroups of the multiplicative group, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, GregMar
- Tsang, Kin Ming - Comparing Hecke eigenvalues of automorphic representations for GL(2), lundi 2 décembre, 8:30-9:00, NumTheo
- Tzvetkova, Nia et Nahid Walji - Incorporating student-perspective resources into a proofs course, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, MathEd2
- Unger, Spencer - Equidecomposition and discrepancy, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, DesSetT
- Urbanik, David - New Directions in Unlikely Intersections, lundi 2 décembre, 13:30-14:30, PzDoc
- Uriarte-Tuero, Ignacio - Muckenhoupt Ap weights, BMO, distance functions and related problems, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, GeAnPDE
- Uriarte-Turo, Igancio - Two weight norm inequalities for singular and fractional integral operators in $\mathbb{R}^n$, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, HarAnaG
- Vallieres, Daniel - Iwasawa theory for branched $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$-towers of finite graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, AGalois
- van Hintum, Peter - Discrete Brunn-Minkowski theory, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, IntDisG
- Varma, Ila - The number of $D_4$-fields ordered by Artin conductor, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, AGalois
- Varma, Ila - Geometry of numbers in the cusp, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:40, AutoRep
- Varma, Ila - Counting number fields and predicting asymptotics, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, CAargeo
- Vasilyeva, Olga - Steady states and evolution of dispersal in river networks, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, ReAdvDE
- Vaswani, Sharan - Global Convergence of Softmax Policy Gradient for Stochastic Bandits, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, MachLea
- Venn, Daniel - Meshfree Integration Techniques for Scattered Data on Curves and Surfaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, SPDiscr
- Verreault, William - The Cesàro Operator on local Dirichlet spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, OpTheo
- Verret, Gabriel - Density of quotient orders in groups and applications to locally-transitive graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, CaylGra
- Vinet, Luc - Spin systems on $q$-hypercubes and the connection to dual polar graphs, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, AlgGrT2
- Vritsiou, Beatrice-Helen - On a Blaschke-Santaló-type inequality for projections of (non-symmetric) convex bodies, and some applications, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, GeAnPDE
- Vritsiou, Veatriki Eleni - Illuminating certain high-dimensional 1-unconditional convex bodies, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, AsymGeo
- Walji, Nahid et Nia Tzvetkova - Incorporating student-perspective resources into a proofs course, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, MathEd2
- Wan, Andy - Minimal $\ell^2$ Norm Discrete Multiplier Method, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, SPDiscr
- Wang, Allison - Complexity of codes for Ramsey positive sets, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, DesSetT
- Wang, Chong - Core Shells, Double Bubbles, and Lens Clusters in Ternary Nonlocal Isoperimetric Problems, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, MACVarP
- Wang, Dan - Geometric Quantization on Toric Varieties, lundi 2 décembre, 8:30-9:30, GeoQuan
- Wang, Danielle - Twisted GGP conjecture in the unramified case, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:50-16:10, AutoRep
- Wang, Te-Chun - Asymptotics and the sub-limit at $L^{2}$-criticality of higher moments for the SHE in dimension $d\geq 3$, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, ReProSt
- Wang, Xianfu - On Bauschke-Bendit-Moursi modulus of averagedness and classifications of averaged nonexpansive operators, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, VarAna
- Wang, Xiong - Interacting Particle Systems on Networks: joint inference of the network and the interaction kernel, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, OptConD
- Wang, Ziyuan - Level proximal subdifferential, variational convexity, and beyond., samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, VarAna
- Ward, Michael - Pattern Forming Systems Coupling Linear Bulk Diffusion to Dynamically Active Membranes or Cells, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, CellMig
- Warren, Andrew - Estimation of one-dimensional structures from noisy empirical observation, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, MachLea
- Wei, Siqi - Operator-splitting methods for qualitative property preservation of production-destruction systems, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, SPDiscr
- Weir, Colin - On the distribution of $a$-numbers of hyperelliptic curves., samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, CAargeo
- Welcome, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, GregMar
- Wesley, Scott - Verifying and Simplifying Tietze Transformations, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, StudRes
- Williams, Gordon - On Prisms of Polytopes, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, IntDisG
- Withanachchi, Mahishanka - Vanishing Cohomology and the Corona Problem for the Algebra of Bounded Holomorphic Functions on the Polydisk, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, OpTheo
- Wolf, Thomas - Towards a classification of evolution equations with Lax pairs over the octonions, lundi 2 décembre, 10:30-11:00, SymAlgS
- Wolkowicz, Gail - Decay Consistent Models of Growth, Competition, and Predation, samedi 30 novembre, 16:00-16:30, ReAdvDE
- Wolkowicz, Henry - The $omega$-condition number for optimal preconditioning of linear systems, lundi 2 décembre, 9:30-10:00, AlgAppA
- Wolkowicz, Henry - Regularized Nonsmooth Newton Algorithms for Best Approximation with Applications, samedi 30 novembre, 15:00-15:30, VarAna
- Wolman, Michael - Invariant uniformization, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, DesSetT
- Wooley, Trevor - Smooth values of polynomials and superirreducibility, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, GregMar
- Wooley, Trevor - Waring’s problem and its relatives, lundi 2 décembre, 11:00-12:00, Plen
- Xing, Sudan - On the s-Gaussian Measure in $\mathbb{R}^n$, samedi 30 novembre, 15:30-16:00, AsymGeo
- Xu, Yiming - Statistical Ranking with Dynamic Covariates, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, MachLea
- Yang, Boting - Constrained Graph Searching on Trees, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, PurEvG
- Yang, Fengwei - Combining image analysis and cell migration model for whole cell tracking, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, CellMig
- Yang, Yang - Infinite dimensional optimal control differential systems with randomness and path-dependence, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, OptConD
- Yau, Yu-Tung (Tony) - Berezin-Toeplitz quantization in real polarizations, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:30, GeoQuan
- Yavicoli, Alexia - The Erdős similarity problem for non-small Cantor sets, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, HarAnaG
- Yilmaz, Ozgur - Generative compressed sensing with Fourier measurements, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, MachLea
- Yip, Chi Hoi (Kyle) - Extensions of Carlitz-McConnel theorem on permutations over finite fields, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, FinFiel
- Yip, Chi Hoi - Counting powerfree-like numbers, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, GregMar
- Yue, Yuanxi - Traveling wavefronts for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky system with non-local delayed interaction, dimanche 1er décembre, 8:30-9:00, ReAdvDE
- Yung, Clement - An alternative proof of the Mathias-Silver theorem using the Kastanas game, samedi 30 novembre, 9:00-9:30, DesSetT
- Yurtsever, Alp - Block Coordinate DC Programming, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:00-17:30, AlgAppA
- Yuzbasi, Zuhal Kucukarslan - New non-invertible mappings of Schrödinger equations to free particle equations, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, SymAlgS
- Zahl, Josh - curve tangencies and maximal functions, samedi 30 novembre, 17:00-17:30, HarAnaG
- Zahl, Joshua - A survey of the Kakeya problem, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, GeAnPDE
- Zaman, Asif - Explicit Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon for Dirichlet $L$-functions, samedi 30 novembre, 9:30-10:00, CAargeo
- Zaman, Asif - Improving the trivial bound for class group torsion, samedi 30 novembre, 17:30-18:00, GregMar
- Zazkis, Rina - Mathematical Incidents and resulting research, dimanche 1er décembre, 17:30-18:00, MathEd2
- Zhai, Zhichun - A nonlinear equation induced by fractional $p-$convexity, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:30-16:00, MACVarP
- Zhai, Zhichun - Stengthened Fractional Sobolev Inequalities and Geometric Inequalities, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, OpTheo
- Zhan, Harmony - Limiting behavior of coined quantum walks with marked vertices, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, AlgGrT2
- Zhang, Junqiang - On Odd Normal Numbers, HarAnaG
- Zhang, Kexue - Impulsive Synchronization of Complex Networks: an Event-Triggered Pinning Algorithm, dimanche 1er décembre, 15:00-15:30, OptConD
- Zhang, Kexue - Input-to-State Stability in Terms of Two Measures, samedi 30 novembre, 16:30-17:00, ReAdvDE
- Zhang, Vicki - Taking Stock: Eight Years of Embedded Ethics at UofT's Actuarial Science Program, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:30-10:00, EmbEthi
- Zhang, Xiaohong - Real state transfer, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, AlgGrT2
- Zhang, Xiaohong - Signed or oriented Cayley graphs with nice spectrum, samedi 30 novembre, 10:00-10:30, CaylGra
- Zhou, Xiaowen - Speeds of coming down from infinity for $\Lambda$-Fleming-Viot supports, dimanche 1er décembre, 10:00-10:30, ReProSt
- Zhu, Junjie - Hausdorff dimension and quadratic Roth, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:30-17:00, HarAnaG
- Zorboska, Nina - Hankel measures and Hankel type operators on weighted Dirichlet spaces, dimanche 1er décembre, 16:00-16:30, OpTheo
- Zotine, Sasha - Kawaguchi-Silverman for Projective Bundles on Elliptic Curves, samedi 30 novembre, 8:30-9:00, AlgGeo
- Zucker, Andy - Topological groups with tractable minimal dynamics, dimanche 1er décembre, 9:00-9:30, DesSetT