Liste des participants
Nombre de participants : 406
La liste ci-dessous comprend les participants dont nous avons traité le
formulaire d'inscription et le paiement en date du 16 avril 2018.
(29 participants ont choisi de ne pas apparaître sur cette liste.)
Aazami, Amir (Clark University)
Alavinejad, Mahnaz (York University)
Alpoge, Levent
Arnadottir, Soffia (University of Waterloo)
Askaripour, Nadya (University of Toronto at Mississauga)
AtouRi, Amir
Barr, Darja (University of Manitoba)
Barron, Tatyana (University of Western Ontario)
Bartello, Peter (McGill University)
Bartz, Sedi (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Baum, Paul (Penn State)
Bauschke, Heinz (UBC Kelowna)
Behzadi, Sima
Bélair, Jacques (Université de Montréal)
Bell, Jason (Waterloo)
Beltaos, Andrew (University of Waterloo)
Bennett, Michael (UBC)
Bigdeli, Mina (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM))
Bilokopytov, Ievgen
B Langlois, Marie-Andrée (Dalhousie University)
Boden, Hans
Bonfert-Taylor, Petra
Boyko, Mariya (University of Toronto, IHPST)
Brandes, Julia (University of Waterloo)
Brannan, Michael
Bregman, Corey (Brandeis University)
Bridy, Andrew (Texas A&M University)
Bruin, Nils (Simon Fraser University)
Bruni, Carmen (University of Waterloo)
Bui, Minh (University of British Columbia, Kelowna)
Bullock, Paul
Burazin, Andie
Burazin, Andie
Burke, Maxim (University of Prince Edward Island)
Bury, Thomas (University of Waterloo)
Cacic, Branimir (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)
Cadenillas, Abel (University of Alberta)
Campbell, Sue Ann (University of Waterloo)
Campolieti, Giuseppe (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Caroline, Terry
Caviglia, Giulio (Purdue University)
Chan, Ada (York University)
Charbonneau, Benoit (Waterloo)
Charlesworth, Ian (University of California, San Diego)
Chen, Imin (SFU)
Chen, Qiuting
Chen, Sheng (Ryerson)
Choulli, Tahir
Chow, Amenda (York University)
Christopher, Hawthorne
Ciupeanu, Adriana-Stefania
Clay, Adam (University of Manitoba)
Clouâtre, Raphaël (University of Manitoba)
Conant, Gabriel (University of Notre Dame)
Constantinescu, Alexandru (INdAM)
Danziger, Peter (Ryerson University)
Davidson, Kenneth (University of Waterloo)
Denham, Graham
Dermenjian, Aram (UQAM)
Devin, Lucile (University of Ottawa)
Dewar, Megan (Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing)
Dhillon, Ajneet (Western)
Dilcher, Karl (Dalhousie)
Dixit, Anup (University of Toronto)
Djokovic, Dragomir (University of Waterloo)
Dochtermann, Anton (Texas State University)
Dong, Xin (University of California)
Doob, Michael (University of Manitoba)
Dubiel, Malgorzata (Simon Fraser University)
Dugan, William (University of Waterloo)
Eberl, Hermann
Ebrahim Nataj, Roghayeh (Sarah)
Elliott, George (University of Waterloo)
Ertan, Elma (University of Waterloo)
Escobar, Laura (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Farenick, Douglas (University of Regina)
Faridi, Sara (Dalhousie University)
Feng, Wenying (Trent University)
Ferguson, Barry (University of Waterloo)
Fiorilli, Daniel (University of Ottawa)
Fitzsimmons, Maxwell (University of Guelph)
Forrest, Barb
Forrest, Brian
Fournier, Richard (Dawson College)
Fowler, Jim (The Ohio State University)
Fraser, Craig (University of Toronto)
Freiberg, Tristan (University of Waterloo)
Frei, Christoph (University of Alberta)
Friedlander, John (University of Toronto)
Fukasawa, Ricardo
Galetto, Federico (McMaster University)
Gao, Niushan
Gao, Xinghua (Department of Mathematics, UIUC)
Garaschuk, Kseniya (University of the Fraser Valley)
Gauthier, Paul (Université de Montréal)
Ghaswala, Tyrone (University of Manitoba)
Ghorbanpour, Asghar (Western University)
Gianniotis, Panagiotis (University of Toronto/Fields Institute)
Girard, Mark (University of Waterloo)
Godsil, Chris (University of Waterloo)
Goodaire, Edgar (Memorial University)
Greenhalgh, Scott (Siena College)
Grell, George (University of Rochester)
Grieve, Nathan (Michigan State University)
Grisouard, Nicolas (University of Toronto)
Gultepe, Funda (University of Luxembourg)
Gunther, Joseph (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison/Univ. of Paris-Sud (Orsay))
Haddad, Lucien (RMC)
Hamel, Angele (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Hamieh, Alia (UNBC)
Hamilton, Ryan (University of Calgary)
Hardeman, Rachel (University of Calgary)
Hare, Kathryn (University of Waterloo)
Hare, Kevin (University of Waterloo)
Hart, Bradd (McMaster University)
Haskell, Deirdre (McMaster University)
Haslehurst, Mitchell (University of Victoria)
Haslhofer, Robert (University of Toronto)
Ha, Tai (Tulane University)
Heffernan, Jane (York University)
He, Yangxin (University of Waterloo)
Hodgson, Bernard (Université Laval)
Hofscheier, Johannes (McMaster University)
Hoshino, Richard (Quest University Canada)
Hsu, Ting-Hao (Dept. of Math & Stats, McMaster University)
Huang, Keping (University of Rochester)
Huang, Simon (University of Waterloo)
Hughes Hallett, Deborah (Harvard/University of Arizona)
Hurtubise, Jacques (McGill University)
Hutchinson, George (University of Guelph)
Hu, Ying (UQAM)
Ilten, Nathan
Ingalls, Brian (Waterloo)
Ingram, Patrick (York University)
Ivaki, Mohammad (University of Toronto)
Jabbusch, Kelly (University of Michigan Dearborn)
Jacobs, Ken (Northwestern)
Jagan, Mikael
Jannat, Farzaneh
Jaoui, Remi (University of Waterloo)
Jauregui, Jeffrey (Union College)
Jin, Ruizhang (University of Waterloo)
Jiu, Lin (Dalhousie University)
Johnson, Keith (Dalhousie University)
Johnston, Nathaniel (Mount Allison University)
Jungic, Veselin (Simon Fraser University)
Juul, Jamie
Kar, Arpita (Queen's University)
Karigiannis, Spiro (University of Waterloo)
Karu, Kalle (UBC)
Kaveh, Kamran
Kaveh, Kiumars
Kevlahan, Nicholas
Kharaghani, Hadi (University of Lethbridge)
Knoll, Carrie (University of Waterloo)
Kodalen, Brian (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Kondratieva, Margo (MUN)
Korytowski, Daniel (McMaster and Fields Institue)
Koszmider, Piotr (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
Kotsireas, Ilias (WLU)
Kratsios, Anastasis (Concordia University)
Kreher, Donald (Michigan Technological University)
Kribs, David
Kruckman, Alex (Indiana University)
Kulkarni, Avi (Simon Fraser University)
Kuo, Wentang (University of Waterloo)
Kuznetsov, Alexey (York University)
lai, kwan (University of Waterloo)
Lalin, Matilde (Université de Montréal)
Lamb, Kevin (University of Waterloo)
Lamzouri, Youness
Lato, Sabrina (University of Waterloo)
Leininger, Christopher (University of Illinois)
Len, Yoav (University of Waterloo)
Leon Sanchez, Omar (University of Manchester)
Levin, Aaron (Michigan State University)
Li, Michael (University of Alberta)
Lin, Chiu-Ju (Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University)
Lindzey, Nathan (University of Waterloo)
Lisonek, Petr (Simon Fraser University)
Liu, Xinzhi (University of Waterloo)
Liu, Yu-Ru (University of Waterloo)
Looper, Nicole (Northwestern University)
Lovric, Miroslav (McMaster University)
Lumley, Allysa (York University)
Mahdipour Shirayeh, Ali (Princess Margaret Cancer Center)
Makarov, Roman (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Malmskog, Beth (Colorado College)
Mamon, Rogemar (University of Western Ontario)
Mangahas, Johanna (University at Buffalo)
Marcotte, Odile (CRM & UQAM)
Marcus, Steffen (The College of New Jersey)
Martin, Greg (University of British Columbia)
Martin, Robert (University of Cape Town)
Martin, William (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Mashreghi, Javad (Laval University)
Mavraki, Niki Myrto
McGinnis, Matt (University of Delaware)
McKee, Andrew (University of Saskatchewan)
McKenney, Paul
McKinnon, David (University of Waterloo)
Mclaren, Darian (Brandon University)
McLeay, Alan (University of Glasgow)
McLoughlin, John (University of New Brunswick)
Meadows, Tyler (McMaster University)
Meagher, Karen (University of Regina)
Melczer, Stephen (Unviersity of Pennsylvania)
Meng, Fei (University of Waterloo)
Meng, Fei (The University of Waterloo)
Mette, Ina (American Mathematical Society)
Metzler, Adam (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Mingo, James (Queen's University)
Mitric, Ilie Radu (Université Laval)
Molina, Abel (University of Waterloo)
Monahan, Adam (University of Victoria)
Monical, Cara (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Moosa, Rahim (Waterloo)
Morales, Alejandro
Morewood, Robert (Visier Solutions)
Morey, Susan (Texas State University)
Morgan, Adam (University of Waterloo)
Morland, Cameron (University of Waterloo)
Morris, Joy (University of Lethbridge)
Morsky, Bryce
Moura, Lucia (University of Ottawa)
Mousley, Sarah (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Murai, Satoshi
Muraki, David (simon fraser univ)
Murty, M. Ram (Queen's University)
Nagy, Ákos (Fields Institute/University of Waterloo)
Nah, Kyeongah
Nakayama, Keisuke (Kobe University)
Nasserden, Brett
Naylor, Patrick (University of Waterloo)
Newman, Mike (University of Ottawa)
Nghia, Tran (Oakland University)
Olechnowicz, Mateusz (University of Toronto)
Olobatuyi, Oluwole (University of Alberta)
Oprea, Lawrence (McGill University)
Palombaro, Jason (McMaster University)
Panario, Daniel (Carleton University)
Park, B. Doug (University of Waterloo)
Pathak, Siddhi (Queen's University)
Paulsen, Vern (University of Waterloo)
Peng, Wayne (University of Rochester)
Pereira, Rajesh (University of Guelph)
Pham, Dat (Wayne State University)
Phan, Hung (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Pike, David (Memorial University)
Pirvu, Traian (McMaster University)
Platt, Craig (University of Manitoba)
Plosker, Sarah (Brandon University)
Ponge, Raphael (Seoul National University)
Poole, David (Trent University)
Poulin, Francis
Radjavi, Heydar (University of waterloo)
Rahnemaye Rahsepar, Seyedeh (Ryerson)
Rajchgot, Jenna (University of Saskatchewan)
Ramsey, Chris (University of Manitoba)
Redelmeier, Robert
Reesor, Mark (Laurier)
Rodgers, David
Rodsphon, Rudy (Vanderbilt University)
Rohlf, Katrin (Ryerson University)
Rolf, Jim
Rorabaugh, Danny (Queen's University)
Ruan, Shigui (University of Miami)
Sabok, Marcin (McGill University)
Sadeghi, ildar (University of British Columbia Okanagan)
Sadiku, Jemisa (York University)
Salter, Nick
Santoprete, Manuele (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Sapir, Eugenia (SUNY - Binghamton)
Satriano, Matthew (University of Waterloo)
Saunders, John (University of Waterloo)
Scowcroft, Philip (Wesleyan University)
Séguin, François (Queen's University)
Sendova, Kristina (University of Western Ontario)
Sendov, Hristo (The University of Western Ontario)
Shahada, Mayada (Dalhousie University)
Shahbazi, Zohreh (University of Toronto)
Shallit, Jeffrey
Shapiro, Ilya (University of Windsor)
Sharma, Diyum
Shparlinski, igor (UNSW)
Shuai, Zhisheng (University of Central Florida)
Simons, Gord (Royal Military College)
Sinclair, Peter (McMaster University)
Sinkovic, John (University of Waterloo)
Sivaloganathan, Siv (University of Waterloo)
Skinner, Frances (Krembil Research Institute)
Skoufranis, Paul (York University)
Slobodin, Aaron (Quest University Canada)
Smith, Gregory (Queen's University)
Smith, James T (San Francisco State University)
Smith?, Robert (The University of Ottawa)
Smythe, Iian (Rutgers University)
Sorenson, Jonathan (Butler University)
Speissegger, Patrick (McMaster University)
Spronk, Nicolaas
Stastna, Marek (Waterloo)
Stewart, Cameron (University of Waterloo)
Stinchcombe, Adam (University of Toronto)
Stinson, Douglas (University of Waterloo)
Stokke, Anna (University of Winnipeg)
Straub, David (McGill)
Sutherland, Bruce (University of Alberta)
Sweeney, Vincent
Szestopalow, Michael (University of Manitoba)
Tang, Xiang (Washington University in St. Louis)
Tardif, Claude (Collège militaire royal du Canada)
Taylor, Peter (Queen's University)
Therrien, Valerie Lynn (Western University)
Thomas, Margaret (McMaster University)
Thomson, David (Carleton University)
Tikuisis, Aaron (University of Ottawa)
Timko, Edward (University of Manitoba)
Tonnesen-Friedman, Christina (Union College)
Traetta, Tommaso (Università di Perugia)
Tse, Ling-Sang (University of Toronto)
Tseng, Pei-Lun (Queen's university)
Tshishiku, Bena (Harvard University)
Ulirsch, Martin (University of Michigan)
Vaccaro, Andrea (University of Pisa & York University)
van Bommel, Christopher (University of Waterloo)
Van Tuyl, Adam (McMaster)
van Willigenburg, Steph (University of British Columbia)
Vaughan, Jennifer
Vavasis, Stephen (University of Waterloo)
Verbruggen, Rachael
Vinet, Luc
Visentin, Terry (University of Winnipeg)
Vlahu, Izabela (University of Saskatchewan)
Wade, Matthew (Newcastle University)
Wagner, David (University of Waterloo)
Waite, Michael (University of Waterloo)
Waldron, Alex
Wang, Changliang (McMaster University)
Wang, Qiang (Steven) (Carleton University)
Wang, Shawn XianFu (University of British Columbia)
Wang, Xiaoheng (University of Waterloo)
Wang, Xiaojing (University of Waterloo)
Wang, Yiyuan
Watson, Liam (Université de Sherbrooke)
Weedermann, Marion (Dominican University)
Wehlau, David
Weigandt, Anna (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Welker, Volkmar (Universitaet Marburg)
Wenger, Jacob (Brandon University)
Wiersma, Matthew (University of Alberta)
Wilkie, Kathleen (Ryerson University)
Wolczuk, Dan (University of Waterloo)
Wolkowicz, Gail (McMaster University)
Wolkowicz, Henry (University of Waterloo)
Wood, Peter
Woodroofe, Russ (University of Primorska)
Woodrow, Robert (University of Calgary)
Wooley, Trevor (University of Bristol)
Wu, Jianhong
Xanthos, Foivos
Xiang, Qing (University of Delaware)
Xu, Jingjing (Western University)
Yang, Dilian (University of Windsor)
Yang, Fengbao
Yang, fenghao
Yang, Jay (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Yazdani, Fereshteh (New Brunswick University)
Yeats, Karen (University of Waterloo)
Yi, Yingfei (University of Alberta)
Yongacoglu, Bora (Queen's University)
Yu, Polly (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Zhan, Hanmeng (University of Waterloo)
Zhao, Xiaomei (Central China Normal University and University of Waterloo)
Zhao, Xiaoqiang (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Zhu, Huaiping
Zorboska, Nina (University of Manitoba)
Zou, Xingfu (University of Western Ontario)