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Abstracts - grouped by symposium

Abstracts are displayed on the website for information only and are not to be considered a published document. Some inconsistencies in display of fonts may occur in some web browser configurations.

Abstracts will appear on the website within 10 working days of the date of submission.

Plenary Speakers
Public Lecture
Financial Mathematics
Finite Elements
History of Mathematics
Lie Algebras and Moonshine
Mathematical Education: Now I See !!!! Dynamic Visualisations in Canadian Mathematics Education
  • Stewart Craven
  • Tom Steinke
  • Peter Taylor
  • Walter Whiteley
Number Theory
Operator Algebras
Partial Differential Equations
``Real-World'' Problems in Search of Solutions
Representation Theory of Real and p-adic Groups
Symplectic Geometry
Theory and Applications of Point Processes
Contributed Papers

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