
Résumés - par conférenciers
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Les résumés seront publiés sur le site Web 10 jours ouvrables après leur
date de soumission.
- Alekseev, Anton - Poisson Geometry and the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture
- Allison, Bruce - Isomorphism of loop algebras
- Almgren, Robert - Continuous-time model for household portfolios
- Argerami, Martin - The Schur-Horn Theorem in II1 factors
- Arthur, James - Universal groups in the theory of automorphic forms
- Baccelli, Francois - Stochastic geometry and modelling of coverage and
capacity in CDMA networks
- Bahturin, Yuri - Locally finite simple Lie algebas
- Balan, Raluca - Markov point processes in Bayesian nonparametric statistics
- Barr, Michael - The Chu construction: history of an idea
- Beals, Richard - Propagators for some degenerate hyperbolic equations
- Benkart, Georgia - Temperley-Lieb combinatorics
- Bennett, Michael - Elliptic curves with prescribed torsion and
good reduction outside a small set
- Bergeron, Nantel - Temperley Lieb invariants and covariants
- Berggren, Len - A tenth-century mathematician: Abu al-Jud, his life and work
- Berman, Stephen - Some Factorizations of U.E.A.'s of 3 dimensional Lie
algebras and some generalizations
- Bertrand, Francois - A local refinement based fictitious domain method for the
simulation of fluid flow in complex geometries
- Betel, Heather
- Billig, Yuly - Representations of the full toroidal Lie algebras
- Borwein, Jonathan - Digitizing the entire mathematical literature: what wild
- Bourgault, Yves - A mortar element for coupling hyperbolic and parabolic problems
- Bowman, Douglas C. - Integers n for which the integer parts of
n ×a+ s are not equal to the integer
parts of n ×b+ s
- Braun, John - Point Processes and Applications
- Bremner, Murray - Quantization of Lie and Jordan triple systems
- Brenken, Berndt - C*-algebras associated with topological relations
- Buckley, Ian - Portfolio optimization for alternative investments
- Burq, Nicolas - Non-linear Schrödinger boundary value problems
- Bursztyn, Henrique - Notions of equivalence for Poisson manifolds
- Cadenillas, Abel - Optimal stochastic impulse control of the free cash flow
- Carmona, Rene - Mathematical challenges of the energy markets
- Charbonneau, Alain - Une méthode adaptative d'éléments finis permettant le
calcul des modes propres d'un guide d'ondes optiques
- Chen, Liang - Polarization mode dispersion and polarization dependent
loss in single mode fiber communication systems
- Choi, Kwok-Kwong Stephen - Binary sequences with merit factors greater than 6.34
- Choi, Man Duen - The ultimate norm estimate for complex matrices
- Choulli, Tahir - Minimal Hellinger martingale measures in incomplete markets
- Christiansen, Tanya - Pseudospectra in automorphic scattering
- Cojocaru, Alina - The square sieve and the Lang-Trotter conjecture
- Colliander, Jim - Global existence and scattering for rough solutions of 3d
- Comech, Andrew - Purely nonlinear instability of minimal energy standing waves
- Craven, Stewart
- Cummins, Chris - Congruence subgroups of the modular group
- Cunningham, Clifton - On some depth-zero orbital integrals
- Dabbaghian, Vahid - An efficient algorithm to construct representations of
finite groups
- David, Chantal - On the vanishing of twisted L-functions of elliptic curves
- Davidson, Ken - Spans and sums of unitary and similarity orbits of a single operator
- de Oliveira, Marcelo Pereira - A universal Bergman element
- DeBacker, Stephen - Some applications of Bruhat-Tits theory to harmonic analysis
- DeBello, Joan - The history of the Magic Square in mathematics
- Delfour, Michel - Approximation of the dose for thin coated stents
in interventional cardiology
- Diacu, Florin - Spiru Haretu and the stability of the solar system
- Discussion, General
- Discussion, General
- Djokovic, Dragomir - The closure diagram for nilpotent orbits of the split
real form of E8
- Dong, Chongying - The monstrous moonshine and permutation orbifolds
- Dossou, Kokou - Higher order vector edge finite element analysis of optical
- Dubois, Eric - Representation of 3D environments based on images
- Elliott, George - Recent progress in the classification of amenable
- Ethier, Ross - Finite element modelling of coronary artery hemodynamics
- Floricel, Remus C. - E0-semigroups of von Neumann algebras
- Fortin, André - Reconstruction géométrique, estimation d'erreur et remaillage
adaptatif: application à la mise en forme des polymères
- Freeman, Eric - Systems of cubic diophantine inequalities
- Friedlander, John - On some exponential sums over Mersenne numbers
- Gannon, Terry - CFT and subfactors
- Gao, Yun - A `quantized Tits-Kantor-Koecher' algebra
- Goldin, Rebecca - Counting chambers of the moment polytope
- Goren, Eyal - Local structure of PEL moduli spaces
- Grant, Hardy - Mathematics in the thought of Nicholas Cusanus
- Greiner, Peter - Subelliptic PDE's and subRiemannian geometry
- Guenette, Robert - Méthodes de dualité convexe pour la résolution par
éléments finis de problèmes de contact en mécanique des
- Guillemin, Victor - Cutting and gluing in symplectic geometry
- Harada, Megumi - The symplectic geometry of the Gel'fand-Cetlin basis
for representations of the symplectic group
- Hefford, Mary - Calculating protein-protein interactions in proteomes in both
health and disease
- Heinig, Hans - Exponential inequalities with weights
- Higson, Nigel - The residue cocycle of Connes and Moscovici
- Holm, Tara - Symplectic quotients and real loci
- Hurtubise, Jacques - Dynamical r-matrices and bundles on elliptic curves
- Ivanoff, Gail - Random clouds and censoring in survival analysis
- Jakobson, Dmitry - Critical points and Lp norms of eigenfunctions
- Jeffrey, Lisa - Symplectic quotients and their cohomology
- Jones, Trevor - Computing some nonstandard Betti numbers
- Kamran, Niky - The scientific correspondence between Einstein and
Cartan-Letters on absolute parallelism
- Karshon, Yael - Blow-ups of CP2 without torus actions
- Kerman, Ely - Symplectic homology and periodic orbits near symplectic extrema
- Kerr, David - C*-dynamics and entropy
- Khalkali, Masoud - Invariant cyclic homology
- Khovanskii, Askold - Newton polyhedra and Parshin's symbols
- Kim, Julee - Character expansions and refined K-types
- Kiritchenko, Valentina - A Gauss-Bonnet theorem for constructible sheaves on reductive
- Koestler, Claus - Lp-martingales on q-white noises
- Kogan, Misha - Degenerating Schubert varieties to unions of toric varieties
associated to rc-graphs
- Kolster, Manfred - Divisibility properties of special values of L-functions for
quadratic characters
- Kucerovsky, Dan - Locally absorbing extensions
- Kuo, Wentang - Summatory functions of elements in Selberg's class
- Kuo, Wentang - Principal nilpotent orbits and reducible principal series
- Laca, Marcelo - KMS states of Pimsner algebras
- Lalonde, François - Critical values for the moduli space of symplectic balls
in a rational 4-manifold
- Lan, Kunquan - Multiple positive solutions of higher order boundary value
- Lavassani, Ali
- Le Roux, Daniel - An appropriate finite-element pair to simulate inertia-gravity waves
- Lee, Jung-Jo - Twists of elliptic curves
- Lerman, Eugene - Contact fiber bundles
- Levesque, Claude - A fundamental system of units for some fields of degree 9
- Levy, Jason - Invariance and Arthur's truncation
- Li, Haisheng - Vertex algebras and vertex poisson algebras
- Longtin, André - Stochastic dynamics of biological information
- Major, Francois - Recurrent patterns in the ribosome
- Mare, Liviu - Quantum cohomology of flag manifolds and Toda lattices
- Martin, Greg - Sidon sets and symmetric sets of real numbers
- McDonald, David - Do birds of a feather flock together?
- McKay, John - The j-function and its natural generalization
- McKinnon, David - Counting rational points on ruled varieties
- Metzler, David - Presentation of noneffective orbifolds
- Mezo, Paul - The unitary dual for metaplectic coverings of general linear
- Minev, P.D. - Analysis of a projection/characteristic scheme
for incompressible flow
- Mingarelli, Angelo - R.G.D. Richardson, Canadian born mathematician
- Mingo, Jamie - Two Point functions for families of random matrices
and non-crossing annular partitions
- Mohammadalikhani, Ramin - Cohomology ring of symplectic reductions by circle actions
- Moukhometov, Ravil - On problem of the reconstruction of metric on the Riemannian
- Munger, Rejean - Modeling the optics of the human eye: An interesting mathematical
- Murnaghan, Fiona - Distinguished supercuspidal representations
- Murty, Kumar - Splitting of Abelian varieties
- Murty, Ram - Irreducible elements and irreducible polynomials
- Neufang, Matthias - Amplification of completely bounded operators and applications
- Nevins, Monica - Branching rules for principal series representations of
p-adic SL(2)
- Noël, Alfred - Maximal Tori of reductive centralizers of nilpotents in exceptional
complex symmetric spaces
- Ocneanu, Adrian - Quantum subgroups, lattices and canonical bases of Lie groups
- Pelletier, Dominique - Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in CFD
- Pestov, Vladimir - The fixed point on compacta property of some topological
groups related to operator algebras and ergodic theory
- Petridis, Yiannis - The distribution of modular symbols
- Phillips, John - Centre-valued index of Toeplitz operators with noncommuting
- Pianzola, Arturo - Automorphisms of Chevalley Lie algebras
- Prasad, Amritanshu - Almost unramified automorphic representations for slpit
groups over Fq(t)
- Putnam, Ian - Recent results on topological orbit equivalence
- Renault, Eric - Stochastic volatility models
- Rousseau, Christiane - Divergent series: past, present, future
- Rudnicki, Michael - The stem cell genomics project
- Salisbury, Tom - Liquidity premiums for variable annuities
- Saunders, Dave - Optimal structuring of asset portfolios for insurance products
with minimum guarantee provisions
- Seco, Luis - A historical prespective of mathematics in the financial
- Serfozo, Richard - Reversible Markov processes on general spaces: spatial birth-death
and queueing
- Simpson, Bruce - Computing the deltas; efficiency-accuracy trade offs
in solving Black Scholes equations
- Sklar, Ronald - Mathematical techniques for circumventing query-set-size
control in a statistical database
- Slimane, Leila - Méthodes mixtes pour la résolution des inéquations
- Sniatycki, Jedrzej - Singular reduction of Poisson spaces
- Sogge, Chris - Eigenfunction estimates and applications
- Sommers, Eric - Ideals in the nilradical of a Borel subalgebra
- Soulaimani, Azzedine - On the solution of free surface flows with the SPH
and related methods
- Speicher, Roland - Free probability
- Stastna, Viena - B. Bolzano: life and work
- Steinke, Tom
- Stewart, Cameron L. - On sums which are powers
- Stoica, George - Market completeness: a return to order
- Stouder, Larry - Network computing-past, present, and future
- Sulem, Catherine - On asymptotic stability of solitary waves for
nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- Szczesny, Matthew - Twisted modules, conformal blocks, and Prym varieties
- Szechtman, Fernando - Weil representations of symplectic and unitary groups
over finite local rings
- Tang, Jiashan - Balancing queues by mean field interaction
- Taylor, Peter
- Thunder, Jeffrey Lin - Asymptotic estimates for some Diophantine inequalites
- Timorin, Vladlen - Circles and Clifford algebras
- Tourin, Agnes - Maximizing the probability of being solvent in the presence
of transaction costs
- Vasy, Andras - Many-body scattering and symmetric spaces
- Waldschmidt, Michel - Algebraic values of analytic functions
- Ware, Tony - Numerical explorations of swing options
- Weitsman, Jonathan - Euler MacLaurin formulas for simple polytopes
- Whiteley, Walter
- Wu, Siye - Lattice polarization and projective flatness
- Wunsch, Jared - The sojourn relation and the Schrödinger equation
- Xu, Ping - Equivariant gerbes over compact simple Lie groups
- Yoshii, Yoji - Lie tori and structurable tori
- Yui, Noriko - The modularity of Calabi-Yau threefolds with K3 fibrations
- Zara, Catalin - Morse interpolation and divided differences
- Zelditch, Steve - Quantum ergodicity of boundary values of eigenfunctions
- Zhang, Yuanli - R-groups and Aubert involutions
- Zuccherato, Robert - Passwords: are they the weakest link?
- Zvengrowski, Peter - Olinde Rodrigues, a mathematician ``in the shadow''
- Zworski, Maciej - Quantum resonances in chaotic scattering