Réunion d'été du 75e+1 anniversaire de la SMC

Ottawa, 7 - 11 juin 2021


Forum sur l'équité
Org: Elana Kalashnikov (Harvard) et Reila Zheng (Toronto)

ANTHONY BONATO, Ryerson University
LGBTQ+ inclusion/exclusion in mathematics: why I should not have to be giving this talk  [PDF]

Mathematics should be a safe space for all, but it hasn't been. Even today, we don’t see representation from all groups in mathematics, especially from those who are BIPOC or LGBTQ+.

When LGBTQ+ mathematicians talk about inclusion in mathematics and in society, they put themselves in the uncomfortable and potentially unsafe situation of advocating for their own rights and freedoms. Refracted through my own experience, I'll discuss the intersectional challenges facing LGBTQ+ mathematicians, opportunities for action, and encourage a dialogue for positive change.

The intersections of math, gender and the model minority myth: Asian students’ lived experiences in math schooling  [PDF]

The model minority myth upholds the perception that one race does better than others, based on a stereotypes of obedience, hard work, and innate talent; while gender myths assume that one gender is weaker than the other at a specific task or subject. In the case of those who identify as Asian, they can often be faced with both myths at the same time in mathematics. So how do these stereotypes relate to each other and how does this affect their perceived abilities and beliefs in mathematics? This research, in progress, seeks to gather information from Asian identifying members of the population to determine their relationship with both the model minority myth and gender bias as it relates to mathematics. This presentation will provide background and insights into the topic and will provide some preliminary data from the study.

EDWARD DOOLITTLE, First Nations University of Canada

MARNI MISHNA, Simon Fraser University
Can Canadian math institutes address equity in a meaningful way?  [PDF]

In Canada a lot of support for mathematical events and young researchers is provided by regional math institutes. This talk will reflect on the urgency of an institute response to equity, diversity and inclusion in our discipline. We will identify principles to follow when building policy, and ideas for moving forward. We will also talk about some of the historical and structural challenges relevant to these issues from the perspective of an institute. This talk raise more questions than it will answer, with a goal of facilitating a necessary discussion between our mathematical community, and its leadership.

HERMIE MONTERDE, University of Manitoba
A Transgender Woman’s Dilemma  [PDF]

In this presentation, we talk about the issues that transgender women face at large, and how these contribute to the lack of visibility and representation of transgender women, especially in Mathematics. We also discuss ways which can help promote the inclusion of transgender women in the Mathematics community.

ISRAEL NCUBE, Alabama A & M University
Reflections on impediments to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the mathematics professoriate  [PDF]

Many universities nowadays have developed elaborate statements and policy documents on equity, diversity, and inclusion. However, the reality on the ground is that these matters remain a far cry on many a university campus in Canada, and elsewhere. The disequilibrium that exists in equity, diversity, and inclusion is particularly stark in the mathematical sciences. It is important to understand the whys and the wherefores of this state of affairs. This talk will examine, in a frank and dispassionate manner, some of the issues that continue to challenge efforts aimed at making the mathematical sciences more welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Student project: Women Speaker Series  [PDF]

Simon Fraser University (SFU) has been host to a Discrete Math Seminar since the early 1980's. Unfortunately, over the past several years the gender distribution of speakers in this seminar has skewed overwhelmingly male. Indeed, this reflects a more general lack of inclusion at SFU as further indicated by SFU's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion report.

In the Fall of 2020, in a student led project, we decided to challenge the narrative by creating the Women in Discrete Math Speaker Series. In this talk we discuss the inspiration, implementation, and challenges behind this project. Additionally, we ask what the next steps in furthering EDI initiatives are.

© Société mathématique du Canada : http://www.smc.math.ca/