
Résumés - par conférenciers
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- Achter, Jeffrey - Monodromy representations and function field class numbers
- Alpay, Safak - On b-weakly compact operators
- Anisca, Razvan - Unconditional decompositions in Banach spaces
- Anvari, Mohammadreza - Relative Dynamics in Systems Biology
- Archibald, Tom - Picard and Integral Equations
- Aschenbrenner, Matthias - Asymptotic differential algebra
- Avgerinos, Evgenios - On the solutions of multivalued problems governed by vector
differential inclusions
- Awodey, Steve - Algebraic Set Theory
- Baker, Catharine - Affine planes, symmetry and 3-e.c. graphs
- Barnes, Marcus - John Charles Fields as student, researcher, and scientific
- Barr, Michael - The category of Mackey spaces is *-autonomous
- Barrow-Green, June - Mathematics and pacifism in Cambridge 1915-1916: a student
- Bennett, Mike - The prime factorization of binomial coefficients
- Berlekamp, Elwyn - Yellow-Brown Hackenbush
- Berman, Leah - Symmetric Configurations
- Beyarslan, Ozlem - Pseudofinite Fields and Tournaments
- Bezdek, Andras - On the number of mutually touching cylinders
- Bezdek, Karoly - Antipodality revisited
- Bezdek, Karoly - On the X-ray numbers of 3-dimensional convex bodies
- Boroczky, Karoly - Transversals of hyperbolic disks
- Borwein, Peter - Littlewood's 22nd Problem
- Boyd, David - Pisot sequences with periodic rounding rules
- Bremner, Andrew - A problem in right triangles
- Bunge, Marta - Michael coverings are comprehensive
- Buskes, Gerard - Geometric mean in vector lattices
- Cadenillas, Abel - Optimal Risk-Sharing with Effort and Project Choice
- Cahlon, Baruch - Stability Criteria for Certain High Even Order Delay
Differential Equations
- Campolieti, Joe - New Families of Integrable Diffusion Models and their
Applications to Finance
- Charles, Denis - Some applications of the graph of supersingular elliptic
curves over a finite field
- Chen, Imin - Diophantine equations via Galois representations
- Cherlin, Gregory - Connected Groups of Finite Morley Rank: Structure
- Cliff, Gerald - K-types of local Weil representations
- Conway, John
- David, Chantal - Non-vanishing of cubic twists of elliptic curves
- Davison, Matt - Some Optimal Control Problems in Natural Gas Storage
- Dawson, Robert - Cebysev sets in hyperspaces over Rn
- Dembele, Lassina - Examples of automorphic forms on the unitary group U(3)
- Deza, Antoine - Colourful Simplicial Depth
- Dilcher, Karl - Divisibility properties of certain binomial sums
- Discussion Group - Does a Math Education PhD program belong in a Math Dept?
- Dolich, Alf - Some Remarks on Weak O-minimality and Definable Completeness
- Drnovsek, Roman - On positive unipotent operators on Banach lattices
- Dufour, Jean-Marie - Testing portfolio efficiency with an unobservable zero-beta
rate and non-Gaussian distributions: a finite-sample
identification-robust approach
- El Karoui, Nicole - Derivatives Market: Recent developments in pricing, hedging
and measuring market risk exposure
- Elliott, Robert - New Results for Fractional Brownian Motion
- Emelyanov, Eduard - Some recent results on constrictive operators
- Erdahl, Bob - Delaunay Polytopes and the Pauli Principle
- Farah, Ilijas - Condensed groups
- Ferenczi, Valentin - The class of separable reflexive Banach spaces is strongly
- Fischer, Vera - The Consistency of Arbitrarily Large Spread Between the
Bounding and the Splitting Numbers
- Fisher, Chris - A Computer Drawing of the Complete Pascal Configuration
- Flores, Julio - Domination by positive Banach-Saks operators
- Fodor, Ferenc - Lower bounds on the surface area of Voronoi polyhedra
- Forsyth, Peter - Dynamic Hedging Under Jump Diffusion with Transaction Costs
- Fountain, John - Proper covers of left ample monoids
- Fraenkel, Aviezri - Can one perceive the alpine wind of a game?
- Freyd, Peter - *-autonomous structures on old categories
- Funk, Jonathon - Semigroups and toposes
- Galvani, Valentina - Spanning with Options over a Borel Space
- Gambino, Nicola - Presheaf and sheaf models for constructive set theory
- Gavrilova, Marina - Exact Point Location in Generalized Voronoi Diagram
- Geelen, Jim - An overview of the matroid minors project
- Gessesse, Hailegebriel - Minimal Vectors of Positive Operators On Ordered Banach
- Ghioca, Dragos - A generalization of the Manin-Mumford Theorem
- Ghomi, Mohammad - Isoperimetric inequality outside convex bodies
- Goddyn, Luis - Log-discrepancy and chromatic number of hyperplane
- Gourdeau, Frédéric - Mathematical education: a mathematician's perspective /
Education mathématique : la vision d'un mathématicien
- Grünbaum, Branko - Enumeration of square-faced isogonal infinite polyhedra
- Grünbaum, Branko - Polygons: Meister was right and Poinsot was wrong but
- Grünbaum, Branko - Are all symmetry groups present in the Alhambra, and related
- Gumel, Abba - Dynamics Analysis of HIV Vaccine Models
- Guo, Hongbin - Global Dynamics of Multigroup SIR Epidemic Models
- Hackborn, William W. - Mathematical Ballistics up to World War I
- Hagen, Pamela
- Harborth, Heiko - Integral Distances in Geometrical Figures
- Haskell, Deidre - Integral-definite rational functions in theories of valued
- Haxell, Penny - Independent transversals
- Heppes, Aladar - Near-transversal lines in families of congruent circles
- Hofstra, Pieter
- Horst, Ulrich - Climate Risk, Securitization, and Equilibrium Bond Pricing
- Houston, Robin - When coherence comes for free
- Islam, Shafiqul - Piecewise linear approximation of absolutely continuous
invariant measures for random maps
- Joyal, André - Beyond Category Theory
- Kaiser, Tobias - An o-minimal version of the Riemann Mapping Theorem
- Kalton, Nigel - Extensions of Banach spaces and their applications
- Kalton, Nigel - Symmetric functionals and traces
- Kechris, Alexander S. - Logic, Ramsey theory and topological dynamics
- Kent, Deborah - Fractions, Plants, and Planets: Extending the 19th-Century
Law of Phylotaxis
- Kinzebulatov, Damir - On Nicholson's blowflies equation with a distributed delay
- Kiss, Gyorgy - On the illumination parameters of convex bodies
- Kitover, Arkady - Universally order bounded operators on Hilbert Spaces
- Kolkiewicz, Adam - Inverse First-Passage Problem with Applications to Credit
Risk Modeling
- Koszmider, Piotr - Combinatorics of Boolean algebras applied in functional
- Kuhlmann, Salma - Integer Parts and Complements to Valuation Rings of Ordered
- Kuo, Wentang - A generalization of the Sato-Tate Conjecture
- Lack, Steve - Partial maps in higher-dimensional categories
- Lam, Kee Yuen - The combinatorics of sums of squares as studied via topology
- Langford, Bill - Models of Cheyne-Stokes Respiration with Cardiovascular
- Lazrak, Ali - Non-commitment in continuous time
- Leinster, Tom - The Thompson groups
- Lemieux, Cristiane - Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods and Finance
- Liljedahl, Peter
- Lippel, David
- Liu, Rongsong - Spatiotemporal Patterns of Vector-borne Disease Spread
- Liu, Yu-Ru - On Erdös-Pomerance's conjecture for the Carlitz module
- Lopez-Abad, Jordi - Partial unconditionality and Barriers
- Lovász, László - Very large graphs
- Maehara, Hiroshi - Reversing a polyhedral surface
- Marker, Dave - Model Theory and Exponentiation
- Melnikov, Alex - Partial Hedging for Valuation of Finance-Insurance Contracts
- Mezo, Paul - Twisted trace Paley-Wiener theorems
- Miller, Chris - A proper reduct of the real projective hierarchy that defines
sets in each projective level
- Monson, Barry - Down with Symmetry!
- Moore, Justin - On linear orders with no real or Aronszajn suborders
- Moshe, Lily
- Muldowney, James - Implications of the stability of linearizations
- Murnaghan, Fiona - Tame supercuspidal representations
- Murty, Kumar
- Murty, Ram - The Lang-Trotter conjecture
- Ng, Nathan - Discrete mean values of the Riemann zeta function
- Oliveros, Deborah - Polygons enclosing point sets
- Orhon, Mehmet - On the ideal center of the dual of a Banach lattice
- Pisanski, Tomaz - Grünbaum incidence calculus
- Pomerance, Carl - Covering congruences
- Potgieter, Paul - Nonstandard analysis, Hausdorff dimension and Brownian
- Pries, Rachel - Twists of representations of fundamental groups in positive
- Pronk, Dorette - Adjoining Cycles of Adjoint Arrows
- Pulleyblank, William R. - From paper tape to the internet to BlueGene-forty years of
computing history
- Radjavi, Heydar - Invariant Sublattices for Semigroups of Operators
- Resende, Pedro - Applications of quantale theory to groupoids and inverse
- Rosendal, Cristian - On the algebraic structure of the unitary group
- Röst, Gergeley - Bifurcation of periodic delay differential equations
- Saker, Samir - Periodic solutions, oscillation and attractivity of nonlinear
delay discrete survival red blood cells model
- Salmasian, Hadi - Small degenerate principal series and exceptional dual pairs
- Sánchez, Fernando Sanz - Non-oscillating solutions of a differential equation and
Hardy fields
- Scheidler, Renate - Units in Cubic Function Fields
- Schep, Anton - Products of (weak) log convex operators are log convex
- Schulte, Egon - Local Theorems in Combinatorial Tiling
- Schulte, Egon - The Classification of Chiral Polyhedra
- Scott, Phil - Geometry of Interaction and the Dynamics of Proofs
- Seco, Luis - Collateralized Fund Obligations
- Seely, Robert - Differential Categories
- Sherk, Arthur - A Class of Finite Three-Dimensional Metric Spaces
- Siegel, Aaron - The Misère Mex Mystery
- Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard - German refugee-mathematicians in Canada
- Simpson, Alex - Applications of Algebraic Set Theory
- Singmaster, David - 17 Camels, 13 Camels, 11 Bridges, 3 Rabbits, Coconuts
- Solecki, Slawomir - A Fubini theorem
- Solymosi, Jozsef - The geometry of Schur's theorem
- Steinberg, Ben - Mobius inversion, groupoids and inverse semigroup algebras
- Steprans, Juris - Localization properties of Silver forcing and countable
support iterations
- Swishchuk, Anatoliy - Change of Time Method in Mathematical Finance
- Tall, Franklin - PFA(S)[S]: mutually consistent consequences of PFA and V=L
- Taylor, Paul - Computable Real Analysis without Set Theory or Turing Machines
- Taylor, Peter
- Tcaciuc, Adi - On the existence of asymptotic-lp structures in Banach
- Toth, Csaba D. - Spanning trees for disjoint barriers in three-space
- Troitsky, Vladimir - Norm closed algebraic ideals in L(lp Ålq)
- Turner, Laura - The Origins of the Mittag-Leffler Theorem
- van den Berg, Benno - On a realisability model for CZF
- van den Driessche, Pauline - Modeling relapse in infectious diseases
- van der Poorten, Alf - Curious cubes and self-similar sums of squares
- van Oosten, Jaap - AST in realizability
- Wagon, Stan - The postage-stamp problem: an application of geometry to
number theory
- Walsh, Gary - Don't try to solve these Diophantine equations
- Wang, Qian - Some Results On A Diffusive SIR Model
- Ware, Tony - Swing options with continuous exercise
- Warren, Michael - Coalgebras in a category of classes
- Weber, Martin - On Finite Elements in Vector Lattices of Operators
- Weiss, Asia Ivic - Petrie-Coxeter maps revisited
- Weiss, William - Problems caused by singular cardinals of countable
- Wolfe, David - Introducing New Games
- Wood, Carol - Partial Differential Fields and Separation of Variables
- Wood, Richard - Variation and Enrichment
- Yuan, Yuan - Synchronization and Desynchronization in a Delayed Discrete
Neural Network
- Zou, Zingfu - Rich dynamics in a non-local population model over three