
The Krieger-Nelson Prize was inaugurated to recognize outstanding research by a female mathematician. The first prize was awarded in 1995.

Call for nominations
Recommend someone for the 2026 award

The Prize

The Krieger-Nelson Prize is an Inuit soapstone sculpture. Each sculpture is different, granting the recipient a unique Canadian piece of art. As well, the recipient of the Krieger-Nelson Prize presents a plenary lecture at a CMS meeting.

Featured sculpture: "Young Walrus" by Peter Parr.
Selected with the generous assistance of Ian Wright from The Snow Goose Ltd., Ottawa.

Cecilia Krieger (1894-1974)

Born in Poland, Cecelia Krieger began studying mathematics and physics at the University of Toronto in 1920. In 1930, Krieger became the first woman – and only the third person overall - to earn a mathematics doctorate from a Canadian University. She taught mathematics and physics at the University of Toronto until her retirement in 1962. She is best known for her translation of Sierpinski's celebrated Introduction to General Topology (1934) and General Topology (1952).

Evelyn Nelson (1943-1987)

Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Evelyn Nelson began her studies at the University of Toronto before transferring to McMaster University. Described as their star undergraduate, her master’s thesis was published in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and her Ph.D thesis was completed just after the birth of her first child. Throughout her career, which was tragically cut short with her death in 1987, she presented close to 30 invited lectures outside Canada, refereed for ten journals, and served on several CMS committees, including the Board of Directors.