Did you know: CMS individual membership fees are an eligible expense for NSERC Discovery Grants or, alternatively, can be claimed through your professional expense allowances which is available at many universities and colleges.
CMS Membership entitles an individual member to the following benefits:
- Reduced fees at CMS semi-annual Meetings.
- Substantial savings for Canadian residents who also wish to join other societies holding reciprocal agreements with the CMS, such as the AMS, MAA, etc.
- Receive complimentary online access to the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.
- Access to, and inclusion in, the CMS Membership Directory, including geographic and field of interest searches.
- Free electronic subscription to CMS Notes (6 times per year) including an email notification sent to all members.
- Significant discounts on CMS Journals, CMS Book Series and other publications.
- Eligibility to apply for a grant from the Endowment Fund Competition Program and other awards and prizes recognizing excellence in Canadian Mathematics.
- Opportunity to serve on the CMS Board of Directors and on CMS committees and editorial boards.
- Voting rights in the CMS elections and at the Annual General Meetings.