MEDIA RELEASE — October 6, 2014

Canadian Mathematical Society

October 6, 2014

Math education recognized for outstanding contributions

Shawn Godin to receive CMS 2014 Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service

Shawn Godin
(Cairine Wilson Secondary School, Ottawa)

OTTAWA — The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is pleased to announce that Shawn Godin (Cairine Wilson Secondary School, Ottawa) is the recipient of the 2014 Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service.

The Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service is presented annually to an individual who has made significant and sustained contributions to the Canadian mathematics community, particularly through their involvement with the CMS. This award is named in honour of Dr. Graham Wright (Ottawa) who served as the CMS Executive Director and Secretary for over 30 years.

"Shawn Godin has contributed to the Canadian mathematics community in an amazing number of roles over the years,” commented Lia Bronsard (McMaster), CMS President. "He has been an active member of various boards, chair of a number of committees, organizers of various conferences, consultant on curriculum, exams and texts, editor of various columns, and at the same time, always an educator.’ One of his latest contributions was as Editor-in-Chief of Crux Mathematicorum, the CMS international problem-solving journal, where he reinvigorated the editorial board and enriched the contents.

In varied roles and capacities Shawn has contributed to provincial tests, served as a mathematics consultant, written and reviewed district-wide exams, and consulted on math texts. Working with universities he helped establish university and high school dialogues, craft math competitions, as well as stage math camps. Shawn has also worked with the Ontario Ministry of Education to create technology based activities and provide support materials for students and teachers implementing changes to the mathematics syllabus.

Shawn’s has not only made significant contributions to the mathematics community but has also been a model math educator. As noted by his colleague Ed Barbeau (Toronto) “Everything Shawn does he does as a truly dedicated educator, driven by discipline and passion, and always with an exemplary work ethic and high degree of professionalism.’

Shawn holds a B. Math from Waterloo, a B.Ed. from Toronto, and an M.Sc. (Mathematics) from Carleton. He is currently the Department Head of Mathematics, Business Studies and Computer Science at Cairine Wilson Secondary School in Ottawa. Shawn resides in Ottawa with his wife Julie and sons Samuel and Simon.

For more information, please contact:

Johan Rudnick
Executive Director
Canadian Mathematical Society
(613) 733-2662 ext. 721

About the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)

The CMS is the national mathematics organization that promotes the advancement, discovery, learning, and application of mathematics. The Society's activities cover the whole spectrum of mathematics including: scientific meetings, research publications, and the promotion of excellence in mathematics education at all levels. The CMS annually sponsors mathematics awards and prizes that recognize outstanding achievements.