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1) Differential Geometry and Global Analysis / Géométrie différentielle et analyse globale
Muang Min-Oo and McKenzie Wang, Organizers
- Igor Belegradek - Pinching and Pontrjagin classes
- Christoph Böhm - Inhomogeneous Einstein metrics on spheres
- Jeffrey Boland - Magnetic fields on negatively curved manifolds
- Virginie Charette - Properly discontinuous actions of free groups on Minkowski space
- Jingyi Chen - Triholomorphic curves and complex ASD connections
- Ailana Fraser - On the free boundary variational problem for minimal disks
- Michael Gage - Remarks on B. Süssmann's proof of the Banchoff-Pohl inequality
- Miroslav Lovric - Multivariate normal distributions parametrized as a Riemannian symmetric space
- Mohan Ramachandran - To be announced
- Patrick Ryan - Real hypersurfaces in complex space forms
- Patrice Sawyer - Ghostly symmetric spaces
- Alina Stancu - Asymptotic behavior of a crystalline evolution
- John Toth - To be announced