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By invitation of the Meeting Committee, there will be sessions in the following areas. The list of speakers is preliminary, and participants interested in delivering a talk in one of the sessions should contact one of the organizers of that session.
Algebraic Combinatorics
Org: François Bergeron, Srecko Brlek, Christophe Hohlweg and Christophe Reutenauer (UQAM)
Nantel Bergeron (York), Ira Gessel (Brandeis), Aaron Lauve (Texas A&M), Janvier Nzeutchap (Fields).
Algorithmic Mathematics
Org: Prosenjit Bose and Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton)
Vida Dujmovic (Carleton), Stephane Durocher (Waterloo), Konstantinos Georgiou (Toronto), Mia Minnes (MIT), Michel Paquette (Carleton), Godfried Tousaint (McGill).
Applied Partial Differential Equations
Org: David Amundsen (Carleton), Lucy Campbell (Carleton) and Francis Poulin (Waterloo)
Mo'tassem Al-arydah (Ottawa), David Amundsen (Carleton), Yves Bourgault (Ottawa), John Bowman (Alberta), Lucy Campbell (Carleton), Alexei Cheviakov (Saskatchewan), Paul Choboter (California Polytechnic), Serge D'Alessio (Waterloo), Michael Haslam (York), Nicholas Kevlahan (McMaster), Boualem Khouider (Victoria), Greg Lewis (UOIT), Emmanuel Lorin (UOIT), Ming Mei (Champlain College; McGill), Abbas Momeni (Queen's), Chun Hua Ou (Memorial), Francis Poulin (Waterloo), Bartosz Protas (McMaster), Marek Stastna (Waterloo), Gordon Swaters (Alberta), Michael Waite (Victoria).
Banach Spaces
Org: Robb Fry (Thompson Rivers) and Srinivasa Swaminathan (Dalhousie)
Razvan Anisca (Lakehead), Maxim Burke (Prince Edward Island), Monica Cojocaru (Guelph), Stephen Dilworth (South Carolina), Nigel Kalton (Missouri), Lee Keener (UNBC), Edward Odell (Texas - Austin), Alexey Popov (Alberta), Thomas Schlumprecht (Texas A&M), Richard Smith (Czech Mathematical Inst.), Adi Tcaciuc (Alberta), Vladimir Troitsky (Alberta).
Org: Daniel Panario and Brett Stevens (Carleton)
Ada Chan (York), Charlie Colbourn (Arizona State), Peter Dukes (Victoria), Penny Haxell (Waterloo), Jeannette Janssen (Dalhousie), Graeme Kemkes (California-San Diego), Clement Lam (Concordia), Karen Meagher (Regina), Lucia Moura (Ottawa), Alex Rosa (McMaster), Frank Ruskey (Victoria), Mateja Sajna (Ottawa), Cathy Yan (Texas A&M), Wenan Zang (Hong Kong).
Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Org: Sara Faridi (Dalhousie) and Anthony V. Geramita (Queen's)
Tristram Bogart (Queen's), Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (Toronto), Enrico Carlini (Politecnico di Torino), Jaydeep Chipalkatti (Manitoba), Brian Coolen (St. Francis Xavier), Susan Cooper (California Polytechnic State U.), Daniel Daigle (Ottawa), Laura Ghezzi (CUNY), Tai Huy Ha (Tulane), Brian Harbourne (Nebraska), Graham Leuschke (Syracuse), Juan Migliore (Notre Dame), Greg Smith (Queen's), Mike Stillman (Cornell), Will Traves (US Naval Academy), Adam Van Tuyl (Lakehead), Fabrizio Zanello (Michigan Technological U.).
Cryptography and Coding Theory
Org: Isabelle Déchène, Ariane Masuda and Monica Nevins (Ottawa)
Tim L. Alderson (UNB), Robert Bailey (Carleton), Mark Bauer (Calgary), Luca de Feo (École Polytechnique de Paris), Michael Jacobson (Calgary), David Jao (Waterloo), Atefeh Mashatan (Waterloo), Kumar Murty (Toronto), Terasan Niyomsataya (Ottawa), Daniel Panario (Carleton), Mohammad Sadeghi (Amirkabir U. of Technology), Saeed Samet (Ottawa), Renate Scheidler (Calgary), Francesco Sica (Mount Allison), David Thomson (Carleton).
Dynamics of Large Groups and Semigroups
Org: Stefano Ferri (Uniandes, Bogotá), Alica Miller (Louisville) and Vladimir Pestov (Ottawa)
Christopher Atkin (Victoria U. of Wellington), Alexander Berenstein (Uniandes, Bogotá), Mohammed Darras (Ottawa), Ilias Farah (York), Stefano Ferri (Uniandes, Bogotá), Matthew Foreman (California-Irvine), Jorge Galindo (Jaume I, Castelló), Wadii Hajji (Ottawa), Wojciech Jaworski (Carleton), Claude Laflamme (Calgary), Gabor Lukacs (Manitoba), Jan Pachl, Vladimir Pestov (Ottawa), Norbert Sauer (Calgary), Lionel Nguyen Van Thé (Calgary).
Geometric Group Theory
Org: Inna Bumagin (Carleton), Denis Serbin (McGill) and Benjamin Steinberg (Carleton)
Montserrat Casals-Ruiz (McGill), Sean Cleary (City College - CUNY), Tullia Dymarz (Yale), Bob Gilman (Stevens Inst. of Technology), Susan Hermiller (U. Nebraska Lincoln), Ilya Kazachkov (McGill), Olga Kharlampovich (McGill), Jeremy Macdonald (McGill), Eduardo Martinez-Pedroza (McMaster), John Meier (Lafayette College), Alexei Myasnikov (McGill), Andrei Nikolaev (McGill), Alexandra Pettet (Stanford), Akbar Rhemtulla (Alberta), Mahmood Sohrabi (Carleton), Nickolas Touikan (McGill), Alexander Ushakov (Stevens Inst. of Technology).
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
Org: Tom Archibald (SFU) and Alexander Jones (Toronto)
Tom Archibald (SFU), David Bellhouse (Western), Stanley Burris (Waterloo), Brenda Davison (SFU), Robert Dawson (St. Mary's), Florin Diacu (Victoria), Craig Fraser (Toronto), Deborah Kent (Hillsdale College), Duncan Melville (St. Lawrence), Kim Plofker (Union College), Frederick Rickey (US Military Academy), Paul Rusnock (Ottawa), Dirk Schlimm (McGill).
Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory
Org: Yuly Billig (Carleton) and Alistair Savage (Ottawa)
Bruce Allison (Vicctoria), Yuri Bahturin (Memorial), Elaine Beltaos (Alberta), Georgia Benkart (Wisconsin-Madison), Sandeep Bhargava (Windsor), Sabin Cautis (Rice U.), Ivan Dimitrov (Queen's), Yun Gao (York), Joel Kamnitzer (Toronto; Berkeley), Mikhail Kochetov (Memorial), Michael Lau (Windsor), Jun Morita (Tsukuba U. , Japan), Erhard Neher (Ottawa), Arturo Pianzola (Alberta), Hadi Salmasian (Alberta), Prasad Senesi (Ottawa), Peter Tingley (Berkeley), Angelika Welte (Ottawa), Wai Ling Yee (Windsor), Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier).
Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information
Org: David Kribs (Guelph)
Thomas Decker (McGill), Gus Gutoski (Waterloo), Nathaniel Johnston (Guelph), David Poulin (Sherbrooke), Mary Beth Ruskai (Tufts), Graeme Smith (IBM Watson), Jon Yard (Los Alamos National Lab.).
Mathematical Biology
Org: Frithjof Lutscher and Robert Smith? (Ottawa)
Gerda de Vries (Alberta), David Fisman (Hospital for Sick Kids), Elsa Hansen (Queen's), Thomas Hillen (Alberta), Jing Li (Western), Justine GunOg Seo (Ottawa), Robert Smith? (Ottawa), Rebecca Tyson (UBC Okanagan).
Mathematics Education
Org: Benoit Dionne (Ottawa) and John Poland (Carleton)
Santo D'Agostino (Brock), Bernard R. Hodgson (Laval), Leo Jonker (Queen's), Miroslav Lovric (McMaster), David Poole (Trent), Margaret Sinclair (York).
Mathematics and Classical Mechanics
Org: Manuele Santoprete and Cristina Stoica (Wilfrid Laurier)
Stephen Anco (Brock), Larry Bates (Calgary), Leo Butler (Edinburgh), Alexei Cheviakov (Saskatchewan), Florin Diacu (Victoria), Antonio Hernandez-Garduno (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Jacques Hurtubise (McGill), Jeroen Lamb (Imperial College), Bill Langford (Guelph), Tsung-Lin Lee (Michigan State), Ray McLenaghan (Waterloo), George Patrick (Saskatchewan), Gareth Roberts (College of the Holy Cross), Roman Smirnov (Dalhousie), Edward Thommes (Guelph).
Number Theory
Org: Alina C. Cojocaru (Illinois-Chicago) and Damien Roy (Ottawa)
Shabnam Akhtari (Queen's), Yuri Bilu (Bordeaux 1), Nils Bruin (SFU), Bryden Cais (McGill), Stephen Choi (SFU), Alina C. Cojocaru (Illinois at Chicago), Chantal David (Concordia), Ernst Kani (Queen's), Stephen Kudla (Toronto), Ram Murty (Queen's), Michael Rubinstein (Waterloo), Kenneth Williams (Carleton).
Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Org: A. Bass Bagayogo (Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface)
Alexey Kuznetsov (York), Jun Li (Montreal), Sherry Li (Lawrence Berkeley Lab.), Emmanuel Lorin (UOIT), Christian Perret (ETH Zurich), Damian Rousson (Sandia National Lab.), Chris Rycroft (UC Berkeley).
Operator Algebras
Org: Benoît Collins and Thierry Giordano (Ottawa)
Serban Belinschi (Saskatchewan), Bruce Blackadar (Nevada, Reno), Berndt Brenken (Calgary), Nate Brown (PennState), Richard Burstein (Ottawa), Man-Duen Choi (Toronto), Andrew Dean (Lakehead), George Elliott (Toronto), Heath W. Emerson (Victoria), Remus Floricel (Regina), David Handelman (Ottawa), Todd Kemp (MIT), David Kerr (Texas A&M), Masoud Khalkhali (Western), Claus Koestler (St Lawrence College), James Mingo (Queen's), Ping Wong Ng (Louisiana-Lafayette), Alexandru Nica (Waterloo), Jonathan Novak (Queen's), Emily Peters (UC Berkeley), John Phillips (Victoria), Ionel Popescu (Georgia Inst. of Technology), Volker Runde (Emonton), Roland Speicher (Queen's), Andrew Toms (York), Jiun-Chau Wang (Queen's).
Org: Antal Jarai (Carleton; Bath, UK) and Yiqiang Zhao (Carleton)
Omer Angel (Toronto), Raluca Balan (Ottawa), David Brydges (UBC), Lung-Chi Chen (UBC), Miklos Csorgo (Carleton), Don Dawson (Carleton), Pierluigi Falco (UBC), Shui Feng (McMaster), Minyi Huang (Carleton), Gail Ivanoff (Ottawa), Xiaoyue Jiang (Louisiana State U.), Michael Kozdron (Regina), Manjunath Krishanpur (Toronto), Rafal Kulik (Ottawa), Neal Madras (York), David Mcdonald (Ottawa), Mathieu Merle (UBC), Edwin Perkins (UBC), Lea Popovic (Concordia), Jeremy Quastel (Toronto), Bruno Remillard (HEC Montreal), Wei Sun (Concordia), Barbara Szyszkowicz (Carleton), Adam Timar (UBC), Xiaowen Zhou (Concordia).
Representation Theory of Algebras
Org: Vlastimil Dlab (Carleton) (Carleton) and Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (Toronto)
Yu A. Bachturin (Memorial), Margaret Beattie (Mount Allison), Frauke M. Bleher (Iowa), Christopher Brav (Queen's), Thomas Brüstle (Bishop's), Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (Toronto), Vlastimil Dlab (Carleton), Francois Huard (Bishop's), Shiping Liu (Sherbrooke), Frank Marko (Pennsylvania State-Hazleton), Frank Zorzitto (Waterloo).
Technology Use in Post-Secondary Mathematics Instruction
Org: Chantal Buteau (Brock), Daniel Jarvis (Nipissing) and Zsolt Lavicza (Cambridge, UK)
"Issues in Practice and Research"; Panel Discussion: France Caron (Montreal), Zsolt Lavicza (Cambridge, UK), Yvan Saint-Aubin, (Montreal), Keith Taylor (Dalhousie)
Peter Adamic (Laurentian), Robert Bilinski (Collège Montmorency), Chantal Buteau (Brock), France Caron & Kathleen Pineau (Montréal & École de technologie supérieure), Philippe Etchecopar & Jean-Philippe Villeneuve (Cégep de Rimouski), D. Jarvis & C. Buteau & Z. Lavicza & N. Marshall (Nipissing & Brock & Cambridge & Brock), Margarita Kondratieva & Oana Radu (Memorial), Zsolt Lavicza (Cambridge, UK), Panel Discussion, Yvan Saint-Aubin (Montréal), Jack Weiner & Jeremy Balka (Guelph).
Theory and Applications of Functional Differential Equations
Org: Pietro-Luciano Buono (UOIT) and Victor LeBlanc (Ottawa)
Jacques Belair (Montréal), Elena Braverman (Calgary), Pietro-Luciano Buono (UOIT), Sue Ann Campbell (Waterloo), Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier), Qingwen Hu (York), Tony Humphries (McGill), Jeroen Lamb (Imperial College London. UK).