Abstracts - listed by speaker
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- Ackermann, Peter - Gröbner Basis Cryptosystems
- Alon, Gil - Bruhat-Tits buildings, p-adic hyperplane arrangements and
Orlik-Solomon algebras
- Angers, Jean-Francois - Mixture of Zero Inflated Densities
- Apostolov, Vestislav - Extremal Kähler metrics and Hamiltonian 2-forms
- Archibald, Thomas - The Reception of Fredholm's work on Integral Equations
- Asgharian, Masoud - On the Singularities of the Information Matrix
- Ashino, Ryuichi - A pre-processing design for the discrete multiwavelet
transform of irregularly sampled data
- Barrington, David Mix - Complexity for Groupoids Given by Table
- Basener, William - Booming and Crashing Population Dynamics and Easter Island
- Bauer, Mark - Construction of Hyperelliptic Function Fields of High
- Beaton, Ryan
- Beaudry, Martin - Finite aperiodic loops as language-recognizing devices
- Bell, Gregory - Growth of asymptotic dimension of groups
- Bell, Jason - Critical density in integral schemes
- Bennett, Michael - Classical Diophantine equations via modern and not-so-modern
- Berenstein, Arkady - Geometric Key Establishment
- Bergeron, Nantel - Hopf algebra and representation: the Hecke-Clifford case
- Bernardi, Alessandra - Osculating varieties of Veronesean and their higher secant
- Bezdek, Karoly - On the contact graphs of finite unit ball packings in normed
- Billings, Lora - Stochastic Epidemic Outbreaks: Why Epidemics Are Like Lasers
- Bisztriczky, Ted - Cyclic polytopes, hyperplanes and codes
- Bloom, Thomas - Random Polynomials and Green Functions
- Boatto, Stefanella - Periodic solutions of the Euler's equation on a sphere
- Bodirsky, Manuel - Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Infinite Domains
- Boivin, André - Approximation on Riemann surfaces: recent results
- Bollt, Erik - Mapping Transport Activity in Stochastic Dynamics, Directly
from The Transfer Operator and Learning Noise Induced
- Bormotov, Dmitri - Effective algorithm for solving one-variable equations in a
free group
- Borwein, Jon - Philosophical Implications of Experimental Mathematics
- Boyd, David - The A-polynomials of periodic knots
- Brenti, Francesco - Combinatorics of parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig and
R-polynomials for Hermitian symmetric pairs
- Brooks, Bernard - Discrete Population Dynamic of Easter Island
- Bruen, Aiden - "The main coding problem"
- Buchweitz, Ragnar-Olaf - Free Divisors in Quiver Representations
- Bulatov, Andrei - Complexity of constraint counting problems
- Burke, Maxim - Entire functions mapping uncountable dense sets of reals onto
each other monotonically
- Burns, Bob - Research of Yuri Medvedev at York, 1995-1999
- Bursztyn, Henrique - Dirac structures and symmetries in symplectic geometry
- Buteau, Chantal - Topological Spaces of Music Motives: An Application of
- Butler, Leo - Invariant fibrations of geodesic flows
- Butscher, Adrian - Construction of Special Legendrian Surfaces of the Sphere of
Higher Genus
- Caboara, Massimo - Basic Module Operations For The Dumb
- Caron, France - The transition from secondary to elementary: a teacher
educator's experience
- Charbonneau, Benoit - Analytic aspects of periodic instantons
- Charbonneau, Louis - L'algèbre de François Viète et sa réception en
France au XVIIe siècle
- Charney, Ruth - Automorphism groups of spherical and affine type Artin Groups
- Chatterjee, Indira - Discrete groups, operator norms and distortion
- Chen, Imin - More on Diophantine equations via Galois representations
- Chipalkatti, Jaydeep - Transvectants, Feynman diagrams and normality of a Brill
- Chiswell, Ian - Locally invariant orders on groups
- Cioaba, Sebastian - Eigenvalues, expanders and Ramanujan graphs
- Clark, Pete - On a question of Lang and Tate
- Cleary, Sean - A finitely presented group with unbounded dead-end depth
- Cojocaru, Alina C. - Exceptional primes for elliptic curves
- Colliander, James - On rough blowup solutions of L2 critical NLS
- Comanici, Adela N. - Transition from Rotating Waves to Modulated Rotating Waves on
a Sphere
- Connelly, Robert - The Realizability of Graphs
- Coolen, Brian - Lower Bounds and Hilbert Functions of Level Algebras
- Cooper, Susan - Hilbert Functions Of Subsets Of Complete Intersections
- Coyle, David - Henri Cartan's filters in the Bourbaki archives
- Craig, Gordon - Dehn Fillings and Asymptotically Hyperbolic Einstein
- Daigle, Daniel - Endomorphisms of R[X,Y] which are generically automorphic
- Dalmau, Victor - Constraint Satisfaction Problems and the Expressiveness of
Finite Algebras
- Daniyarova, Evelina - Algebraic Geometry over Metabelian Lie Algebras
- Darmon, Henri - Exceptional zeros of p-adic L-functions
- Dasgupta, Samit - Stark-Heegner points on modular Jacobians
- Dauben, Joseph - Suan Shu Shu (A Book on Numbers and Computation): Problems in
Collating, Interpreting and Translating the Most Ancient
Yet-Known Chinese Mathematical Text
- Dawson, Robert - The Slide Rule in the 21st Century Classroom: Cultural Icon
and Manipulative
- Dawson, Robert J. MacG. - Crooked Wallpaper
- De Koninck, Jean-Marie - Mathematics and the Media / Mathématiques et médias
- De Koninck, Jean-Marie - Esthetic numbers and game theory
- Deguire, Paul - Teaching history of maths to non scientists
- Diaconis, Persi - A Mathematician Flips a Coin
- Diekert, Volker - Word equations over graph products
- Dilcher, Karl - On finite pattern-free sets of integers
- Dryanov, Dimiter - A Refinement of an Inequality of R. J. Duffin and
A. C. Schaeffer
- Dubuc, Serge - The joint spectral radius of a family of matrices
- Duchemin, David - Quaternionic contact structures in dimension 7
- Duncan, Andrew - Centraliser dimension in partially commutative groups
- Duncan, Andrew - Quantum computation in finite groups: extending the
Deutsch-Jozsa-Høyer algorithm
- Ellenberg, Jordan - Elliptic curves over towers of function fields
- Erdahl, Robert - Perfect Delaunay Polytopes
- Fearnley, Jack - The Fundamental Critical Points of Modular Elliptic Curves
- Fine, Ben - Elementary Free Groups and Tame Automorphisms
- Fine, Ben - Some Suggestions in Algebraic Cryptography
- Fomin, Sergey - Catalan combinatorics of arbitrary type
- Fournier, Richard - A New Inequality for Polynomials
- Freiman, Viktor - Pre-service teachers communicate with schoolchildren about
mathematical problems through the Internet site CAMI:
building new learning communities
- Gaglione, Antony - On FP infinite Torsion Groups and a Question of V. H. Dyson
- Gauthier, Paul - Approximation of and by the Riemann zeta function
- Gauthier, Paul - Completeness of certain function spaces
- Gavalda, Ricard - Learnability of functions defined by programs over
- Genest, Christian - Testing independence revisited / Un nouveau regard sur les
tests d'indépendance
- Geoghegan, Ross - Cocompact proper \operatornameCAT(0) spaces
- Geramita, Anthony - Segre-Veronese Embeddings of P1 × P1: Secant Varieties and Fat Point Schemes in
- Gerritzen, Lothar - Planar Calculus
- Ghitza, Alexandru - Cuspidality of Hecke eigensystems (\operatornamemodp)
- Gilligan, Bruce - Kähler homogeneous manifolds
- Gilman, Bob - One variable equations over hyperbolic groups
- Glasner, Yair - Primitive groups, in various geometric settings
- Goldfarb, Boris - On the algebraic structure of geometric group rings
- Goodman, Jacob E. - Double-permutation sequences and pseudoline transversals
- Goulden, Ian - A direct bijection for the Harer-Zagier formula
- Gourdeau, Frederic - Different mathematics for teachers
- Grant McLoughlin, John - Developing the Number Sense of Mathematics Teachers
- Grigorchuk, Rostislav - Algebraic, algorithmic, and spectral properties of automata
- Gualtieri, Marco - Generalized geometry
- Guan, Pengfei - Homogeneous Weingarten curvature equations
- Guan, Pengfei - Conformal deformation of Ricci tensor
- Hachimori, Yoshitaka - On Iwasawa theory for p-adic Lie extensions
- Hamedani, Hamideh D. - Stopped Semimonotone Nonlinear Stochastic Integral
Equations with Martingale Noise
- Hare, Kathryn - Energy and Hausdorff dimensions of measures
- Hastings, Harold - Microscopic fluctuations and pattern formation in a chemical
- Hastings, Harold, Marysia Weiss, and Yihren Wu - A Century of Topological Dynamics-reflections on its impact
upon education and research
- Helfgott, Harald - Power-free values of polynomials with prime arguments
- Helfgott, Michel - Thomas Simpson and Problems of Maxima and Minima
- Hell, Pavol - List Partition Problems
- Hermann, Miki - An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Generalized
Conjunctive Queries
- Hill, Richard - A Capstone Course for Future Secondary Math Teachers
- Hodgson, Bernard - Formation initiale en mathématiques des enseignants du
primaire et du secondaire : l'expérience de l'Université
- Hofheinz, Dennis - From hard problems to cryptographic security
- Holub, Stepan - Binary GPCP is in PTIME
- Hua, Xinhou - Meromorphic Functions Sharing the Same Zeros and Poles
- Incitti, Federico - Combinatorial invariance for rank 5 intervals in the
symmetric group
- Incitti, Frederico
- Ionel, Marianty - Families of Calibrated 4-folds
- Irwin, Robert - Early Computability Theory
- Jackson, David - Combinatorial aspects of the Temperley-Lieb algebra
- Joint Panel Discussion - Participating Sessions
- Jones, Alexander - Patterns of deduction in Ptolemy's Almagest
- Jonker, Leo - What can a mathematics department do to improve the
preparation of elementary school teachers?
- Kadiri, Habiba - Applications of explicit zero-free regions.
- Kamran, Niky - Einstein, Hilbert and the field equations of gravitation
- Kamran, Niky - Decay of scalar waves in Kerr geometry
- Kani, Ernst - Endomorphisms of Jacobians of Modular Curves and an
- Kapovich, Ilya - Subadditivity and its consequences
- Karigiannis, Spiro - Properties of Moduli Spaces of G2 Metrics
- Kassaei, Payman - A "subgroup-free" approach to canonical subgroups
- Kazatchkov, Ilya - A Gathering Process in Artin Braid Groups
- Kessel, Cathy - Toward a solid school mathematics
- Khan, Bilal - On positive theories of fully residually free groups
- Kharlampovich, Olga - Finiteness results in algebraic geometry for a free group
- Khoury, Joseph - A note on elementary derivations
- Kisilevsky, Hershy - Vanishing twists of elliptic L-functions
- Kisin, Mark - Modularity of Galois representations
- Kolster, Manfred - On Iwasawa l-invariants of number fields
- Korten, Marianne - Existence, uniqueness and regularity of the free boundary in
the Hele-Shaw problem
- Kovanis, Vassilios - Coherence Collapse for Fun and Profit in Optical Systems
- Kreuzer, Martin - Some Applications of Groebner Bases to Group Theory
- Krokhin, Andrei - Supermodular lattices and the complexity of constraint
- Kucerovsky, Dan - Quasi-monotone sequences
- Kun, Gabor - On the fundamental group and coverings of finite posets
- Kunze, Herbert - A collage coding approach to an inverse problem for systems
of first-order linear PDEs
- Kuo, Wentang - A Remark on the Sato-Tate Conjecture
- Laba, Izabella - Harmonic analysis and combinatorics: Are we there yet?
- Laba, Izabella - Wolff's inequality for hypersurfaces
- Lachaud, Gilles - Sails and Klein polyhedra
- Lalonde, François - How pure mathematical aspects of String theory can solve deep
problems of geometric group theory
- Lambek, Jim - Remarks on the History of Categorial Grammar
- Lamzouri, Youness - Smooth numbers and delayed integral equations
- Lee, Jung-Jo - Ranks of elliptic curves
- Legendre, Pierre - What are the important spatial scales in an ecosystem?
- Lemieux, Francois - Groupoids that recognize only regular languages
- Leuschke, Graham - Endomorphism Rings of Finite Global Dimension
- Levesque, Claude - Systèmes fondamentaux d'unités de composés de deux
corps cubiques
- Lewis, James - Algebraic Cycles and Mumford Invariants
- Li, Ping - The Coincidence Between the Cohen-Macaulay Property and
- Ling, Joseph - A Normed Space with the Beckman-Quarles Property
- Liu, Yu-Ru - A prime analogue of Erdös-Pomerance's conjecture for
elliptic curves
- Loten, Cynthia - Retractions on Reflexive Graphs
- Lozano-Robledo, Alvaro - Elliptic Units and Galois Representations
- MacGibbon, Brenda - Exact inference for categorical data
- Madras, Neal - A Model for Tracking the History of the AIDS Epidemic
- Magyar, Akos - A note on Fourier restriction and the Newton polygon
- Manjra, Said - On the E-functions
- Margolis, Stuart - Representation Theory and the Theory of Automata and Regular
- Marriot, Paul - Mixture Models and Geometry
- Mashreghi, Javad - Zeros of functions in the Dirichlet space
- Mashreghi, Javad - One Multiplier theorem, several proofs
- McDermott, Moira - Hilbert-Kunz functions of normal local rings
- McKinnon, David - Rational Approximation on Algebraic Varieties
- Mei, Ming - Phase transitions to 2×2 system of conservation laws
with periodic boundary condition
- Meier, John - Euler characteristics of automorphism groups of free products
- Melville, Duncan - Multiplication in Mesopotamia
- Mendivil, Franklin - Convergence of a Stochastic approximation scheme
- Miasnikov, Alex D. - Heuristics for The Whitehead Minimization Problem
- Miller, Claudia - Extremal Algebras
- Min-Oo, Maung - Calibrated cycles in vector bundles with special holonomy
- Mitrea, Marius - The solution of the Chang-Krantz-Stein conjecture
- Monson, Barry - Abstract Polytopes over Finite Fields
- Moraru, Ruxandra - Hypercomplex structures on instanton moduli spaces
- Muscalu, Camil - Paraproducts on polydiscs
- Myasnikov, Alexei G. - Approximations and non-standard solutions of equations in
- Myasnikov, Alexei G. - Complexity of computations and cryptography
- Naghipour, Reza - Asymptotic behavior of integral closures in modules
- Nesetril, Jaroslav - Density, Complexity, Universality
- Nicole, Marc-Hubert - A Geometric Interpretation of Eichler's Basis Problem for
Hilbert Modular Forms
- Ono, Ken - Hilbert class polynomials and traces of singular moduli
- Ordine, Andrei - Dual cells in a parallelotope tiling and the theory of
- Orzech, Morris - Reexamining the real numbers with prospective teachers
- Otahalova, Renata - The simplest subspace of generators of matrix algebras
- Patterson, Roger - Sequences of rational torsion on Jacobians
- Pelletier, Emile - Instrument De-Synthesis Using Wavelets
- Poulin, Philippe - The Molchanov-Vainberg Laplacian
- Ransford, Thomas - A Denjoy-Carleman maximum principle
- Ransford, Tom - Invariant subspaces of the Dirichlet space
- Remeslennikov, Vladimir - Algebraic Geometry over Free Lie Algebras
- Remillard, Bruno - Bootstrapping methods for empirical processes
- Ribes, Luis - Pro-p groups acting on profinite trees
- Ricotta, Guillaume - On non-trivial real zeros of L-functions
- Riley, Tim - Diameter and filling length of van Kampen diagrams
- Rivest, Louis-Paul - Utilisation des quaternions pour la modélisation
statistique du mouvement humain
- Roberts, Leslie - Non-Cohen-Macaulay Projective Monomial Curves
- Rosas, Mercedes - Noncommutative invariants and coinvariants of the symmetric group
- Rosenberger, Gerhard - Interactions between commutation transitive, conjugately
separated and restricted Gromov groups
- Roth, Michael - A conjecture in nonmodular invariant theory.
- Rousseau, Christiane - From Rolles theorem to Khovanskii theory of fewnomials
- Rousseau, Christiane - A course "Mathematics and technology" for preservice
- Roy, Damien - Criteria of algebraic independence
- Rubinstein, Michael - Announcing the L-function Calculator
- Rybnikov, Kostya - General Convexity Theory
- Sauer, Norbert - Families of graphs
- Savitt, David - Computing with Galois representations arising from Jacobians
of genus 2 curves
- Sawyer, Eric - Besov spaces on complex balls: interpolating sequences and trees
- Scheidler, Renate - Class Number Approximation in Cubic Function Fields
- Schmieder, Gerald - Extension of the Fusion Lemma
- Schulte, Egon - Combinatorial Tiling and Symmetry
- Schupp, Paul - Groups with polynomial time word problem and large Dehn
- Sedghi, Monireh - Asymptotic behaviour of monomial ideals on regular sequences
- Seif, Steve - Word and constraint satisfaction problems
- Serbin, Dennis - Diophantine Problem over fully residually free groups
- Servatius, Brigitte - The 2-Dimensional Rigidity of Certain Families of Graphs
- Sharifi, Romyar - Iwasawa theory over Kummer extensions
- Shneerson, Lev - Growth and infinite words in semigroup varieties
- Shpilrain, Vladimir - Combinatorial group theory and public key cryptography
- Sidoli, Nathan - Geometrical Analyses in Heron's Measurements
- Skandera, Mark - Schur nonnegative polynomials
- Sloughter, Maria - Realizability of graphs
- Smith, Gregory - Toric varieties as fine moduli spaces
- Solymosi, Jozsef - Lines and Cartesian products on the Complex Plane
- Spellman, Dennis - Unions of Varieties and Quasivarieties
- Spronk, Nicolaas - Operator spaces and abstract harmonic analysis
- Stalder, Yves - Convergence of Baumslag-Solitar groups
- Stancu, Alina - Some uniqueness results to a class of differential equations
- Stanley, Richard - Crossings, nestings, oscillating tableaux, and vacillating
- Steinberg, Benjamin - On the spectra of lamplighter-types groups and Cayley Machines
- Steinwandt, Rainer - Non-abelian groups in public key cryptography
- Stembridge, John - Graded multiplicities in the Macdonald kernel and a bi-graded
co-invariant algebra
- Stewart, Cam - On prime factors of n!+1
- Straubing, Howard - C-varieties of Morphisms into Finite Monoids
- Streinu, Ileana
- Sun, Zhi-Hong - Quartic residues and binary quadratic forms
- Szabó, Csaba - The compexity of solving polynomials over finite algebras
- Taback, Jennifer - Geodesic languages for Lamplighter groups and Thompson's
group F
- Tang, Francis - Conjugacy separability of Seifert 3-manifold groups over
non-orientable surfaces
- Taylor, Paul - Bochner-Riesz Means With Respect to a Rough Distance
- Tesson, Pascal - On the complexity of solving systems over finite semigroups
- Tian, Ye - Euler Systems of CM points on Shimura curves
- Togbe, Alain - Complete Solutions of a Family of Cubic Thue Equations
- Toussaint, Godfried - On Constructing a Polyhedron from its Vertex Set
- Trifkovich, Mak - Rational Points on Elliptic Curves over Imaginary Quadratic
- Tuma, Jiri - On Rejewski's reconstruction of Enigma
- Tuma, Jiri - Congruence liftings of diagrams
- Turner, Ted - Test ranks of groups and the Magnus problem FP15
- Ushakov, Alexander - Random annuli diagrams and generic
- Valeriote, Matt - Tractable Algebras and Congruence Distributivity
- van Brummelen, Glen - Al-Samaw'al's Curious Approach to Trigonometry
- van Willigenburg, Stephanie - Decomposable compositions and equality of ribbon Schur
- Vandal, Alain - Weak order partitioning of interval orders, with application
to survival analysis
- Vassilev, Dimiter - Analytic continuation of the functions Pl
- Vogtmann, Karen - Cycles at infinity in Outer space
- Volkov, Alexei - History of traditional Vietnamese mathematics: the state of
the field
- Walsh, Gary - Quantitative results for Diophantine m-tuples of
- Wehlau, David - Separating Invariants
- Weiss, Asia Ivic - Self-duality of chiral polytopes
- Weiss, Marysia, Yihren Wu, and Harold Hastings - A Century of Topological Dynamics-reflections on its impact
upon education and research
- Whitesides, Sue - Hardness of a 3D Graph Embedding Problem
- Wiandt, Tamas - Conley Decomposition and Liapunov Functions for Closed
- Wilks, Allan R. - The Apollonian Supergasket
- Willard, Ross - Finitely axiomatizable varieties and pseudo-varieties
- Williams, Hugh C. - Computing the Regulator of a Real Quadratic Field
- Wortman, Kevin - Finiteness properties of arithmetic groups over function
- Wu, Yihren, Harold Hastings, and Marysia Weiss - A Century of Topological Dynamics-reflections on its impact
upon education and research
- Xiao, Jie - The Heat Equation II: Regularity and Approximation
- Xiao, Jie - The Heat Equation I: Carleson-Sobolev Estimates
- Xu, Guangwu - Nonadjacent Radix-t Expansions of Integers in Euclidean
Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields
- Zabrocki, Mike - Pattern avoidance and regular languages
- Zeron, Eduardo - Homotopical obstructions to rational approximation
- Zhao, Liangyi - Large Sieve Inequality for Special Characters
- Zhou, Ping - Divided differences in construction of multivariate Padé
- Zhu, Hui June - Point-counting divisibility on totally ramified covers