The meeting will take place at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre;
participants are encouraged to book their accommodation at the Sheraton at the reduced group rate of $149.
Reservations can be made by phone at (604) 331-1000 or by using the
group booking website.
Please indicate that you are reserving with the "2018 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting".
Scientific Directors
Public Lectures
Plenary Speakers
- Laura DeMarco (Northwestern University)
- Henry Fowler (Navajo Technical University)
- Florian Herzig (University of Toronto)
- Anita Layton (Duke University)
- Adrien Pouliot Award - to be announced
- Doctoral Prize - Thomas Hutchcroft (Cambridge)
- G. de B. Robinson Award - to be announced
- Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service - Keith Taylor (Dalhousie)
- David Borwein Distinguished Career - Anthony To-Ming Lau (Alberta)
- CMS Coxeter-James Prize - Maksym Radziwill (McGill)
The following sessions have been confirmed for this conference:
Advances and Applications in Geometric and Structure-Preserving Discretizations
Org: Uri Ascher (UBC), Alexander Bihlo (Memorial), Jean-Christophe Nave (McGill), Andy Wan (UNBC)
Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry of Moduli Spaces
Org: Steven Rayan (Saskatchewan), Derek Krepski (Manitoba)
Algebraic Geometry
Org: Nathan Ilten-Gee (SFU), Kalle Karu (UBC)
Asymptotic Analysis and Applications
Org: Chunhua Ou (Memorial), Xiang-Sheng Wang
Authentic Teaching and Learning in University Mathematics
Org: Fok-Shuen Leung (UBC), Vanessa Radzimski (Fraser Valley)
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Org: Javad Mashreghi (Laval), Nina Zorboska (Manitoba)
Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry
Org: Barry Monson (UNB), Asia Ivic Weiss (York)
Discrete Mathematics in Communications and Computation
Org: Megan Dewar, Daniel Panario (Carleton), David Thomson, (Carleton)
Distributions in Analytic Number Theory
Org: Alia Hamieh (UNBC), Habiba Kadiri (Lethbridge), Greg Martin (UBC), Nathan Ng (Lethbridge)
Educational Resources in Mathematics
Org: Kseniya Garaschuk (Fraser Valley), Andrew Hare (Saint Mary's), Petra Menz (Simon Fraser)
Explicit Methods in Arithmetic Geometry
Org: Nils Bruin (Simon Fraser), Michael Jacobson (Calgary)
Geometric Analysis and Spectral Geometry
Org: Richard Froese (UBC), Alexandre Girouard (Laval)
Hamiltonian dynamics and applications
Org: Tanya Schmah (Ottawa), Cristina Stoica (WLU)
Harmonic Analysis and its Connections to Geometric Measure Theory and Combinatorics
Org: Kyle Hambrook (Rochester), Itay Londner (Tel Aviv)
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
Org: Maritza Branker (Niagara), Glen Van Brummelen (Quest), Nicolas Fillion (SFU)
Indigenization and Reconciliation through University Mathematics: Why, When and How?
Org: Darja Barr (Manitoba), Shawn Desaulniers (Alberta), Veselin Jungic (SFU), Edward Doolittle (First Nations University)
Inverse Problems in Mathematical Physics
Org: Peter Gibson (York), Yue Zhao
Mathematical and Computational Modeling from Sub-Cellular to Collective Behaviour in Cells
Org: Andreas Buttenschoen (UBC), Leah Keshet (UBC)
Mathematical Epidemiology
Org: Fred Brauer (UBC), Carlos Castillo-Chavez (Yachay Tech)
Mathematical Games
Org: Gary MacGillivray (Victoria), Andrew McEachern (Victoria)
Nonlocal Interaction Models: From Collective Behaviour to Pattern Formation
Org: Razvan Fetecau (SFU), Ihsan Topaloglu (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Operator Algebras Over Groups
Org: Volker Runde (Alberta), Matthew Wiersma (Alberta)
Recent Advances in Arithmetic and Hyperbolic Geometry
Org: Nathan Grieve (Michigan State University), Steven Lu (UQAM), Mike Roth (Queens)
Recent Trends in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Related Problems
Org: Slim Ibrahim (Victoria), Hiroaki Kikuchi, Yakine Bahri (Victoria)
Session in Honor of Dr. Robert Woodrow on the Occasion of his 70th birthday. Topics: Model Theory of Relational Structures; Homogeneous Structures; Ordered Sets; Graphs
Org: Gena Hahn (Montreal), Imed Zaguia (RMC)
Sparse Recovery, Learning, and Neural Networks
Org: Ben Adcock(SFU), Yaniv Plan(UBC), Ozgur Yilmaz (UBC)
STUDC Research Session
Symbolic and Regular Powers of Ideals
Org: Susan Marie Cooper (Manitoba), Sara Faridi (Dalhousie), Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster)
Org: Krishanu Sankar (UBC), Claudius Zibrowius(Sherbrooke)
Variational Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory
Org: Heinz Bauschke (UBC), Xianfu Wang (UBC)
AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session
Org: to be announced
Contributed Papers
Org: to be announced
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