CMS/CSHPM Summer Meeting 2009
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, June 6 - 8, 2009


Memorial University of Newfoundland

AARMS: Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences

Centre de recherches mathématiques

Fields Institute


Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network

The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics (CSHPM) and Memorial University of Newfoundland) invite the mathematical community to the CMS/CSHPM Summer Meeting 2009. The program will include ten plenary, prize and public lectures, and a wide variety of sessions, including a Contributed Paper session.

All scientific talks and most social events will take place at the Memorial University of Newfoundland (map); the registration desk will be located in the lobby of the Inco Innovation Centre. The Welcome reception will take place at Gushue Dining Hall on campus. The banquet will take place at the Woodstock Colonial Restaurant in Paradise, NL.

Prizes and Awards
Excellence in Teaching Award - David Poole (Trent)
Jeffery-Williams Prize - Stephen Kudla (Toronto)
Krieger Nelson Prize - Yael Karshon (Toronto)

Plenary Speakers
Elizabeth J. Billington (Queensland)
Jeremy Gray (Open Univ.; Warwick, UK)
Michael Mackey (McGill)
Susan Montgomery (USC)
Michael Sigal (Toronto)
Gaoyong Zhang (Polytechnic Univ.; New York)

Public Lecture
Helaman Ferguson (Sculptor)


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