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Workshops & Presentations
1st Canada-France MITACS Workshop on Foundations & Practice of Security Protecting the communication and data infrastructure of an increasingly inter-connected world has become vital to the normal functioning of all aspects of our world. Security has emerged as an important scientific discipline whose many multifaceted complexities deserve the attention and synergy of the mathematical, computer science and engineering communities. In addition to the scientific activities and tutorials, the meeting aims to establish links, promote scientific collaboration, joint research programs, and student exchanges between Canada and France in this important and fast moving research field.
MITACS-IFM2 Workshop on Recent Advances in Financial and Insurance Risk Management: Stochastic and Statistical Models
Scope and Objectives Objectives of this workshop include:
Intended Audience
MITACS Workshop on Signal Processing Methods in Brain Imaging
The advent of new biomedical imaging technique has enabled significant progresses in how we image humans and animals. In particular, the emergence in the mainstream of new modalities, such as fMRI, diffuse optical imaging, EEG and MEG has enabled researchers to image electrophysiological activity and hemodynamic in vivo in a non invasive fashion. The different modalities have advantages and disadvantages and fusion approaches using more than one modality are now getting more popular. In this framework, many problems are emerging that are outside the realm of more traditional imagery. Probabilistic frameworks, information combination and statistical validation are all research subjects of immense interest in the community. Here, applied mathematicians and practitioners meet to develop a comprehensive imaging paradigm. We developed this small workshop to have together scientists from clinical settings and others from applied mathematics. The goal is to focus on imaging and signal analysis and the underlying physiological interpretation through a series of 6 pedagogical conferences, describing a specific aspect in either the physiology of imaging or the mathematics and physics of imaging. The workshop aims to promote exchanges is aimed at graduate students and researchers.
During this session, NSERC staff will present and request your input on the following topics:
NSERC Workshop: How to Prepare a Discovery Grant Application
Representatives from NSERC and members of Grants Selection Committees (GSCs) will make a presentation to familiarize researchers with the peer review process and the way in which Grant Selection Committees function. Advice will be given on how to prepare a Discovery Grant application. While the workshop will be most helpful to new faculty members and those preparing applications this fall, all researchers are welcome to attend. The workshop will cover topics such as Discovery Grants, Grant Selection Committees, criteria for evaluation, application forms and Research Tools and Instruments Grants. A question period will follow the presentation.
Presentation: The Cryptologic Research Institute (Gary Walsh) The Communications Security Establishment is furthering its commitment to research in Mathematics and Computer Science by initiating and sponsoring a new research institute in Ottawa. The Cryptologic Research Institute will be comprised of full-time research employees, and will also have part-time involvement from contractors/consultants from the academic community. We will discuss many aspects of the Cryptologic Research Institute, including the role of its members from the academic community. |