Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- Abou-Salem, Walid - Mean-field dynamics of rotating bosons in confining traps
- Ackermann, Nils - Alternating sign multibump solutions of nonlinear elliptic PDEs in expanding tubular domains
- Adamus, Janusz - Geometric Auslander criterion for flatness
- Adem, Alejandro - Commuting Elements and Simplicial Spaces of Homomorphisms
- Adlam, Caroline - The equivalence problem for Killing tensors defined on spaces of constant curvature
- Araujo, Gabriela - Geometric constructions of small regular bipartite graphs of girth 6
- Arroyo, Aubin - C2-robustly transitive diffeomorphisms on surfaces with boundary
- Arthur, James - What the proof of the Fundamental Lemma gives us
- Avella, Diana - Combinatorial approach to the derived classification of gentle algebras
- Bakker, Lennard - Linear Stability of Some Symmetric Periodic Simultaneous Binary Collision Orbits in the Four-Body Problem
- Barlow, Martin - Invariance principles for the random conductance model
- Bauschke, Heinz - Chebyshev and Klee sets with respect to Bregman distances
- Bierstone, Edward - Resolution except for minimal singularities
- Brambila, Leticia - Moduli of coherent systems
- Brosnan, Patrick - Essential dimension for moduli stacks
- Bryan, Jim - The Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten theory of orbifolds and their resolutions
- Bryan, Jim - The Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten theory of orbifolds and their resolutions
- Budney, Ryan - Smooth embeddings of 3-manifolds in the 4-sphere
- Capella-Kort, Antonio - On a perturbation of the linearized two dimensional two-well problem
- Castellanos, Victor - A Singular computation of the Poincaré-Hopf index of real-analytic vector fields
- Castorena, Abel - A family of curves in the Severi variety with special moduli
- Celli, Martin - Polygonal relative equilibria in the N-vortex problem
- Charbonneau, Benoit - Singular monopoles on the product of a circle and a surface
- Chau, Albert - Lagrangian mean curvature flow for entire Lipschitz graphs
- Cisneros, Jose Luis - Refinements of Milnor's Fibration Theorem for complex singularities
- Clapp, Mónica - Periodic and Bloch solutions to a magnetic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Cojocaru, Monica - Hybrid dynamical systems and dynamics of networks and games
- Collin, Olivier - Applications of instanton Floer homology to knots
- Cook, Brian - A Restricted Roth Theorem Over Finite Fields
- Costa, David - Sharp Constants and Minimizers for a Class of Inequalities
- Cowan, Craig - A fourth order equation modelling a simple MEMS device
- Cunningham, Clifton - Character sheaves over local fields: the example SL(2)
- Dafni, Galia - An atomic decomposition of the Hajlasz Sobolev space M11 on manifolds
- de la Peña, Jose Antonio - The information in the coefficients of a Coxeter polynomial
- del Angel, Pedro Luis - Variations of Mixed Hodge Structures associated to a singular family of Calabi-Yau 3-folds
- del Angel, Pedro Luis - Motives of Grassmannian Bundles
- Delgado, Joaquin - The Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation in a class of traffic flow models
- Diacu, Florin - The n-body problem in spaces of constant curvature
- El Smaily, Mohammad - Speed of propagation for reaction-diffusions with large drift
- Eudave, Mario - The Hexatangle II
- Fernández, Begoñia - Estimates for the Probability Itô Processes Remain Around a Curve, and Applications to Finance
- Folch, Magali - An affine invariant inequality and applications in harmonic analysis
- Fraser, Ailana - Minimal surfaces, conformal geometry, and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map
- Friedlander, Michael - Spot: A linear-operator toolbox for Matlab
- Galeana, Hortensia - Cycle pancyclism in digraphs
- Garcia, Antonio - Asymptotic properties of some non-Markovian stochastic processes
- Garcia, Jorge - Uniform Exponential Tighness Vs. Exponential Stochastic Boundedness
- García-Azpeitia, Carlos - Applications of the ortogonal degree to the problem of bifurcation in Hamiltonian dynamical systems
- García-Corte, Julio César - Invariant States of the Asymmetric Exclusion Quantum Dynamical Semigroup
- Geiss, Christof - Tubular Cluster Algebras
- Gitler, Isidoro - Toric Ideals Complete Intersection of Oriented Graphs and Generalized-Theta Graphs
- Gitler, Sam - Moment angle complexes
- Godsil, Chris - Graph spectra and quantum computing
- Gonzalez, Jesus - Symmetric topological complexity of projective spaces
- Gonzalez-Acuña, Francisco J. - Higher dimensional manifolds with S1-category two
- González-Barrios, José María - Associativity and Symmetry of Copulas
- González-Casanova, Pedro - Vector field approximation using radial basis functions
- Gordon, Julia - Motivic Integration and local integrability of characters
- Gualtieri, Marco - Holomorphic Poisson structures
- Guay, Nicolas - Representations of double affine Lie algebras
- Guenin, Bertrand - Flows in binary matroids
- Guillot, Adolfo - Complex differential equations with single-valued solutions
- Gómez, Susana - Modeling the Optimal Cleaning of Polluting Oil in the Open Sea
- Hare, Kathryn - Sets of zero discrete harmonic density
- Hell, Pavol - Variants of interval digraphs
- Hernandez, Gabriel Ruiz - Higher codimensional Euclidean helix submanifolds
- Hernández-Hernández, Daniel - Robust utility maximization in a financial market with prices driven by Lévy processes: A dual approach
- Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo - Topics on Dynamic Games
- Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo - Stochastic Control Systems with Long-Run Average Criteria
- Holroyd, Alexander - Finitary Colouring
- Hurtubise, Jacques - Moduli of instantons and calorons
- Iturriaga, Renato - Hyperbolicity and exponential convergence of the Lax Operator
- Ivey, Tom - Cable knot solutions of the vortex filament flow
- Jardine, Rick - Pointed torsors and Galois groups
- Kamran, Niky - Wave equations in Kerr geometry
- Karigiannis, Spiro - Curvature of the moduli space of G2 metrics
- Kaveh, Kiumars - Convex bodies for actions of reductive groups
- King, Andrew - Fractional and integer colourings in claw-free graphs
- Kuske, Rachel - Noise-driven order via multiple scales
- Kuttler, Jochen - Schubert varieties
- Labadie, Mauricio - A reaction-diffusion model for calcium in neurons
- Lapointe, Hugues - Spectral function of the Laplacian on a Riemannian manifold: dynamical features and average growth
- Larrión, Paco - The fundamental group of the clique graph
- Lau, Michael - Representations of Multiloop Algebras
- Lisonek, Petr - Latin bitrades and Eulerian triangulations
- Lupercio, Ernesto - Non-compact Frobenius Algebras
- López, Marcos - Functional equations related to indeterminate moment problems
- López-Garza, Gabriel - Existence and Multiplicity for a Resonance Problem for the p-Laplacian
- Magyar, Akos - Singular Radon transforms on discrete nilpotent groups
- Manrique, Martín - Level Hypergraphs
- Mare, Liviu - Equivariant cohomology of flag manifolds
- Marmolejo, Emilio - Hardy Spaces, Singular Integrals and the Geometry of Euclidean Domains
- Martinez-Pedroza, Eduardo - Immersion of Surfaces in 2-Dimensional Complexes
- Martínez-Morales, José Luis - Approximation by Penalized Least Squares
- Masson, Robert - Second moment estimates for the growth exponent of planar loop-erased random walk
- McGuinness, Sean - A Base Exchange Property for Regular Matroids
- McLenaghan, Ray - Symmetry operators for the Dirac equation on 2-dimensional Riemannian spin manifolds
- Modersitzki, Jan - Numerical Methods for Total Variation in Image Processing
- Mohammed, Alip - Poisson equation with the Robin boundary condition
- Mohar, Bojan - Chromatic number and complete graph substructures for degree sequences
- Montellano, Juan José - Some Turan and anti-Ramsey numbers
- Moradifam, Amir - Bessel pairs and optimal Hardy and Hardy-Rellich inequalities
- Moraru, Ruxandra - Compact moduli spaces of stable bundles on Kodaira surfaces
- Morris, Joy - Structure of strongly regular vertex- and edge-transitive graphs
- Muller, Olaf - Foliations of globally hyperbolic manifolds
- Nájera, Alfredo - Coefficients dynamics of the Markov cluster algebra
- Neher, Erhard - Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of equivariant map algebras
- Newman, Mike - Matroid Asymptotics
- Nicas, Andy - The horofunction boundary of the Heisenberg group
- Orban, Dominique P. - An Interior-Penalty Method for Mathematical Programs with Vanishing Constraints
- Overton, Michael L. - Nonsmooth Optimization via BFGS
- Panayotaros, Panayotis - Continuation of breathers in a finite discrete NLS lattice
- Pedroza, Andrés - Seidel's Morphism on the Hamiltonian Group of a Cartesian Product
- Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto - Central Configurations in the four body problem with some equal masses
- Pineda, Daniel Juan - Algebraic K-theory of virtually free groups
- Pizaña, Miguel - On the clique behavior of locally small graphs
- Quastel, Jeremy - Scaling exponent of KPZ
- Reséndiz, Lino - Qp n-dimensional classes
- Rivera, Eduardo - Variations on the heterochromatic number
- Rolfsen, Dale - the space of orderings of a group
- Santoprete, Manuele - Toward Bertrand's theorem for surfaces of revolution
- Saunders, Michael - QPBLUR: An active-set convex QP solver based on regularized KKT systems
- Seade, Jose - On the Chern classes of singular varities
- Seade, Jose - Foliations with Bott-Morse Singularities
- Searle, Catherine - Non-negatively curved manifolds with maximal symmetry rank
- Sezer, Deniz - Conditioning Super-Brownian Motion on its boundary statistics and a class of "weakly" extreme X-harmonic functions
- Soteros, Christine - Knotting Probability for Stretched Polygons in a Lattice Tube
- Stanley, Donald - A simply connected counter-example to Ganea's Conjecture of Smallest Dimension
- Stoica, Cristina - Normal forms for Hamiltonian systems with symmetry
- Strausz, Ricardo - On the pseudoachromatic index of the complete graph
- Szechtman, Fernando - Modular reduction of the Steinberg representation of the general linear group
- Vélez, Carlos - Existence of sign-changing solutions for resonant and non-resonant semilinear elliptic problems
- Verde-Star, Luis - Computation of Hermite-Pade interpolants by iterated polynomial interpolation
- Verjovsky, Alberto - Holomorphic dynamical systems whose orbit spaces give new examples of compact complex manifolds
- Verjovsky, Alberto - Wild knots in higher dimensions as limit sets of Kleinian groups
- Villegas, Carlos - On the regularization of the Kepler and Coulomb problems
- Walsh, John - The Roughness and Smoothness of Numerical Solutions to the Stochastic Heat Equation
- Wang, McKenzie - Examples of Ricci Solitons
- Wang, Shawn - Resolvent Averages of Monotone Operators
- Weingart, Gregor - Sectional Curvature Integrals
- Ye, Jane - Optimizing condition numbers
- Yue, Hong - A Lp-version of the John-Nirenberg Lemma in Metric Spaces
- Zárate, Ramón - Inverse problems via variational methods.
- Zhou, Ping - On L1-convergence of Fourier series under MVBV condition
- Zinchenko, Yuriy - Shrink-wrapping trajectories for linear programming
- Zuberman, Leandro - A Fractal Plancherel Theorem
- Zvengrowski, Peter - Span de Variedades de Stiefel Proyectivas / Span of Projective Stiefel Manifolds