Liste des participants
Réunion d'hiver 2006 de la SMC
Hôte : Université de Toronto
Sheraton Centre
Toronto, Ontario
9-11 décembre 2006
Nombre de participants : 315
La liste ci-dessous comprend les participants dont nous avons traité le
formulaire d'inscription et le paiement en date du 10 janvier 2007.
(5 participants ont choisi de ne pas apparaître sur cette liste.)
Bhagwan Aggarwala (University of Calgary)
Marcelo Aguiar (Texas A&M University)
Ibrahim Agyemang (University of Alberta)
Stan Alama (McMaster University)
Razvan Anisca (Lakehead University)
Michael Anshelevich (Texas A&M University)
Julien Arino (University of Manitoba)
Ibrahim Assem (Université de Sherbrooke)
Jayadev Athreya (Yale University)
Keith Auyeung (York Region DSB)
Luchezar Avramov (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
A. Bass Bagayogo (CUSB)
Tom Baird (University of Toronto)
Edward Barbeau (University of Toronto)
Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Marcus Emmanuel Barnes (Simon Fraser University)
Pavel Batchourine
Chris Bauch (University of Guelph)
Serban Belinschi (University of Waterloo)
Howard Bell (Brock University)
Carlos Beltran (Universidad de Cantabria)
Wolfram Bentz (University of Northern British Columbia)
Nantel Bergeron (York University)
François Bergeron (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Anouk Bergeron-Brlek (York University)
Marie Jose Bertin (Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paris 6)
Ilia Binder (University of Toronto)
John Bland (University of Toronto)
Frauke Bleher (University of Iowa)
Pieter Blue (University of Toronto)
Gillian Boghina (Ryerson University)
Oleg Bogoyavlenskij (Queen's University)
James Bondar (Carleton University)
David Borwein (University of W. Ontario)
Jonathan Borwein (Dalhousie)
Vincent Bouchard (Perimeter Institute)
Elena Braverman (University of Calgary)
David Brooke (University of Toronto)
Thomas Brüstle (Bishop's, Université de Sherbrooke)
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Matthew Buettgens (SUNY at Buffalo)
W.D. Burgess (University of Ottawa)
Hernando Burgos (University of Toronto)
Stanley Burris (University of Waterloo)
Henrique Bursztyn (Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada)
H.E.A. Eddy Campbell (Memorial University of Newfoundland - St. John's)
Carmen Caprau (The University of Iowa )
Christine Carracino (Richard Stockton College of NJ)
O-Yeat Chan (Dalhousie University)
Gabrielle Charbonneau-Jodoin (Université de Sherbrooke)
Virginie Charette (Université de Sherbrooke)
Sunil Chebolu (University of Western Ontario)
Xi Chen (University of Alberta)
Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Liu Cheng (York University)
Man-Duen Choi (University of Toronto)
Keon Choi (University of Waterloo)
Rustum Choksi (Simon Fraser University)
Gerald Cliff (University of Alberta)
Adrian Clingher (University of Missouri - St. Louis)
Flavio Coelho (Universidade de São Paulo)
Adam Coffman (Indiana U. - Purdue U. Fort Wayne)
Eva Curry (Acadia University)
Galia Dafni (Concordia University)
Kia Dalili (Dalhousie University)
Chandler Davis (University of Toronto)
Brent Davis (University of British Columbia)
Andria Dawson (University of Alberta)
Troy Day (Queen's University)
Andrew Dean (Lakehead University)
Karl Dilcher (Dalhousie University)
Julie Dionne (Université de Sherbrooke)
Dragomir Djokovic (University of Waterloo)
Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland)
Malgorzata Dubiel (Malgorzata Dubiel)
Muhammad Dur-e-Ahmad (Arizona State Univrsity)
Erich Ellers (University of Toronto)
George Elliott (University of Toronto)
Neil Epstein (University of Michigan)
Burak Erdogan (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Alimjon Eshmatov (Cornell University)
Samuel Evens (University of Notre Dame)
Sara Faridi (Dalhousie University)
Raluca Felea (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Sean Fitzpatrick (University of Toronto)
Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon University)
Giovanni Forni (University of Toronto)
Herbert Freedman (Univ. of Alberta)
Robb Fry (Thompson Rivers University)
Shay Fuchs (University of Toronto)
Jason Gao (Carleton University)
Carlos Garcia-Cervera (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Anthony Geramita (Queen's U-Univ. of Genoa)
Edgar Goodaire (Memorial University)
Yasuhiro Goto (Hokkaido University of Education )
Frédéric Gourdeau (Université Laval)
Ian Graham (University of Toronto)
Andrew Granville (Université de Montréal)
Edward Green (Virginia Tech)
Michael Greenblatt (University at Buffalo)
Allan Greenleaf (University of Rochester)
Marco Gualtieri (MIT)
Meera Gupta (U of Toronto - Mississauga)
Catherine Haines (Western Technical-Commercial School)
Megumi Harada (McMaster University)
Kathryn Hare (University of Waterloo)
Malcolm Harper (Champlain College)
John Harris (D'Youville College)
Joel Hass (University of California, Davis)
Jing He (Lakehead University)
Christophe Hohlweg (The Fields Institute)
Tara Holm (Cornell University)
Noam Horwitz (Cornell University)
Richard Hoshino (Canada Border Services Agency)
Bradford Hovinen (University of Toronto)
Shengda Hu (Universite de Montreal)
Jennifer Hyndman (University of Northern British Columbia)
Monica Ilie (Lakehead University)
John Inciura (U of Toronto - Mississauga)
Colin Ingalls (University of New Brunswick)
Cristian Ivanescu (University of Northern British Columbia)
Srikanth Iyengar (University of Nebraska)
John Frederick Jardine (University of Western Ontario)
Wojciech Jaworski (Carleton University)
Gertrud Jeewanjee (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Lisa Jeffrey (University of Toronto)
Xiamei Jiang (University of Toronto at Scar)
Alexander Jones (University of Toronto)
David Jorgensen (University of Texas at Arlington)
Vadim Kaloshin (The Pennsylvania State Univesity)
Joel Kamnitzer (UC Berkeley / AIM)
Richard Kane (University of Western Ontario)
Yael Karshon (University of Toronto)
Alan Kelm (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Todd Kemp (MIT)
Deborah Kent (Simon Fraser University)
Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia University)
Sung Eun Kim
Ahyoung Kim (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
David Klein (University of Toronto)
Mark Kleiner (Syracuse University)
Toke Knudsen (Brown University)
Yueh Joy Ko (Mathematics)
Pascal Koiran (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
Izabella Laba (UBC)
Michael Lacey (Georgia Tech)
Antonio Laface (Queen's University)
Kunquan Lan (Ryerson University)
Aaron Lauve (UQAM)
Greg Lee (Lakehead University)
Nam-Hoon Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Peter Lee (University of Toronto)
Eugene Lerman (Uniiv of Illinois, U-C)
Graham Leuschke (Syracuse University)
James Lewis (University of Alberta)
Jing Li (University of Western Ontario)
Ping Li (Queen's University)
Michael Li (University of Alberta)
Huilan Li (York University)
Yi Lin (University of Toronto)
Robert Lipshitz (Columbia University)
Samuel Lisi (Université de Montréal)
Alexander Litvak (University of Alberta)
Shiping Liu (Université de Sherbrooke)
Ling Long (Iowa State University)
Steven (Shin-Yi) Lu (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Neil Lyall
Gordon MacDonald (University of Prince Edward Island)
Trueman MacHenry (York University)
Diane Maclagan (Rutgers University)
Neal Madras (York University)
Murray Marshall (University of Saskatchewan)
Donald Marshall (University of Washington)
Johan Martens (University of Toronto / MPI Bonn)
Jonathan Mattingly (Jonathan Mattingly)
Robert McCann (University of Toronto)
Connell McCluskey (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Moira McDermott (Hobart & William Smith Colleges)
Eckhard Meinrenken (University of Toronto)
Duncan Melville (St. Lawrence University)
Franklin Mendivil (Acadia University)
Govind Menon (Brown University)
Ina Mette (American Mathematical Society)
Claudia Miller (Claudia Miller)
Paul Milnes (University of Western Ontario)
James Mingo (Queen's University)
Iain Moffatt (University of Waterloo)
Jean-Philippe Morin (Université de Sherbrooke)
Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley)
Martin Muldoon (York University)
Daniel Murphy (University of Toronto)
V. Kumar Murty (U of Toronto - Mississauga)
Adrian Nachman (University of Toronto)
Alexander Nagel (University of Wisconsin-Maidson)
Gad Naot (University ofToronto)
Michael Newman (Queen Mary, University of London)
Richard Oberlin (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Rosa Orellana (Dartmouth College)
Juan Ortiz-Navarro (University of Iowa)
Grace Orzech (Queen's University)
Charles Paquette (Université de Sherbrooke)
Irena Peeva (Cornell University)
Robert Pego (Carnegie Mellon University)
Edwin Perkins (UBC)
Vladimir Pestov (University of Ottawa)
Emanuela Petracci (university of Toronto)
Markus Pflaum (Goethe University)
Pierre-Guy Plamondon (Université de Sherbrooke)
Craig Platt (University of Manitoba)
David Poole (David Poole)
Stephanie Portet (University of Manitoba)
David Pritchard (University of Waterloo)
Mary Pugh (University of Toronto)
Romaric Pujol (University of Toronto)
Zoi Rapti (university of illinois at urbana-champaign)
Jacob Rasmussen (Princeton University)
Emily Redelmeier (Queen's University)
Idan Regev (University of Toronto)
Bruno Rémillard (HEC Montréal)
Patrick Reynolds (Queen's University)
Maria Reznikoff (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Brian Rider (CU Boulder)
Yvette Roberts (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Federico Rodriguez Hertz (IMERL)
Peter Rosenthal (University of Toronto)
Christiane Rousseau (Université de Montréal)
Justin Rowsell (University of Waterloo)
Lev Rozansky (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Volker Runde (University of Alberta)
Heather Russell (University of Iowa)
Patrick Ryan (McMaster University)
Thomas Salisbury (York University)
Bill Sands (University of Calgary)
Ralf Schiffler (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Dirk Schlimm (McGill University)
Greg Schneider (SUNY at Buffalo)
Matthias Schuett (Harvard University)
Andreas Seeger (University of Wisconsin)
Sylvia Serfaty (New York University)
Bhanu Pratap Sharma (A.P.E.O.)
F. Arthur Sherk (University of Toronto)
David Sherman (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko (UCLA)
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko (Dimitri Shlyakhtenko)
Roman Shterenberg (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Micheal Shub (University of Toronto)
Reyer Sjamaar (Cornell University)
Craig Sloss (University of Waterloo)
David Smith (Université de Sherbrooke)
Gregory Smith (Queen's University)
Karen Smith (University of Michigan)
Robert Smith (Robert Smith?)
Ahmed Sourour (Univ of Victoria)
Liliane Sousa (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Gigliola Staffilani (MIT)
Benjamin Steinberg (Carleton University)
Anna Stokke (University of Winnipeg)
Christine Suurtamm (University of Ottawa)
Srinivasa Swaminathan (Dalhousie University)
Xiang Tang (Xiang Tang)
Paul Taylor (Shippensburg University)
Keith Taylor (Dalhousie University)
Peter Taylor (Queen's University)
Tara Taylor (St. Francis Xavier University)
Erin Terwilleger (University of Connecticut)
Daryl Tingley (University of New Brunswick - Fredericton)
Maureen Tingley (University of New Brunsick)
Robert Todd (University of Iowa)
Gordana Todorov (Northeastern University)
Susan Tolman (University of Illinois at Urbana)
Sonia Trepode (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)
Nikolaos Tzirakis (University of Toronto)
Corinna Ulcigrai (Princeton University)
John Ursell (Queen's University)
Rémi Vaillancourt (Université d'Ottawa)
Ravi Vakil (Stanford University)
Adam Van Tuyl (Lakehead University)
Stephanie van Willigenburg (University of British Columbia)
Mauricio Velasco (Cornell University)
Maria Grazia Viola (Queen's University)
Monica Visan (Institute for Advanced Study)
Terry Visentin (University of Winnipeg)
Johannes Walcher (Institute for Advanced Study)
Thomas Wanner (George Mason University)
James Watmough (University of New Brunswick)
Liam Watson (Université du Québec à Montréal)
David Wehlau (Royal Military College)
Shmuel Weinberger (University of Chicago)
Maria Wesslen (University of Toronto)
J. Harley Weston (University of Regina)
Any Wilk (U of Toronto - Mississauga)
Graeme Wilkin (Johns Hopkins University)
Amie Wilkinson (Northwestern University)
Matthieu Willems (University of Toronto)
Gail Wolkowicz (McMaster University)
Kieh Wong (Centennial College)
Robert Woodrow (The University of Calgary)
R. Grant Woods (University of Manitoba)
Graham Wright (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Jie Xiao (Memorial University)
Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)
Jeng-Daw Yu (Queen's University)
Noriko Yui (Queen's University)
Mike Zabrocki (Mike Zabrocki)
Victor Zakharov (Institute of Continuum Mechanics of RAS)
Kate (Fang) Zhang (The university of New Brunswick)
Vadim Zharnitsky (University of Illinois)
Denglin Zhou (Univ. of Waterloo)
Huaiping Zhu (York University)
Hongmei Zhu (York University)
Masrour Zoghi (University of Toronto)
Frank Zorzitto (University of Waterloo)
Xingfu Zou (University of Western Ontario)