
Résumés - par conférenciers
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- Abert, Miklos - Invariants and actions of residually finite groups
- Aggarwala, Bhagwan - HIV: From Infection to AIDS
- Aguiar, Marcelo - Hopf monoids in Species and associated Hopf algebras
- Akhtar, Reza - Chow-Kunneth and Lefschetz decompositions for quotients of
abelian varieties
- Alama, Stan - Vortices in multiply connected Bose-Einstein condensates
- Anisca, Razvan - On the number of mutually non-isomorphic
infinite-dimensional subspaces of a Banach space
- Anisca, Razvan - Banach spaces with two non-isomorphic complex structures
- Anshelevich, Michael - Hilbert space representations of quadratic exponential
families, classical and free
- Archibald, Tom - Mittag-Leffler's Theorem: Genesis and Development of a
Mathematical Fact
- Arino, Julien - Effect of the introduction of refractory vectors in a
vector-borne disease
- Athreya, Jayadev - A lattice point problem in Teichmuller space
- Avramov, Luchezar L. - Koszul modules over small graded rings
- Bagayogo, A. Bass - Hybrid Grid Generation: A Symbolic Programming Approach
- Baird, Tom - Moduli space of flat SU(2) bundles over nonorientable
- Barnes, Marcus - Some Aspects of the Mathematical Work of J. C. Fields
- Batchourine, Pavel - On ergodicity of multidimensional dispersing billiards
- Bautista, Raymundo - Generic complexes and derived representation type for Artin
- Bejenaru, Ioan - Global solutions for Schroedinger Maps
- Belinschi, Serban T. - Burgers equation in some matrix models
- Beltran, Carlos - Advances in homotopy methods for solving systems of complex
polynomial equations
- Bergeron, François - Harmonics for Steenrod Operators
- Bertin, Marie José - Mahler's measure and L-series of K3 hypersurfaces
- Binder, Ilia - Computational complexity of conformal maps
- Bleher, Frauke - Universal deformation rings and dihedral defect groups
- Blue, Pieter - Decay of waves on a warp product manifold with an unstable,
closed geodesic surface
- Bogoyavlenskij, Oleg - Invariant foliations with dynamical systems for the Poisson
brackets of hydrodynamic type
- Borwein, Jonathan - Maximality of Sums of Monotone Operators
- Bouchard, Vincent - On the landscape of standard-model bundles on non-simply
connected Calabi-Yau threefolds
- Brambila, Fernando - Complete Vectorial Radon Transform
- Braverman, Elena - On Nicholson's Blowflies and Other Models with a Distributed
- Braverman, Mark - Computability and non-Computability of Julia sets
- Buan, Aslak Bakke - Cluster-tilted algebras and quiver mutation
- Burgess, Walter - On the quasi-stratified algebras of Liu and Paquette
- Bursztyn, Henrique - Quasi-Poisson geometry and Dirac structures
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Synchronization, Multistability and Clustering: how useful
are predictions from phase models?
- Caprau, Carmen - A sl(2) tangle homology for dotted, seamed cobordisms
- Carracino, Christine - Estimates for the Szegö kernel and the [`(¶)]b
- Cepedello-Boiso, Manuel - Functions with no critical points on separable Banach
- Chebolu, Sunil - Which finite p-groups are like a finite product of
- Chen, Xi - Vojta's 1+epsilon Conjecture and Bergman metric
- Chen, Xueqing - Root Vectors, PBW and Canonical Bases of Ringel-Hall
Algebras and Quantum Groups
- Chen, Yuming - Global Attractivity of a Positive Periodic Solution of a
Delayed Periodic Respiration Model
- Choi, Man-Duen - What sort of non-commutative analysis is needed in quantum
information theory?
- Choquette, Philippe - The ring of r-quasisymmetric polynomials
- Clingher, Adrian - On a special class of lattice polarized K3 surfaces
- Coelho, Flavio Ulhoa - On the composition of irreducible morphisms
- Coffman, Adam - Unfolding CR singularities of real 4-manifolds in
- Colliander, Jim - Strichartz refinements and concentration in NLS
- Collin, Olivier - Non-trivial actions on Floer homology
- Collins, Benoit - Convergence of unitary matrix integrals
- Dafni, Galia - Classes of measures generated by capacities
- Dalili, Kia - The reconstruction conjecture for edge ideals
- Davis, Brent - Mathematics-for-Teaching: Where are we with all of this?
- Davis, Chandler - Subspaces of Hilbert space
- Day, Troy - Modeling the emergence and control of infectious diseases
- de la Peña, José Antonio - Coxeter transformations: from Lie algebras to singularity
- De Silva, Daniela - Low regularity solutions for a 2D quadratic non-linear
Schrodinger equation
- Derksen, Harm - A symmetric function generalization of the Tutte polynomial
- Dolgopyat, Dmitry - Fermi acceleration
- Doran, Chuck - On Stokes Matrices of Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces
- Dubiel, Malgorzata - Evolution of Math for Elementary Teachers course at SFU
- Dur-e-Ahmad, Muhammad - A model of activity-dependent changes in dendritic spine
density and spine structure
- Elliott, George - What is a classification functor?
- Epstein, Neil - Pieces of closures
- Erdogan, Burak - Strichartz estimates for Schrodinger equations with large
magnetic potentials
- Evens, Sam - Poisson geometry of the Grothendieck resolution
- Faridi, Sara - On ideals of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices
- Fayad, Bassam - Smooth linearization of commuting circle diffeomorphisms
- Felea, Raluca - Composition calculus in inverse scattering
- Fomin, Sergey - Cluster complexes of bordered surfaces
- Fonseca, Irene - Surfactants in Foam Stability: a Phase Field Model
- Fraser, Craig - Analysis and the Emergence of Analytic Mechanics in the
Eighteenth Century
- Freedman, Herb - Mathematical Models of Cancer Treatment Using Competition
- Fuchs, Shay - Additivity of spin-c Quantization Under Cutting
- Garcia-Cervera, Carlos - An Efficient Real Space Method for Orbital-Free Density
Functional Theory
- Goodman, Roy - Fractal Structure in Solitary Wave Interactions
- Goto, Yasuhiro - Formal groups of Calabi-Yau threefolds in positive
- Goulden, Ian - Combinatorics and intersection number conjectures
- Gourdeau, Fréderic - Mathematics for teaching: the case of Université Laval
- Granville, Andrew - Pretentious characters
- Green, Edward - Noetherianity and Ext
- Greenblatt, Michael - A resolution of singularities and some applications
- Greenleaf, Allan - Counterexamples to Calderón's problem as the mathematics
of invisibility
- Grillakis, Manoussos
- Gualtieri, Marco - Holomorphic Poisson D-branes
- Harada, Megumi - Orbifold cohomology of hypertoric varieties
- Hare, Kathryn - Directional maximal operators with smooth densities
- Hasanov, Mahir - On some classes of nonlinear equations in Hilbert spaces
arising from the spectral theory
- Hass, Joel - Complexity of Knotting
- Holm, Tara - Integral cohomology of symplectic quotients
- Horwitz, Noam - Linear resolutions of edge ideals
- Hu, Shengda - T-duality with H-flux from generalized Kähler
- Ingalls, Colin - Spaces of Linear Modules on Regular Graded Clifford
- Iosevich, Alex
- Iyengar, Srikanth B. - Dimension of the stable category of a commutative ring
- Jaworski, Wojciech - Powers of averages of unitary representations
- Jones, Alexander - Some Properties of Arithmetical Functions in Ancient
- Jorati, Hadi - Mikhlin multiplier theorem for nonhomogeneous dilations
- Jorgensen, David A. - Linear acyclic complexes
- Kaloshin, Vadim - Hausdorff dimension of oscillatory motions for the 3-body
- Kamnitzer, Joel - Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves
- Kemp, Todd - Haagerup's Inequality in Free Probability
- Kent, Deborah - Analytic Mechanics, Astronomy, and Linear
Associative Algebra?: Context and Motivation for B. Peirce's
Anomalous Paper
- Kerr, Matt - Algebraic K-theory and local mirror symmetry
- Khovanov, Mikhail - Braid cobordisms and triangulated categories
- Kim, Ahyoung - Discrete Schrodinger Operators with Slowly Oscilating
- Kim, Sung Eun - Calderon's inverse problem for piecewise linear
- Kleiner, Mark - Reduced words in the Weyl group of a Kac-Moody algebra and
preprojective representations of valued quivers
- Knudsen, Toke Lindegaard - Jñ¯anar¯aja and mathematical astronomy in early
16th century India
- Ko, Joy - Steady rotational water waves near stagnation
- Koestler, Claus - A noncommutative version of de Finetti's theorem
- Koiran, Pascal - Decision versus evaluation in algebraic complexity theory
- Kubota-Zarivnij, Kathy
- Lacey, Michael - On the Small Ball Problem
- Laface, Antonio
- Landweber, Greg - Equivariant formality in K-theory
- Lanzilotta, Marcelo - La technique de coupement à deux côtés pour la
conjecture finitistique / Double cut approach for the
finitistic conjecture
- Lauve, Aaron - Noncommutative invariants and coinvariants of the symmetric
- Lauve, Aaron - On novel ways to invert a matrix
- Le, Anh Vinh - Some colouring problems of unit-quadrance graphs
- Lee, Nam-Hoon - Some attempt at constructing infinitely many families of
Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Lee, Peter - Closed-Form Associators in a "Toy" Quotient
- Lerman, Eugene - Is it useful to think of orbifolds as stacks?
- Lewis, James - The Abel-Jacobi Map for Higher Chow Groups, II
- Li, Jing - Modeling the Latency and Spatial Non-Locality in
Susceptible-Infectious Epidemic Models
- Li, Michael - Global Stability in Multigroup Epidemic Models
- Lian, Bong H. - Counting Fourier-Mukai Partners
- Lim, Louis - Incorporating the History of Mathematics in High School
- Lin, Yi - Hamiltonian actions on generalized complex manifolds and the
equivariant [`(¶)]¶-lemma
- Lipshitz, Robert - Some recent developments in Heegaard-Floer homology
- Litvak, Alexander - Asymmetry of convex polytopes and vertex index of symmetric
convex bodies
- Liu, Xinzhi - Study on HIV transmission among intravenous drug users
- Long, Ling - On the Coefficients of Noncongruence Modular Forms
- Lu, Steven - On complex invariant metrics for some Calabi-Yau varieties
- Lyall, Neil - On a Theorem of Sárközy and Furstenberg
- MacDonald, Gordon - Topologically Transitive Matrix Semigroups
- Maclagan, Diane - Equations and degenerations of [`(M)]0,n
- Magen, Avner - Integrality gaps of SDP for Vertex Cover and relations to
l1 embeddability of negative type metrics
- Magyar, Akos - Maximal operators associated to discrete subgroups of
nilpotent Lie groups
- Marshall, Donald - Geodesic zippers
- Martens, Johan - Euler characteristics of GIT quotients
- Martinez-Villa, Roberto - Artin-Schelter regular algebras and categories
- Mattingly, Jonathan - Challenges in the analysis of degenerately forced stochastic
- McCann, Robert - Nonlinear diffusion from a delocalized source: affine
self-similarity, spacetime asymptotics, and focusing
- McCluskey, Connell - A Study of Mimicry in Poison Arrow Frogs
- McKay, John - Towards an understanding of Monstrous Moonshine
- McMurran, Shawnee - The Impact of Ballistics on Mathematics
- Melville, Duncan - Reflections on Sargonic Arithmetic
- Mendivil, Franklin - Fractal set-valued measures
- Menon, Govind - Domain coarsening in a 1D bubble bath
- Miller, Claudia - A Riemann-Roch formula for the blow-up of a nonsingular
affine scheme
- Mingo, Jamie - Second Order Cumulants of Products
- Murty, V. Kumar - What is a proof?
- Nachman, Adrian - Imaging Obstacles In Inhomogeneous Media
- Nagel, Alexander - Bergman and Szego kernels on tubular domains near points of
infinite type
- Naot, Gad - The Universal Khovanov Link Homology Theory-Extracting
Algebraic Information
- Nekrashevych, Volodymyr - Algorithmic aspects of self-similar groups
- Newman, Michael - Using eigenspaces of graphs
- Nica, Alexandru - Eta-series and a Boolean Bercovici-Pata bijection for
bounded k-tuples
- Oberlin, Richard - The (d,k) Kakeya problem
- Orellana, Rosa - Hopf algebra of uniform block permutations
- Ortiz-Navarro, Juan Ariel - Khovanov Homology and Reidemeister Torsion
- Pavlovic, Natasa - Global well-posedness for the L2-critical NLS in higher
- Peeva, Irena - Generalized Green's Theorem
- Pego, Bob - Scaling dynamics of coagulation equations with dust and gel
- Percy, John - Undergraduate Science/Math Education Programs at the
University of Toronto at Mississauga
- Pestov, Vladimir - Urysohn metric space and Kirchberg approximation property
- Pflaum, Markus - Cyclic cohomology of deformation quantizations over orbifolds
- Pham, Thuy - jdeg of algebraic structures
- Pinsonnault, Martin - Maximal Tori in the Hamiltonian groups of 4-manifolds
- Pipher, Jill - Square function variants adapted to boundary value problems
- Portet, Stephanie - Dynamics of in vivo intermediate filament organization
- Pujol, Romaric - Poisson Groupoids, Duality and Classical Dynamical
Yang-Baxter Equation
- Rapti, Zoi - Modulational Instability for NLS equations with a periodic
- Rasmussen, Jake - Stable KR-homology of torus knots
- Reznikoff, Maria G. - Slow Motion of Gradient Flows
- Rickey, V. Frederick - Some History of the Calculus of the Trigonometric Functions
- Rider, Brian - The Riccati map in Random Schroedinger and RMT
- Rodriguez-Hertz, Federico - Partial hyperbolicity and ergodicity in dimension three
- Rosenblatt, Joseph - Probabilistic Constructions in Ergodic Theory
- Rosenthal, Peter - Semigroups of matrices; and operators?
- Rozansky, Lev - Virtual knots, convolutions and a categorification of the
SO(2N) Kauffman polynomial
- Rubinstein, Michael - Hide and Seek-a naive factoring algorithm
- Runde, Volker - Harmonic operators: a look from the dual side
- Ryzhik, Lenya - Diffusion and flow mixing
- Sapir, Mark - Computational complexity and the Dehn functions of groups
- Sawyer, Eric - Interpolating sequences for the Dirichlet space
- Schiffler, Ralf - m-replicated algebras and m-cluster categories
- Schlimm, Dirk - On the importance of asking the right research questions:
Could Jordan have proved the Jordan-Hölder Theorem?
- Schmidmeier, Markus - Nilpotent Linear Operators
- Schuett, Matthias - Classifying singular K3 surfaces
- Schwartz, Richard - billiards obtuse and irrational
- Seeger, Andreas - Fourier restriction theorems for curves
- Seidel, Paul - Localization in Floer homology and applications
- Serfaty, Silvia - The Ginzburg-Landau energy close to the second critical
- Sherman, David - Some aspects of operator theory in von Neumann algebras
- Shlyakhtenko, Dimitri - L2 Invariants, Free Probability and Operator Algebras
- Shterenberg, Roman - Blow up and regularity for Burgers equation with fractional
- Shub, Mike - Non-Zero Lyapunov Exponents in Families of Dynamical
- Sjamaar, Reyer - Torsion and abelianization in equivariant cohomology
- Smith, David - Piecewise hereditary skew group algebras
- Smith, Karen - Uniform Results in Algebra and Geometry via Multiplier
- Smith, Robert - Predicting the potential impact of a cyctotoxic T-lymphocyte
HIV vaccine: how often should you vaccinate and how strong
should the vaccine be?
- Stafillani, Gigliola - On the L2 critical NLS
- Steinberg, Ben - Spectral computations for self-similar groups
- Stewart, Kathryn
- Szegedy, Balazs - A generalization of the moment problem
- Tang, Xiang - Algebraic structures on Hochschild cohomology of an orbifold
- Taskin, Muge - The properties of four partial orders on standard Young
- Tawhid, Mohamed
- Taylor, Keith - Smooth Points in Operator Algebras
- Taylor, Paul - Bochner-Riesz Means With Respect to a 2 by 2 Cylinder
- Taylor, Peter - The structure of a mathematics curriculum
- Taylor, Tara - Math and Service Learning: Bringing Math to the Community
- Terwilleger, Erin - The Wiener-Wintner Theorem for the Hilbert Transform
- Thomas, Hugh - A combinatorial rule for (co)minuscule Schubert calculus
- Thomas, Hugh - Noncrossing partitions via representations of quivers
- Thurston, Dylan
- Todd, Robb - Khovanov Homology and the Twist Number of Alternatinng
- Todorov, Andrey - Regularized Determinants of CY Metrics, Borchards Products;
Applications to K3 Surfaces
- Todorov, Gordana - m-cluster categories and m-replicated algebras
- Tolman, Susan - Group actions and the symplectomorphism group
- Trepode, Sonia - On Auslander-Reiten Components with Bypasses
- Tzirakis, Nikos - Morawetz type inequalities and improved global
well-posedness for the quintic NLS in 1d
- Ulcigrai, Corinna - Mixing of flows over interval exchange maps
- Vakil, Ravi - Murphy's Law in algebraic geometry: badly-behaved moduli
- Van Tuyl, Adam - Some resolutions of double points in P1 × P1
- Van Willigenburg, Stephanie - A combinatorial classification of skew Schur functions
- Velasco, Mauricio - Grobner bases, monomial group actions and the Cox rings of
Del Pezzo surfaces
- Visan, Monica - The mass-critical NLS
- Wade, Aissa - Poisson fiber bundles
- Walcher, Johannes - Open Mirror Symmetry on the Quintic
- Wanner, Thomas - Complex Transient Patterns and their Topology
- Watmough, James - The final size of an epidemic
- Weinberger, Shmuel - Quantitative Aspects of Topology
- Weitsman, Jonathan
- Whiteley, Walter - Programs in Mathematics for Future Teachers
- Wilkin, Graeme - The Lojasiewicz inequality for Higgs bundles
- Wilkinson, Amie - Asymmetrical diffeomorphisms
- Woodward, Christopher - Gauged pseudoholomorphic maps on cylindrical end surfaces
- Wu, Jianhong - Progress in modeling pandemic influenza and bird flu
- Xiao, Jie - The sharp Sobolev and isoperimetric inequalities split twice
- Xiao, Jie - Old and New Morrey Spaces with Heat Kernel Bounds
- Yau, Shing-Tung - Complex manifolds with torsion
- Yomdin, Yosef - Fourier Transform of Semi-Algebraic Functions
- Yong, Alexander - A combinatorial rule for (co)minuscule Schubert calculus
- Yu, Jeng-Daw - Local structure on non-supersingular Newton strata of K3
- Yui, Noriko - Motives, Mirror Symmetry and Modularity
- Zakharov, Victor - Construction of compactly supported wavelets adapted to
differential operators
- Zhang, Kate - Asymptotic Behavior of A Reaction-Diffusion Model With A
- Zharnitsky, Vadim - Dispersion managed NLS and Strichartz inequality
- Zhou, Gang - Perturbation Expansion and N-th Order Fermi Golden Rule of
the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
- Zhu, Huaiping - Stability and Oscillations for SIR Epidemiological Models
- Zou, Xingfu - Can the cut-burn strategy eradicate a wood-boring beetle
- Zuazua, Rita - When the graph subrings admit standard Noether