Approximation Theory / Théorie d'approximation Org: Richard Fournier and/et Paul Gauthier (Montreal)
- THOMAS BLOOM, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M1M 3W5
Random Polynomials and Green Functions
Let K be a regular (in the sense of pluripotential theory) compact
set in Cn and let VK(z) denote its pluricomplex Green function
with a logarithemic singularity at ¥. Then, with
probability 1, a sequence of random polynomials {fa} gives
the pluricomplex Green function via the formula
æ è
\varlimsupa |
log|fa(z)| |
ö ø
= VK (z) for all z Î Cn |
In the one-dimensional case, this result may be used to generalize a
result of Shiffman-Zelditch on the limiting normalized distributon of
zeroes of random polynomials.
- ANDRÉ BOIVIN, Univerity of Western Ontario
Approximation on Riemann surfaces: recent results
Some recent results concerning approximation on Riemann surfaces will
be presented. These will include generalizations to Riemann surfaces
of a theorem of A. G. Vitushkin on uniform approximation by rational
(meromorphic) functions, and of results by T. W. Gamelin and
J. B. Garnett on bounded pointwise approximation.
This is joint work with Jiang B.
- MAXIM BURKE, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3
Entire functions mapping uncountable dense sets of reals onto
each other monotonically
When A and B are countable dense subsets of R, it is a
well-known result of Cantor that A and B are order-isomorphic. A
theorem of K. F. Barth and W. J. Schneider states that the
order-isomorphism can be taken to be very smooth, in fact the
restriction to R of an entire function. J. E. Baumgartner
showed that consistently 2À0 > À1 and any two subsets
of R having À1 points in every interval are
order-isomorphic. However, U. Abraham, M. Rubin and S. Shelah
produced a ZFC example of two such sets for which the
order-isomorphism cannot be taken to be smooth. A useful variant of
Baumgartner's result for second category sets was established by
S. Shelah. He showed that it is consistent that 2À0 > À1 and second category sets of cardinality À1 exist
while any two sets of cardinality À1 which have second
category intersection with every interval are order-isomorphic. In
this paper, we show that the order-isomorphism in Shelah's theorem can
be taken to be the restriction to R of an entire function.
Moreover, using an approximation theorem of L. Hoischen, we show that
given a nonnegative integer n, a nondecreasing surjection g :R ® R of class Cn and a positive continuous
function e: R ® R, we may
choose the order-isomorphism f so that for all i = 0,1,...,n and
for all x Î R, |Di f(x)-Di g(x)| < e(x).
- DIMITER DRYANOV, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal,
QC H4B 1R6
A Refinement of an Inequality of R. J. Duffin and
A. C. Schaeffer
Let p be a polynomial of degree n. Let ms : = n-1 sin-2( sp/(2n) ), s odd, 1 £ s < n, and mn = (1-(-1)n ) / (4n). By using ms and xj = cos(jp/n),
j integer, we define the linear functionals
Lj (p) = |
n å
s=1, s odd
ms |
æ è
p(xj) - |
p(xj+s) + p(xj-s)
ö ø
for j = 0,1,...,n.
The following inequality is established:
x Î [-1,1]
|p¢(x) | £ n |
0 £ j £ n
|Lj(p) |. |
Remark 1
In view of
and by making use of the sets
To : = {xj : j odd, 0 £ j £ n}, Te : = {xj : j even, 0 £ j £ n} |
we have:
£ n |
0 £ j £ n
| Lj(p) | |
| | (1) |
| |
£ |
x Î Co, y Î Ce
|p(x)-p(y)| £ n2 |
0 £ j £ n
|p(xj)|. |
| | (2) |
Remark 2
The inequality obtained is a refinement of the well known inequality:
x Î [-1,1]
|p¢(x) | £ n2 |
0 £ j £ n
|p(xj)| |
which is due to Duffin and Schaeffer [1].
- [1]
R. J. Duffin and A. C. Schaeffer,
A refinement of an inequality of the brothers Markoff.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 50(1941), 517-528.
- SERGE DUBUC, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville,
Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7
The joint spectral radius of a family of matrices
Let A,B be the two 2×2 matrices
we define the subset of the plane W = {(l,m) :r(A,B) < 1} where r(A,B) is the joint spectral radius of
{A,B}. We discuss the approximation of W.
- RICHARD FOURNIER, CRM, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7
A New Inequality for Polynomials
Let D be the unit disc of the complex plane C.
We prove that for any polynomial p of degree at most n
q Î R
ê ê
p(eiq) - p(e-iq)
eiq - e-iq
ê ê
£ n |
0 £ j £ n
ê ê
p(eijp/n) + p(e-ijp/n)
ê ê
. |
We shall also discuss how this inequality is related to classical
results or Bernstein and Markov and to more recent ones due to Duffin
and Schaeffer, Frappier, Rahman and Ruscheweyh.
This is joint work with Dimiter Dryanov.
- PAUL GAUTHIER, Université de Montréal, Centreville, Montréal, QC
H3C 3J7
Approximation of and by the Riemann zeta function
Firstly, we approximate the Riemann zeta function by meromorphic
functions for which the Riemann hypothesis fails. Secondly, we
approximate arbitrary holomorphic functions by linear combinations of
translates of the Riemann zeta function. The first result is joint
work with E. S. Zeron. The second work is joint with N. N. Tarkhanov.
- DAN KUCEROVSKY, University of New Brunswick
Quasi-monotone sequences
Functions from finite sets to Rm occur very frequently in applied
problems. If m=1, then there is a standard definition of
monotonicity, and it is often useful to break up the function into
(approximately) monotone segments. For the case of higher dimensional
range spaces, there is no order structure, so we instead consider
breaking up the functions into segments of bounded curvature. This
leads to the problem of determining a bound on the curvature of a
segment in a computationally efficient way, which we do by a recursive
formula. We compare with quasi-linear fitting, obtained by a
least-squares method, and find that the curvature method is more
robust, in particular, with respect to deletion of data points.
Joint work with Daniel Lemire, UQAM.
- JAVAD MASHREGHI, Université Laval
Zeros of functions in the Dirichlet space
There are several uniqueness theorems for functions in the classical
Dirichlet space. But, a necessary and sufficient condition (like the
Blaschke condition for Hardy spaces) for this space is not yet
available. We will discuss a new uniqueness theorem.
This is a joint work with Thomas Ransford and Abdellatif Bourhim.
- THOMAS RANSFORD, Université Laval, Dép. de mathématiques, Québec
(QC), G1K 7P4
A Denjoy-Carleman maximum principle
We prove a quantitative form of the classical Denjoy-Carleman theorem
on quasi-analytic classes. As an application, we derive an extension
of Carleman's theorem on the unique determination of probability
measures by their moments.
Joint work with Isabelle Chalendar, Laurent Habsieger and Jonathan
- GERALD SCHMIEDER, Universitaet Oldenburg, Fak. V, Inst. f. Math., 26111
Oldenburg, Germany
Extension of the Fusion Lemma
Let K1, K2 be compact sets in the complex plane C. We
say that K1, K2 is a fusion pair if there exists some
constant a = a(K1,K2) with the following property: for all
rational functions r1, r2 and for each compact set K Ì C there is a rational function r which fulfills
||rj-r||KjÈK £ a·||r1-r2||K simultaneously for
Alice Roth proved in 1976 that K1,K2 is a fusion pair if the sets
K1, K2 are disjoint. If K1ÇK2 = Æ is not required
we have of course to replace ||r1-r2||K above by
||r1-r2||KÈ(K1ÇK2). But in general K1, K2 is no
fusion pair (examples are due to Gauthier and Gaier).
Under rather natural topological restrictions (especially that K1,K2 have no common interior points) we can characterize the fusion
pairs by the simple condition that ¶K1 ǶK2 = ¶(K1ÈK2).
- JIE XIAO, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL A1C 5S7
The Heat Equation II: Regularity and Approximation
We use the Carleson-Sobolev estimates for an operator valued solution
of the heat equation to give the regularity of the solution and its
application to the Weierstrass approximation theorem.
- EDUARDO ZERON, Cinvestav (Math), Apartado postal 14-740, Mexico DF, 07000,
Homotopical obstructions to rational approximation
There are several criteria to decide whether a continuous function
F(z) defined from a compact set K Ì Cn into
C can be approximated by holomorphic rational functions
(P/Q)(z). Now, any rational function (P/Q)(z) can be seen as a
holomorphic function defined from an open set of Cn into
the Riemann sphere S2. And we can even generalise the concept of
rational function to consider holomorphic functions with range into
the complex projective space CPn.
We may then ask about the rational approximation of continuous
functions G(z) defined from a compact set K Ì Cn
into CPn. We want to show, in this talk, that there is
essentially one extra necessary condition on G(z) to be approximated
by rational functions: Function G must be homotopically trivial.
- PING ZHOU, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5
Divided differences in construction of multivariate Padé
We explicitly construct multivariate Padé approximants to some
functions of the form
F(x1,x2,...,xm) = |
¥ å
f(n) |
j1+j2+¼ +jm=n
x1j1 x2j2 ¼xmjm, |
where f(n) is a certain function of n, by using divided
differences. Examples include the multivariate exponential
E(x1,x2,...,xm) : = |
¥ å
x1j1 x2j2 ¼xmjm
(j1+j2+¼ +jm+1)!
, |
the multivariate logarithm function
L(x1,x2,...,xm) : = |
¥ å
x1j1 x2j2 ¼xmjm
, |
and others.