
Liste des participants
Réunion d'été 2006 de la SMC
Hôte : Université de Calgary
Westin Hotel
Calgary, Alberta
3-5 juin 2006
Nombre de participants : 271
La liste ci-dessous comprend les participants dont nous avons traité le
formulaire d'inscription et le paiement en date du 10 janvier 2007.
(8 participants ont choisi de ne pas apparaître sur cette liste.)
Jeff Achter (Colorado State University)
Amir Akbary (University of Lethbridge)
Donald Albers (Mathematical Association of America)
Safak Alpay (Middle East Technical University)
Razvan Anisca (Lakehead University)
Mohammadreza Anvari (University of Saskatchewan)
William Thomas Archibald (Simon Fraser University)
Mahshid Atapour (University of Saskatchewan)
Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon)
Catharine Baker (Mount Allison)
Marcus Emmanuel Barnes (Simon Fraser University)
Michael Barr (McGill University)
June Barrow-Green (The Open University)
Mark Bauer (University of Calgary)
Michael Bennett (University of British Columbia)
Nantel Bergeron (York University)
Elwyn Berlekamp (University of California at Berkeley)
Leah Berman (Ursinus College)
Ozlem Beyarslan (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Karoly Bezdek (University of Calgary)
Andras Bezdek (Auburn University)
Tibor Bisztriczky (University of Calgary)
Richard Blecksmith (Northern Illinois University)
Károly Böröczky (Eötvös University)
Jonathan Borwein (Dalhousie)
Peter Borwein (Simon Fraser University)
David Boyd (University of British Columbia)
Elena Braverman (University of Calgary)
Andrew Bremner (Arizona State University)
John Brillhart (University of Arizona)
Marta Bunge (McGill University)
Gerard Buskes (University of MIssissippi)
Abel Cadenillas (University of Alberta )
Baruch Cahlon (Oakland University, USA)
H.E.A. Eddy Campbell (Memorial University of Newfoundland - St. John's)
Richard Caron (University of Windsor)
F. Peter Cass (University of Western Ontario)
Leung Lung Chan (University of Calgary)
Denis Charles (Microsoft Research)
Imin Chen (Simon Fraser University)
Eugenia Cheng (University of Chicago)
Gregory Cherlin (Rutgers University)
James Chou (University of Calgary)
Gerald Cliff (University of Alberta)
Robin Cockett (University of Calgary)
John Conway (Princeton University)
Stewart Craven (Toronto District School Board)
William Cunningham (University of Waterloo)
Chantal David (Concordia University)
Matt Davison (University of Western Ontario)
Robert Dawson (St-Mary's University)
Shawn Desaulniers (University of Alberta)
Antoine Deza (McMaster University)
Karl Dilcher (Dalhousie University)
Alf Dolich (McMaster University)
Michael Doob (University of Manitoba)
Roman Drnovek (University of Ljubljana)
Malgorzata Dubiel (Malgorzata Dubiel)
Jean-Marie Dufour (Universite de Montreal)
Hugh Maxwell Wallace Edgar (San Jose State University (Emeritus))
Nicole El Karoui (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Eduard Emelyanov (Middle East Technical University)
Robin Endelman (University College of the Fraser Valley)
Robert Erdahl (Queen's University)
Valentin Ferenczi (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6)
Andreas Fischer (University of Saskatchewan)
Arthur Fischer (University of Toronto)
Vera Fischer (York University)
J. Chris Fisher (University of Regina)
Julio Flores (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Ferenc Fodor (University of Szeged)
Peter Forsyth (University of Waterloo)
John Fountain (University of York)
Aviezri Fraenkel (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Peter Freyd (University of Pennsylvania)
Robb Fry (Thompson Rivers University)
Jonathon Funk (University of the West Indies)
Valentina Galvani (University of Alberta)
Nicola Gambino (UQAM)
Dale Garraway (Eastern Washington University)
James Geelen (University of Waterloo)
Ron Gentle (Eastern Washington University)
Hailegebriel Gessesse (University of Alberta)
Dragos Ghioca (McMaster University)
Mohammad Ghomi (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Shawn Godin (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)
Frédéric Gourdeau (Université Laval)
Branko Grunbaum (University of Washington)
Abba Gumel (University of Manitoba)
Chun-Hua Guo (University of Regina)
Hongbin Guo (University of Alberta)
Richard Guy (University of Calgary)
William Hackborn (University of Alberta, Augustana Campus)
Lucien Haddad (Collège Militaire Royal du Canada)
Pamela Hagen (University of British Columbia)
Wadii Hajji (University of Ottawa)
Heiko Harborth (Techn. Univ. Braunschweig)
Kevin Hare (University of Waterloo)
Deidre Haskell (McMaster University)
Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo)
Aladar Heppes (Renyi Institute)
Georg Hofmann (Dalhousie University)
Ulrich Horst (University of British Columbia)
Robin Houston (University of Manchester)
Cody Hyndman (University of Calgary)
Shafiqul Islam (University of Lethbridge)
Michael Jacobson (University of Calgary)
John Frederick Jardine (University of Western Ontario)
André Joyal (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Tobias Kaiser (University of Regensburg)
Nigel Kalton (University of Missouri)
Mark Kambites (Universität Kassel)
Richard Kane (University of Western Ontario)
Alexander Kechris (California Institute of Technology)
John Kennisen (Clark University)
Deborah Kent (Simon Fraser University)
Barbara Keyfitz (Fields Institute / University of Houston)
Joseph Khoury (University of Ottawa)
Damir Kinzebulatov (University of Calgary)
Gyorgy Kiss (Eotvos Lorand University)
Arkady Kitover (Community College of Philadelphia)
Adam Kolkiewicz (University of Waterloo)
Piotr Koszmider (Universidade de São Paulo)
Mark Krusemeyer (Carleton College)
Thomas Kucera (University of Manitoba)
Salma Kuhlmann (Saskatchewan)
Wentang Kuo (University of Waterloo)
Stephen Lack (University of Western Sydney)
Claude Laflamme (University of Calgary)
Stéphanie Laflamme
Kee Yuan Lam (University of British Columbia)
William Langford (University of Guelph)
F. William Lawvere (University at Buffalo)
Ali Lazrak (UBC, Sauder School of Business )
Greg Lee (Lakehead University)
T. Leinster (University of Glasgow)
Christiane Lemieux (University of Calgary)
Aaron Levin (University of Alberta)
Hua Li (University of Calgary)
Aaron Lim
David Lippel (University of Notre Dame )
Rongsong Liu (York University)
Yu-Ru Liu (University of Waterloo)
Jordi Lopez-Abad (Université Paris 7)
Laszlo Lovasz (Microsoft)
Ved Madan
Hiroshi Maehara (Ryukyu University)
Ernest Manes (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
David Marker (UIC)
Greg Martin (University of British Columbia)
Ina Mette (American Mathematical Society)
Paul Mezo (Carleton University)
Chris Miller (Ohio State)
Barry Monson (UNB-Fredericton)
Justin Moore (Boise State University)
Dave Morris (University of Lethbridge)
Lily Moshé (York University)
James Muldowney (University of Alberta)
Fiona Murnaghan (University of Toronto)
V. Kumar Murty (U of Toronto)
M. Ram Murty (Queen's University)
Matthias Neufang (Carleton University)
Nathan Ng (University of Ottawa)
Masky Ka Yu Ng (University of Alberta)
Richard Nowakowski (Dalhousie University)
Ortrud Oellermann (University of Winnipeg)
Deborah Oliveros (UNAM)
Mehmet Orhon (University of New Hampshire)
Yuyuan Ouyang (University of Calgary)
Thorsten Palm (Macquarie University)
Peter Papez (University of Calgary)
Robert Pare (Dalhousie University)
Craig Pastro (Macquarie University)
Edwin Perkins (UBC)
David Pike (Memorial University of Newfoundland - St. John's)
Tomaz Pisanski (University of Primorska)
Thane Plambeck
Craig Platt (University of Manitoba)
Carl Pomerance (Dartmouth College)
Alexey Popov (University of Alberta)
Paul Potgieter (University of South Africa)
Rachel Pries (Colorado State University)
Dorette Pronk (Dalhousie University)
William Pulleyblank (IBM)
Guanghui Quan (University of Calgary)
Heydar Radjavi (University of Waterloo)
Vishaal Rajani (University of Alberta)
Pedro Resende (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Dong Uk (David) Rhee
Ronald Richards (Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (Memorial))
Neil Robinson (TransCanada Pipelines)
David Rodgers (University of Michigan)
Robert Rosebrugh (Mount Allison University)
Christian Rosendal (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Gergely Röst (York University / Szeged, Hungary)
Jérémie Rostand (Université Laval)
Andrew Royal (University of Calgary)
Pieter Rozenhart (University of Calgary)
Kevin Saff (University of Calgary)
Samir Saker (University of Calgary)
Thomas Salisbury (York University)
Hadi Salmasian (Queen's University)
Bill Sands (University of Calgary)
Alistair Savage (University of Toronto)
Renate Scheidler (University of Calgary)
Anton Schep (University of South Carolina)
Egon Schulte (Northeastern University)
Philip Scott (University of Ottawa)
Luis Seco (University of Toronto)
Robert Seely (McGill University)
Samuel Shen (University of Alberta)
Jia Shen (University of Calgary)
F. Arthur Sherk (U. of Toronto)
Zhisheng Shuai (University of Alberta)
Aaron Siegel (MSRI)
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze (Agder University College)
Alan Silvester (University of Calgary)
Alex Simpson (University of Edinburgh)
David Singmaster
Slawomir Solecki (University of Illinois)
Jozsef Solymosi (University of British Columbia)
Luz Sotomayor (University of Alberta)
Ahmed Sourour (University of Victoria)
Patrick Speissegger (McMaster University)
Benjamin Steinberg (Carleton University)
Juris Steprans (York University)
Anatoliy Swishchuk (University of Calgary)
Franklin Tall (University of Toronto)
Adrian Tang (University of Calgary)
Steven Taschuk (University of Alberta)
Peter Taylor (Queen's University)
Keith Taylor (Dalhousie University)
Paul Taylor (University of Manchester)
Paul Taylor (McMaster University)
Adi Tcaciuc (University of Alberta)
Pamini Thangarajah (Mount Royal College)
Myles Tierney (University of Québec, Montreal)
James Timourian (University of Alberta)
Stevo Todorcevic (University of Toronto)
Csaba Toth (MIT)
Jim Totten (Thompson Rivers University)
Vladimir Troitsky (University of Alberta)
Laura Turner (Simon Fraser University)
John Ursell (Queen's University (Emeritus))
Benno Van Den Berg (University of Utrecht)
P. van den Driessche (University of Victoria)
Alfred Van der Poorten (Centre for Number Theory Research)
Jakobus van Oosten (Utrecht University)
Carlos Videla
Stan Wagon (Macalester College)
Gary Walsh (University of Ottawa, CSE)
Qian Wang (University of Alberta)
Tony Ware (University of Calgary)
Michael Warren (Carnegie Mellon University)
Kerri Webb (University of Lethbridge)
Martin Weber (Technische Universität Dresden)
David Wehlau (Royal Military College)
William Weiss (University of Toronto)
Asia Weiss (York University)
J. Harley Weston (Harley Weston)
Hugh Williams (University of Calgary)
David Wolfe (Gustavus Adolphus College)
Carol Wood (Wesleyan University)
Richard Wood (Dalhousie University)
Robert Woodrow (The University of Calgary)
Graham Wright
Yuan Yuan (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Yongtao Zhu (University of Calgary)
Xingfu Zou (University of Western Ontario)