
Résumés - par conférenciers
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Les résumés seront publiés sur le site Web 10 jours ouvrables après leur
date de
- Abeles, Francine - Lewis Carroll's Visual and Formal Logics
- Ackerberg-Hastings, Amy - John Playfair in letters
- Adamczewski, Boris - On real numbers generated by finite automata
- Akbary, Amir - Mean Values of Product of Modular L-Functions
- Allouche, Jean-Paul - Drawings on the sand in the Vanuatu islands, Indian Kolam,
Sierpinski curves and morphisms
- Ambainis, Andris - A new proof of quantum adiabatic theorem
- Anco, Stephen - Bi-Hamiltonian operators in Lie group geometry and wave maps
- Anderson, Ian - Symbolic Analysis of Lie's Theorem
- Archibald, Tom - Mathematics and the First World War
- Arino, Julien - Mathematical aspects of metapopulation disease models
- Baker, John - The Stability of a General Functional Equation
- Baltus, Christopher - When is a Negative Really a Negative?
- Banakh, Taras - Selection Principles and Games on Multicovered Spaces
- Barone, Robert - History of Floquet's Characteristic Equation
- Bauch, Chris - Dynamic games with imitation predict vaccinating behaviour
- Bayraktar, Erhan - Minimizing the Probability of Lifetime Ruin under Borrowing
- Bell, Jason - Automatic sequences, logarithmic density, and fractals
- Bellhouse, David - A War of Words in Pictures: the dispute between Montmort and
De Moivre over the probability calculus
- Benz, Walter - Hyperbolic geometry via functional equations
- Bergeron, François - Diagonal coinvariant space, what's up?
- Bergeron, Nantel - Lattices, Representations and (Hopf) Algebras
- Berggren, Len - Currents and counter-currents in the history of mathematics
in medieval Islam
- Berman, Leah - Odd Astral Configurations
- Berthe, Valerie - Substitutions, numeration and tilings
- Bessen, Arvid - A Lower Bound for the Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem on a
Quantum Computer
- Bharali, Gautam - Polynomial approximation, local polynomial convexity, and
degenerate CR singularities
- Bierstone, Edward et Pierre Milman - Two short talks on singularities in geometry and analysis:
1. Resolution of singularities; 2. Geometry and differentiable
- Billig, Yuly - Representations of extended affine algebras and hierarchies
of non-linear PDEs
- Biryuk, Andrei - Infinite energy solutions of multi-dimensional Burgers-type
- Bisztricky, Ted - On edge-antipodal polytopes
- Bohman, Tom - Anti-Ramsey Thresholds
- Bokowski, Jürgen - Haskell and the Theory of Oriented Matroids
- Bos, Len - Metrics Associated to Polynomial Inequalities
- Boyle, Phelim - Modeling long term embedded options: Actuarial finance in
- Bradley, Robert - The Genoese Lottery and the Partition Function
- Braverman, Elena - On stability of equations with several delays and Mackey
Glass equation with variable coefficients
- Brendle, Tara - The Birman-Craggs-Johnson homomorphism and the cohomology
of the Torelli group
- Brodskiy, Nikolay - Compression of uniform embeddings into Hilbert space
- Brudnyi, Alexander - Holomorphic Functions of Slow Growth on Coverings of
Pseudoconvex Domains in Stein Manifolds
- Burke, Maxim - Large entire cross-sections of second category sets in
- Burns, Dan - Exterior Monge-Ampère solutions for real convex bodies
- Cachazo, Freddy - One-Loop Amplitudes of Gluons in N=4 super Yang-Mills
- Callaghan, Joe - A Green's function for theta-incomplete polynomials
- Cameron, Kathie - Recent Progress in Colouring Perfect Graphs
- Carette, Jacques - Functors, CPS and monads, or how to generate efficient
algebraic code from abstract designs
- Carteret, Hilary - Noiseless quantum circuits for measuring entanglement
- Cauty, Robert - Approximation by chain mappings and fixed points
- Chanu, Claudia - Conformal Killing tensors and fixed energy R-separation for
the Schroedinger equation
- Chapman, Fred - Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Integration in Multiple Dimensions
via Tensor Product Series
- Chapman, Fred - A Sufficient Condition for Uniform Convergence of a New Class
of Newton Interpolation Series in Two Complex Variables
- Chen, Imin - Diophantine equations via Galois representations
- Childers, Douglas - Sequences of rotation numbers determine degeneracy of a
lamination on the closed unit disk
- Childs, Andrew - The limitations of nice mutually unbiased bases
- Chugunova, Marina - Diagonalization of the Hamiltonian Coupled-mode System in the
Presence of Symmetry
- Cirac, J. Ignacio - Simulating quantum systems
- Cleve, Richard - Nonlocality and limits of fault-tolerant computation
- Cliff, Gerald - Realizing the local Weil representation over a number field
- Cohen, Ed - The Iranian Calendars
- Cojocaru, Alina - Uniform results for Serre's Theorem for elliptic curves
- Cojocaru, Monica - Recent advancements in the theory of projected dynamical
- Coley, Alan - Spacetimes with vanishing curvature invariants
- Collin, Olivier - Floer homology of links of complex singularities and
analytical invariants of Milnor fibres
- Coman, Dan - Invariant currents and dynamical Lelong numbers
- Comanici, Adela - Forced Symmetry Breaking from SO(3) to SO(2) for
Rotating Waves on the Sphere
- Conrey, Brian
- Cooper, Josh - Erdös-Hajnal Sets and Semigroup Decompositions
- Costello, Kevin - On random matrices
- Cunningham, Clifton - Depth-zero Character Sheaves
- Cupillari, Antonella - The sixty-fourth article of the Instituzioni Analitiche
- Currie, James - On k-avoidability of abelian powers and patterns
- D'Alessio, Serge et Ian VanderBurgh - Chasing Imaginary Triangles
- D'Antonio, Lawrence A. - Number Theory from Fibonacci to 17th Century Safavid Persia:
a question of transmission of knowledge
- Dafni, Galia - Div-curl lemmas for local Hardy spaces and BMO
- Daniel, Dale - Applications of selections to the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Problem
- Davison, Tom - D'Alembert's Equation and the Binary Groups
- Dawson, Robert - Non-Edge-to-Edge Triangulations of the Sphere
- Dawson, Robert - "The Hardest Set of Arithmetical Problems in Existence"
- Deeley, Robin - Invariant Classification of Killing Tensors on the Sphere
- Degiovanni, Luca - Classification of Killing tensor on flat 2-manifolds
- Denham, Graham - Discrete Morse theory for infinite complexes
- DeVidi, David - Logical pluralism and the municipal by-laws of thought
- Devlin, Keith - How much mathematics can be for all?
- Diaconescu, Emanuel - A Vertex Formalism for Local Ruled Surfaces
- Dickey, Lee - Steiner Conics
- Dikranjan, Dikran - Compact groups without endomorphisms with infiniteentropy
- Distler, Jacques - Chiral Rings for (0,2) Models
- Dominguez, Xabier - Asterisk topologies on the direct sum of topological Abelian
- Drucker, Thomas - Serendipity in Mathematics
- Dumortier, Freddy - Bifurcation of relaxation oscillations
- Dydak, Jerzy - Extensions of maps to the projective plane
- Eastwood, Michael - Projective Invariance and Killing Fields
- Enache, Cristian - Spatial decay bounds and continous dependence on the data for
the solution of a semilinear heat equation in a long
cylindrical region
- Erdahl, Bob - Voronoi's Conjecture on Parallelotopes
- Falmagne, Jean-Claude - Functional Equations and Invariance in Scientific Laws
- Fedorchuk, Vitali - Some new applications of resolutions
- Finbow-Singh, Wendy - Low Dimensional Neighbourly Polytopes
- Fischer, Pal - On Schroder equations, linearizability and composition
square roots
- Fisher, Chris - Fourier Series and Ovals in Finite Geometry
- Flaxman, Abraham - On the Average Case Performance of Some Greedy Approximation
Algorithms for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem
- Fraser, Craig - Theoretical Cosmology and Observational Astronomy Circa 1930
- Freed, Dan - Correspondences, K-theory, and loop groups
- Frid, Anna - On complexity of infinite permutations
- Friedlander, John - Exceptional characters and the distribution of primes
- Frieze, Alan - Hamilton cycles in 3-out
- Galvin, David - Bounding the partition function of spin-systems
- Garrido, José - Properties of distortion risk measures
- Gerhard, Jürgen - Recent developments in rational summation
- Ghanam, Ryad - Representations for low-dimensional Lie algebras
- Ghitza, Alex - A numerical exploration of mod p Hecke eigensystems
- Gilligan, Bruce - Kaehler homogeneous manifolds
- Giorgi, Pascal - On the use of polynomial matrix approximant in the block
Wiedemann algorithm
- Godard, Roger - Convexity
- Gogus, Nihat - Fusion and Localization of Plurisubharmonic Functions
- Golubitsky, Martin - Nilpotent Hopf Bifurcations in Coupled Cell Systems
- Gonek, Steve - A Statistical Model for the Riemann Zeta Function
- Gordon, Julia - Characters of depth-zero representations and motives
- Graham, Ian - The Caratheodory-Cartan-Kaup-Wu theorem on an
infinite-dimensional Hilbert space
- Grant, Hardy - Greek Mathematics and Greek Science
- Gruenhage, Gary - The Baire property of function spaces with the compact-open
- Gutev, Valentin - Completeness, sections and selections
- Guyenne, Philippe - Solitary wave interactions
- Guyker, James - Vector Spaces of Magic Squares
- Hadarits, Jozsef - Diamonds, Rings, and Squares: Eastern Magic in Western Hands
- Hayden, Patrick - On private communication using a shared reference frame
- Helfgott, Harald - Growth and generation in SL2(Z/p)
- Hervik, Sigbjorn - Spacetimes with Constant Scalar Invariants
- Heuvers, Konrad - A third logarithmic functional equation and Pexider
generalizations (joint work with Palaniappan Kannappan)
- Hillery, Mark - Programmable quantum circuits
- Hoory, Shlomo - Simple permutations mix well
- Horwood, Joshua - Classification of orthogonal coordinate webs in
three-dimensional Minkowski space
- Hoshino, Richard - A Heart-Stopping Solution
- Hubard, Isabel - Twisting self-dual chrial 4-polytopes
- Høyer, Peter
- Ibrahim, Slim - On the global and ill-posedness for a 2D NLS with exponential
type nonlinearity
- Ilie, Monica - On completely bounded Fourier algebra homomorphisms
- Illner, Reinhard - Jeffery's equation: The motion of ellipsoidal bodies in
incompressible viscous flows
- Ionel, Marianty - Special Lagrangian submanifolds in the cotangent bundle of
the sphere
- Irving, John - Tree Pruning and Transitive Factorizations in the Symmetric
- Jackson, David - Combinatorial aspects of the double Hurwitz numbers and
Faber's intersection numbers
- Jaimungal, Sebastian - Catastrophe Options with Stochastic Interest Rates
- Janssen, Jeannette - Infinite limits of random graph models for self-organizing
- Jerrard, Robert - Refined Jacobian estimates and vortex dynamics for the
Gross-Pitaevsky equation
- Jones, Alexander - Enigmas of the Keskinto Astronomical Inscription
- Jupiter, Daniel - Global Approximation of CR Functions on CR Manifolds
- Kamnitzer, Joel - Mirkovic-Vilonen polytopes
- Kamran, Niky - Null surfaces and contact geometry
- Kamran, Niky - Decay of scalar waves in Kerr geometry
- Kani, Ernst - L-functions of certain quotient varieties
- Kaniuth, Eberhard - Stable rank and real rank of group C*-algebras
- Kauffman, Louis - Topological Quantum Computation
- Kawamura, Kazuhiro - Continuous (approximate) roots of continuous functions on
- Kedlaya, Kiran - Finite automata and algebraic extensions of function fields
- Keyfitz, Barbara Lee - Conservation Laws: Past and Future
- Kim, Jeong Han - Phase Transitions in a random NK landscape Model and a random
3-SAT problem
- King, Christopher - Matrix inequalities and multiplicativity results
- Knutson, Allen - Multidegrees, their computation, and applications
- Kogan, Irina - Rational and Algebraic Invariants and the Moving Frame
- Korotkin, Dmitri - Tau-functions on spaces of abelian differentials and
determinants of Laplacians in flat metrics with conical
singularities over Riemann surfaces
- Kotsireas, Ilias - Astronomical Bounds for finding inequivalent Hadamard Matrices
- Kouteynikoff, Odile - Guillaume Gosselin, an algebraist in Renaissance France
- Koyama, Shinya - The double Riemann zeta function
- Kribs, David - On graph algebras and related things
- Krieger, Dalia
- Kunze, Herb - Monotonicity Properties of Reaction-Diffusion Systems
- Kuperberg, Greg - Hybrid quantum memory and its capacity
- Kuperberg, Krystyna - Wild and 2-wild trajectories
- La Nave, Federica - Bombelli and L'Algebra
- Langford, Bill - Near-Reversible 1:1 Resonance
- Larusson, Finnur - The Siciak-Zahariuta extremal function as the envelope of
disc functionals
- Lau, Anthony - Separation and Extension Properties of Positive Definite
Functions on Locally Compact Groups
- Le Breton, Xavier - Tyszka-characterisation property on automatic sequences
- LeBlanc, Victor G. - Toroidal normal forms for delay-differential equations
- Lee, Jung-Jo - Dirichlet Series and Hyperelliptic Curves, Part 2
- Lee, Kyu-Kwan - Spherical Hecke algebras of GL(n) over 2-dimensional local
- Lesosky, Maia - On Generalized Noiseless Subsystems
- Leung, Debbie - Composition of randomization maps
- Li, Michael Y. - Global Hopf Bifurcation in a Delayed Nicholson's Blowfly
- Lipshutz-Yevick, Miriam - Paul Lévy and the Dichotomy between the Normal and other
- Liu, Liping - The Analysis of The Numerical Harmonic Balance Method: on
Duffing's Oscillator
- Loewen, Philip - r = 1 - sin(q)
- Logan, Adam - Descent by Richelot isogeny on the Jacobians of plane quartics
- Lucier, Brendan - Proximity Inversion Functions: A Numeration Approach
- Lupercio, Ernesto - Orbifold String Topology
- MacArthur, Joshua - Computation and Application of the Fundamental Invariants of
Vector Spaces of Conformal Killing Vectors
- Madan, Ved - Information Technology-Impact on Calculus Problem Solving
Skills/Historical Perspective:
- Magal, Pierre - Asymptotic Behavior in Nosocomial Epidemic Models with
Antibiotic Resistance
- Majid, Shahn - Semiclassicalisaton of quantum differentials and Poisson
- Marcoux, Laurent - Amenable, abelian operator algebras
- Martin, Greg - Inequities in the Shanks-Rényi Prime Number Race
- Martin, Robert - On the relationship between discrete and continuous
representations of quantum information
- Masters, Joseph - Quasi-Fuchsian surfaces in hyperbolic knot manifolds
- May, John - Solving Problems in Approximate Polynomial Algebra via SVD
- Mayer, John C. - Thurston laminations of the unit disk, equivalence relations,
and polynomial Julia sets
- Maza, Marc Moreno - Equiprojectable decomposition of zero-dimensional varieties
- McCann, Robert - Fluid flow in the semigeostrophic oceans and atmosphere
- McCluskey, Connell - Hidden Structure in Lyapunov Functions for Epidemic Models
- Melnikov, Alexander - Quantile hedging for Actuarial Risk Management
- Mezo, Paul - Automorphism-invariant representations of real reductive
- Milevsky, Moshe - The Mathematics of Silly Investment Strategies, or How to Win
the Globe and Mail's Stock Picking Contest
- Miller, Willard Jr. - Second-order superintegrable systems
- Milman, Pierre et Edward Bierstone - Two short talks on singularities in geometry and analysis:
1. Resolution of singularities; 2. Geometry and differentiable
- Milson, Robert - Killing tensors as irreducible representations of the general
linear group
- Mishna, Marni - Holonomic sequences and walks in the quarter plane
- Misiolek, Gerard - Recent well-posedness results for the CH equation
- Mohammad-Noori, Mortez - Dejean's conjecture and Sturmian words
- Moktefi, Amirouche - How did Lewis Carroll become a logician?
- Molloy, Michael - Sharp Thresholds in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Montero, Jose Alberto - Stable Critical points to the Ginzburg Landau equations
- Moore, Kristin - Optimal and Nearly-Optimal Strategies for Minimizing the
Probability of Ruin in Retirement
- Morales, Manuel - On the discounted penalty function for the generalized
inverse Gaussian process
- Moshe, Lily - Duality in Inductive Constructions of Circuits in 2-Rigidity
via Tree Partitions
- Mouron, Chris - Periodic points of functions on simple triod-like continua
- Muhly, Paul - Models and Representations
- Muldowney, James - Evolution of exterior products in dynamics
- Murnaghan, Fiona - Distinguished tame supercuspidal representations
- Murty, Kumar - On the order of vanishing of L-functions at the central
critical point
- Nayak, Ashwin - A quantum test for group commutativity
- Neitzke, Andrew - BPS Microstates and the Open Topological String Wave
- Neufang, Matthias - Operator analogues of various algebras arising in abstract
harmonic analysis
- Nevins, Monica - Branching Rules for Principal Series of GL(3)
- Ng, Che Tat - A functional equation arising from the utility of gambling
- Nikitin, Anatoly - On the Galilean vector covariants
- Okounkov, Andrei - Enumerative geometry of curves in threefolds
- Olver, Peter - Lie pseudo-groups
- Oppenheim, Jonathan - Quantum information can be negative
- Orenstein, David - `Greenwich? Ca n'importe. Où est PARIS?' A local
post-Conquest eclipse-based longitude calculation at Quebec
- Ou, Chunhua - Modelling spatio-temporal patterns in epidemiology
- Oversteegen, Lex - On the structure of pseudo convex sets in the sphere
- Owens, Brendan - Unknotting information from Heegaard Floer homology
- Panferov, Vladislav - Regular solutions of the Boltzmann equation in 1D in space
- Perez, Carlos - Models of Quantum Cellular Automata
- Pisanski, Tomaz - Dimension of unsplittable incidence structures
- Pisier, Gilles - Similarity problems and amenability
- Pitts, David - Isomorphisms for Triangular Subalgebras of C*-Diagonals
- Plesser, Ronen - Linear Sigma Models and Coulomb Branches
- Poletsky, Eugene - Relative Disk Envelopes
- Pollanen, Marco - Algebraic Curves for Non-Uniform Pseudo-Random Sequence
- Pralat, Pawel - Protean graphs
- Promislow, David - Pension fund switching
- Pronk, Dorette - Touching Wood-the Shape of Fractal Trees
- Purbhoo, Kevin - The generalised Horn recursion
- Raines, Brian - Inverse limit spaces arising from problems in economics
- Rampersad, Narad - Binary words, avoidable powers, and the constant 7/3
- Remarks, Problems &
- Ribet, Ken - The modularity of some mod p Galois representations
- Riedel, Thomas - Functional equations and an inequality on D+
- Rietsch, Konstanze - Quantum cohomology of G/P and the Peterson variety
- Rigo, Michel - Abstract numeration systems, additive functions and automatic
- Robinson, Robert - Finding Hamilton Cycles in Random Cubic Graphs
- Roetteler, Martin - On the Power of Random Bases in Fourier Sampling: Hidden
Subgroup Problem in the Heisenberg Group
- Roettger, Christian - Periodic points classify some families of Markov shifts
- Rossmann, Wulf - Representations of SL(2,Z) and elliptic modular
- Roth, Mike - Varieties with positive definite intersection form
- Rousseau, Christiane - The problem of the equivalence of two curvilinear angles in
conformal geometry
- Ruan, Zhong-Jin - Group C*-algebras and Related Harmonic Analysis
- Runde, Volker - Amenability of the Fourier algebra in the cb-multiplier norm
- Ruskai, Mary Beth - Completely bounded p-norms in quantum information theory
- Saari, Kalle - On the frequency of letters in morphic sequences
- Saliola, Franco - Geometry and Algebra associated to Hyperplane Arrangements
- Sandifer, Ed - Euler's Calculus Texts
- Sato, Matsuo - Integrability of the AdS5 ×S5 Superstring
- Schulte, Egon - Reflection groups and polytopes over finite fields
- Segal, Sanford - Helmut Hasse
- Seldin, Jonathan - Curry's Formalism as Structuralism
- Shafikov, Rasul - Uniformization of domains with spherical boundary
- Shapiro, Michael - Cluster algebras and Poisson Geometry
- Shapiro, Misha - Single and double Hurwitz numbers
- Silverberg, Joel - The Mathematics of Navigation as Taught in Private Venture
Schools, Academies, and Colleges in the New England Colonies,
- Slodkowski, Zbigniew - Complex surfaces with real analytic plurisubharmonic
exhaustion function
- Smith, Greg - Toric varieties as fine moduli spaces
- Smith, Roger - The Pukanszky invariant in group factors
- Spencer, Joel - Counting Connected Graphs using Erdös Magic
- Spice, Loren - Supercuspidal characters of p-adic SLl, l a
- Spronk, Nicolaas - The Spine of a Fourier-Stieltjes Algebra
- Steprans, Juris - Products of Sequential CLP-compact spaces
- Styan, George - Issai Schur (1875-1941) and the Early Development of the
Schur Complement: Photographs, Documents and Biographical
- Sudakov, Benjamin - Embedding nearly-spanning bounded degree trees
- Sultana, Nahid - Explicit conformal parametrization of Delaunay surfaces in
space forms
- Szechtman, Fernando - The Steinberg lattice of a finite Chevalley group and its
modular reduction
- Szeptycki, Paul - Transversals of almost disjoint families
- Szmigielski, Jacek - Degasperis-Procesi peakons and the discrete cubic string
- Tan, Ken Seng - CTE and Capital Allocation under the Skew Elliptical
- Tattersall, Jim - Arthur Buchheim and an Interpolation Formula
- Taylor, Peter - Introduction and some "Executive Class" Examples
- Taylor, Tara - Finding Gold in the Forest: Fractal Trees and The Golden
- The, Dennis - Symmetries, conservation laws, and cohomology of Maxwell's
equations using potentials
- Thomas, Hugh - The lattice of noncrossing partitions via representation
theory of quivers
- Thomas, Robert - Mathematics as a science
- Thomas, Robert - Euclid's Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Tillmann, Stephan - Angle structures and geometric splittings
- Ting, Fridolin - (In)stability of pinned fundamental vortices
- Tourin, Agnes - A particular fully nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation
arising in Finance
- Trokhimtchouk, Maxim
- Ulmer, Doug - Abelian varieties of large analytic rank over function fields
- Vakil, Ravi - Double Hurwitz numbers and the intersection theory of the
moduli spaceof curves
- van Brummelen, Glen - Al-Samaw'al and the Errors of the Astronomers: Where the
Mistake Really Lies
- VanderBurgh, Ian et Serge D'Alessio - Chasing Imaginary Triangles
- Vanduffel, Steven - Closed-Form Approximations for Constant Continuous Annuities
- Vaninsky, Kirill - Poisson structures on meromorphic functions defined on
Riemann surfaces and classical integrable models
- Verstraete, Jacques - Regular Subgraphs of Random Graphs
- Vidussi, Stefano - Alexander polynomials and symplectic S1 xN
- Wang, Chian-Jen - Distinguished representations of metaplectic groups
- Wang, Jian - Hedging with a Correlated Asset: An Insurance Approach
- Wang, Lin - Convergence of Discrete-Time Neural Networks with Delays
- Weiss, Asia Ivic - Gray graph as medial graph of a 4-polytope
- Whiteley, Walter - Some applications of rigidity to control of formations
- Williams, Gordon - Geometric Realizations of Non-Convex Simplicial Spheres
- Winter, Andreas - Random coding for quantum information
- Wolf, Thomas - Partial and complete linearization of PDEs based on
conservation laws
- Wolf, Thomas - Integrable Quadratic Hamiltonians on so(4) and so(3,1)
- Wolkowicz, Gail - Competition in a chemostat: The effect of delayed response in
- Woods, Grant - Regular rings of functions with Tychonoff domain
- Yang, Dilian - D'Alembert's functional equation on groups
- Yao, Weiguang - Estimate of the population of memory cells and application in
drug treatment
- Yau, Mei-Lin - A holomorphic 0-surgery model with application to cylindrical
contact homology
- Yee, Wai Ling - Signatures of Invariant Hermitian Forms
- Yong, Alexander - On Smoothness and Gorensteinness of Schubert varieties
- Young, Virginia - Correspondence between Lifetime Minimum Wealth and Utility of
- Yu, Jiu-Kang - A construction of types
- Yu, Pei - Bifurcation of Limit Cycles from Perturbed Hamiltonian
Systems and Hilbert's 16th Problem
- Yuan, Yuan - Multiple Bifurcation Analysis of Synchronized Cells with Delays
- Yue, Jin - A moving frames technique and the invariant theory of Killing
- Yurdusen, Ismet - Prolongation Structure and Integrability of the coupled
KdV-mKdV system
- Zhang, Yang - Computing Valuation Popov Forms
- Zhao, Kaiming - Weight representations of higher rank Vorasoro algebras
- Zhu, Qiji - Helly's Intersection Theorem on Manifolds of Nonpositive
- Zwarich, Cameron - Philosophical Implications of Recent Work in Set Theory