
Résumés - par conférenciers
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date de soumission.
- Acrivos, Andreas - Front propagation in suspensions driven by AC dielectrophoresis
- Adimy, Mostafa - A singular transport system describing a proliferating
maturity structured cell population
- Afanasyev, Yakov - Vortex dipoles and wakes in a viscous fluid: asymptotic
theory, numerical simulations and laboratory experiments
- Akila, Ramadan
- Albert, Michael - Candy Nim
- Amundsen, David - Resonant Solutions of the Forced KdV Equation
- Anco, Stephen - Moving frames and integrable PDE maps
- Anderson, I. - Homogeneous Spaces and Maple
- Archibald, Thomas - Hilbert and Bernstein
- Arino, Julien - Competitor-mediated coexistence in a chemostat with variable
- Atzema, Eisso - Lessons on Train Schedules: From String Charts to Teaching
- Bahturin, Yuri - Group gradings on Lie algebras and Casimir elements
- Barbeau, Edward - Getting at the truth
- Bauer, Kristine - The identity functor and rational homotopy theory
- Bauschke, Heinz - Asymptotic behaviour of the composition of two resolvents
- Bélair, Jacques - Bifurcations in a model of the production of white blood cells
- Bennett, Grahame - Summability for those without
- Berlekamp, Elwyn - Quantitative Go, and some other combinatorial games
- Blasius, Bernd - Synchronization of epidemic outbreaks in networks of cities
- Blokhina, Marina - Baroclinic instability in the Black Sea: laboratory experiments
- Bohun, Sean - The Wigner-Poisson System with an External Coulomb Field
- Bonato, Anthony - A unifying model for massive self-organizing networks
- Booth, Peter - On the Classification of Fibrations whose Fibres are Products
of Eilenberg-MacLane Spaces
- Borwein, Peter - The Mahler Measure of Polynomials with Odd Coefficients
- Bowman, John C. - Spectral Reduction of the GOY Shell Model of Turbulence
- Brauer, Fred - Infection-age dependent disease models
- Brooks, Bernard - Rumour Propagation Modeled as a Dynamical System on a Network
- Broto, Carlos - The theory of p-local finite groups: a link between
homotopy theory and group theory
- Buchholz, James H. - Wake Structures and Thrust Produced by Low Aspect Ratio
Flapping Panels
- Bungay, Sharene - Numerical analysis of a bi-directional ring neural network
with delayed feedback
- Bungay, Sharene - Kinetics of thrombin generation in the absence of feedback
- Burciu, Sebastian - On some representations of the Drinfeld double of a Hopf algebra
- Burke, Max - Renormings of C(X) and Borel measurability of separately
continuous functions
- Calin, Claudia Daniela - Coagulation equation with unbounded kernels, particle sources
and sinks
- Cameron, Peter - Homogeneity, randomness, and homomorphisms
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Delayed Coupling Between Two Neural Network Loops
- Campolieti, Joe - A Path Integral Formulation for Pricing Exotic Derivatives
under Alternative Price Processes
- Carrero, Gustavo - Modelling the compartmentalization of splicing factors
- Cass, Peter - A Retrospective on David Borwein's contribution to
mathematical research
- Chanu, Claudia - The Riemannian background of the separation of variables
- Chen, Oliver - Discrete Credit Barrier Models
- Chen, Shaohua - Boundedness and Blowup for the Solution of an
Activator-Inhibitor Model
- Chin, William - Hereditary Coalgebras
- Choboter, Paul - A New Exact Solution of a Nonlinear Model of Coastal Upwelling
- Cisinski, Denis-Charles - Higher topological Galois theory
- Clarke, Nancy - Variations on the Cops and Robber Game
- Clements, John - Simulation and localization of cardiac dysfunction: from
modeling the dynamics to clinical applications
- Cojocaru, Monica - Projected Dynamical Systems and Evolutionary Variational
Inequalities with Applications to Dynamic Traffic Networks
- Cooper, Colin - Random graph models of large networks
- Cotel, Aline - Thermal Impingement at a Stratified Interface-Vorticity and
Interface Dynamics
- Cottrell, David - A backward analysis of simple collisions
- D'Alessio, Serge - Sheared Flow Past A Cylinder
- Dawes, Adriana - Actin network organization at the leading edge of a motile cell
- Day, Troy - Modeling the Effectiveness of Quarantine Strategies
- Derksen, Robert W. - The optimization of a biplane configuration
- Dewar, Megan - Universal Cycles and Block Designs
- Doedel, Eusebius - Bifurcation of periodic orbits in the Circular Restricted
3-Body Problem
- Duan, Zhipeng - Impingement Air-Cooled Plate Fin Heat Sinks-Pressure Drop Model
- Duchene, Eric - A new deletion game on graphs : "Le Picarète"
- Edelstein-Keshet, Leah - Clonal selection of T cells in autoimmune diabetes
- Edge, Jeanette - Fully Developed Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Non Circular
- Edwards, Andrew - Using state-space models to investigate why some fish
populations increase under industrial fishing
- Ellis, Randy - Computer-Assisted Surgery for Bone Deformities
- Enache, Cristian - Some maximum principles for a class of elliptic boundary problems
- Farah, Ilijas - Between von Neumann's and Maharam's problems
- Feldman, Joel - Construction of a 2-d Fermi Liquid
- Fels, Mark - Non-reductive pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of dimension four
- Ferrario, Davide - A cellular (co)homology theory of fibred spaces
- Fitzpatrick, Shannon - Cops, Robbers and Isometric Paths
- Floryan, J. Maciej - On the Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Flows over Rough Surfaces
- Frandsen, Jannette B. - Frequency predictions in water tank structural systems
- Fraser, Craig - Calculus of Variations and Mathematical Existence in the
Nineteenth Century
- Freedman, Herb - ODE Models of Cancer Treatment
- Frigaard, Ian A. - On static bubbles in a visco-plastic fluid
- Funk, Jonathan - Recent results on complete spread geometric morphisms
- Gander, Martin - Moving Mesh Methods and Energy Conservation
- Gilkey, P. - The spectral geometry of the Riemann curvature tensor
- Gottlieb, James - Seeking Solutions to Unsolved Problems Involving
Shock Reflections in Gases and Condensed Matter
- Gourley, Stephen
- Gouveia, Fernando - After the Marquis: the post-history of L'Hospital's rule
- Grant, Hardy - Mathematics in Plato's Thought
- Grunenfelder, Luzius - On Hopf algebras with radical a Hopf ideal
- Guedenon, Thomas - Semisimplicity of the categories of Yetter-Drinfeld modules
and Long dimodules
- Gumel, Abba - Modelling the Impact of Some Anti-HIV Control Strategies
- Gustafson, Stephen - Scattering for the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
- Hampton, Marshall - On Smale's 6th Problem: A solution in the four-body case
- Harren, Matt - Federations in Go Endgames
- Hay, Alexander E. - Large-amplitude internal tides and internal waves in the
lower Bay of Fundy
- Hayes, Wayne - A Practical Shadowing-based Timestep Criterion for Galaxy
- Hazewinkel, Michiel - Hopf algebras of endomorphisms of Hopf algebras
- Heath, Phil - Groupoids and Nielsen product/sum theorems
- Heidler, Kris - Using the Collage Method on the Lorenz System
- Hervik, Sigbjørn - Negatively curved left-invariant metrics on Lie groups
- Hindman, Neil - Almost disjoint large subsets of semigroups
- Holland, David M. - Internal hydraulic jumps and mixing in two-layer flows
- Holloway, Kristi - Numerical simulations of viscous fingering involving a single fluid
- Hoshino, Richard - Bridge-Building Initiatives in Atlantic Canada
- Hubert, Evelyne - Constructive differential algebra for differential invariants
- Humphries, Tony - Numerics and Dynamics
- Iakovlev, Serguei - Shock loading on a fluid-filled cylindrical shell
- Ibragimov, Ranis - Generation of Internal Tides by an Oscillating Background
Flow Along a Corrugated Slope
- Janssen, Jeannette
- Jaworski, Wojciech - Contractive and weakly contractive authomorphisms of locally
compact groups
- Jespers, Erik - Quadratic algebras of skew type
- Johnson, Keith
- Jones, Caroline - Addressing Transitional Issues at UNB
- Jonker, Leo - How to have fun with elementary school mathematics, and turn
it to advantage in a university course
- Jonker, Leo - Creating Opportunities for Engagement
- Joyal, André - Higher stacks and quasi-categories
- Jugroot, Manish - Modelling of Neutral and Ion Transport in Mass-Spectrometer
- Jung, Jae-Hun - The inverse polynomial reconstruction method for the
resolution of the Gibbs phenomena
- Kashina, Yevgenia - Higher Frobenius-Schur Indicators for Hopf Algebras
- Kauffman, Louis - Quantum Invariants of Virtual Knots and Links
- Kevlahan, Nicholas - Suppression of 3D flow instabilities in tightly packed tube bundles
- Kharchenko, Vladislav - Braided version of Shirshov-Witt theorem
- Khouider, Boualem - A numerical model for the barotropic-baroclinic interactions
of equatorial waves
- Kilfoil, Maria L. - Two ways to reorient liquid crystal polymers
- Kim, Sehjeong - Stability of Switching Systems with Time Delay
- Kochetov, Mikhail - Orderability of Hopf algebras
- Kogan, Irina - Noether correspondence for group-invariant variational problems
- Korabel, Vasily - Vortex streets behind translating point force
- Krop, Leonid - Simple Modules for the Quantum Double of the
Frobenius-Lusztig Kernels
- Kucerovsky, Dan - Unusual ideals in the multipliers of C(X)ÄK
- Kunze, Herbert - Using Collage Coding to Solve Inverse Problems
- Kuznetsov, Alexey - Unifying the Three Volatility Models
- Labropulu, Fotini - MHD stagnation point flow of a viscoelastic fluid with heat transfer
- Lai, Yongzeng - Simulating Financial Derivative Sensitivities by Malliavin
Calculus and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods
- Lake, Kayll - An invariant generalization of R and T regions of spacetime
- Lange, Horst - Noncontrollability of the nonlinear Hartree-Schrödinger and
Gross-Pitaevskii-Schrödinger equations
- Laviolette, François - Cop-win graphs and bridge graphs
- Lawi, Stephan - Generating Functions for Stochastic Integrals
- Lawvere, F. William - The map from Euler reals to Dedekind reals
- Levine, Lionel - Fractal sequences and Restricted Nim
- Lewis, Greg - Bifurcations in a differentially heated rotating spherical shell
- Lewis, Mark - Mathematical models for carnivore territories
- Li, Hailiang - On Well-posedness and Asymptotics of Multi-dimensional
Quantum Hydrodynamics
- Li, Xiangwen - Pursuit-Evasion in graphs without a K3, 3-minor
- Li, Yuanlin - Trivial Units For Group Rings With G-adapted Coefficient Rings
- Liang, Dong - Analysis of the S-FDTD Method for Three-Dimensional Maxwell
- Lin, Elaine - Theoretical investigation of the particle boundary layer in
particle-driven gravity currents
- Liu, Hongyu
- Liu, Rongsong - Media/Psychological Impact on Multiple Outbreaks of Emerging
Infectious Diseases
- Lloyd, Alun - Drug Resistance in Acute Viral Infections
- Lohmann, Ulrike - Aerosols and Climate: The Cloud Connection
- Lukács, Gábor - Hereditarily h-complete groups
- Lurie, Jacob - On Infinity-Topoi
- Macdonald, Colin - Constructing High-Order Runge-Kutta Methods with Embedded
Strong-Stability-Preserving Pairs
- Makarov, Roman - Efficient Monte Carlo Pricing of Path Dependent Options Using
High Performance Computing
- Mari-Beffa, Gloria - Invariant evolutions of curves in flat homogenous spaces
- Marinov, Tchavdar - Solitary-Wave Solutions Identification of Boussinesq and
Korteweg-de Vries Equations as an Inverse Problem
- Marinova, Rossitza - Efficient Coordinate Operator Splitting for Incompressible
Navier-Stokes Equations
- Marzocca, Pier - Linear/Nonlinear Indicial Methods for 2-D Lifting Surfaces
- Mastnak, Mitja - About Yetter-Drinfel'd modules over semisimple Hopf algebras
- Masuoka, Akira - More Hopf-algebraic approach to affine (super)group basics
- Mavriplis, Catherine - An Adaptive Spectral Element Method for Complex Fluid Flow
- McCluskey, Connell - Global Results for a Chemostat with Two Species and Two Resources
- McKay, Benjamin - The Blaschke conjecture
- Megrelishvili, Michael - Relatively minimal subgroups
- Mendivil, Franklin - Chaos Games for Wavelet Analysis and Wavelet Synthesis
- Milies, Francisco Cesar Polcino - Free groups and involutions in the group of units of a group
- Militzer, Julio - Numerical Simulations of Vortex Induced Vibrations in Long
Cylinders with the Numerical Wind Tunnel
- Molloy, Susan - Uncertainty Analysis of Powering Prediction Methods of Podded
Propulsor Models
- Montgomery, Patrick - Deceleration of purely rotating curling rocks through wet
- Montgomery, Susan - Stability of the Jacobson radical under Hopf algebra actions
- Morris, Kirsten - Controller Design for Partial Differential Equations
- Muzychka, Yuri - Asymptotic Methods and Scaling Principles in Laminar Internal Flows
- Nazir, Muddassir - Revised Estimates for Continuous Shoreline Fumigation: A PDF
- Nedialkov, Ned - Solving Differential-Algebraic Equations by Taylor Series
- Neufang, Matthias - Decomposability of von Neumann algebras and applications
- Newell, Alan C. - How Kolmogorov spectra are formed
- Ng, Siu-Hung - Frobenius-Schur Indicators for Semi-simple Quasi-Hopf Algebras
- Niefield, Susan - Spaces over B and Homotopy in the Topos of Sheaves on B
- Nikolaev, Igor - On number fields associated to hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Olver, Peter - Moving frames
- Ong, Benjamin - A Moving Mesh Method Based On Level Set Ideas
- Oppong, Felix - Microrheology of complex fluids
- Osterburg, James - The Final Value Problem
- Ottaway, Paul - Even-Odd Games
- Overton, Michael - Optimal Stability and Eigenvalue Multiplicity
- Pare, Bob - The Linear Algebra of Categories
- Parmenter, Mike - Generalized Lie nilpotence and Lie solvability of integral
group rings
- Pelavas, Nicos - VSIi Spacetimes and the e-property
- Peltier, Richard - On the resonant generation of large amplitude internal
solitary and solitary-like waves
- Pestov, Vladimir - Some results and questions about topological subgroups of the
unitary group
- Pike, David - Iterated 2-Cycle Contractions and Strong Connectivity in
Random Directed Graphs
- Pohjanpelto, Juha - Differential Invariants for Pseudogroup Actions
- Poulin, Francis - An Oscillating Jet in the Cape Cod Bay
- Pravda, Vojtech - VSI spacetimes in higher dimensions
- Pravdova, Alena - All spacetimes with vanishing curvature invariants
- Promislow, Keith - Nonlocal Models of Membrane Hydration in PEM Fuel Cells
- Pronk, Dorette - Hammocks and Free Adjoints, an Equivalence of Localizations
- Radford, David - Representations of Pointed Hopf Aglebras
- Radin, Michael A. - Trichotomy behavior of solutions of a rational difference equation
- Rahman, Matiur - Seismic response of earth dams: a theoretical investigation
- Ravenel, Doug - Using Abelian varieties to construct cohomology theories
- Reesor, Mark - Distortion, Relative Entropy Optimisation, and Copulas
- Riley, David - Group algebras whose augmentation ideal is Jacobson radical
- Rogalsky, Tim - Influence of Airfoil Representation on Aerodynamic Design
- Ruan, Shigui
- Ruddick, Barry R. - Differential mixing of heat and salt by breaking internal waves
- Russell, Robert D. - A Review of Some Adaptive Methods for Solving Differential
- Sajna, Mateja - Almost self-complementary graphs
- Schauenburg, Peter - Hopf powers and Hopf orders in some bismash products
- Scull, Laura - Equivariant Formality
- Shawyer, Bruce - Tribute and a Plethora of Remarkable Concurrences
- Shen, Samuel - The Mathematics in the IPCC Report on Detection, Prediction
and Uncertainty of Climate Changes
- Siegel, Aaron - Calculating values of loopy games
- Sivaloganathan, Siv - The use of quasilinear viscoelasticity theory in calculating
the ventricular boundary motion in hydrocephalus
- Skryabin, Sergey - Projectivity and Freeness over Comodule Algebras
- Smirnov, Roman - A new invariant theory: Invariants, covariants and joint
invariants of Killing tensors
- Smith, Frank T. - Multi-branching and networks in biomedical applications
- Solecki, Slawomir - Free groups and small subsets of Polish groups
- Soloman, Afework
- Spiteri, Raymond - A Comparison of Stiffness Detection Methods for Initial-Value ODEs
- Steinberg, Benjamin - On the profinite monoid of closed subsets of a profinite group
- Steprans, Juris - Translation Invariants of Group Actions
- Stockie, John - Parametric Resonance in Immersed Elastic Boundaries
- Straub, David - Mechanical energy input and dissipation in wind-driven ocean
- Sun, Zhengyan - Automated Segmentation of Cerebral Ventricles on CT Images
- Sutherland, Bruce - Reflection, Transmission and Tunnelling of Internal Waves
- Swaters, Gordon E. - Meridional flow of grounded source driven abyssal currents in
a basin with topography
- Szeptycki, Paul - A new class of Lindelof-S spaces
- Takeuchi, Yasuhiro - Permanence of Dispersal Population Models
- Taylor, Tara - Computational Topology and Fractal Trees
- The, Dennis - Invariants of Killing tensors and their applications
- Theriault, Stephen - The H-structure of low rank torsion free H-spaces
- Tholen, Walter - Categories of lax algebras as quasitopoi
- Tian, Geng - Level set methods and applications for motion under
curvature, merging and breaking
- Tsai, Tai-Peng - Boundary regularity criteria for suitable weak solutions of
Navier-Stokes equations
- Tuckerman, Laurette S. - Computational Study of Turbulent-Laminar Bands in Couette Flow
- Tuncali, Murat - On Suslinian Continua
- Tvalavadze, Marina - Classification of simple decompositions of Jordan algebras
and superalgebras
- Tvalavadze, Teymuraz - Simple decompositions of Lie superalgebras
- Tymchatyn, Ed - Lifting paths on quotient spaces
- Vaidya, Naveen - Grown-in Defects Modeling of InSb Crystals
- Valov, Vesko - Extension dimension of maps between metrizable spaces
- van den Driessche, Pauline - Dispersal in Predator-Prey Systems
- van Roessel, Henry - Some Results on Coagulation Equations
- Waite, Michael - Numerical simulations of vortical and wave motion in stably
stratified turbulence
- Wang, Qiang - Generalized Inflations and Null Extensions
- Wang, Rong - A numerical study of time integration schemes for the cubic
Schrödinger equation
- Ward, Michael J. - Summing Logarithmic Expansions in a Low Reynolds Number Flow
- Watmough, James - Multiple setting disease transmission models: quarantine and
- Watson, Bruce - Discrete Power Series Methods
- Wei, Timothy - Fundamental Fluid Dynamics and Olympic Swimming
- Weston, Harley - Bridge Building and Maintenance in Regina
- Williams, Mary - Flow past a cylinder: practical applications in ocean
- Witherspoon, Sarah - Deformations arising from quantum group actions on algebras
- Wolfe, David - Partisan Subtraction Games
- Wu, Jianhong - Modeling Delay and Diffusion via Hyperbolic-Parabolic Equations
- Wu, Ming - Lightning Patterns And Lightning-Caused Transmission Line
Outages Patterns In Alberta
- Xu, Hui - Enhancements to a Runge-Kutta BVODE solver
- Yao, Weiguang - Immune System Memory Realization in A Lattice Population Model
- Yue, Jin - The 1856 Cayley Lemma Revisited
- Zaicev, Mikhail - Group gradings on algebras
- Zeng, Qingling - Identify the Parameters in the Modeling of Infectious Disease
- Zhang, Jianying - Taylor dispersion for generalised non-Newtonian fluids
- Zhou, Yicang - SARS Prediction in China
- Zhu, Huaiping - Modelling the West Nile virus among birds and mosquitoes
- Zhu, Jim - A variational proof of Birkhoff's theorem on doubly
stochastic matrices
- Zvengrowski, Peter - The Order of Real Line Bundles