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The establishment of a Task Force on Office Strategies was approved by the Board of Directors in June 1998 as part of its approval of a comprehensive Strategic Planning document. The Task Force members were appointed in 1999 and consist of:

Richard Kane (President, Chair)

Arthur Sherk (Treasurer)

Graham Wright (Executive Director)

Joan Geramita (Queens)

Edgar Goodaire (Memorial)

Monique Bouchard (Operations Manager, Support Person)

The mandate of the Task Force is to examine and evaluate CMS administrative structures and recommend ways of making it more effective and efficient. Its official mandate is as follows:

1. Workload Review: Review existing procedures for office workload review; considering the distribution of work among the various offices and its appropriateness. Develop strategies for addressing requests for additional administrative support for CMS activities.

2. Staff Assignments: Review staff job descriptions in light of current and future responsibilities of the office and bring forward recommendations.

3. Conference Administration: Develop a process for reviewing conference management and costs and, where appropriate, initiating change.

4. Streamlining: Review all activities of the office identifying tasks that can be streamlined, eliminated and modified for greater efficiency.

5. Broaden Knowledge: Develop a strategy to ensure that knowledge of CMS operations is not restricted to one or two persons; e.g. Policy book(s), enhanced communications strategy.

6. Camel: Review the operations and distribution of responsibilities associated with Camel.

The Task Force met three times: on October 21, 1999 in Toronto; on December 13, 1999 during the Montreal CMS Winter meeting; and on April 10, 2000 in Ottawa. In addition, various consultations took place to obtain opinions on the issues being discussed by the Task Force. Monique Bouchard and Graham Wright consulted with the individual staff members of the Ottawa Office while Richard Kane and Graham Wright met with the Rector of the University of Ottawa to discuss current and future arrangements between the CMS and the University of Ottawa. Several questionnaires were circulated by email: a questionnaire about exhibits at CMS meetings was circulated by Monique Bouchard to all CMS members; a questionnaire about the CMS meeting binder was circulated by Joan Geramita to a number of former meeting directors; and a questionnaire about the adequacy of support provided by the Ottawa office was circulated by Graham Wright to all CMS editorial offices.

This is not the first CMS Task Force to consider the question of rationalizing CMS administration. Two years ago, the Task Force on Budget and Policy, chaired by Arthur Sherk, examined certain aspects of the CMS Ottawa Office and made a number of recommendations. Notably, the report observed that the CMS Executive Office is coming under an increasing work load and stated that there was a need for setting priorities and for more delegation of responsibility. We would like to confirm the observations of that report and also confirm that steps have been taken to implement its recommendations. In addition, job responsibilities of office staff at the Executive Office have been reorganized in various ways, to better handle workloads.

It is clear to this Task Force that, for the past few years, changes in CMS administrative structures have been ongoing. In response to an increased workload, there have been constant and largely successful efforts by the Executive Office to improve its handling of assigned tasks. The workload involved has been somewhat of a moving target since assigned tasks have been growing. This report reflects the efforts of the Executive Office. While it highlights developing problems and suggests possible solutions, much of it is actually an affirmation of changes which have either taken place or are underway.

(1) Growing Role of the CMS

The past few years have witnessed a significant expansion in the activities of the Canadian Mathematical Society and there is every indication that growth will continue to take place in the next decade. Growth has occurred in almost every area in which the CMS has an active involvement. To cite some examples, in the area of research, the semi-annual meetings have increased in size and scope, particularly in the past few years. In the area of education, there has been continued expansion of CMS high school enrichment programs and a new level of involvement in both undergraduate and graduate education. In the past five years Electronic Services has, not surprisingly, become a major forum of CMS activity. In particular electronic publishing of CMS journals was initiated in the past year.

As we will explain in subsequent sections, almost all of these increased activities have led to an increased workload for the Executive Office in Ottawa. Over the past decade, a strategy of centralization is clearly apparent in the administration of CMS activity. It has often been decided that the most efficient and effective way to implement particular tasks is to assign primary responsibility to the Ottawa office. Section Two will outline a number of such decisions. The Task Force supports these decisions and recommends that this strategy of centralization be continued in those cases of the Society's activities under discussion in this report. This report is written with this recommendation as an implicit assumption in all these discussions.

Centralization is still a limited trend. The CMS has an amazing level of participation by its members. In any given year, over 20% are actively involved either via committee work or by helping to organize an event. But as the CMS becomes a more complex and diverse organization there is a need to strengthen, in some ways, the core bureaucracy. It is important that the CMS possess adequate infrastructure to support its many activities. It is the judgement of the task force that further strengthening of the Executive Office is required.

(2) CMS Activities

In this section we outline some added responsibilities which have been assumed, or will be assumed, by the Executive Office as a consequence of an increased level of activity in certain key areas of the CMS.

(2a) Conferences

In the past few years, the semi-annual CMS conferences have become significantly larger in scope. One motivation for this change was the cancellation of the NSERC Conference Grant Program six years ago. It was felt that CMS meetings would have to be more inclusive if they were to be financially viable. But there was also a consensus that, independently of financial considerations, the CMS should be broadening its horizons and attempting to reach out to as much of the mathematics community as possible. In the past few years the number of sessions, on average, has doubled. Registrations, while not doubling, have grown considerably. The four meetings held during 1998 and 1999 averaged over 300 registrants per meeting. Major associated events such as the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference or Job Fairs are also taking place in conjunction with CMS meetings. Thus CMS meetings are increasingly complex events requiring in-depth preparation and planning.

Parallel to this development, the role of the Executive Office in organizing meetings has grown. This is occurring for very valid reasons. The involvement of the Ottawa office ensures efficiency, consistency and quality control. Notably, one doesn't have to re-invent the wheel each time. The Executive Office now handles meeting registrations abstracts, publicity (in particular, the meeting web site on Camel) and book exhibits. It plays a major support role in advising the local organizers and in helping them to plan details of the meeting. The CMS staff is also actively engaged in running the meeting itself, notably Ottawa staff work at the registration desk during meetings. As a result of this more active role by Ottawa staff, along with the increased scale of CMS meetings, the organization of meetings has now become one of the major activities of the Executive Office.

(2b) Publications

The advent of electronic publishing has generated new demands and workload for the Ottawa staff. Journal and Bulletin subscriptions have been dealt with by University of Toronto Press for many years. With the advent of electronic publishing, the Executive Office has been drawn more closely into the processing of these subscriptions, for it is the CMS, via Camel, which must distribute this electronic product. As a result, the Executive Office has become much more involved in the handling of the data of journal subscriptions and in the accounting associated with the subscriptions. The Membership and Publications Agent has been required to deal with significantly larger levels of data entries and the Financial Assistant's position has experienced a surge in invoicing of subscriptions. This work is seasonal but intense.

The dynamics of the situation is likely to lead to a further increase in workload. The current situation vis-a-vis University of Toronto Press has become an awkward compromise with the processing of data being carried on at two sites and duplication of effort occurring. It would appear to be simpler for the Executive Office to assume total responsibility for handling all aspects of journal subscriptions. But the Executive Office would then be assuming the University of Toronto Press workload.

(2c) CMS Membership Drive

The CMS membership drive has created another pressure point regarding the handling of data. The CMS wishes to build links with graduate students in mathematics. The first step was to offer complimentary membership to all such students and build up an electronic discussion group which could be used to disseminate relevant information to these students. As of the end of April, 2000 the membership drive for graduate students had yielded 536 names whose data must be processed.

The Membership and Publications Agent resigned on April 1 while the Financial Assistant has announced plans to resign by June 30 at the latest. Various factors were involved in these decisions. But, in both cases, the nature of the work (which has become more repetitive and lower level) was an important factor. It also seems indisputable that the added workload arising from the new data base responsibilities was an influencing factor in the case of the the Membership and Publications Agent.

(2d) Camel

Subject to the approval of the Board, the Camel administration will be reorganized and consolidated in Ottawa in the coming year. Certain activities would still be carried on at Simon Fraser University but all the day to day activity would be done in Ottawa. It is true that the administration of Camel will be carried on relatively independently of the operations of the rest of the Executive Office. However, a larger Camel presence will generate pressure on office space since it will likely result in at least one more person on site. Moreover, independently of the location of Camel, the success of Camel has led to extra tasks for Ottawa staff. We have already cited the examples of electronic publishing and web sites for CMS meetings. The concentration of Camel staff in Ottawa should facilitate the interaction and planning needed to carry out such joint ventures.

(3) The CMS Executive Office

There is considerable consensus within the CMS that having the CMS Executive Office located in Ottawa has served us well. The Ottawa location provides easy access to government agencies and to a bilingual workforce. It projects a national identity for the CMS. Ottawa has excellent connections with all parts of Canada and has particularly easy access to Montreal and Toronto. In addition, being associated with a mathematics department and imbedded in an academic environment have proven to be beneficial. As well, the University of Ottawa site has provided financial benefits for the Society. For example, the CMS has obtained free Internet access and has been able to use the University's payroll and benefits system. The Task Force recommends that, unless extraordinary circumstances intervene, the CMS Executive Office should be located in Ottawa at a University site.

(3a) Staff

Currently, the four full-time staff are: Operations Manager, Assistant to the Executive Director, Membership and Publications Agent, and Executive Office Clerk. Job descriptions for each position are included in Appendix A. The three part-time staff are: Financial Assistant (1/2 position), Comptroller (1/4 position), and Site Manager of Camel East (2/3 position). Again job descriptions are included in Appendix A. The job description of the Operations Manager was extensively rewritten as part of this Task Force's activities.

It is clear that remedies are needed to deal with the growing demand on this staff as outlined in Section Two. The immediate approach is ad hoc. The position of Membership and Publications Agent is currently vacant and two students have been hired, one of whom is focusing on the large amount of new data entries. As well, the Operations Manager is doing membership and subscription renewal entries and is overseeing the work of the students. This is very much a temporary arrangement and it is clear that some expansion in staff will be required in the near future. In particular, the acquisition from University of Toronto Press of full responsibility for the handling of publication subscriptions would certainly precipitate such an expansion.

Two possibilities are currently being considered. One would be the creation of a Data Entry Clerk position. This could be either a part-time or a full-time position. It could also be a joint position shared with another organization. Possible organizations include the Mathematics Departments at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, as well as other professional societies on these campuses. At the moment the plan is to evaluate the effectiveness of outsourcing data entry before deciding on the need for this position and its format.

The other possibility is an expanded Comptroller position which would handle some of the current responsibilities of the Financial Assistant, in order to free that person to better handle subscription management. Accounts payable duties as well as reconciliation duties would be transferred. The expanded position would be a 1/2 position rather than a 1/4 position.

In view of the potential expansion of the Executive Office one might also consider incorporating some of the current financial duties of the Operations Manager into such a position. Such a change would allow the Operations Manager to devote more time to the task of the supervision of office staff. The involvement of the Operations Manager in budget preparations and in audits should, however, be maintained.

The restructuring suggested above would significantly impact the vacant position of Membership and Publications Agent as well as the soon to be vacant position of Financial Assistant. So until decisions are made, it does not seem possible to re-staff these positions. This is not a situation which will be long tolerable in an already overworked office. There are some genuine issues to resolve: one is looking for an effective arrangement which is both cost effective and also takes into account the current restraints on space in the Executive Office. For example, the effectiveness of such approaches as outsourcing or electronic submission of data needs to be evaluated. But it should also be recognized that decisions need to be achieved as quickly as possible.

(3b) Physical Space

Physically, the Executive Office occupies the first floor of a converted house on the University of Ottawa campus. It is adjacent to the building housing the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The Executive Office site is 828 square feet in size and is divided into three offices plus a reception area. Four full-time and two part-time staff are housed in the office. The full time staff have their own desks while the part time staff are able to share, currently, a desk because of staggered work schedules. The work space is, to say the least, fully utilized. The Executive Director, who is currently a faculty member at the University of Ottawa, is able to use his faculty office in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics as the Executive Director's office. The Site Manager for Camel East, who is a part time faculty member, uses his faculty office as the Camel East office.

A significant space problem is looming. There are several ways in which more staff are likely to soon be added.First of all, as already mentioned in Section Two, it is likely that the administration support for Camel will soon be centred in Ottawa, with at least one more person on site. Secondly, as the discussion above indicates, there are active plans to augment current staff in order to handle the increased workload. We should also add that the retirement of the current Executive Director, when that occurs, will likely end the existing use of a faculty office and require us to find dedicated space for the Executive Director elsewhere. Another space problem is connected with archiving. Even now the CMS does not have space to store its records. It has to rent storage space.

Options for obtaining more space on the University of Ottawa campus are beginning to be explored. One option is to obtain more space in the existing building. The other option is to obtain new, and larger, space elsewhere on campus. This will be actively pursued. A building program is underway at the University of Ottawa and is likely to result in the relocation of various departments, including the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Over the next year the University will be making decisions about space allocation. The CMS will submit a formal application to the University, outlining its space needs, by the end of this summer. In addition, the possibility of upgrading and utilizing space on the second and third floor of the building housing the Executive Office is being actively explored. The option of commercial space off campus in Ottawa has not been explored.

(3c) Technical Support for the Executive Office

There are some deficiencies in the technical support currently being provided for the Executive Office. For the past few years, the support has been provided by two individuals on a contract basis. One has been providing assistance with the CMS database and this has been working well. The LAN Support Person is a full-time employee of the University of Ottawa Computing Services and this person has not been able to respond to problems as quickly as needed and has not been particularly pro-active in making sure that upgrades to the CMS LAN are done.

So, at times, unofficial support has often been provided by the Site Manager for Camel East. At the moment, granted financial realities, the plan is to stay with the status quo even though it is not a totally desirable state of affairs. The needs of the Executive Office do not warrant a full-time technical support person. And Camel resources are only adequate to provide some occasional supplemental technical support. It is hoped that joint planning can bring about improvements and ensure that such supplemental support is more effective.

(3d) Conference Administration

The increased administrative demands of CMS meetings on the Executive Office was described in Section Two. The Task Force has a number of suggestions for facilitating these tasks.

The Operations Manager has always been the major liaison person for the CMS office regarding meetings. This role will continue. During the past few meetings, other Ottawa staff members have also participated -the Membership and Publications Agent and the Assistant to the Executive Director. The presence of additional staff at the meetings has proved useful and should continue. In particular, at semi-annual meetings, it would be a useful experiment to have the Assistant to the Executive Director, rather than the Operations Manager, deal with the Minutes of the Executive and Board meetings. The purpose would be to provide the Operations Manager with more time to deal with meeting arrangements.

An additional role for the Executive Office in registration is being contemplated. So far, at each meeting, the organizers have negotiated special rates at specified hotels; this information has then been provided to meeting participants who are left free to make their own arrangements. As a result of this, the meeting organizers typically have very inaccurate information about the number of hotel bookings associated with the meeting. On the other hand, financial concessions by hotels for the use of public functions rooms is based on the number of bookings resulting from the meeting. At the Vancouver Winter meeting, the Executive Office will, as an experiment, handle not just meeting registrations but also hotel registrations. The tradeoff which must be assessed here is the amount of money lost through lack of information versus the extra amount of work handling hotel registrations will entail for the Executive Office. There is also a question of the extent to which registrants will desire to personally handle their hotel arrangements.

Responsibility for the web site is one of the most recent initiatives of the Executive Office. A variety of considerations lead to this decision, notably the need for accuracy of information and the desire for consistency of format. The McMaster meeting is the first meeting where the CMS office has played a shaping role regarding the meeting web site and we applaud the results.

For many years, the CMS has attempted to handle most reimbursement of speaker's travel expenses during the meeting. Provided receipts were presented, a cheque could be issued before the end of the meeting. If for no other reason than the increased size of CMS meetings, this on site reimbursement practice is proving increasingly difficult to implement. We support the proposal to eliminate it. The Meeting Directors for both Math 2000 and Winter 2000 have agreed to follow this policy.

Book exhibits are a traditional event at CMS meetings. They do however require considerable time and effort to organize. And reservations about their effectiveness have been raised, including by the exhibitors themselves. But a survey of CMS members elicited strong support for continuing the exhibits at each meeting. We recommend that the possibility of limiting exhibits to the winter meeting still continue to be explored.

The information binder provided by the CMS to meetings organizers is an encyclopedia of information. Its importance was acknowledged in a survey of recent meeting directors. However many of these directors also mentioned that the sheer volume of detail present in the binder makes it difficult to use. While recognizing the necessity of such a binder we recommend that a more condensed version of the meeting binder should also be available. In particular, this condensed version should contain a "what to do and when" list. This information should also be made available on the Camel web site. As a first step in this direction, a "meeting organizers" page on the Camel web site has been created and the first documents -a Meeting profile for a Summer Meeting and a Winter Meeting- have recently been mounted.

We also support the establishment of an explicit process for reviewing conference management and costs and, where appropriate, initiating change. After each meeting, this type of consultation currently takes place on an informal basis, involving the meeting organizers, the Executive Director and the Operations Manager. We recommend that this process be formalized and, in particular, that a record of the meetings be kept.

(4) Other Sites

Besides the Executive Office there are eight other editorial offices located in various Canadian universities which are dealing with sundry aspects of CMS publications. Manitoba is the site of the Tex Office for CMS publications as well as the office of the current Managing Editor. Support staff for this office is also located in Calgary. The Manitoba Tex office is presently under utilized. We strongly support any efforts to pursue new ventures which would fill this gap.

There are editorial offices, each devoted to a particular CMS publishing venture, located in the following universities: Memorial (Crux with Mayhem), Dalhousie (Notes), McGill (Conference Series), McMaster (Bulletin), UBC (Journal), and SFU (Book Series). The various editors are allowed to develop their own editorial policies (subject to the review of the Publications Committee). Communication with the Executive Office has mainly been focused on budget decisions. These offices expressed general satisfaction with the support being provided by the Executive Office.

Editors are often provided teaching release in compensation for their editorial duties. The CMS has articulated a principle that the costs of this buyout should be shared by the host university and by the CMS. We endorse this principle and can report that it is currently in effect in all relevant cases.

(5) Broadening of Knowledge

Maintaining an institutional knowledge is crucial for the CMS. These are several obvious steps which could be taken. Effective immediately, the Executive Office should be archiving Board motions so that a coherent document outlining all mandated policy will be available. In order to have as thorough a document as possible, we also recommend that a "student" should be hired to work backwards as far as possible through Board Minutes

It is also recommended that a procedural manual for each staff position in the Executive Office should be prepared and constantly updated. This responsibility has now been added to the job description of each staff member (see Appendix). However focus will be needed to ensure that manuals are developed and maintained.

Richard Kane May 17, 2000

Executive Summary

In this section we summarize the main conclusions and recommendations of the report

(a) The Task Force supports the strategy of limited centralization regarding the administration of the CMS activities discussed in this report

(b) The Task Force supports the current arrangement of having the CMS Executive Office located in Ottawa at a university site. Unless extraordinary circumstances intervene, this arrangement should be continued.

(c) A significant space problem is looming in the Executive Office . It is recommended that increased space on the University of Ottawa campus be vigorously pursued.

(d) There are growing workload pressures on the existing staff at the Executive Office. It is recommended that some expansion in staff take place in the near future.

(e) There are some deficiencies in some of the technical support currently being provided for the Executive Office. It is recommended that appropriate steps be taken to ensure that adequate technical support is provided to the Office.

(f) Editors are often provided teaching release in compensation for their editorial duties. The CMS has articulated a principle that the costs of this buyout should be shared by the host university and by the CMS. The Task Force endorses this principle.

(g) The presence of additional staff at CMS meetings has proved useful and it is recommended that it should continue.

(h) It is recommended that onsite reimbursement of speaker's travel expenses for CMS meetings be eliminated

(i) It is recommended that the CMS should continue to explore the possibility of limiting exhibits to the Winter meeting.

(j) It is recommended that a more condensed version of the CMS meeting binder should also be available. In particular, this condensed version should contain a "what to do and when" list.This information should also be made available on the Camel web site.

(k) We support the establishment of an explicit process for reviewing conference management and costs and, where appropriate, initiating change. A record of meetings be kept.

(l) It is recommended that, effective immediately, the Executive Office should be archiving Board motions

(m) It is recommended that a procedural manual for each staff position in the Executive Office should be prepared and constantly updated.

Appendix A: job descriptions for executive office staff

(I) JOB DESCRIPTION #1: Operations Manager


Job Title : Operations Manager

Hay Points : 390 (Admin Coordinator 1992)

Last Revised : April 5, 2000

Primary Function

The Operations Manager is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society and reports directly to the Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as "Director"). The Operations Manager (hereinafter referred to as "Manager") is responsible for the administration of the Society's Executive Office (hereinafter referred to as "Office"), which includes supervision of all support personnel at the Office and the performance of financial and other duties.

The position requires significant administrative and financial experience, a willingness to travel and work well beyond normal office hours, sound judgement, analytic thinking, considerable initiative, and independence, ingenuity, a pleasant personality and confidentiality.

The individual must be bilingual and must have excellent oral, written and interpersonal communications skills. This individual is required to work with a changing Executive, Board of Directors, Standing Committee Chairs as well as with the other personnel at the other offices of the Society, most of which are not located in Ottawa. With such a changing Executive, Board, etc., the Manager provides the crucial continuity for the on-going operations of the Society. In the absence of the Director, the Manager reports to the President on the administrative and related operations of the Society.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of the Manager include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

(a) Development of operational plans: Assignment of Office resources to provide administrative support for Society programmes, including conferences, committee projects and activities, and the subscription management of research and educational journals and other publications.

(b) Supervision of Office staff: Development of job descriptions, training programmes, assignment of work schedules and priorities, and review of work performance. Ensuring that project schedules are created and that staff members create and maintain procedural manuals.

(c) Database systems: Overseeing the development of tables, queries, forms and reports for the management of the Society's database systems. Working with Access consultants when appropriate.

(d) Society reports and publications: Production of the Membership Directory, Annual Report, Guidelines for Conference Organizers, and other Office publications. Copy Editor for the CMS Notes.

(e) Meetings and conferences: Development and implementation of procedures for the semi-annual meetings. Travel to the meeting sites to ensure all policies, procedures, etc, are in place and conducive to a successful meeting. Member of all meeting committees, development and distribution of conference planning documents to Meeting Directors and Chairs of Local Arrangements Committees.

Development and distribution of registration and advertising material for CMS meetings. Serves as meeting registrar. Develops Access tables, queries, forms and reports. Soliciting of exhibitors and advertisers for the semi-annual meeting and establishing that adequate arrangements are in place for such exhibitors.

Coordinates material appearing on CMS meeting web sites. Reviews structure and content of meeting web sites and requesting appropriate changes and additions to ensure that the site meets the needs of the organizers and participants.

Processing of travel claims for meeting speakers. Reconciling all revenue and expenses and produces financial report for meetings. Ensuring that Meeting Directors submit scientific reports.

(f) CMS business meetings: Responsible for agendas, arrangements, documentation and other factors related to the Society's Executive, Board of Directors, and General meetings. Is the recording secretary for these meetings and submits the minutes of same to the Society's Secretary. Is also coordinator for CMS business meetings programme at CMS semi-annual meetings.

(g) CMS committee and board appointments: Ensuring accuracy of current and historical database information. Works with Assistant to the Executive Director on CMS elections and processing of committee and board nomination material.

(h) Budgeting, revenues and expenses: Develops yearly schedule for budget preparation. Ensures receipt of budget submissions from committees and boards. Member of budget preparation committee.

Establishes accounts with suppliers and university departments. Reviews all expense invoices and gives posting instructions.

Ensures that staff members complete all required reconciliations for submission to the Comptroller for review.

Development of supplemental queries, forms and reports for financial reports not in IOA library. Preparation of additional IOA and other financial reports as required. Working with IOA consultant when appropriate.

Development of yearly schedule for preparation of audit file. Ensures receipt of final expense invoices and audit confirmations.

(i) The Manager shall have such other responsibilities, shall execute any special projects, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Director.

The Manager shall ensure own self-development. This is of particular importance since the Manager is called upon to use multiple software packages which are upgraded on a regular basis.

Working Conditions

Responsibilities and deadlines require the incumbent to work outside normal hours and, therefore, not to be limited to a "standard work schedule".

A willingness to travel within Canada and establish excellent communications with all those working on behalf of the Society is essential.

Approved by:




Executive Director & Secretary

JOB DESCRIPTION #2: Executive Office Clerk

Job Title : Executive Office Clerk

Hay Points : 156

Last Revised : April 5, 2000

Primary Function

The Executive Office Clerk (hereinafter referred to as "Clerk") is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society and reports directly to the Operations Manager (hereinafter referred to as "Manager"). The Clerk must be fluently bilingual and the primary responsibilities are to attend to the secretarial duties for the Society's Executive Office. This means performing secretarial duties for all support staff.

In order to perform the duties of the position, the incumbent is required to use the following equipment/software:

- Electronic telephone, Facsimile machine

- Electronic mail

- WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows

- Access

- Pitney Bowes Postage by Phone mailing system

- Photocopier

Major Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the Clerk include, but are not necessarily limited to:

Correspondence/Information Requests:

- Using the CMS database, and under the direction of the Executive Director, would produce letters of thanks to retiring committee members.

- Works with Chair of the Endowment Grants Committee on the yearly Endowment Grants Competition.

- To respond to requests for information regarding the Society, membership, subscriptions, publications, etc., in a prompt, courteous and informative fashion.

- To handle all routine correspondence, incoming and outgoing Fax transmissions, and initial response to the Society's e-mail.

Records Management:

- Maintaining, updating and periodically reviewing all office and invoice files.

- Filing of paid invoices and other correspondence, reports pre-coded by staff members (with exception of membership forms, subscription forms and claims)

- Archiving of CMS files, subscription publications and other materials

Data Bases:

- Maintains databases for CMS semi-annual meetings, issuing receipts and name badges. Receives and reviews all meeting registrations, by email and hardcopy, identifying plenary, prize and session speakers, ensuring that appropriate registration categories have been selected. Issues and distributes weekly registration reports for the Meeting Director.

- Maintains data base of office files and prints updated listings on a monthly basis.

- Maintains database for the Statistical Society of Ottawa and performs mailings to SSO membership, as instructed by SSO.


- Responsible for all mass mailings of material in connection with Society periodicals, meetings, publications, renewals, elections, etc., using correct postal rates and custom forms as required by Postal regulations.

- From the publication storage area, gets and sends publications as per invoices.

- Ensures that the most recent postal information is available and posted.

- Completes monthly reports detailing use of postage. This is done using already prepared customized forms.

Office Supplies:

- Maintains inventory of office supplies and makes monthly purchase orders.

- Responsible for maintaining inventory records, including the performance of the year-end inventory count for transmission to the Assistant to the Executive Director. - this item is currently under review.


- To handle in a courteous and efficient manner all initial contact of visitors to the Society Executive Office, in person or by phone.

- To redirect incoming calls as appropriate.

- Receipt and distribution of all incoming and outgoing mail (post, couriers and electronic mail).

- Responsible for maintaining the display unit, changing sample publications as needed.


- The Clerk shall have other responsibilities, shall executive any special projects, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed.

- The Clerk shall ensure own self-development. This is of particular importance since the Clerk is called upon to use multiple software packages which are upgraded on a regular basis.

Working Conditions

This is a full-time position with working hours corresponding with those of the University of Ottawa.

Approved by:


Operations Manager, Immediate Supervisor


Executive Director & Secretary

JOB DESCRIPTION #3: Membership and Publications Agent

Job Title : Membership and Publications Agent

Hay Points : 263

Last Revised : April 5, 2000 (removing database duties)

The Membership and Publications Agent (hereinafter referred to as "MP Agent") is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society and reports directly to the Operations Manager (hereinafter referred to as "Manager").

The MP Agent is required to maintain schedules and is responsible for the accurate maintenance of the Society's membership and subscription databases. This necessitates extensive use of several software packages including Access, WordPerfect, Netscape and Pine Email.


- excellent organizational skills

- excellent analytical and problem solving skills

- in-depth word-processing and database experience are essential

- excellent and proven communication skills in both official languages

- the ability to work with diligence and accuracy within established schedules


The MP Agent is responsible for the administration of the Society's membership and subscriber renewal programmes. This includes overseeing the work of the database clerk, as well as development and distribution of marketing materials for these and other programmes, including representing the Society at publishers' exhibits at CMS and other society meetings and conferences.

(a) Memberships, Subscriptions and Publications: The MP Agent is responsible for the administration and maintenance of the Society's membership and subscribers renewal programmes. This includes the following:

- overseeing work of Database Clerk

- handling inquiries from members and subscribers

- renewal notices and reminders for memberships and subscription publications

- producing database and subscriber reports for associated publishers

- regular verification of the CMS and other associated publishers reports

- investigation and resolution of all claims

- invoicing and distribution of all publication orders

- producing other reports and documents as may be required

(b) Assistant to Managing Editor:

- review of incoming correspondence

- maintaining print-run schedule for subscription publications,

receiving print-run reports from Database Clerk, obtaining appropriate approvals and distributing print-run report as required

- research and preparation of correspondence, documents and reports

(c) Marketing:

- production and distribution of publications catalogue and brochures

- coordinates pricing, renewal and subscription material appearing on CMS web sites. Reviews structure and content of meeting web sites and requesting appropriate changes and additions to ensure that the site meets the needs of the Society, its members, subscribers and other clients.

- reserving space, furniture, staffing and associated duties related to exhibits at CMS and other meetings

- preparation and shipment of materials to and from meeting and exhibit sites

- development of marketing materials for use in exhibits

- research and preparation of reports and other documents to aid in marketing of CMS memberships, subscriptions and publications

(d) General: The MP Agent must perform the required duties and responsibilities with minimal supervision.

The MP Agent must develop and maintain the procedure manuals related to this position.

The MP Agent shall have such other responsibilities, shall execute any special projects, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed.

The MP Agent is responsible for his/her professional development.

Working Conditions:

This is a full-time position with standard benefits and working hours.

Approved by:


Operations Manager, Immediate Supervisor


Executive Director & Secretary

JOB DESCRIPTION #4: Assistant to the Executive Director

Job Title : Assistant to the Executive Director

Hay Points : 235

Last Revised : April 28, 1998

Primary Function

The Assistant to the Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as "Assistant") is appointed by the Executive Director (hereinafter referred to as "Director") of the Canadian Mathematical Society and reports directly to the Director. The Assistant provides secretarial and administrative support to the Director and provides editorial assistance for the Society's newsletter, the CMS Notes.

The position requires imagination and good organizational skills. The Assistant is required to maintain strict publishing and other schedules and to deal with a variety of individuals inside and outside the organization. Good oral, written and interpersonal communication skills are essential in this position.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of the Assistant include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

Assistant to the Executive Director

Meets with the Executive Director on a daily basis. Types correspondence, documents, reports, press releases, etc. and makes necessary telephone enquiries as required by the Director. Reviews all incoming correspondence, responds when possible, composing letters when required, consulting with the Director when appropriate. This requires a high level of secretarial and organizational skills.

Works with the Executive Director on the donations campaign.

Editorial Assistant for CMS Notes (full-time 1 1/2 - 2 weeks per month)

Will receive and prepare all material for inclusion in the CMS Notes (8 issues per year) using the Latex typesetting software, with its established style files and compilers. Will review material with the Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editor. Will prepare layout of advertisements, announcements, articles abstracts, etc. and prepares a draft of the issue for submission to the Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editor. Will coordinate each issue with the Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editor.

Will prepare a list of invoices to be issued for advertising.

Reviews and prepares preliminary french material being submitted to the CMS Notes.

Mathematical Competitions Programme (1/2 time during approx. 6 months)

Works closely with the Chairs of the Mathematical Olympiads Committee (MOC), the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) Committee, the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) Committee, the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Committee, the Education Committee and provincial coordinators, will perform necessary administrative and secretarial duties for the Society's competitions programme, including the preparation and distribution of registration and examination materials. Will also maintain the necessary databases for the CMO, be involved in the preparation of the CMO exam material and related forms. Is also responsible for maintaining the CMO data base, preparation of the CMO report and distribution of any prizes.


Works with the chairs of the Nominating, Publication, Research, and possibly other committees to distribute, receive and keep track of biographical information forms which are required from all members being considered for membership on a CMS standing or ad-hoc committee, editorial board or being nominated for various CMS prizes. Ensures that material is filed appropriately for consideration at upcoming meetings of the Executive and Board of Directors.

Abstracts Coordinator for CMS Meetings (four days twice per year - June and December)

Coordinates the preparation of abstracts for semi-annual meetings in Latex format for publication in the CMS Notes and the meeting programmes.


In the absence of the Administrative Coordinator, will oversee the operations of the Executive Office.

Will act as the recording secretary for staff meetings.

Software Requirements

In order to perform the above tasks, the Assistant is required to use Latex, WordPerfect, Access, Lotus, and Pine (electronic mail) software.


The Assistant shall have such other responsibilities, shall execute any special projects, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed.

The Assistant shall ensure own self-development. This is of particular importance since the Assistant is called upon to use multiple software packages which are upgraded on a regular basis.

Working Conditions

This is a full-time position with working hours corresponding with those of the University of Ottawa.

Holiday Schedules

Holiday schedules are determined by the Administrative Coordinator. Two-weeks advance notice is required before any holidays can be approved. Holidays may not be taken during certain time periods, particularly during the week before, during and after any meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society and during year-end work. After reviewing the impact on office scheduling, decisions on holidays will be communicated as soon as possible. All efforts will be made to grant the preferred choices.

Approved by: ____________________________________________

Administrative Coordinator, Immediate Supervisor


Executive Director & Secretary

JOB DESCRIPTION #5: Comptroller

Job Title : Comptroller

Hay Points : not determined

Last Revised : April 5, 2000

Under the authority and direction of the Operations Manager, the CMS Comptroller oversees the financial records of the CMS and performs internal audit duties.


- in-depth knowledge of accounting and internal auditors principles and procedures

- knowledge of fund-based accounting

- the ability to work with diligence within established priorities and schedules

In order to perform the duties of the position, the incumbent is required to use the following equipment/software:

- Integrated Office Accounting

- Lotus 123

- Pine email

Working Conditions:

A total of the above estimated time budgets for the year is 329 hours.

This is equal to a 1/4 time position (based on 1820 for full-time)

Possible changes to this position:

If it is deemed appropriate and the following duties are moved from the Financial Assistant to the Comptroller position, it is estimated that this could become a 1/2 time position:

New duties (not yet included below) may include : Accounts Payable

All monthly reconciliations

Production of month-end reports


The duties of the Comptroller include, but are not limited to, those listed below.

Budget Preparation: 10 days per year (=75 hours)

Member of the budget preparation committee. This involves attendance at all budget preparation meetings (6-7 days) and includes analysis and updating spreadsheet formats and formulas and the preparation of interest income budgets for all funds and other materials as needed.

Monthly duties: 12.5 hrs per month

Preparation and posting of monthly journal vouchers required to process adjusting entries resulting from deposits, transfers, investment and other transactions for the previous period. Posting of such vouchers should be done by month-end. All entries resulting from investment and bank account reconciliations are to be completed by the end of the following month.

Review and verification of month-end reports (prepared by Financial Assistant).

This involves internal audit of procedures, reports and related financial matters.

Reconciliation of accounts, as required by CMS and auditors.

The following reconciliations may be delegated to the Financial Assistant, however, the completion and submission of all reconciliations remains the responsibility of the Comptroller :

A/R - Invoices

A/R - Stats Society

A/R - Royal Society

A/P - Royal Society

Membership and subscription income - earned and unearned

Meeting revenue and expenses

Direct involvement in development and maintenance of computerized accounting system (using IOA-Integrated Office Accounting). This includes monitoring the chart of account structure and making recommendations for upgrade or modification of the system.

Treasurer's Report: 30 days after field audit 25 hours

Compilation of Treasurer's Report for approval. This report should be produced using queries and reports from the IOA programme.

Government Reports: 30 days after field audit 9 hours

Completion of government reports for approval and submission by deadline dates, including, but not limited to:

Registered Charity Information Return and Public Information Return (T3010)

Goods and Services Tax Return

Year-end and Audit Procedures: 70 hours

(including 10 hours meetings/phone calls)

Completion of year-end procedures required to produce draft year-end financial statements and prepare for the year-end audit of the CMS accounts. These would include, but are not limited to:

- ensuring that all necessary reconciliations are completed

- ensuring that all necessary year-end adjusting entries are posted and books are closed

- preparation of all schedules and working papers for the external auditors

- meeting with CMS officials and auditors, as required, to review audit matters

Other accounting duties:

Performance of other duties and production of other reports as may be required.

Approved by:


Operations Manager, Immediate Supervisor


Executive Director & Secretary

JOB DESCRIPTION # 6: Data Base Clerk

Job Title : Database Clerk

Hay Points : not determined

Last Revised : April 5, 2000 (new position)

The Database Clerk (hereinafter referred to as "Clerk") is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society and reports directly to the Membership and Publications Agent (hereinafter referred to as "Agent"). The Clerk is responsible for the accurate maintenance of the Society's membership and subscription databases. This necessitates extensive use of Access.


- excellent and fast data inputting skills, with high accuracy

- in-depth database experience - Access database experience preferred

- the ability to work with diligence within established priorities and schedules


(a) Database research:

- research payments received with no member/subscriber identification,

for submission to Accounts Receivable Clerk

- research database for new members/subscribers to avoid duplication of entities

(b) Database input:

- individual, institutional and individual donations and grants

- Individual, institutional, corporate and affiliate memberships

- individual and institutional subscriptions

- on-line subscription information

- new and revised information for employers, departments, vendors, exhibitors, etc.

(c) Database output:

- performing daily Camel Export using Access programme

- issuing ordinary and income tax receipts

- issuing confirmation CMS ID numbers and passwords

- issuing missed issue memos and labels - for use by Agent

- issuing subscription print-run reports - for use by Agent

- issuing monthly subscription transfer reports - for use by Agent

- issuing monthly reconciliation reports - for use by Agent

- producing other reports and documents as may be required

(d) Filing:

- coding of any documents to be filed in the CMS filing system and submission to Executive Office Clerk for filing

- Directly responsible for filing of all membership forms, subscription forms and claims.

(e) General: The Clerk must perform the required duties and responsibilities with a high level of accuracy.

The Clerk must develop and maintain the procedure manuals related to this position.

The Clerk shall have such other responsibilities, shall execute any special projects, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed.

The Clerk is responsible for his/her professional development.

Working Conditions:

This is a full-time position with standard benefits and working hours.

Approved by:


Membership and Publications Agent, Immediate Supervisor


Executive Director & Secretary

JOB DESCRIPTION #7: Accounts Payable Clerk

Job Title : Accounts Payable (and G/L?) Clerk

Hay Points : 191 (Financial Clerk points)

Last Revised : April 5, 2000

The Accounts Payable Clerk (hereinafter referred to as "A/P Clerk") is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society and reports directly to the Operations Manager (hereinafter referred to as "Manager").

The A/P Clerk is required to provide timely and accurate financial services, necessitating the use of various software, including InstaLink depositing system, accounting software (currently Integrated Office Accounting), Access, WordPerfect, Lotus spreadsheet, and Pine Email.


- 5 years of recent experience in accounts payable and reconciliation of accounts

- accuracy

- proven spreadsheet and computerized accounting experience

- proven ability to maintain schedules and meet deadlines

- excellent and proven communication skills (preferably bilingual)


Major Duties and Responsibilities

Accounts Payable:

- posting of all accounts payable using IOA accounting software

- verifying payables and preparation of cheques for signature by authorized signatories

- weekly posting of the A/P ledger to the general ledger


- printing of weekly general ledger activity reports for submission to Operations Manager and Executive Director

- under the direction of the Executive Director, processing and posting of funds transfer requests between the CMS cash accounts

- investigation of any and all unidentified debits and credits to the Society's cash accounts, and submission of reports to the comptroller


The following would apply to the position if it included G/L and reconciliation tasks:

The A/P Clerk is responsible for the reconciliation of the Society's financial records to the Society's database records to ensure accurate and complete records are maintained. The A/P Clerk is also responsible for various other reconciliations. This includes the following:

- reconciliation of accounts receivable invoice records

- reconciliation of the Society's bank accounts

- reconciliation of the Society's membership database

- reconciliation of the Society's subscriber database

- reconciliation of the Society's contributor database

Budget and Audit:

The A/P Clerk is responsible for providing clerical assistance to the Comptroller during Budget and Audit preparation times. This includes the following:

- research and preparation of reports

- preparation of documents and files

- preparation and follow-up of year-end expense submissions, estimates and confirmations


- coding of any documents to be filed in the CMS filing system and submission to Executive Office Clerk for filing

- Directly responsible for filing of all cheque requisitions and A/P reports.


The A/P Clerk must perform the required duties and responsibilities with minimal supervision.

The A/P Clerk must develop and maintain the procedure manuals related to this position.

The A/P Clerk shall have such other responsibilities, shall execute any special projects, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed.

The A/P Clerk is responsible for his/her professional development.

Working Conditions:

This is a new part-time position. We estimate it as a 1 day per week position. Benefits would be prorated if appropriate.

It is also possible that these duties could be added to the currently comptroller position. Expanding it Working schedule and holiday schedules are to be approved by the Manager. Additional hours may be required during the Audit (January/February) and Budget (September/October) periods.

Approved by:


Operations Manager, Immediate Supervisor


Executive Director & Secretary