MEDIA RELEASE — March 29, 2017

Canadian Mathematical Society

March 29, 2017

Professor Sabin Cautis to receive the 2017 Coxeter-James Prize

Cautis is an internationally recognized researcher and an expert in geometric representation theory and categorification

Sabin Cautis
(University of British Columbia)

OTTAWA — Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) Sabin Cautis (University of British Columbia) has been named the recipient of the 2017 CMS Coxeter-James Prize for his outstanding contributions to mathematical research. Cautis will receive his award and present a lecture at the CMS Winter Meeting in Waterloo, Ontario, December 8-11, 2017.

Prof. Cautis is a leader in the new and rapidly developing field of categorification as it relates to geometric representation theory, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics and low-dimensional topology. Categorification is a search for deeper structure behind invariants in algebra and topology.

In his nomination letter for Cautis, Professor Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia University) noted that:

“Sabin is a very talented and extremely energetic young researcher. He originates and participates in highly original, technical and promising major developments that merge with [many fields]. While he is still a very young researcher, he has developed with a unique and broad perspective which emphasizes applications of algebraic geometry to geometric representation theory and low-dimensional topology. Cautis is an internationally recognized scholar with an outstanding reputation for novel, substantial and highly technical work.”

Cautis’ mathematical talent was evident early on, when he won bronze medals for Canada at the International High School Mathematics Olympiads in 1996 and 1997, and was named Putnam Fellow as an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo in 1999. In 2006, Cautis obtained his PhD in Mathematics from Harvard University under the supervision of Joe Harris.

Following the completion of his PhD, Cautis held the G.C. Evans Instructorship at Rice University (2006-2008). In 2009, he held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute before accepting the Ritt Assistant Professorship at Columbia University (2009-2012). Cautis was an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California (2012-2013). In 2013, he accepted an Assistant Professorship at the University of British Columbia (2013-2015) where he currently holds the title of Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2).

Prof. Sabin Cautis’ significant contributions to mathematical research have been recognized with several distinguished awards and honours including the Harvard Putnam Fellowship (2003-2006), the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (2011-2013) and the André-Aisenstadt Prize (2014). His research has been published in highly respected mathematics journals such as Inventiones, Duke, Crelle, and Compositio.

About the Coxeter-James Prize

The Coxeter-James Prize was inaugurated in 1978 to recognize young mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions to mathematical research. The award is named on behalf of two former CMS presidents, Donald Coxeter, who is recognized as one of the world’s best geometers, and Ralph Duncan James, who was a great contributor to mathematical development in Canada.

For information about past recipients visit us on the web: Coxeter-James Prize

About the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)

Founded in 1945, the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) promotes the advancement, discovery, learning and application of mathematics. The CMS promotes mathematics through a rich array of activities including: scientific meetings; publications; awards; prizes; grants; camps and competitions. As the national math association, the CMS represents Canada internationally to other societies as well as organizations such as the International Mathematical Union (IMU).

For more information, please contact:

Melissa Bingöl-Phillips
Communications and Special Projects Coordinator
Canadian Mathematical Society
Tel: (613) 733-2662 ext. 728
or Prof. Nantel Bergeron (York)
Chair, CMS Research Committee

Tel: (416) 736-5250