Title of Project: Math Enrichment at Carleton

Year of Competition: 2018

Grant amount: $200

Project Duration: Single Year

Type of Report: Final

Period Covered: January 1 - September 30, 2019

Description of Activity:
Carleton Math Enrichment Centre offers enrichment courses in mathematics, physics and computer science to students in grades 3-12. In 2018/19 academic year we started to offer enrichment courses in physics. Our total enrollment reached 700 students.

Assessment of Effectiveness:
Our activities are mathematical outreach, and are appreciated by the community. We also view them as an opportunity for training in math education for our student instructors. In September 2019, I was invited for an interview about math education in Ontario to CTV Morning Live.

Future Plans (if any):
In 2019/20 we expand our program introducing Physics II course. In future, there are plans to add Physics III and expand our offerings of math courses for students in grades 7-10.

The awarded amount, $200 was spent on printing, photocopying and postage for the promotional materials. The support from CMS is much appreciated and acknowledged on our web page.

Contact Name: Yuly Billig

[September 26, 2019]