Title of Project: Math Enrichment at Carleton

Year of Competition: 2017

Grant amount: $200

Project Duration: Single Year

Type of Report: Final

Period Covered: January - September, 2018

Description of Activity:
Carleton Math Enrichment Centre offered 16 courses and programs for students in grades 3-12. Our total enrollment was 550 students, who attended classes on a weekly basis. We have added three new courses: "Number Theory" (grades 6-7), "Introduction to Computer Algorithms I" (grades 7-8) and "Quantum Computing" (grades 11-12).

Assessment of Effectiveness:
Our programs are in big demand (many of our classes are full), and much appreciated in the community.

Future Plans (if any):
We plan to expand our programs by adding courses in Physics, starting with a course "Physics I" in 2018/19.

We spent $1,200 on printing promotional hand-outs. The CMS Endowment grant of $200 we received was used to partially cover this expense.

Contact Name: Yuly Billig

[September 13, 2018]