Year of Competition: 2014
Grant amount: $500
Project Duration: Single Year
Type of Report: Final
Period Covered: January 1, 2015- August 30, 2015
Description of Activity:
In spring 2015 we launched a pilot project "Math Kangaroo Adventures" for students in grades 3-4 and 5-6. We offered 5 math enrichment classes for each age group (7.5 hours).
Assessment of Effectiveness:
Math Kangaroo Adventures was a success with 87 students participating in this program.
In total, Math Enrichment Centre run 9 programs in 2014/15 with 350 students participating. With Math Kangaroo Adventures, we now offer math enrichment from grade 3 to grade 12.
Future Plans (if any):
In 2015/16 we are offering an expanded version of Math Kangaroo Adventures with 14 classes (21 hours in total), for each age group, grades 3-4 and 5-6. We have over 100 students registered in this program.
Endowment grant was used to cover photocopying expenses ($200) and to partially pay undergraduate students who were instructors in this program ($300).
Contact Name: Yuly Billig
[September 29, 2015]